实用文档>冀教版第七册《Jenny’s House》教学设计

冀教版第七册《Jenny’s House》教学设计

时间:2022-06-17 19:04:59

冀教版第七册《Jenny’s House》教学设计

冀教版第七册《Jenny’s House》教学设计

冀教版第七册《Jenny’s House》教学设计


  1、 知识与技能:本课要求同学能正确听、说、读、写单词:room , kitchen , bathroom , living room 。2、理解mine和 yours 的意思。

  2、 情感态度价值观:通过游戏激发同学学习兴趣,通过创设情境激发同学的积极性,让同学感受到学习英语是有趣的、容易的。



  板书设计: Lesson2: Jenny’s House

  This/That/Here is the______.Here/These are_____.

  room , kitchen , bathroom , living room .


  Step 1 Class opening and Review

  1) Review the phrases : What time is it ? It’s .

  2) Play “spell it “ to review the words : house bedroom bed .

  Step 2 Presentation and practice

  1、Teach the words : room , kitchen , bathroom , living room .

  1)Use my pastors of rooms to demonstrate each word .Ask the students to find the same point of these words .

  2)Practice the new words :

  ①Read after me

  ②Read one by one

  ③Play “ Simon says “

  ④Read by themselves

  ⑤Play a game “ point “ , one student say the words , the other students point quickly .

  2、Teach the word of bedroom : bed , closet , door , dresser , lamp , window .

  1)Ask the students to say “ What’s in your bedroom ? “

  2)As the students say the words , I write them on the blackboard . 3)Practice :

  a : Read row by row , one by one .

  b : Play a game . I say a word , the students point to the picture of their books quickly . 3、Teach the text

  1)Play the tape as the students follow in their books .

  2)Write the sentences and read : This is /These are .

  3)Explain the words : mine yours a : Ask the students what’s meaning of the two words .

  Explain : mine = my . yours = your .

  b : I say some sentences using mine and yours. 教学侧记

  Then ask the students to substitute the two words using my or your

  For example :

  T : ( Point to a book ) This is mine

  S : This is my book .

  4) Read by themselves

  Step 3 Consolidation

  1、Using ask and answer to practice the new words .

  T : Where does this go ?

  Ss: Living room .

  2、Make a dialogue to practice the words and sentences .Divide the class into small groups . Ask each group to make up a dialogue about showing someone around a new house or apartment .

  Step 4 Summary

  This lesson we learned the names of the rooms . Please introduce them to your parents and write them on room’s door ..

  Step 5 Homework

  Write room , kitchen , bathroom , living room

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