
时间:2024-10-09 18:14:52 考试试题 我要投稿
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  Part I Writing (30 minutes)

  Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay that begins with the sentence “Today there is a growing awareness that mental well-being needs to be given as much attention as physical health. " You can make comments,cite examples or use your personal experiences to develop your essay.You should write at least 150words but no more than 200words.

  Part Ⅱ Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)

  Section A

  Directions:In this section,you will hear two long conversations.At the end of each conversation,you will hear four questions.Both the conversation and the questions will bespoken only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

  Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  1.A)It was spacious and tranquil.

  B)It was warm and comfortable.

  C)It was shabby and solitary.

  D)It was tiny and noisy.

  2.A)She no longer hates people talking loudly in the dorm.

  B)She misses her roommates she used to complain about.

  C)She begins to enjoy the movies she once found irritating.

  D)She finds the crowded dorm as cozy as her new apartment.

  3.A)He found the apartment perfectly furnished.

  B)He had a feeling of despair and frustration.

  C)He had a similar feeling to the womans.

  D)He felt the new place was like paradise.

  4.A)Go to see the womans apartment.

  B)Make a phone call to his parents.

  C)Buy some furniture for the woman.

  D)Decorate the womans apartment.

  Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  5.A)He works as a literary critic.

  B)He hosts an educational program.

  C)He has initiated a university reform.

  D)He has published a book recently.

  6.A)It fails to keep up with the radical changes of society.

  B)It fails to ensure universities get sufficient resources.

  C)It has not prepared young people for the job market.

  D)It has not fostered the growth of the arts disciplines.

  7.A)More of the budget should go to science and technology.

  B)The underfunded music discipline should be prioritized.

  C)Subdisciplines like sculpture should get more funding.

  D)Literature should get as much funding as engineering.

  8.A)Build a prosperous nation.

  B)Make skilled professionals.

  C)Create ingenious artists.

  D)Cultivate better citizens.

  Section B

  Directions:In this section,you will hear two passages.At the end of each passage,you will hear three or four questions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

  Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  9.A)It is quite common.

  B)It is rarely noticed.

  C)It seldom annoys people.

  D)It occurs when one is alone.

  10.A)Seeing things in black and white.

  B)Engaging in regular contemplation.

  C)Having a special understanding of creativity.

  D)Knowing how to make their mental batteries work.

  11.A)Engaging in intense activity.

  B)Fantasizing in ones down time.

  C)Working on a particular project.

  D)Reflecting during ones relaxation.

  Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  12.A)Farmers helped Native Americans grow crops.

  B)There were expansive university campuses.

  C)There existed post offices.

  D)Migrants found gold there.

  13.A)It helped to boost the economy in the American West.

  B)It provided job opportunities for many gold seekers.

  C)It extended the influence of the federal government.

  D)It kept people in the deserts and plains connected.

  14.A)It employed Native Americans to work as postmen.

  B)It commissioned private wagons to carry the mail.

  C)It subsidized the locals who acted as postmasters.

  D)It centralized postal services in its remote areas.

  15.A)He analyzed interactive maps of mail routes.

  B)He read a large collection of books on the topic.

  C)He examined its historical trends with data science.

  D)He collected data about its impact on local business.

  Section C

  Directions:In this section,you will hear three recordings of lectures or talks followed by three or four questions.The recordings will be played only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre.

  Questions 16 to 18 are based on the recording you have just heard.

  16.A)Higher levels of anxiety may improve peoples memory.

  B)Some experiences are easier to remember than others.

  C)Most people tend to remember things selectively.

  D)Simple things may leave a deep impression on ones memory.

  17.A)They classified the participantsmindset.

  B)They showed some photos to the participants.

  C)They measured the participantsanxiety levels.

  D)They tested the size of the participantsvocabulary.

  18.A)Anxiety has become a serious problem for an increasing number of people.

  B)Extreme levels of anxiety can adversely affect cognitive performance.

  C)People diagnosed with anxicty disorder may forget things selectively.

  D)There is no direct correlation between memory and levels of anxiety.

  Questions 19 to 21 are based on the recording you have just heard.

  19.A)They compare products from different companies before making a choice.

  B)They get information from other consumerspostings and comments.

  C)They lose patience when their phone call is no promptly answered.

  D)They expect to get instantaneous responses to their inquiry.

  20.A)Giving them rewards on the spot.

  B)Broadening their scope of interest.

  C)Speaking directly to their emotions.

  D)Focusing on the details of the product.

  21.A)Change the rules of the game in the market every year.

  B)Keep up with the latest technological developments.

  C)Learn from technological innovators to do business.

  D)Make greater efforts to build up consumersconfidence.

  Questions 22 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.

  22.A)People have only one social engagement per week.

  B)Working together enhances friendship.

  C)Few people have devoted friends.

  D)Friendships benefit work.

  23.A)The impact of friends on peoples self-esteem.

  B)How supportive friends can be in the workplace.

  C)How to boost ones sense of value and worthiness.

  D)The role of family ties in peoples mental well-being.

  24.A)They show little interest in their friendswork.

  B)They tend to be much more difficult to make.

  C)They are more trustworthy and reliable.

  D)They increase peoples job satisfaction.

  25.A)Allow employees to have a flexible work schedule.

  B)Encourage employees to be friends with colleagues.

  C)Help employees balance work and family responsibilities.

  D)Organize activities to nourish friendships outside of work.

  Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)

  Section A

  Directions:In this section,there is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices.Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter.Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

  Scientists recently examined studies on dog intelligence and compared them with research into the minds of other intelligent animals.The researchers found that dogs are among the more intelligent carnivores(食肉动物),social hunters and domestic animals,but that their intelligence does not26other intelligent animals in any of those categories.Though a significant body of research has examined dog cognition27,the authors of this new study found little to warrant the28of work that has been devoted to the topic.

  Stephen Lea,lead author of the new study,argues that many researchers seem to have designed their studies to29how clever dogs are,rather than simply to study dogsbrains.Lea and a colleague examined more than 300 studies of dog cognition,comparing the studiesresults with those from research into other animals.The researchers made specific comparisons between the different species in different categories of intelligence.These comparisons30that dogs are intelligent,but their intelligence is not as31as some researchers might have believed.

  In many areas,though,comparisons were not possible.For example,the researchers noted that both dogs and cats are known to be able to recognize and32human voices.But the investigators could not find any data to indicate which species can remember a greater number of _33human voices,so it was impossible to compare the two on that front.However,not all researchers agree34with the findings of this study.Zachary Silver,an American researcher,believes the authors of the new study35the idea that an excessive amount of research has been devoted to dogs,as the field of dog cognition is young, and there is much to be learned about how dogs think.

  A)affirmed I)overstated








  Section B

  Directions:In this section,you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it.Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs.Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived.You may choose a paragraph more than once.Each paragraph is marked with a letter.Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.

  The lifesaving power of gratitude

  A)Gratitude may be more beneficial than we commonly suppose.One recent study asked participants to write a note of thanks to someone and then estimate how surprised and happy the recipient would feel—an impact that they consistently underestimated.Another study assessed the health benefits of writing thank-you notes.The researchers found that writing as few as three weekly thank-you notes over the course of three weeks improved life satisfaction,increased happy feelings and reduced symptoms of depression.

  B)While this research into gratitude is relatively new,the principles involved are anything but.Students of mine in a political philosophy course at Indiana University are reading Daniel Defoes 300-year-old Robinson Crusoe,often regarded as the first novel published in English.Left alone on an unknown island with no apparent prospect of rescue or escape,Crusoe has much to lament(悲叹). But instead of giving in to despair,he makes a list of things for which he is grateful,including the fact that he is the sole survivor from the shipwreck (海难)and has been able to salvage many useful items from the wreckage.

  C)Defoes masterpiece,which is often ranked as one of the worlds greatest novels,provides a portrait of gratitude in action that is as timely and relevant today as it has ever been.It is also one with which contemporary psychology and medicine are just beginning to catch up.Simply put,for most of us,it is far more helpful to focus on the things in life for which we can express gratitude than those that incline us toward resentment and lamentation.

  D)When we focus on the things we regret,such as failed relationships,family disputes,and setbacks in career and finance,we tend to become more regretful.Conversely,when we focus on the things we are grateful for,a greater sense of happiness tends to spread through our lives.And while no one would argue for cultivating a false sense of blessedness,there is mounting evidence that counting our blessings is one of the best habits we can develop to promote mental and physical health.

  E)Gratitude has long enjoyed a privileged position in many of the worlds cultural traditions.For example,some ancient Western philosophers counsel gratitude that is both enduring and complete,and some Eastern thinkers portray it as not merely an attitude but a virtue to be put into practice.

  F)Recent scientific studies support these ancient teachings.Individuals who regularly engage in gratitude exercises,such as counting their blessings or expressing gratitude to others,exhibit increased satisfaction with relationships and fewer symptoms of physical illness.And the benefits are not only psychological and physical.They may also be moral—those who practice gratitude also view their lives less materialistically and suffer from less envy.

  G)There are multiple explanations for such benefits of gratefulness.One is the fact that expressing gratitude encourages others to continue being generous,thus promoting a virtuous cycle of goodness in relationships.Similarly,grateful people may be more likely to reciprocate(回报)with acts of kindness of their own.Broadly speaking,a community in which people feel grateful to one another is likely to be a more pleasant place to live than one characterized by mutual suspicion and resentment.The beneficial effects of gratitude may extend even further.For example,when many people feel good about what someone else has done for them,they experience a sense of being lifted up,with a corresponding enhancement of their regard for humanity.Some are inspired to attempt to become better people themselves,doing more to help bring out the best in others and bringing more goodness into the world around them.

  H)Gratitude also tends to strengthen a sense of connection with others.When people want to do good things that inspire gratitude,the level of dedication in relationships tends to grow and relationships seem to last longer.And when people feel more connected,they are more likely to choose to spend their time with one another and demonstrate their feelings of affection in daily acts.

  I)Of course,acts of kindness can also foster discomfort.For example,if people feel they are not worthy of kindness or suspect that some ulterior(别有用心的)motive lies behind it,the benefits of gratitude will not be realized.Likewise,receiving a kindness can give rise to a sense of indebtedness,leaving beneficiaries feeling that they must now pay back whatever good they have received.Gratitude can flourish only if people are secure enough in themselves and sufficiently trusting to allow it to do so. Another obstacle to gratitude is often called a sense of entitlement.Instead of experiencing a benefaction(善行)as a good turn,people sometimes regard it as a mere payment of what they are owed,for which no one deserves any moral credit.

  J)There are a number of practical steps anyone can take to promote a sense of gratitude.One is simply spending time on a regular basis thinking about someone who has made a difference,or perhaps writing a thank-you note or expressing such gratitude in person.Others are found in ancient religious disciplines,such as reflecting on benefactions received from another person or actually praying for the health and happiness of a benefactor.In addition to benefactions received,it is also possible to focus on opportunities to do good oneself,whether those acted on in the past or hoped for in the future. Some people are most grateful not for what others have done for them but for chances they enjoyed to help others.In regularly reflecting on the things in his life he is grateful for,Defoes Crusoe believes that he becomes a far better person than he would have been had he remained in the society from which he originally set out on his voyage.

  K)Reflecting on generosity and gratitude,the great basketball coach John Wooden once offered two counsels to his players and students.First,he said,“It is impossible to have a perfect day unless you have done something for someone who will never be able to repay you.”In saying this,Wooden sought to promote purely generous acts,as opposed to those performed with an expectation of reward. Second,he said,“Give thanks for your blessings every day.”

  L)Some faith traditions incorporate such practices into the rhythm of daily life.For example,adherents of some religions offer prayers of thanksgiving every morning before rising and every night before lying down to sleep.Others offer thanks throughout the day,such as before meals.Other less frequent special events,such as births,deaths and marriages,may also be heralded by such prayers.

  M)When Defoe depicted Robinson Crusoe making thanksgiving a daily part of his island life,he was anticipating findings in social science and medicine that would not appear for hundreds of years.Yet he was also reflecting the wisdom of religious and philosophical traditions that extend back thousands of years.Gratitude is one of the healthiest and most nourishing of all states of mind,and those who adopt it as a habit are enriching not only their own lives but also the lives of those around them.

  36.It does us far more good to focus on things we can be grateful for than what makes us sad and resentful.

  37.The beneficial impacts of gratitude can extend from individuals to their community and to the wider


  38.The participants in a recent study repeatedly underestimated the positive effect on those who received thank-you notes.

  39.Good deeds can sometimes make people feel uncomfortable.

  40.People who regularly express gratitude can benefit in moral terms.

  41.A basketball coach advocated performing generous acts without expecting anything in return.

  42.More and more evidence shows it makes us mentally and physically healthier to routinely count our blessings.

  43.Of all states of mind,feeling grateful is considered one of the most healthy and beneficial.

  44.The principles underlying the research into gratitude are nothing new at all.

  45.Gratitude is likely to enhance ones sense of being connected with other people.

  Section C

  Directions:There are 2 passages in this section.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

  Passage One

  Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.

  Technology is never a neutral tool for achieving human ends.Technological innovations reshape people as they use these innovations to control their environment.Artificial intelligence,for example,is altering humanity.

