
时间:2021-06-12 12:00:45 经典美文 我要投稿




  Being Thankful Despite The Odds不管未来怎样,我都要过得快乐。

  My name is Judy and I am doing a GoFundMecampaignfor my mom, everyone knows her as, Kelly.我叫朱迪,我为我妈妈参加了一个“去找到我”的活动,每个人都因此认识她,凯利。

  My mom has been through atremendousamount of pain and suffering given her ongoing, serious medical issues.我妈妈在她前进道路上经历过许许多多疼痛与痛苦,包括严重的病痛。

  She is beating the odds and fights everyday.她不给任何困难机会,每天与病魔抗争。

  Despite everything, she felt it important to make and deliver fruit gift baskets to all of the doctors and rehab facility offices a couple days ago, just to say "Thank you" for helping her.尽管如此艰难,她还是认为,在前几天给所有医生和康复办公室的工作人员制作果篮并送给他们,是非常重要的,一切只为了对帮助她的人说声“谢谢”。

  She has been in bed since as it wiped her out for days.从她被隔离有一段时间开始,她就一直卧床。

  She continues to struggle everyday.她仍然坚持每天与病魔抗争。

  She tries to find the little things she is thankful for and I think this helps her continue to put one foot in front of the other.她试着发现每一个微不足道却值得她感激的细节,我觉得这些帮她一步一步艰难地坚持着向前走。

  She's a trooper! My mom and I are so grateful and appreciative of everyone's help and support so far.她是一个骑士!我妈妈和我都特别感激至今为止,每个人的努力和支持。

  Up to this point, with what we have raised, we have been able to pay some of the bills so far including one of the rehab center bills. Yeah!说到这里,在筹集到的善款的帮助下,到现在为止我们已经能够付得起一些账单了,包括一笔来自康复中心的.账单。太好了!

  But, we still have a lot more bills and collection company notices to pay.但是,我们仍然有许多账单和讨债公司的催款要还。

  Reaching our goal would help decrease her enormous stress and worry that I know cannot be helping her recover and get stronger.实现我们的目标会帮助减轻妈妈的巨大压力和担忧,我知道这些东西是不会帮她恢复和变得坚强的。

  Asking for help, especially in such a public forum, is very difficult for both of us.寻求帮助,尤其是在这样一个公共平台上,对我们来说太难了。

  Please share our story on facebook, twitter, your email contacts and so on.请大家在Facebook,Twitter,邮箱连接中分享我们的故事吧。

  Thank you for reading our story and for your donation, if possible.如果可以的话,谢谢大家阅读我们的故事,也谢谢大家的捐赠。

  Our hope is that you all have a Happy, Healthy 2017!我们的愿望是大家都可以拥有一个快乐,健康的2017年。