  While the term AI conjures up anxieties about killer robots or catastrophic levels of unemployment,there are other,deeper implications.As AI increasingly shapes the human experience,how does this change what it means to be human?Central to the problem is a persons capacity to make choices,particularly judgments that have moral implications.

  Aristotle argued that the capacity for making practical judgments depends on regularly making them—on habit and practice.We see the emergence of machines as substitute judges in a variety of everyday contexts as a potential threat to people learning how to effectively exercise judgment themselves.

  In the workplace,managers routinely make decisions about who to hire or fire and which loan to approve, to name a few.These are areas where algorithmic(算法的)prescription is replacing human judgment,and so people who might have had the chance to develop practical judgment in these areas no longer will.

  Recommendation engines,which are increasingly prevalent intermediaries in peoples consumption of culture,may serve to constrain choice and minimize luck.By presenting consumers with algorithmically selected choices of what to watch,read,stream and visit next,companies are replacing human taste with machine taste.In one sense,this is helpful.After all,machines can survey a wider range of choices than any individual is likely to have the time or energy to do on their own.

  At the same time,though,this selection is optimizing for what people are likely to prefer based on what theyve preferred in the past.We think there is some risk that peoples options will be constrained by their past in a new and unanticipated way.

  As machine learning algorithms improve and as they train on more extensive data sets,larger parts of everyday life are likely to become utterly predictable.The predictions are going to get better and better,and they will ultimately make common experiences more efficient and pleasant.

  Algorithms could soon—if they dont already-have a better idea about which show youd like to watch next and which job candidate you should hire than you do.One day,humans may even find a way for machines to make these decisions without some of the biases that humans typically display.

  But to the extent that unpredictability is part of how people understand themselves and part of what people like about themselves,humanity is in the process of losing something significant.As they become more and more predictable,the creatures inhabiting the increasingly AI-mediated world will become less and less like us.

  46.What do we learn about the deeper implications of AI?

  A)It is causing catastrophic levels of unemployment.

  B)It is doing physical harm to human operators.

  C)It is altering moral judgments.

  D)It is reshaping humanity.

  47.What is the consequence of algorithmic prescription replacing human judgment?

  A)People lose the chance to cultivate the ability to make practical judgments.

  B)People are prevented from participating in making major decisions in the workplace.

  C)Managers no longer have the chance to decide which loan to approve.

  D)Managers do not need to take the trouble to determine who to hire or fire.

  48.What may result from increasing application of recommendation engines in our consumption of culture?

  A)Consumers will have much limited choice.

  B)Consumers will actually enjoy better luck.

  C)It will be easier to decide on what to enjoy.

  D)Humans will develop tastes similar to machines.

  49.What is likely to happen to larger parts of our daily life as machine learning algorithms improve?

  A)They will turn out to be more pleasant.

  B)They will repeat our past experience.

  C)They can be completely anticipated.

  D)They may become better and better.

  50.Why does the author say the creatures living in the more and more AI-mediated world will become increasingly unlike us?

  A)They will have lost the most significant human element of being intelligent.

  B)They will no longer possess the human characteristic of being unpredictable.

  C)They will not be able to understand themselves as we can do today.

  D)They will be deprived of what their predecessors were proud of about themselves.

  Passage Two

  Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.

  Phonics,which involves sounding out words syllable(音节)by syllable,is the best way to teach children to read.But in many classrooms,this can be a dirty word.So much so that some teachers have had to sneak phonics teaching materials into the classroom.Most American children are taught to read in a way that study after study has found to be wrong.

  The consequences of this are striking.Less than half of all American adults were proficient readers in 2017.American fourth graders rank 15th on the Progress in International Literacy Study,an international exam.

  America is stuck in a debate about teaching children to read that has been going on for decades.Some advocate teaching symbol-sound relationships(the sound k can be spelled as c,k,ck,or ch),known as phonics.Others support an immersive approach(using pictures of a cat to learn the word cat),known as “whole language”.Most teachers today,almost three out of four according to a survey by the EdWeek Research Centre in 2019,use a mix called"balanced literacy".This combination of methods is ineffective."You cant sprinkle in a little phonics,”says Tenette Smith,executive director of elementary education and reading at Mississippis education department.“It has to be systematic and explicitly taught."

  Mississippi,often behind in social policy,has set an example here.In a state once notorious for its low reading scores,the Mississippi state legislature passed new literacy standards in 2013.Since then Mississippi has seen remarkable gains.Its fourth graders have moved from 49th(out of 50 states)to 29th on the National Assessment of Educational Progress,a nationwide exam.In 2019 it was the only state to improve its scores.For the first time since measurement began,Mississippis pupils are now average readers,a remarkable achievement in such a poor state.

  Mississippis success is attributed to implementing reading methods supported by a body of research known as the science of reading.In 1997 Congress requested the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development and the Department of Education to convene a National Reading Panel to end the“reading wars” and synthesize the evidence.The panel found that phonics,along with explicit instruction in phonemic(音位 的)awareness,fluency and comprehension,worked best.

  Yet over two decades on,“balanced literacy”is still being taught in classrooms.But advances in statistics and brain imaging have disproved the whole-language method.To the teacher who is a proficient reader, iteracy seems like a natural process that requires educated guessing,rather than the deliberate process emphasized by phonics.Teachers can imagine that they learned to read through osmosis(潜移默化)when they were children.Without proper training,they bring this to classrooms.

  51.What do we learn about phonics in many American classrooms?

  A)It is ill reputed.

  B)It is mostly misapplied.

  C)It is arbitrarily excluded.

  D)It is misrepresented.

  52.What has America been witnessing for decades?

  A)An obsession with innovating teaching methodologies of reading.

  B)An enduring debate over the approach to teaching children to read.

  C)An increasing concern with many childrens inadequacy in literacy.

  D)An ever-forceful advocacy of a combined method for teaching reading.

  53.Why does Tenette Smith think a combination of teaching methods is ineffective?

  A)Elementary school children will be frustrated when taught with several methods combined.

  B)Phonics has to be systematically applied and clearly taught to achieve the desired effect.

  C)Sprinkling in a little phonics deters the progress of even adequately motivated children.

  D)Balanced literacy fails to sustain childrens interest in developing a good reading habit.

  54.What does the author say Mississippis success is attributed to?

  A)Convening a National Reading Panel to synthesize research evidence.

  B)Placing sufficient emphasis upon both fluency and comprehension.

  C)Adopting scientifically grounded approaches to teaching reading.

  D)Obtaining support from Congress to upgrade teaching methods.

  55.What have advances in statistics and brain imaging proved ineffective?

  A)The teaching of symbol-sound relationships.

  B)Explicit instruction in phonemic awareness.

  C)Efforts to end the reading wars.

  D)The immersive approach.

  Part IV Translation (30 minutes)

  Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English.You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.

  近年来,越来越多的中国文化产品走向全球市场,日益受到海外消费者的青睐。随着中国对外文化贸 易的`快速发展,中国文化产品出口额已持续多年位居世界前列,形成了一批具有国际影响力的文化企业、 产品和品牌。数据显示,中国的出版物、影视作品、网络文学与动漫作品等在海外的销售量连年攀升。中 国政府出台了一系列政策鼓励和支持更多具有中国元素的优秀文化产品走出国门,扩大海外市场份额,进 一步提升中国文化的世界影响力。


  Part I Writing


  Today there is a growing awareness that mental well-being needs to be given as much attention as physical health.This idea should be embraced by more people, especially in a time when mental illnesses such as depression and anxiety disorder become more prevalent.

  Mental health is of vital importan ce,as it will exert a profound influence on every aspect of our lives.An unhealthy mind can cause a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest in things we once enjoyed.Over time,such negative emotions will overwhelm us to the point where we cannot carry on with even the most basic tasks.In contrast, when we are in good mental health, we tend to find joy in daily life and thus experience a sense of happiness.This also helps increase our resilience, which means we can be mentally strong enough to bounce back from setbacks and rise to new challenges.

  In summary,w e should put as much emphasis on our mental health as we do on physical health.To keep mentally fit, we should not only try our best to stay positive, but also learn to seek professional help if necessary. Furthermore, collective efforts are needed to create a more inclusive social environment,where no one has to suffer the stigma of having mental problems any longer.

  Part Ⅱ Listening Comprehension

  1.B 2.B 3.C 4.A 5.D 6.C 7.A 8.D 9.A 10.B 11.D 12.C 13.D 14.B 15.C

  16.A 17.C 18.B 19.D 20.C 21.B 22.D 23.A 24.D 25.A

  Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension

  26.N 27.K 28.O 29.M 30.A 31.G 32.D 33.E 34.C 35.I

  36.C 37.G 38.A 39.I 40.F 41.K 42.D 43.M 44.B 45.H

  46.D 47.A 48.A 49.C 50.B 51.A 52.B 53.B 54.C 55.D

  Part IV Translation

  参 考 译 文:

  In recent years,an increasing number of Chinese cultural products have entered the global market and are increasingly favored by overseas consumers.With the rapid development of Chinas foreign cultural trade,the export volume of Chinese cultural products has consistently ranked among the top in the world for many years, forming a group of cultural enterprises,products,and brands with international influence.Data shows that the overseas sales of Chinese publications,film and television productions,internet literature,animation works and so on have been continuously increasing for years.The Chinese government has introduced a series of policies to provide encouragement and support for more outstanding cultural products with Chinese elements to go global,expand overseas market share,and further enhance the global influence of Chinese culture.



  Part I Writing (30 minutes)

  Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to wvrite an essay that begins with the sentence “People are now increasingly aware of the challenges in making a decision when faced with too many choices."You can make comments,cite examples or use your personal experiences to develop your essay.You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200words.

  Part Ⅱ Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)

  Section A

  Directions:In this section,you will hear two long conversations.At the end of each conversation,you will hear four questions.Both the conversation and the questions will bespoken only once.Afier you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I with a single line through the centre.

  Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  1.A)In a food store.

  B)In a restaurant.

  C)In a kitchen.

  D)In a supermarket.

  2.A)She eats meat occasionally.

  B)She enjoys cheeseburgers.

  C)She is a partial vegetarian.

  D)She is allergic to seafood.

  3.A)Changing ones eating habit.

  B)Dealing with ones colleagues.

  C)Following the same diet for years.

  D)Keeping awake at morning meetings.

  4.A)They are both animal lovers.

  B)They enjoy perfect health.

  C)They only eat organic food.

  D)They are cutting back on coffee.

  Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  5.A)The man had an attitude problem.

  B)The man made little contribution to the company.

  C)The man paid attention to trivial things.

  D)The man got a poor evaluation from his colleagues.

  6.A)They reject employeesreasonable arguments for work efficiency.

  B)They make unhelpful decisions for solving problems.

  C)They favor some employeessuggestions over others.

  D)They use manipulative language to mask their irrational choices.

  7.A)It is a good quality in the workplace.

  B)It is more important now than ever.

  C)It is a must for rational judgment.

  D)It is more of a sin than a virtue.

  8.A)Making rational and productive decisions.

  B)Focusing on employeescareer growth.

  C)Preserving their power and prestige.

  D)Smoothing relationships in the workplace.

  Section B

  Directions:In this section,you will hear two passages.At the end of each passage,you will hear three or four questions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I with a single line through the centre.

  Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  9.A)They bring great honor to their country.

  B)They create very high commercial value.

  C)They accomplish feats many of us cannot.

  D)They show genius which defies description.

  10.A)They try to be positive role models to children.

  B)They work in spare time to teach children sports.

  C)They take part in kidsextra-curricular activities.

  D)They serve as spokespersons for luxury goods.

  11.A)Being super sports stars without appearing arrogant.

  B)Keeping athletes away from drug or alcohol problems.

  C)Preventing certain athletes from getting in trouble with the law.

  D)Separating an athletes professional life from their personal life.

  Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  12.A)They are dreams coming true to the brides.

  B)They should be paid up by the attendees.

  C)They are joyous and exciting occasions.

  D)They always cost more than expected.

  13.A)It was cancelled.

  B)It had eight guests only.

  C)It cost $60,000.

  D)It was held in Las Vegas.

  14.A)Ask her friends for help.

  B)Postpone her wedding.

  C)Keep to her budget.

  D)Invite more guests.

  15.A)She called it romantic.

  B)She rejected it flatly.

  C)She said she would think about it.

  D)She welcomed it with open arms.

  Section C

  Directions:In this section,you will hear three recordings of lectures or talks followed by three or four questions. The recordings will be played only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I with a single line through the centre.

  Questions 16 to 18 are based on the recording you have just heard.

  16.A)It determines peoples moods.

  B)It can impact peoples wellbeing.

  C)It can influence peoples personalities.

  D)It is closely related to peoples emotions.

  17.A)They make people more reproductive.

  B)They tend to produce positive feelings.

  C)They increase peoples life expectancy.

  D)They may alter peoples genes gradually.

  18.A)The Americans are apparently more outgoing than the Chinese.

  B)People in the same geographical area may differ in personality.

  C)People share many personality traits despite their nationalities.

  D)The link between temperature and personality is fairly weak.

  Questions 19 to 21 are based on the recording you have just heard.

  19.A)A growing number of US seniors face the risk of early mortality.

  B)Correlations have been found between loneliness and ill health.

  C)Chronic loneliness does harm to senior citizens in particular.

  D)The number of older Americans living alone is on the rise.

  20.A)Loneliness is probably reversible.

  B)Being busy helps fight loneliness.

  C)Loneliness rarely results from living alone.

  D)Medication is available for treating loneliness.

  21.A)Living with ones children.

  B)Meaningful social contact.

  C)Meeting social expectations.

  D)Timely medical intervention.

  Questions 22 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.

  22.A)She had a successful career in finance.

  B)She wrote stories about women travelers.

  C)She invested in several private companies.

  D)She made regular trips to Asian countries.

  23.A)Travel round the world.

  B)Set up a travel agency.

  C)Buy a ranch.

  D)Start a blog.

  24.A)Create something unique to enter the industry.

  B)Gain support from travel advertising companies.

  C)Try to find a full-time job in the travel business.

  D)Work hard to attract attention from publishers.

  25.A)Refraining from promoting similar products.

  B)Avoiding too much advertising early on.

  C)Creating an exotic corporate culture.

  D)Attracting sufficient investment.

  Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)

  Section A

  Directions:In this section,there is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices.Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter:Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

  Unthinkable as it may be,humanity,every last person,could someday be wiped from the face of the Earth. We have learned to worry about asteroids(小行星)and super volcanoes,but the more likely.26according to Nick Bostrom,a professor of philosophy at Oxford,is that we humans will destroy ourselves.

  Professor Bostrom,who directs Oxfords Future of Humanity Institute,has argued over the course of several papers that human27risks are poorly understood and,worse still,28underestimated by society.Some of these existential risks are fairly well known,especially the natural ones.But others are29or even exotic. Most worrying to Bostrom is the subset of existential risks that30from human technology,a subset that he expects to grow in number and potency over the next century.

  Despite his concerns about the risks31to humans by technological progress,Bostrom is no luddite(科 技进步反对者).In fact,he is a longtime32of trans-humanism—the effort to improve the human condition, and even human nature itself,through technological means.In the long run he sees technology as a bridge,a bridge we humans must cross with great care,in order to reach new and better modes of being.In his work, Bostrom uses the tools of philosophy and mathematics,in33probability theory,to try and determine how we as a,34might achieve this safe passage.What follows is my conversation with Bostrom about some of the most interesting and worrying existential risks that humanity might.35in the decades and centuries to come,and about what we can do to make sure we outlast them.









  Section B

  Directions:In this section,you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it.Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs.Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived.You may choose a paragraph more than once.Each paragraph is marked with a letter:Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.

  San Francisco Has Become One Huge Metaphor for Economic Inequality in America

  A)The fog still chills the morning air and the cable cars still climb halfway to the stars.Yet on the ground,the Bay area has changed greatly since singer Tony Bennet left his heart here.Silicon Valley and the tech industry have led the region into a period of unprecedented wealth and innovation.But existing political and land limits have caused an alarming housing crisis and astronomical rise in social and economic difference.

  B)While the residents of most cities display pride and support for their home industries,drastic market distortions in the San Francisco Bay Area have created boiling resentment in the region towards the tech industry.A vocal minority is even calling on officials to punish those who are benefitting from the economic and housing boom.If this boom and its consequences are not resolved,a drastic increase in social and economic difference may have a profound impact on the region for generations.A history and analysis of this transformation may hold invaluable insights about the opportunities.Perils of tech cities are currently being cultivated across the US,and indeed around the world.

  C)According to a recent study,San Francisco ranks first in California for economic difference.The average income of the top 1%of households in the city averages $3.6 million.This is 44 times the average income of those at the bottom,which stands at $81,094.The top 1%of the San Francisco peninsulas share of total income now extends to 30.8%of the regions income.This was a dramatic jump from 1989,where it stood at 15.8%.

  D)The regions economy has been fundamentally transformed by the technology industry springing from Silicon Valley.Policies pushed by Mayor Ed Lee provided tax breaks for tech companies to set up shop along the citys long-neglected Mid-Market area.The city is now home to Twitter,Uber,Airbnb,Pinterest,Dropbox and others.In short,the Bay Area has become a global magnet for those with specialized skills,which has in turn helped fuel economic enthusiasm,and this economic growth has reduced unemployment to 3.4%,an admirable feat.

  E)In spite of all that,the strength of the recent job growth,combined with policies that have traditionally limited housing development in the city and throughout the peninsula,did not help ease the affordability crisis.In 2015 alone,the Bay Area added 64,000 in jobs.In the same year,only 5,000 new homes were built.

  F)With the average house in the city costing over $1.25 million and average flat prices over $1.11 million,the minimum qualifying income to purchase a house has increased to $254,000.Considering that the average household income in the city currently stands at around $80,000,it is not an exaggeration to say that the dream of home ownership is now beyond the grasp of the vast majority of todays people who rent.

  G)For generations,the stability and prosperity of the American middle class has been anchored by home ownership.Studies have consistently shown that the value of land has overtaken overall income growth,thus providing a huge advantage to property owners as a vehicle of wealth building.When home prices soar above the reach of most households,the gap between the rich and the poor dramatically increases.

  H)If contributing factors leading to housing becoming less than affordable are not resolved over multiple generations,a small elite will control a vast share of the countrys total wealth.The result?A society where the threat of class warfare would loom large.A societys level of happiness is tied less to measures of quantitative wealth and more to measures of qualitative wealth.This means that how a person judges their security in comparison to their neighborshas more of an impact on their happiness than their objective standard of living.At the same time,when a system no longer provides opportunities for the majority to participate in wealth building,it not only robs those who are excluded from opportunities,but also deprives them of their dignity.

  I) San Francisco and the Bay Area have long been committed to values which embrace inclusion and rejection of mainstream culture.To see these values coming apart so publicly adds insult to injury for a region once defined by its progressive social fabric.In the face of resentment,it is human to want revenge.But deteriorating policies such as heavily taxing technology companies or real estate developers are not likely to shift the balance.

  J)The housing crisis is caused by two primary factors:the growing desirability of the Bay Area as a place to live due to its excellent economy,and our limited housing stock.Although the city is experiencing an unprecedented boom in new housing,more units are sorely needed.Protection policies were originally designed to suppress bad development and boost historic preservation in our urban areas.Now,too many developers are experiencing excessive delays.Meanwhile,there are the land limitations of the Bay Area to consider.The region is surrounded by water and mountains.Local governments need to aid development as well.This means increasing housing density throughout the region and building upwards while streamlining the approval process.

  K)Real estate alone will not solve the problem,of course.Transportation,too,needs to be updated and infrastructure extended to link distant regions to Silicon Valley and the city.We need to build an effective high-speed commuting system linking the high-priced and crowded Bay Area with the low-priced and low- density Central Valley.This would dramatically reduce travel times.And based on the operating speeds of hovering trains used in countries such as Japan or Spain,high-speed rail could shorten the time to travel between San Francisco and Californias capital,Sacramento,or from Stockton to San Jose,to under 30 minutes.This system would bring once distant regions within reasonable commute to heavy job centers. The city also needs to existing transportation routes combined with smart home-building policies that dramatically increase housing density in areas surrounding high-speed rail stations.By doing so,we will be able to build affordable housing within acceptable commuting distances for a significant bulk of the workforce.

  L)Our threatening housing crisis forces the difficult question of what type of society we would like to be.Will it be one where the elite command the vast bulk of wealth and regional culture is defined by an aggressive business world?We were recently treated to a taste of the latter,when local tech employee Justin Keller wrote an open letter to the city complaining about having to see homeless people on his way to work.

  M)It doesnt have to be this way.But solutions need to be implemented now,before angry crowds grow from a nuisance to serious concern.It may take less than you might think.And in fact,the solutions to our housing crisis are already fairly clear.We need to increase the density of housing units.We need to use existing technology to shorten travel times and break the land limits.There is a way to solve complex social and economic problems without abandoning social responsibility.This is the Bay Areas opportunity to prove that it can innovate more than just technology.

  36.San Francisco city government offered tax benefits to attract tech companies to establish operations in a less developed area.

  37.The fast rise in the prices of land and houses increases the economic inequality among people.

  38.San Francisco has been found to have the biggest income gap in California between the rich and the poor.

  39.The higher rate of employment,combined with limited housing supply,did not make it any easier to buy a bouse.

  40.When people compare their own living standard with others,it has a greater impact on their sense of contentment.

  41.Improved transport networks connecting the city to distant outlying areas will also help solve the housing crisis.

  42.Average incomes in the Bay Area make it virtually impossible for most tenant families to buy a home.

  43.Innovative solutions to social and economic problems should be introduced before it is too late.

  44.Residents of the San Francisco Bay Area strongly resent the tech industry because of the economic inequality it has contributed to.

  45.One way to deal with the housing crisis is for the government to simplify approval procedures for housing projects.

  Section C

  Directions:There are 2 passages in this section.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

  Passage One

  Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.

  The suggestion that people should aim for dietary diversity by trying to eat a variety of foods has been a basic public health recommendation for decades in the United States and elsewhere.Now,however,experts are warning that aiming for a diverse diet may actually lead to just eating more calories,and,thus,to obesity.One issue is that people may not interpret "variety"the way nutritionists intend.This problem is highlighted by new research conducted by the American Heart Association.Researchers reviewed all the evidence published related to dietary diversity and saw a correlation between dietary diversity and a greater intake of both healthy and unhealthy foods.This had implications for obesity,as researchers found a greater prevalence of obesity amongst people with a greater dietary diversity.

  One author of the new study explained that their findings contradict standard dietary advice,as most dietary guidelines around the world include a statement of eating a variety of foods.But this advice does not seem to be supported by science,possibly because there is little agreement about the meaning of “dietary diversity,”which is not clearly and consistently defined.Some experts measure dietary diversity by counting the number of food groups eaten,while others look at the distribution of calories across individual foods,and still others measure how different the foods eaten are from each other.

  Although the findings of this new study contradict standard dietary advice,they do not come as a surprise to all of the researchers involved.Dr.Rao,one of the study authors,noted that,after 20 years of experience in the field of obesity,he has observed that people who have a regimented lifestyle and diet tend to be thinner and healthier than people with a wide variety of consumption.This anecdotal evidence matches the conclusions of the study,which found no evidence that dietary diversity promotes healthy body weight or optimal eating patterns, and limited evidence shows that eating a variety of foods is actually associated with consuming more calories, poor eating patterns and weight gain.Further,there is some evidence that a greater variety of food options in a single meal may delay peoples feeling of fullness and actually increase how much they eat.

  Based on their findings,the researchers endorse a diet consisting of a limited number of healthy foods such as vegetables,fruits,grains,and poultry.They also recommend that people simultaneously endeavor to restrict consumption of sweets,sugar and red meat.The researchers stress,however,that their dietary recommendations do not imply dietary diversity is never positive,and that,in the past,diversity in diets of whole,unprocessed food may have actually been very beneficial.

  46.What has been a standard piece of dietary advice for decades?

  A)People should diversify what they eat.

  B)People should have a well-balanced diet.

  C)People should cultivate a healthy eating habit.

  D)People should limit calorie intake to avoid obesity.

  47.What did the new research by the American Heart Association find?

  A)Unhealthy food makes people gain weight more easily.

  B)Dietary diversity is positively related to good health.

  C)People seeking dietary diversity tend to eat more.

  D)Big eaters are more likely to become overweight.

  48.What could help to explain the contradiction between the new findings and the common public health recommendation?

  A)There is little consensus on the definition of dietary diversity.

  B)The methods researchers use to measure nutrition vary greatly.

  C)Conventional wisdom about diet is seldom supported by science.

  D)Most dietary guidelines around the world contradict one another.

  49.What did Dr.Rao find after 20 years of research on obesity?

  A)There is no clear definition of optimal eating patterns.

  B)Diversified food intake may not contribute to health.

  C)Eating patterns and weight gain go hand in hand.

  D)Dietary diversity promotes healthy body weight.

  50.What does the passage say about people who eat a great variety of food?

  A)They are more likely to eat foods beneficial to their health.

  B)They dont have any problems getting sufficient nutrition.

  C)They dont feel they have had enough until they overeat.

  D)They tend to consume more sweets,sugar and red meat.

  Passage Two

  Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.

  The ability to make inferences from same and different,once thought to be unique to humans,is viewed as a cornerstone of abstract intelligent thought.A new study,however,has shown that what psychologists call same- different discrimination is present in creatures generally seen as unintelligent:newborn ducklings(小鸭) .

  The study,published Thursday in Science,challenges our idea of what it means to have a birdbrain,said Edward Wasserman,an experimental psychologist at the University of lowa who wrote an independent review of the study

  “In fact,birds are extremely intelligent and our problem pretty much lies in figuring out how to get them to talkto us,or tell us how smart they really are,"he said.

  Antone Martinho and Alex Kacelnik,co-authors of the new paper,devised a clever experiment to better test bird intelligence

  First,they took 1-day-old ducklings and exposed them to a pair of moving objects.The two objects were either the same or different in shape or color.Then they exposed each duckling to two entirely new pairs of moving objects.

  The researchers found that about 70%of the ducklings preferred to move toward the pair of objects that had the same shape or color relationship as the first objects they saw.A duckling that was first shown two green spheres,in other words,was more likely to move toward a pair of blue spheres than a mismatched pair of orange and purple spheres.

  Ducklings go through a rapid learning process called imprinting shortly after birth—its what allows them to identify and follow their mothers.

  These findings suggest that ducklings use abstract relationships between sensory inputs like color,shape, sounds and odor to recognize their mothers,said Dr.Kacelnik.

  By studying imprinting,the authors of this study have shown for the first time that an animal can learn relationships between concepts without training,said Jeffrey Katz,an experimental psychologist at Auburn University who was not involved in the study.

  Previous studies have suggested that other animals,including pigeons,dolphins,honeybees and some primates (灵长类动物) ,can discern same from different,but only after extensive training.

  Adding ducklings to the list—particularly untrained newborn ducklings-suggests that the ability to compare abstract concepts“is far more necessary to a wider variety of animalssurvival than we previously thought,”Dr.Martinho said.He believes the ability is so crucial because it helps animals consider context when identifying objects in their environment.

  Its clear from this study and others like it that “animals process and appreciate far more of the intricacies in their world than weve ever understood,"Dr.Wasserman said."We are in a revolutionary phase in terms of our ability to understand the minds of other animals.”

  51.In what way were humans thought to be unique?

  A)Being capable of same-different discrimination.

  B)Being able to distinguish abstract from concrete.

  C)Being a major source of animal intelligence.

  D)Being the cornerstone of the creative world.

  52.What do we learn from the study published in Science?

  A)Our understanding of the bird world was biased.

  B)Our communication with birds was far from adequate.

  C)Our knowledge about bird psychology needs updating.

  D)Our conception of birdsintelligence was wrong.

  53.What did the researchers discover about most ducklings from their experiment?

  A)They could associate shape with color.

  B)They could tell whether the objects were the same.

  C)They preferred colored objects to colorless ones.

  D)They reacted quickly to moving objects.

  54.What was novel about the experiment in the study reported in Science?

  A)The ducklings were compared with other animals.

  B)It was conducted by experimental psychologists.

  C)The animals used received no training.

  D)It used a number of colors and shapes.

  55.What do we learn from Dr.Wassermans comment on the study of animal minds at the end of the passage?

  A)Research methods are being updated.

  B)It is getting more and more intricate.

  C)It is attracting more public attention.

  D)Remarkable progress is being made.

  Part N Translation (30 minutes)

  Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English.You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.

  郑和是中国历史上最杰出的航海家,在航海、外交、军事等诸多领域都表现出非凡的.智慧和卓越 的才能。他曾七次率领庞大的船队远航,访问了西太平洋和印度洋的许多国家和地区,加深了中国同 东南亚、东非的相互了解。

  郑和下西洋对中外的经济和文化交流起到了十分积极的推进作用,也为维护区域和平做出了巨大 贡献。为了永远铭记郑和及其丰功伟绩,7月11 日,即郑和首次率船队远航启程的日子,被定为中国 的航海节。


  PartI Writing


  People are now increasingly aware of the challenges in making a decision when faced with too many choices.We are faced with various choices since our childhood, such as choosing friends,schools,careers and so on.Different choices will surely bring different lives.Therefore,it is of great significance to make decisions carefully.

  From my perspective,there are both positive and negative aspects no matter what choice is made.Take us college students as an example.We are about to graduate and will face a dilemma of choosing whether to take the postgraduate entrance exam or hunt for jobs after graduation.On the one hand,pursuing postgraduate study can help us improve our academic level and lay a solid foundation for our future career development,while also requiring a lot of time and effort.On the other hand,going to work allows you to enter the workplace earlier and gain practical experience,as well as a certain amount of money.But in an increasingly competitive society,your career development may be limited by not having a distinguished educational background.

  In short,any decision has two sides.We need to take our own actual situation into account in order to make a wiser choice.

  Part Ⅱ Listening Comprehension

  1.B 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.D 7.D 8.C 9.C 10.A 11.D 12.D 13.A 14.C 15.B

  16.C 17.B 18.D 19.C 20.A 21.B 22.A 23.D 24.A 25.B

  Part III Reading Comprehension

  26.K 27.G 28.L 29.H 30.B 31.J 32.A 33.I 34.N 35.D

  36.D 37.G 38.C 39.E 40.H 41.K 42.F 43.M 44.B 45.J

  46.A 47.C 48.A 49.B 50.C 51.A 52.D 53.B 54.C 55.D

  Part IV Translation


  Zheng He was the most outstanding navigator in Chinese history.He showed extraordinary wisdom and talent in many fields such as navigation,diplomacy and military affairs.He led a huge fleet of ships on seven long voyages and visited many countries and regions in the Western Pacific and the Indian Ocean,deepening the mutual understanding between China and Southeast Asia and East Africa.

  Zheng Hes voyages to the western oceans played a very positive role in promoting economic and cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries,and also made great contributions to the maintenance of regional peace.In order to forever remember Zheng He and his great achievements,July 11,the day when Zheng He first set sail for a long voyage with his fleet of ships,was designated as Chinas Maritime Day.




  After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices,mark abc and d then mark the corresponding letter on answer sheet one with a single line through the sensor。Conversation one。

  Thank you for meeting with me,steven at such short notice。

  not a problem,margaret。Now please give me some good news。Have you agreed to my last proposal?

  I have indeed and I wish to sign the agreement pending one small change to be made to the contract。

  Margaret,we have been through this for almost a year now back and forth making alterations。Are you sure you want to make a sponsorship deal for your clients or not?I ask this because frankly,some people at my end are running out of patience。I understand your concerns。

  but as im sure you understand,we hold our clients best interests to be of the utmost concern。We therefore comb through the fine details of all contracts。Rest assured we all appreciate your firms patience。

  Fine。So what changes do you wish to make?

  Essentially,we would like the new deal to exclude the middle east。

  Thats all the middle east。

  Why my client has a couple of other perspective marketing deals from companies in the middle east。Those offers should they materialize would exclusively employ my clients image in the middle east only。Therefore,in order to avoid any conflict,we would need to ensure that both marketing campaigns do not overlap geographically。

  What business sector in the middle east are we talking about here?

  Real estate.

  that should be okay then so long as the product is very different from our food and beverage market,there should be no conflict of interest。Nevertheless,I will have to run this through my people。I dont foresee any problem though,the middle east is a negligible market for us,but I still need to check this with a couple of departments。

  Questions 1to4 are based on the conversation you have just heard。

  Question 1,what does the woman say she will do?

  Question 2,what does the man say about some people he represents?

  Question 3,what reason does the woman give for the new deal to exclude the middle east?

  Question 4,what does the man say about the middle east?

  Next,we have a special science related news story。Paula hancock is at the denver observatory。Paula,what is the big story over there?Hi.john.All the astronomers on site here are very excited。In fact,space enthusiasts all across north america and the rest of the northern hemisphere will be congregated on mountain tops tonight to watch the night sky。

  Whats the big event?Is there an eclipse happening soon?

  Tonight the earth will come into close proximity with the oppenheimer comet。It is the closest our planet has been to such a phenomenon in over 100years。For this reason。It is expected that thousands of people will gaze up at the sky tonight in order to see this formidable object。

  How far away is this common?Will people be able to see it with the naked eye?

  The oppenheimer comet will still be millions of miles away on the edge of our galaxy。But nevertheless,this is a relatively close distance,close enough for people to observe in good detail through a telescope。People will only see a blur without one。However that does not mean one needs professional equipment。Even the most ordinary of telescopes should be conducive for people to observe and wonder at this flying object。

  Many of our viewers will be wondering how they too can take part in this once in a lifetime event。Where will this comment be in the sky?How can people find it?

  The comet will be almost exactly due north at60°above the equator。However,finding the comet is indeed very tricky and scientists here have told me there are plenty of phone apps that will facilitate this。

  How fantastic?Thank you,paula for the information。

  Questions 5to8 are based on the conversation you have just heard。Question five,what does the woman say about all the astronomers at the denver observatory?

  Question 6,what do we learn from the conversation about the oppenheimer comment?

  Question 7,what does the woman say?People will only see in the sky without a telescope?

  Question 8,what do scientists at the denver observatory advise amateurs do to facilitate their observation。

  single line through the center。Passage one,

  dietary guidelines form the basis for nutrition advice and regulations around the world。While there is strong scientific consensus around most existing guidelines。One question has recently stirred debate。Should consumers be warned to avoid ultra processed foods?Two papers published today in the american journal of clinical nutrition outline the case for and against using the concept of ultra processed foods to help inform dietary guidelines beyond conventional food classification systems。The authors,carlos monteiro of the university of sao paulo and arna ostrich of novo nordisk foundation。Well discuss the issue in a live virtual debate。August14th,during nutrition,2024live online。The debate centers around a system developed by monteiro and colleagues that classifies foods by their degree of industrial processing,ranging from unprocessed to ultra processed。The system defines ultra processed foods as those made using sequences of processes that extract substances from foods and alter them with chemicals。In order to formulate the final product,ultra processed foods are characteristically designed to be cheap,tasty and convenient。Examples include soft drinks and candy,package snacks and pastries,ready to heat products and reconstituted meat products。Studies have linked consumption of ultra processed foods which are often high in salt,sugar and fat weight gain and an increased risk of chronic diseases,even after adjusting for the amount of salt,sugar and fat in the diet,while the mechanisms behind these associations are not fully understood,montero argues that the existing evidence is sufficient to justify discouraging consumption of ultra processed foods in dietary recommendations and government policies。

  Questions 9to11 are based on the passage you have just heard。

  Question 9,what question is said to have recently stirred debate?

  Question 10,how does the system developed by montero and colleagues classify foods?

  Question 11,what is consumption of ultra processed foods linked with according to studies passage two,believe it or not?

  Human creativity benefits from constraints。According to psychologists,when you have less to work with,you actually begin to see the world differently。It constraints。You dedicate your mental energy acting more resourcefully when challenged you figure out new ways to be better the most successful creative people know that constraints give their minds the impetus to leap higher。People who invent new products are not limited by what they dont have or cant do。They leverage their limitations to push themselves even further。Many products and services are created because the founders saw a limitation in what they use。They created innovation based on what was not working for them at the moment。Innovation is a creative persons response to limitation in a 2015study which examined how thinking about scarcity or abundance influences how creatively people use their resources。Ravi matter at the university of illinois and meng zhu at johns hopkins university found that people simply have no incentive to use whats available to them in novel ways。When people face scarcity,they give themselves the freedom to use resources in less conventional ways because they have to obstacles can broaden your perception and open up your thinking processes,consistent constraints,help you improve at connecting unrelated ideas and concepts。Marissa meyer,former vice president for search products and user experience at google。Once wrote in a publication on bloomberg constraints,shape and focus problems and provide clear challenges to overcome。Creativity thrives best and constraint。

  Questions 12to15 are based on the passage you have just heard。

  Question12,what do psychologists say?People do when they are short of resources,

  question13,what does the passage say about innovation?

  Question14.What did a 2015 study by ravi mehta and meng zhu find?

  question15.What did marissa meyer once write concerning creativity with a single line through the center?

  Recording one different people use different strategies for managing conflicts。These strategies are learned in childhood。Usually we are not aware of how we act in conflict situations。We just do whatever seems to come naturally,but we do have a personal strategy and because it is learned,we can always change it by learning new and more effective ways of managing conflicts。When you get involved in a conflict,there are two major concerns you have to take into account,achieving your personal goals and keeping a good relationship with the other person,how important your personal goals are, how important the relationship is to you affect how you act in a conflict。Given these two concerns,five styles of managing conflicts can be identified when the turtle turtles withdraw into their shells to avoid conflicts。They give up their personal goals and relationships。They believe it is easier to withdraw from a conflict than to face it。Two,the shark sharks try to overpower opponents by forcing them to accept their solution to the conflict they seek to achieve their goals at all costs。Sharks assume that conflicts are settled by one person winning and one person losing。Winning gives sharks a sense of pride and achievement losing gives them a sense of weakness,inadequacy and failure。Three,the teddy bear。Teddy bears want to be accepted and liked by other people。They think that conflict should be avoided in favor of harmony and believe that conflicts cannot be discussed without damaging relationships。They give up their goals to preserve the relationship for the fox foxes are moderately concerned with their own goals and about their relationships,with other people。They give up part of their goals and persuade the other person in a conflict to give up part of his goals。They seek a solution to conflicts where both sides gain something5,the owl owls view conflicts as problems to be solved。They see conflicts as improving relationships by reducing tension between two people。They try to begin a discussion that identifies the conflict as a problem by seeking solutions that satisfy both themselves and the other person。Owls maintain the relationship。Owls are not satisfied until a solution is found that achieves their own goals and the other persons goals。And they are not satisfied until the tensions and negative feelings have been fully resolved。

  Questions 16to18 are based on the recording you have just heard。

  Question 16。Why does the speaker say strategies for managing conflicts can always be changed?

  Question 17,what is said to affect the way one acts in a conflict?

  Question 18 of the five styles the speaker discusses which views conflicts as problems to be solved?

  Recording two,the genetic code of all1.5million known species of animals and plants living on earth will be mapped to help save species from extinction and boost human health。Scientists hope that cracking the genetic code of plants and animals could help uncover new treatments for infectious diseases。Slow aging improve crops in agriculture create new bio materials in britain,organizations including the natural history museum,the royal botanic gardens,a queue and the welcome sanger institute have joined forces to sequence britains 66,000 species of animals and plants dubbed the darwin tree of life project。It is expected to take 10 years and cost£100 million once completed。All the information will be publicly available to researchers。Many scientists believe that earth has now entered the 6th mass extinction with humans creating a toxic mix of habitat loss,pollution and climate change,which has already led to the loss of at least 77 species of mammals and 140 types of birds。Since1500,it is the biggest loss of species since the dinosaurs were wiped out 66 million years ago。Scientists say that sequencing every species will revolutionize the understanding of biology and evolution,bolster efforts to conserve as well as protect and restore biodiversity。Doctor tim littlewood,head of life sciences department at the natural history museum said whether you are interested in food or disease,the history of how every organism on the planet has adapted to its environment is recorded in its genetic makeup,how you then harness that is dependent on your ability to understand it。We will be using modern methods to get a really good window on the present and the past。And course,a window on the past gives you a prospective model on the future。Sir jim smith,director of science at welcome said,try as I I cant think of a more exciting,more relevant,more timely or more internationally inspirational project。Since1970,humanity has wiped out60%of animal populations about 23,000of80,000 species surveyed are approaching extinction。We are in the midst of the 6th great extinction events of life on our planet which not only threatens wildlife species,but also imperils the global food supply。As scientists,we all realise we desperately need to catalogue life on a fragile planet。Now I think were making history。

  Questions19to21 are based on the recording you have just heard

  question 19.what do scientists hope to do by cracking the genetic code of plants and animals?

  Question 20,what do many scientists believe with regard to earth?

  How does sir jim smith,director of science at welcome describe the darwin tree of life project。John dunn,the english poet wrote in the 17th century,no man is an island entire of itself。Every man is a piece of the continent,a part of the main。Now a british academic has claimed that human individuality is indeed just an illusion,because societies are far more interconnected at a mental,physical and cultural level than people realize。In his new book,the self delusion。Professor tom oliver,a researcher in the ecology and evolution group at the university of reading argues there is no such thing as self。 And not even our bodies are truly us. Just as Copernicus realized, the earth is not the center of the universe. Professor Oliver said society urgently needs a Copernican like revolution to understand people are not detached beings, but rather part of one connected identity, a significant milestone in the cultural evolution of human minds was the acceptance that the earth is not the center of the universe, the so called Copernican revolution, he writes, however, we have one more big myth to dispose of that we exist as independent selves at the center of a subjective universe. You may feel as if you are an independent individual acting autonomously in the world that you have unchanging inner self that persists throughout your lifetime, acting as a central anchor point with the world changing around you. This is the illusion I seek to tackle. We are intimately connected to the world around us. Professor Oliver argues there are around 37 trillion cells in the body, but most have a lifespan of just a few days or weeks. So the material us is constantly changing. In fact, there is no part of your body that has existed for more than 10 years. Since our bodies are essentially made anew every few weeks, the material in them alone is clearly insufficient to explain the persistent thread of an identity. Professor Oliver claims that individualism is actually bad for society only by realizing we are part of a bigger Entity. Can we solve pressing environmental and societal problems through selfish over consumption? We are destroying the natural world and using non renewable resources at an accelerating rate. We are at a critical crossroads as a species where we must rapidly reform our mindset and behavior to act in less selfish ways. He said so lets open our eyes to the hidden connections all around us.

  Questions, 22 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.

  Question 22. What is indeed just an illusion according to professor Tom Oliver?

  Question 23. What does professor Tom Oliver think of the idea that we exist as independent selves at the center of a subjective universe?

  Question 24. Why does professor Tom Oliver claim that the material us is constantly changing?

  Question 25. How can we solve pressing environmental and societal problems? According to professor Tom Oliver.



  Traditional Chinese wedding customs have a long history.Acomplete set of wedding ceremonies were gradually formedin the Zhou Dynasty,and someof them are still in use today.Nowadays,although Chinese wedding conventions havechanged a lot,the ceremony isstill a very grand occasion,when the wedding venue is carefully decorated,with red asthe main color to symbolize happiness,and with many spe-cial objects placed to wish the couple well-being.At thewedding ceremony,the couple should bow to heaven andearth,to their parents and to each other,and afterwardshold a banquet to entertain and toast to the guests.Today,many young people still love the traditional Chinese wed-ding to experience the unique and beautiful Chinese ro-mance.



  There is a growing awareness of the equal importance ofsocial practice and academic learning in todays world.Some believe that social practice is thekey to success,whileothers arguethat it is not compulsory for everyone toengage in.Personally,I find the former view morereason-able.

  Firstly,social practice is essential for students.It allows themto apply what they have learned in the classroom to real-lifescenarios,enhancing their understanding and reinforcingtheir knowledge.For example,participating in internships orvolunteer work can provide students with valuable insightsinto their chosen field and help them develop practical skillsthat cannot be learned from textbooks.Secondly,in theworkplace,employers value individuals who can effectivelycollaborate,communicate,and adapt to different situations.Lastly,in daily life,social practice enables individuals to in-teract effectively with others,resolve conflicts,and make in-formed decisions.

  In conclusion,social practice and academic learning are ofequal importance in todays world.By recognizing and em-bracing the value of both,we can foster a society thatvaluesknowledge,practical skills,and social responsibility.



  Part I Writing (30 minutes)

  Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay that begins with the sentence “People are now increasingly aware of the digital gapor challenges the elderly face in a digital world.”You can make comments,give explanations,or cite examples to develop your essay.You should write at least 150 words but no more than 200words.

  Part Ⅱ Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)

  Section A

  Directions:In this section,you will hear two long conversations.At the end of each conversation,you will hear four questions.Both the conversation and the questions will bespoken only once.Afier you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I with a single line through the centre.

  Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  1.A)In a food store.

  B)In a restaurant.

  C)In a kitchen.

  D)In a supermarket.

  2.A)She eats meat occasionally.

  B)She enjoys cheeseburgers.

  C)She is a partial vegetarian.

  D)She is allergic to seafood.

  3.A)Changing ones eating habit.

  B)Dealing with ones colleagues.

  C)Following the same diet for years.

  D)Keeping awake at morning meetings.

  4.A)They are both animal lovers.

  B)They enjoy perfect health.

  C)They only eat organic food.

  D)They are cutting back on coffee.

  Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  5.A)The man had an attitude problem.

  B)The man made little contribution to the company.

  C)The man paid attention to trivial things.

  D)The man got a poor evaluation from his colleagues.

  6.A)They reject employeesreasonable arguments for work efficiency.

  B)They make unhelpful decisions for solving problems.

  C)They favor some employeessuggestions over others.

  D)They use manipulative language to mask their irrational choices.

  7.A)It is a good quality in the workplace.

  B)It is more important now than ever.

  C)It is a must for rational judgment.

  D)It is more of a sin than a virtue.

  8.A)Making rational and productive decisions.

  B)Focusing on employeescareer growth.

  C)Preserving their power and prestige.

  D)Smoothing relationships in the workplace.

  Section B

  Directions:In this section,you will hear two passages.At the end of each passage,you will hear three or four questions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I with a single line through the centre.

  Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  9.A)They bring great honor to their country.

  B)They create very high commercial value.

  C)They accomplish feats many of us cannot.

  D)They show genius which defies description.

  10.A)They try to be positive role models to children.

  B)They work in spare time to teach children sports.

  C)They take part in kidsextra-curricular activities.

  D)They serve as spokespersons for luxury goods.

  11.A)Being super sports stars without appearing arrogant.

  B)Keeping athletes away from drug or alcohol problems.

  C)Preventing certain athletes from getting in trouble with the law.

  D)Separating an athletes professional life from their personal life.

  Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  12.A)They are dreams coming true to the brides.

  B)They should be paid up by the attendees.

  C)They are joyous and exciting occasions.

  D)They always cost more than expected.

  13.A)It was cancelled.

  B)It had eight guests only.

  C)It cost $60,000.

  D)It was held in Las Vegas.

  14.A)Ask her friends for help.

  B)Postpone her wedding.

  C)Keep to her budget.

  D)Invite more guests.

  15.A)She called it romantic.

  B)She rejected it flatly.

  C)She said she would think about it.

  D)She welcomed it with open arms.

  Section C

  Directions:In this section,you will hear three recordings of lectures or talks followed by three or four questions. The recordings will be played only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I with a single line through the centre.

  Questions 16 to 18 are based on the recording you have just heard.

  16.A)It determines peoples moods.

  B)It can impact peoples wellbeing.

  C)It can influence peoples personalities.

  D)It is closely related to peoples emotions.

  17.A)They make people more reproductive.

  B)They tend to produce positive feelings.

  C)They increase peoples life expectancy.

  D)They may alter peoples genes gradually.

  18.A)The Americans are apparently more outgoing than the Chinese.

  B)People in the same geographical area may differ in personality.

  C)People share many personality traits despite their nationalities.

  D)The link between temperature and personality is fairly weak.

  Questions 19 to 21 are based on the recording you have just heard.

  19.A)A growing number of US seniors face the risk of early mortality.

  B)Correlations have been found between loneliness and ill health.

  C)Chronic loneliness does harm to senior citizens in particular.

  D)The number of older Americans living alone is on the rise.

  20.A)Loneliness is probably reversible.

  B)Being busy helps fight loneliness.

  C)Loneliness rarely results from living alone.

  D)Medication is available for treating loneliness.

  21.A)Living with ones children.

  B)Meaningful social contact.

  C)Meeting social expectations.

  D)Timely medical intervention.

  Questions 22 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.

  22.A)She had a successful career in finance.

  B)She wrote stories about women travelers.

  C)She invested in several private companies.

  D)She made regular trips to Asian countries.

  23.A)Travel round the world.

  B)Set up a travel agency.

  C)Buy a ranch.

  D)Start a blog.

  24.A)Create something unique to enter the industry.

  B)Gain support from travel advertising companies.

  C)Try to find a full-time job in the travel business.

  D)Work hard to attract attention from publishers.

  25.A)Refraining from promoting similar products.

  B)Avoiding too much advertising early on.

  C)Creating an exotic corporate culture.

  D)Attracting sufficient investment.

  Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)

  Section A

  Directions:In this section,there is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices.Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter:Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

  Unthinkable as it may be,humanity,every last person,could someday be wiped from the face of the Earth. We have learned to worry about asteroids(小行星)and super volcanoes,but the more likely.26according to Nick Bostrom,a professor of philosophy at Oxford,is that we humans will destroy ourselves.

  Professor Bostrom,who directs Oxfords Future of Humanity Institute,has argued over the course of several papers that human27risks are poorly understood and,worse still,28underestimated by society.Some of these existential risks are fairly well known,especially the natural ones.But others are29or even exotic. Most worrying to Bostrom is the subset of existential risks that30from human technology,a subset that he expects to grow in number and potency over the next century.

  Despite his concerns about the risks31to humans by technological progress,Bostrom is no luddite(科 技进步反对者).In fact,he is a longtime32of trans-humanism—the effort to improve the human condition, and even human nature itself,through technological means.In the long run he sees technology as a bridge,a bridge we humans must cross with great care,in order to reach new and better modes of being.In his work, Bostrom uses the tools of philosophy and mathematics,in33probability theory,to try and determine how we as a,34might achieve this safe passage.What follows is my conversation with Bostrom about some of the most interesting and worrying existential risks that humanity might.35in the decades and centuries to come,and about what we can do to make sure we outlast them.









  Section B

  Directions:In this section,you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it.Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs.Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived.You may choose a paragraph more than once.Each paragraph is marked with a letter:Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.

  San Francisco Has Become One Huge Metaphor for Economic Inequality in America

  A)The fog still chills the morning air and the cable cars still climb halfway to the stars.Yet on the ground,the Bay area has changed greatly since singer Tony Bennet left his heart here.Silicon Valley and the tech industry have led the region into a period of unprecedented wealth and innovation.But existing political and land limits have caused an alarming housing crisis and astronomical rise in social and economic difference.

  B)While the residents of most cities display pride and support for their home industries,drastic market distortions in the San Francisco Bay Area have created boiling resentment in the region towards the tech industry.A vocal minority is even calling on officials to punish those who are benefitting from the economic and housing boom.If this boom and its consequences are not resolved,a drastic increase in social and economic difference may have a profound impact on the region for generations.A history and analysis of this transformation may hold invaluable insights about the opportunities.Perils of tech cities are currently being cultivated across the US,and indeed around the world.

  C)According to a recent study,San Francisco ranks first in California for economic difference.The average income of the top 1%of households in the city averages $3.6 million.This is 44 times the average income of those at the bottom,which stands at $81,094.The top 1%of the San Francisco peninsulas share of total income now extends to 30.8%of the regions income.This was a dramatic jump from 1989,where it stood at 15.8%.

  D)The regions economy has been fundamentally transformed by the technology industry springing from Silicon Valley.Policies pushed by Mayor Ed Lee provided tax breaks for tech companies to set up shop along the citys long-neglected Mid-Market area.The city is now home to Twitter,Uber,Airbnb,Pinterest,Dropbox and others.In short,the Bay Area has become a global magnet for those with specialized skills,which has in turn helped fuel economic enthusiasm,and this economic growth has reduced unemployment to 3.4%,an admirable feat.

  E)In spite of all that,the strength of the recent job growth,combined with policies that have traditionally limited housing development in the city and throughout the peninsula,did not help ease the affordability crisis.In 2015 alone,the Bay Area added 64,000 in jobs.In the same year,only 5,000 new homes were built.

  F)With the average house in the city costing over $1.25 million and average flat prices over $1.11 million,the minimum qualifying income to purchase a house has increased to $254,000.Considering that the average household income in the city currently stands at around $80,000,it is not an exaggeration to say that the dream of home ownership is now beyond the grasp of the vast majority of todays people who rent.

  G)For generations,the stability and prosperity of the American middle class has been anchored by home ownership.Studies have consistently shown that the value of land has overtaken overall income growth,thus providing a huge advantage to property owners as a vehicle of wealth building.When home prices soar above the reach of most households,the gap between the rich and the poor dramatically increases.

  H)If contributing factors leading to housing becoming less than affordable are not resolved over multiple generations,a small elite will control a vast share of the countrys total wealth.The result?A society where the threat of class warfare would loom large.A societys level of happiness is tied less to measures of quantitative wealth and more to measures of qualitative wealth.This means that how a person judges their security in comparison to their neighborshas more of an impact on their happiness than their objective standard of living.At the same time,when a system no longer provides opportunities for the majority to participate in wealth building,it not only robs those who are excluded from opportunities,but also deprives them of their dignity.

  I) San Francisco and the Bay Area have long been committed to values which embrace inclusion and rejection of mainstream culture.To see these values coming apart so publicly adds insult to injury for a region once defined by its progressive social fabric.In the face of resentment,it is human to want revenge.But deteriorating policies such as heavily taxing technology companies or real estate developers are not likely to shift the balance.

  J)The housing crisis is caused by two primary factors:the growing desirability of the Bay Area as a place to live due to its excellent economy,and our limited housing stock.Although the city is experiencing an unprecedented boom in new housing,more units are sorely needed.Protection policies were originally designed to suppress bad development and boost historic preservation in our urban areas.Now,too many developers are experiencing excessive delays.Meanwhile,there are the land limitations of the Bay Area to consider.The region is surrounded by water and mountains.Local governments need to aid development as well.This means increasing housing density throughout the region and building upwards while streamlining the approval process.

  K)Real estate alone will not solve the problem,of course.Transportation,too,needs to be updated and infrastructure extended to link distant regions to Silicon Valley and the city.We need to build an effective high-speed commuting system linking the high-priced and crowded Bay Area with the low-priced and low- density Central Valley.This would dramatically reduce travel times.And based on the operating speeds of hovering trains used in countries such as Japan or Spain,high-speed rail could shorten the time to travel between San Francisco and Californias capital,Sacramento,or from Stockton to San Jose,to under 30 minutes.This system would bring once distant regions within reasonable commute to heavy job centers. The city also needs to existing transportation routes combined with smart home-building policies that dramatically increase housing density in areas surrounding high-speed rail stations.By doing so,we will be able to build affordable housing within acceptable commuting distances for a significant bulk of the workforce.

  L)Our threatening housing crisis forces the difficult question of what type of society we would like to be.Will it be one where the elite command the vast bulk of wealth and regional culture is defined by an aggressive business world?We were recently treated to a taste of the latter,when local tech employee Justin Keller wrote an open letter to the city complaining about having to see homeless people on his way to work.

  M)It doesnt have to be this way.But solutions need to be implemented now,before angry crowds grow from a nuisance to serious concern.It may take less than you might think.And in fact,the solutions to our housing crisis are already fairly clear.We need to increase the density of housing units.We need to use existing technology to shorten travel times and break the land limits.There is a way to solve complex social and economic problems without abandoning social responsibility.This is the Bay Areas opportunity to prove that it can innovate more than just technology.

  36.San Francisco city government offered tax benefits to attract tech companies to establish operations in a less developed area.

  37.The fast rise in the prices of land and houses increases the economic inequality among people.

  38.San Francisco has been found to have the biggest income gap in California between the rich and the poor.

  39.The higher rate of employment,combined with limited housing supply,did not make it any easier to buy a bouse.

  40.When people compare their own living standard with others,it has a greater impact on their sense of contentment.

  41.Improved transport networks connecting the city to distant outlying areas will also help solve the housing crisis.

  42.Average incomes in the Bay Area make it virtually impossible for most tenant families to buy a home.

  43.Innovative solutions to social and economic problems should be introduced before it is too late.

  44.Residents of the San Francisco Bay Area strongly resent the tech industry because of the economic inequality it has contributed to.

  45.One way to deal with the housing crisis is for the government to simplify approval procedures for housing projects.

  Section C

  Directions:There are 2 passages in this section.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

  Passage One

  Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.

  The suggestion that people should aim for dietary diversity by trying to eat a variety of foods has been a basic public health recommendation for decades in the United States and elsewhere.Now,however,experts are warning that aiming for a diverse diet may actually lead to just eating more calories,and,thus,to obesity.One issue is that people may not interpret "variety"the way nutritionists intend.This problem is highlighted by new research conducted by the American Heart Association.Researchers reviewed all the evidence published related to dietary diversity and saw a correlation between dietary diversity and a greater intake of both healthy and unhealthy foods.This had implications for obesity,as researchers found a greater prevalence of obesity amongst people with a greater dietary diversity.

  One author of the new study explained that their findings contradict standard dietary advice,as most dietary guidelines around the world include a statement of eating a variety of foods.But this advice does not seem to be supported by science,possibly because there is little agreement about the meaning of “dietary diversity,”which is not clearly and consistently defined.Some experts measure dietary diversity by counting the number of food groups eaten,while others look at the distribution of calories across individual foods,and still others measure how different the foods eaten are from each other.

  Although the findings of this new study contradict standard dietary advice,they do not come as a surprise to all of the researchers involved.Dr.Rao,one of the study authors,noted that,after 20 years of experience in the field of obesity,he has observed that people who have a regimented lifestyle and diet tend to be thinner and healthier than people with a wide variety of consumption.This anecdotal evidence matches the conclusions of the study,which found no evidence that dietary diversity promotes healthy body weight or optimal eating patterns, and limited evidence shows that eating a variety of foods is actually associated with consuming more calories, poor eating patterns and weight gain.Further,there is some evidence that a greater variety of food options in a single meal may delay peoples feeling of fullness and actually increase how much they eat.

  Based on their findings,the researchers endorse a diet consisting of a limited number of healthy foods such as vegetables,fruits,grains,and poultry.They also recommend that people simultaneously endeavor to restrict consumption of sweets,sugar and red meat.The researchers stress,however,that their dietary recommendations do not imply dietary diversity is never positive,and that,in the past,diversity in diets of whole,unprocessed food may have actually been very beneficial.

  46.What has been a standard piece of dietary advice for decades?

  A)People should diversify what they eat.

  B)People should have a well-balanced diet.

  C)People should cultivate a healthy eating habit.

  D)People should limit calorie intake to avoid obesity.

  47.What did the new research by the American Heart Association find?

  A)Unhealthy food makes people gain weight more easily.

  B)Dietary diversity is positively related to good health.

  C)People seeking dietary diversity tend to eat more.

  D)Big eaters are more likely to become overweight.

  48.What could help to explain the contradiction between the new findings and the common public health recommendation?

  A)There is little consensus on the definition of dietary diversity.

  B)The methods researchers use to measure nutrition vary greatly.

  C)Conventional wisdom about diet is seldom supported by science.

  D)Most dietary guidelines around the world contradict one another.

  49.What did Dr.Rao find after 20 years of research on obesity?

  A)There is no clear definition of optimal eating patterns.

  B)Diversified food intake may not contribute to health.

  C)Eating patterns and weight gain go hand in hand.

  D)Dietary diversity promotes healthy body weight.

  50.What does the passage say about people who eat a great variety of food?

  A)They are more likely to eat foods beneficial to their health.

  B)They dont have any problems getting sufficient nutrition.

  C)They dont feel they have had enough until they overeat.

  D)They tend to consume more sweets,sugar and red meat.

  Passage Two

  Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.

  The ability to make inferences from same and different,once thought to be unique to humans,is viewed as a cornerstone of abstract intelligent thought.A new study,however,has shown that what psychologists call same- different discrimination is present in creatures generally seen as unintelligent:newborn ducklings(小鸭) .

  The study,published Thursday in Science,challenges our idea of what it means to have a birdbrain,said Edward Wasserman,an experimental psychologist at the University of lowa who wrote an independent review of the study

  “In fact,birds are extremely intelligent and our problem pretty much lies in figuring out how to get them to talkto us,or tell us how smart they really are,"he said.

  Antone Martinho and Alex Kacelnik,co-authors of the new paper,devised a clever experiment to better test bird intelligence

  First,they took 1-day-old ducklings and exposed them to a pair of moving objects.The two objects were either the same or different in shape or color.Then they exposed each duckling to two entirely new pairs of moving objects.

  The researchers found that about 70%of the ducklings preferred to move toward the pair of objects that had the same shape or color relationship as the first objects they saw.A duckling that was first shown two green spheres,in other words,was more likely to move toward a pair of blue spheres than a mismatched pair of orange and purple spheres.

  Ducklings go through a rapid learning process called imprinting shortly after birth—its what allows them to identify and follow their mothers.

  These findings suggest that ducklings use abstract relationships between sensory inputs like color,shape, sounds and odor to recognize their mothers,said Dr.Kacelnik.

  By studying imprinting,the authors of this study have shown for the first time that an animal can learn relationships between concepts without training,said Jeffrey Katz,an experimental psychologist at Auburn University who was not involved in the study.

  Previous studies have suggested that other animals,including pigeons,dolphins,honeybees and some primates (灵长类动物) ,can discern same from different,but only after extensive training.

  Adding ducklings to the list—particularly untrained newborn ducklings-suggests that the ability to compare abstract concepts“is far more necessary to a wider variety of animalssurvival than we previously thought,”Dr.Martinho said.He believes the ability is so crucial because it helps animals consider context when identifying objects in their environment.

  Its clear from this study and others like it that “animals process and appreciate far more of the intricacies in their world than weve ever understood,"Dr.Wasserman said."We are in a revolutionary phase in terms of our ability to understand the minds of other animals.”

  51.In what way were humans thought to be unique?

  A)Being capable of same-different discrimination.

  B)Being able to distinguish abstract from concrete.

  C)Being a major source of animal intelligence.

  D)Being the cornerstone of the creative world.

  52.What do we learn from the study published in Science?

  A)Our understanding of the bird world was biased.

  B)Our communication with birds was far from adequate.

  C)Our knowledge about bird psychology needs updating.

  D)Our conception of birdsintelligence was wrong.

  53.What did the researchers discover about most ducklings from their experiment?

  A)They could associate shape with color.

  B)They could tell whether the objects were the same.

  C)They preferred colored objects to colorless ones.

  D)They reacted quickly to moving objects.

  54.What was novel about the experiment in the study reported in Science?

  A)The ducklings were compared with other animals.

  B)It was conducted by experimental psychologists.

  C)The animals used received no training.

  D)It used a number of colors and shapes.

  55.What do we learn from Dr.Wassermans comment on the study of animal minds at the end of the passage?

  A)Research methods are being updated.

  B)It is getting more and more intricate.

  C)It is attracting more public attention.

  D)Remarkable progress is being made.

  Part N Translation (30 minutes)

  Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English.You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.

  张骞 (Zhang Qian) 是中国第一个伟大的探险家。他不畏艰险,克服重重困难,两次出使西域, 开通了中国同西亚和欧洲的通商关系,将中国的`丝和丝织品运往西亚和欧洲,开拓了历史上著名的“丝 绸之路”。同时,他又将西域的风土人情、地理文化以及特有物种等介绍到中原,极大地开阔了人们 的视野。

  正如历史学家所指出的那样,如果没有张骞出使西域,就不可能有丝绸之路的开辟,也就不会有 汉朝同西域或欧洲的文化交流。


  PartI Writing


  People are now increasingly aware of the "digital gap"or challenges the elderly face in a digital world.In recent years,we are striding forward into the digital world with the rapid development of the Internet.However,many old people are plagued by the “digital divide”,facing many difficulties in shopping,medical care and payment and so on.

  Then how can we help the elderly cross the "digital divide"?First of all,as the younger generation,we should pay more attention to the needs of the elderly around us,patiently helping them learn how to chat by video,scan to pay,etc.,which is beneficial to the communication and understanding between the elderly and the young.Secondly,the Government should put itself in the elderlys place.While promoting intelligent services,it should also give due consideration to the actual situation of the elderly population.For example,a social voluntary service system can be established so that the elderly can seek help from volunteers by phone or face to face.

  Everyone will grow old,but what matters is that the elderly should not be left behind by the times.

  Part Ⅱ Listening Comprehension

  1.B 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.D 7.D 8.C 9.C 10.A 11.D 12.D 13.A 14.C 15.B

  16.C 17.B 18.D 19.C 20.A 21.B 22.A 23.D 24.A 25.B

  Part III Reading Comprehension

  26.K 27.G 28.L 29.H 30.B 31.J 32.A 33.I 34.N 35.D

  36.D 37.G 38.C 39.E 40.H 41.K 42.F 43.M 44.B 45.J

  46.A 47.C 48.A 49.B 50.C 51.A 52.D 53.B 54.C 55.D

  Part IV Translation


  Zhang Qian was Chinas first great explorer.Braving hardships and overcoming difficulties,he made two diplomatic missions to the Western Regions,opened up trade relations between China and West Asia and Europe, shipped Chinese silk and silk fabrics to West Asia and Europe,and opened up the famous “Silk Road”in history.At the same time,he also introduced the customs,geographical culture and unique species of the Western Regions to the Central Plains,which greatly broadened peoples horizons.

  As historians have pointed out,without Zhang Qians missions to the Western Regions,the opening of the Silk Road would not have been possible,and there would not have been cultural exchanges between the Han Dynasty and the Western Regions or Europe.



  Part I Writing (30 minutes)

  Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay that begins with the sentence“It is widely accepted that an important goal of education is to help students learn how to learn.”You can make comments,cite examples or use your personal experiences to develop your essay.You should write at least 150words but no more than 200 words.

  Part Ⅱ Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)


  Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)

  Section A

  Directions:In this section,there is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices.Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter.Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

  You might not know yourself as well as you think.According to a new study,people are26accurate judges of only some of their behaviors.While most previous studies on how well people know themselves have been done on long-term personality traits,this new study27how well people understand how they are acting from one moment to the next.Researchers asked participants to wear audio recorders that automatically28every 9.5 minutes between 7 a.m.and 2 a.m.to record 30 seconds of audio.These participants were then emailed surveys four times a day asking them to29how outgoing,agreeable,or conscientious they were during a particular hour of the day.The study used data from 248 participants,all of whom answered questions about their behavior for two30weeks and wore the audio device for one of those weeks.

  Six laboratory assistants rated each participants audio clips to see how their observations compared with peoples31of themselves.The six assistants were generally in agreement with one another about how the people they were observing acted.Further,participantsratings of their own behaviors agreed with observersfor how outgoing and how conscientious they were being.But the agreement between participants and outside observers was much smaller for agreeableness.Some of this32could be because the observers used only audio clips,and thus could not read33like body language,but there are34other explanations,as people should be able to hear when a participant is being kind versus being rude.The weak agreement between how participants thought they were acting and what observers heard could be because people would rather35rude behavior.

  A)activated I)probes








  Section B

  Directions:In this section,you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it.Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs.Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived.You may choose a paragraph more than once.Each paragraph is marked with a letter.Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter onAnswer Sheet 2.

  Why we need tiny colleges

  A)Were experiencing the rebirth of smallness.Farmers markets,tiny homes,and brew pubs all exemplify our love of smallness.So do charter schools,coffee shops,and local bookstores.Small is often(but not always)more affordable,healthier,and sustainable,but its finest characteristic,the one that turns charm into love,is that going small allows us to be more fully who we are.

  B)In higher education the trend is mostly in the opposite direction:Universities with 20,000 or 30,000 students are considered“mid-sized”.The nations largest university,Arizona State University,has 80,000 students on campus and aims to enroll another 100,000 students online.At the other end of the spectrum is a handful of colleges that have fewer than a hundred students on campus and no online courses:colleges such as Sterling College,Thomas More College of Liberal Arts,and Deep Springs College.These colleges are so small that they can only be called “tiny.”

  C)Tiny colleges focus not just on a young persons intellect,but on the young person as a whole.Equally important,tiny colleges ask,“How can education contribute to human flourishing and the well-being of the world?”And they shape a college experience to address that question.They replace concerns about institutional growth with attention to the growth of students as fully developed participants in their communities.

  D)Ive had the privilege of teaching at three different institutions of higher learning during my career—a small liberal arts college and two mid-sized public universities.Ive also been profoundly disappointed in each of these institutions,and in many of my colleagues,especially when it comes to helping students and preparing them for the many responsibilities of adulthood.Administrators focus on the business of running a university,and most faculty focus on their scholarship and teaching their discipline.Little deliberate attention is given to how students mature as individuals and social beings.

  E)Having just retired from teaching at a public university,Im now returning to my hometown of Flagstaff,Arizona,to establish a tiny college—Flagstaff College.Im convinced theres a need for another type of education,one devoted to helping students come into their own and into this beautiful and troubled world.Young people need an education that will provide them with meaning,hope, courage,and passion,as well as information and skills.Large institutions,I believe,are particularly ill-suited to this type of education.

  F)Theres no“best of”list when it comes to tiny colleges,at least not yet.But around the country people are creating new colleges that provide an alternative to small liberal arts colleges,large public universities,and online education.

  G)With only 26 students,Deep Springs is the smallest college in the country and,quite likely,the most atypical (非典型的') .Located on a working cattle ranch on the California-Nevada border,Deep Springs is a private,residential,two-year college for men,committed to educating students for “a life of service to humanity.”Founded by the electricity tycoon(大亨)L.L.Nunn in 1917,Deep Springs “curriculum”revolves around academics,labor,and self-governance.In addition to their courses, students are charged with running the 155-acre ranch and overseeing the functioning of the college. Students chair both the admissions and the curriculum committees.

  H)“Living in close community with ones teachers and fellow students,and being forced to take on adult responsibilities,makes for ones growth as a person,"says William Hunt,who graduated last year. “To exist for very long in a community like that,you have to get over the question of whether youre sufficiently talented or principled and get started worrying about how you can stretch yourself and your peers,how much you can manage to learn with them."

  I)Sterling College,in Craftsbury Common,Vermont,is also very small-fewer than 100 students. Unlike Deep Springs,Sterling focuses its curriculum on environmental and social justice issues,but like Deep Springs it places a high value on personal responsibility and manual labor.According to its catalog,a college education at Sterling combines“rigorous academics,roll-up-your-sleeves challenges, and good old hard work.”

  J)The average tuition at a small liberal-arts college is $30,000 to $40,000 a year,not including the cost of living on campus,as compared to $8,000 to $10,000 a year for tuition alone at a public university. Of the tiny colleges,only Deep Springs doesnt charge tuition or room and board;students pay only for books and the cost of traveling to and from college.If tiny schools are to become a player on the higher education scene,they will need to find a way to be truly affordable.

  K)Doing so may not be that difficult so long as they do not pattern themselves too closely on existing norms.Weve come to believe that a good college should have many academic programs and excellent facilities,posh (豪华的) dorms,an array of athletic programs,and a world-class student activity center.Imagine a good college without a climbing wall!We also have accepted the idea that college presidents,and their many vice-presidents,should be paid like their counterparts in the business world and that higher education requires an elaborate,up-to-date technology infrastructure.All of this drives up the cost of education.

  L)The “trick”to making tiny colleges affordable,if thats the right word,is simplicity.At its core, education is a human-to-human interaction.Reflecting on his own college education,President Garfield once commented that an ideal college would consist of nothing more than the legendary teacher Mark Hopkins on one end of a log and a student on the other.The economics of a tiny college, in other words,might be similar to that of a tiny house.Because it is small,a tiny house costs less to build and less to furnish,insure,and maintain.But the economic benefits of a small house dont end there.Tiny homes discourage homeowners from buying stuff that they really dont need,because theres no place to put it.

  M)Im a late convert to the idea of tiny colleges,and I fully understand the need for many diverse types of educational institutions.Academic research and job training are important,but tiny colleges arent suited for either.The educational needs of a complex society are themselves complex,and no single model can meet all of these needs.But Im now convinced theres an educational need thats now going almost completely unmet:namely,the need to help young people transition into adulthood.Tiny colleges can do this better than any other type of educational institution.

  N)The ultimate justification for a tiny college is the conviction that each of us comes into our full humanity by close interaction with those who know and care for us,and that one of the basic purposes of higher education is social.Although we give lip service to the idea that a college education will make us better people,when alls said and done,we think of higher education primarily in economic terms. Weve come to think of higher education as a means to make a living rather than make a life.Weve also come to see higher education as a private good rather than a public one.Tiny colleges are not the answer to all of our educational requirements,but theyre an answer to one of our most basic educational necessities:the need to produce thoughtful,engaged,and compassionate human beings.

  36.One tiny American college situated on a cattle farm is devoted to educating students to serve mankind throughout their lives.

  37.Much to the authors disappointment,the three institutions of higher learning where she taught largely ignore studentsgrowth as social beings.

  38.Tiny colleges must be made affordable in order to play a role in higher education.

  39.According to a recent graduate from a tiny college,living together with faculty and fellow students is conducive to a students growth as a person.

  40.Rather than going small,most American universities are trying to go big.

  41.In a certain tiny college,rigorous academic work and traditional manual labor are integrated.

  42.Tiny colleges focus on educating students to become well-rounded citizens instead of seeking their own expansion.

  43.The essence of education lies in the interaction between people.

  44.After her retirement,the author has decided to set up a tiny college in her hometown.

  45.Tiny colleges are justified as it is believed that our growth into full humanity comes through interaction with people near and dear to us.

  Section C

  Directions:There are 2 passages in this section.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

  Passage One

  Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.

  If youre someone who has turned to snacking on junk food more in the pandemic(大流行病),youre not alone.Investigative reporter Michael Moss says processed food is engineered to hook you,not unlike alcohol, cigarettes,or other harmful substances.His 2013 book,Salt Sugar Fat,explored food companiesaggressive marketing of those products and their impact on our health.In his new book,Hooked,Moss updates the food giantsefforts to keep us eating what they serve,and how theyre responding to complaints from consumers and health advocates.

  Processed food is inexpensive,its legal,and its everywhere.Companiesadvertising is cueing us to remember those products and we want those products constantly.So the food environment is one of those key things that makes food even more problematic for so many people.Memory,nostalgia (怀旧)in particular, plays a big role in the foods we crave.Soda companies discovered that if they put a soda in the hands of a child when theyre at a ball game with their parents,that soda will forever be associated with that joyous moment. Later in life,when that child wants to experience a joyous moment,theyre going to think of soda.Many people seek comfort in the snacks they remember from childhood.

  Moss examines the way companies capitalize on our memories,cravings and brain chemistry to keep us snacking.

  One of the reasons I came to think that some of these food products are even more powerful,more troublesome than drugs can be is memory.What we eat is all about memory.And we begin forming memories for food at a really early age.And we keep those memories for a lifetime.Knowing this,the food industry spends lots of time trying to shape the memories that we have for their products.One of the features of addiction that scientists studying drug addiction discovered back in the 1990s was that the faster a substance hits the brain,the more apt we are as a result to act impulsively.Theres nothing faster than food in its ability to hit the brain.For Moss,this puts the notion of “fast food”in an entirely new light as this isnt limited to fast food chains—almost 90%of food products in grocery stores are processed foods.Everything in the industry is about speed,from manufacturing to packaging.

  Overall,Moss outlines the industrys dependence on making their products inexpensive,super delicious, and incredibly convenient for consumers.Now that more and more people care about what they put in their bodies and are wanting to eat healthier,these companies are finding it really difficult to meet that new demand because of their own addiction to making these convenience foods.

  46.In what way does Michael Moss think processed food is comparable to alcohol and cigarettes?

  A)They are all addictive.

  B)They are all necessary evils.

  C)They are all engineered to be enjoyed.

  D)They are all in increasingly great demand.

  47.What does the author say plays a key role in the foods we crave?

  A)The food environment.

  B)Aggressive marketing.



  48.What do food companies do to capitalize on consumersassociation with their food products?

  A)They strive to influence how consumers remember their products.

  B)They attempt to use consumerslong-term memories to promote addiction.

  C)They try to exploit consumersmemories for their products as early as possible.

  D)They endeavor to find what consumers remember about their products.

  49.How does the food industry operate from manufacturing to packaging,according to Moss?

  A)Placing the idea of fast food in an entirely new light.

  B)Setting no limit to the number of fast food chains.

  C)Focusing on how quickly the work is done.

  D)Prioritizing the quality of their products.

  50.Why are companies finding it difficult to satisfy consumersdemand for healthier food products?

  A)They think speed of production outweighs consumershealth.

  B)They believe their industry would perish without fast foods.

  C)They have to strike a balance between taste and nutrition.

  D)They are hooked on manufacturing convenience foods.

  Passage Two

  Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.

  Chimpanzees (黑猩猩),human beingsclosest animal relatives,share up to 98%of our genes.Yet humans and chimpanzees lead very different lives.Fewer than 300,000 wild chimpanzees live in a few forested corners of Africa today,while humans have colonized every corner of the globe.At more than 7 billion,human population dwarfs that of nearly all other mammals—despite our physical weaknesses.

  What could account for our speciesincredible evolutionary successes?

  One obvious answer is our big brains.It could be that our raw intelligence gave us an unprecedented ability to think outside the box,innovating solutions to thorny problems as people migrated across the globe.

  But a growing number of cognitive scientists and anthropologists ( 人 类 学 家 ) are rejecting that explanation.They think that,rather than making our living as innovators,we survive and thrive precisely because we dont think for ourselves.Instead,people cope with challenging climates and ecological contexts by carefully copying others.

  In a famous study,psychologists Victoria Horner and Andrew Whiten showed two groups of test subjects- children and chimpanzees—a mechanical box with a treat inside.In one condition,the box was opaque,while in the other it was transparent.The experimenters demonstrated how to open the box to retrieve the treat,but they also included the irrelevant step of tapping on the box with a stick.

  Oddly,the children carefully copied all the steps to open the box,even when they could see that the stick had no practical effect.That is,they copied irrationally:Instead of doing only what was necessary to get their reward,children slavishly imitated every action theyd witnessed.

  Of course,that study only included three-and four-year-olds.But additional research has shown that older children and adults are even more likely to mindlessly copy othersactions,and infants are less likely to over- imitate—that is,to precisely copy even impractical actions.

  By contrast,chimpanzees in the study only over-imitated in the opaque condition.In the transparent condition—where they saw that the stick was mechanically useless—they ignored that step entirely.Other research has since supported these findings.

  When it comes to copying,chimpanzees are more rational than human children or adults.

  Where does the seemingly irrational human preference for over-imitation come from?Anthropologist Joseph Henrich points out that people around the world rely on technologies that are often so complex that no one can learn them rationally.Instead,people must learn them step by step,trusting in the wisdom of more experienced elders and peers.

  So the next time you hear someone arguing passionately that everyone should embrace nonconformity and avoid imitating others,you might laugh a little bit.Were not chimpanzees,after all.

  51.What might explain humanshaving the largest population of almost all mammals?

  A)They are equipped with raw strength for solving the most challenging problems.

  B)They cope with the outside world more effectively than their animal relatives.

  C)They possess the most outstanding ability to think.

  D)They know how to survive everywhere on earth.

  52.What accounts for humansevolutionary successes according to a growing number of cognitive scientists and anthropologists?

  A)They are better at innovating solutions.

  B)They thrive through creative strategies.

  C)They are naturally adaptive to ecological contexts.

  D)They meet challenges by imitating others carefully.

  53.What does the author think is odd about the findings of the study by Victoria Horner and Andrew Whiten?

  A)Children irrationally imitated every action of the experimenters.

  B)Chimpanzees could tell the transparent box from the opaque one.

  C)Chimpanzees could retrieve the treat more quickly than children did.

  D)Children omitted the step of tapping on the box with a stick to open it.

  54.What is anthropologist Joseph Henrichs explanation for the human preference for copying?

  A)It originates in the rationality of people around the world.

  B)It stems from the way people learn complex technologies.

  C)It results from people distrusting their own wisdom.

  D)It derives from the desire to acquire knowledge step by step.

  55.What point does the author want to emphasize when he says“Were not chimpanzees”?

  A)It is arguable whether everyone should avoid imitation.

  B)It is characteristic of human beings to copy others.

  C)It is desirable to trust in more knowledgeable peers.

  D)It is naive to laugh at someone embracing nonconformity.

  Part IV Translation (30 minutes)

  Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage from Chinese into English.You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.

  近年来,中国城市加快发展,城市人居环境得到显著改善。许多城市努力探索中国特色的城市高质量 发展之路,城市功能不断完善,治理水平明显提高。中国持续开展城市生态修复和功能修补,全面实施城 镇老旧小区改造,大力推进城市园林绿化,消除污染;同时大力推进城市基础设施体系化建设,开展房屋建 筑和市政设施普查以及安全隐患排查整治,努力为市民创造高品质的生活环境,让城市更美丽、更安全、更 宜居。


  Part I Writing


  It is widely accepted that an important goal of education is to help students learn how to learn.While the accumulation of knowledge is undoubtedly crucial,it is the capacity to acquire, assimilate, and apply information that truly benefits individuals throughout their lives.

  For one thing,the world is constantly evolving, with new information and ideas emerging at a rapid pace. The ability to learn equips students with the necessary skills to keep pace with these changes.For another,developing learning capacity promotes problem-solving skills and fosters creativity.Memorization often follows a fixed pattern, restricting students ability to think outside the box.Conversely, when students are empowered to learn,they acquire the skills to think critically and approach challenges with creative solutions.Moreover,students who are taught how to learn can develop a curiosity for new knowledge,thereby becoming a lifelong learner.

  In conclusion,the focus of education should be shifted from imparting knowledge to cultivating learning skills in students.To achieve this goal,educators should focus on teaching key learning strategies, such as goal-setting and self- assessment.They can also foster a love for learning by allowing students to explore their interests and providing opportunities for independent and collaborative learning.

  Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension

  26.L 27.I 28.A 29.K 30.D 31.C 32.G 33.E 34.H.35.F

  36.G 37.D 38.J 39.H 40.B 41.I 42.C 43.L 44.E 45.N

  46.A 47.D 48.A 49.C 50.D 51.C 52.D 53.A 54.B 55.B

  Part V Translation


  In recent years,Chinas cities have witnessed accelerated development and significant improvements in the urban living environment.Many cities have been making efforts to explore the path of high-quality urban development with Chinese characteristics,bringing about continuous improvement of urban functions and a noticeable rise in the level of governance.China has been ceaselessly carrying out urban ecological restoration and functional repair,comprehensively implementing the renovation of old residential neighborhoods,and vigorously promoting urban landscaping to eliminate pollution.At the same time,China has been giving great impetus to the systematic construction of urban infrastructure,and conducting surveys of housing buildings and municipal facilities as well as the investigation and rectification of potential safety hazards,in an effort to create a high-quality living environment for citizens and make cities more beautiful,safer and more livable.



  Part I Writing (30 minutes)

  Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write an essay that begins with the sentence “People are now increasingly aware of the danger of appearance anxietyor being obsessed with ones looks."You can make comments,cite examples or use your personal experiences to develop your essay.You should write at least 150words but no more than 200words.

  Part Ⅱ Listening Comprehension (30 minutes)

  Section A

  Directions:In this section,you will hear two long conversations.At the end of each conversation,you will hear four questions.Both the conversation and the questions will bespoken only once.Afier you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I with a single line through the centre.

  Questions 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  1.A)In a food store.

  B)In a restaurant.

  C)In a kitchen.

  D)In a supermarket.

  2.A)She eats meat occasionally.

  B)She enjoys cheeseburgers.

  C)She is a partial vegetarian.

  D)She is allergic to seafood.

  3.A)Changing ones eating habit.

  B)Dealing with ones colleagues.

  C)Following the same diet for years.

  D)Keeping awake at morning meetings.

  4.A)They are both animal lovers.

  B)They enjoy perfect health.

  C)They only eat organic food.

  D)They are cutting back on coffee.

  Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  5.A)The man had an attitude problem.

  B)The man made little contribution to the company.

  C)The man paid attention to trivial things.

  D)The man got a poor evaluation from his colleagues.

  6.A)They reject employeesreasonable arguments for work efficiency.

  B)They make unhelpful decisions for solving problems.

  C)They favor some employeessuggestions over others.

  D)They use manipulative language to mask their irrational choices.

  7.A)It is a good quality in the workplace.

  B)It is more important now than ever.

  C)It is a must for rational judgment.

  D)It is more of a sin than a virtue.

  8.A)Making rational and productive decisions.

  B)Focusing on employeescareer growth.

  C)Preserving their power and prestige.

  D)Smoothing relationships in the workplace.

  Section B

  Directions:In this section,you will hear two passages.At the end of each passage,you will hear three or four questions.Both the passage and the questions will be spoken only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I with a single line through the centre.

  Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  9.A)They bring great honor to their country.

  B)They create very high commercial value.

  C)They accomplish feats many of us cannot.

  D)They show genius which defies description.

  10.A)They try to be positive role models to children.

  B)They work in spare time to teach children sports.

  C)They take part in kidsextra-curricular activities.

  D)They serve as spokespersons for luxury goods.

  11.A)Being super sports stars without appearing arrogant.

  B)Keeping athletes away from drug or alcohol problems.

  C)Preventing certain athletes from getting in trouble with the law.

  D)Separating an athletes professional life from their personal life.

  Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  12.A)They are dreams coming true to the brides.

  B)They should be paid up by the attendees.

  C)They are joyous and exciting occasions.

  D)They always cost more than expected.

  13.A)It was cancelled.

  B)It had eight guests only.

  C)It cost $60,000.

  D)It was held in Las Vegas.

  14.A)Ask her friends for help.

  B)Postpone her wedding.

  C)Keep to her budget.

  D)Invite more guests.

  15.A)She called it romantic.

  B)She rejected it flatly.

  C)She said she would think about it.

  D)She welcomed it with open arms.

  Section C

  Directions:In this section,you will hear three recordings of lectures or talks followed by three or four questions. The recordings will be played only once.After you hear a question,you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A),B),C)and D).Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet I with a single line through the centre.

  Questions 16 to 18 are based on the recording you have just heard.

  16.A)It determines peoples moods.

  B)It can impact peoples wellbeing.

  C)It can influence peoples personalities.

  D)It is closely related to peoples emotions.

  17.A)They make people more reproductive.

  B)They tend to produce positive feelings.

  C)They increase peoples life expectancy.

  D)They may alter peoples genes gradually.

  18.A)The Americans are apparently more outgoing than the Chinese.

  B)People in the same geographical area may differ in personality.

  C)People share many personality traits despite their nationalities.

  D)The link between temperature and personality is fairly weak.

  Questions 19 to 21 are based on the recording you have just heard.

  19.A)A growing number of US seniors face the risk of early mortality.

  B)Correlations have been found between loneliness and ill health.

  C)Chronic loneliness does harm to senior citizens in particular.

  D)The number of older Americans living alone is on the rise.

  20.A)Loneliness is probably reversible.

  B)Being busy helps fight loneliness.

  C)Loneliness rarely results from living alone.

  D)Medication is available for treating loneliness.

  21.A)Living with ones children.

  B)Meaningful social contact.

  C)Meeting social expectations.

  D)Timely medical intervention.

  Questions 22 to 25 are based on the recording you have just heard.

  22.A)She had a successful career in finance.

  B)She wrote stories about women travelers.

  C)She invested in several private companies.

  D)She made regular trips to Asian countries.

  23.A)Travel round the world.

  B)Set up a travel agency.

  C)Buy a ranch.

  D)Start a blog.

  24.A)Create something unique to enter the industry.

  B)Gain support from travel advertising companies.

  C)Try to find a full-time job in the travel business.

  D)Work hard to attract attention from publishers.

  25.A)Refraining from promoting similar products.

  B)Avoiding too much advertising early on.

  C)Creating an exotic corporate culture.

  D)Attracting sufficient investment.

  Part Ⅲ Reading Comprehension (40 minutes)

  Section A

  Directions:In this section,there is a passage with ten blanks.You are required to select one word for each blank from a list of choices given in a word bank following the passage.Read the passage through carefully before making your choices.Each choice in the bank is identified by a letter:Please mark the corresponding letter for each item on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once.

  Unthinkable as it may be,humanity,every last person,could someday be wiped from the face of the Earth. We have learned to worry about asteroids(小行星)and super volcanoes,but the more likely.26according to Nick Bostrom,a professor of philosophy at Oxford,is that we humans will destroy ourselves.

  Professor Bostrom,who directs Oxfords Future of Humanity Institute,has argued over the course of several papers that human27risks are poorly understood and,worse still,28underestimated by society.Some of these existential risks are fairly well known,especially the natural ones.But others are29or even exotic. Most worrying to Bostrom is the subset of existential risks that30from human technology,a subset that he expects to grow in number and potency over the next century.

  Despite his concerns about the risks31to humans by technological progress,Bostrom is no luddite(科 技进步反对者).In fact,he is a longtime32of trans-humanism—the effort to improve the human condition, and even human nature itself,through technological means.In the long run he sees technology as a bridge,a bridge we humans must cross with great care,in order to reach new and better modes of being.In his work, Bostrom uses the tools of philosophy and mathematics,in33probability theory,to try and determine how we as a,34might achieve this safe passage.What follows is my conversation with Bostrom about some of the most interesting and worrying existential risks that humanity might.35in the decades and centuries to come,and about what we can do to make sure we outlast them.









  Section B

  Directions:In this section,you are going to read a passage with ten statements attached to it.Each statement contains information given in one of the paragraphs.Identify the paragraph from which the information is derived.You may choose a paragraph more than once.Each paragraph is marked with a letter:Answer the questions by marking the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2.

  San Francisco Has Become One Huge Metaphor for Economic Inequality in America

  A)The fog still chills the morning air and the cable cars still climb halfway to the stars.Yet on the ground,the Bay area has changed greatly since singer Tony Bennet left his heart here.Silicon Valley and the tech industry have led the region into a period of unprecedented wealth and innovation.But existing political and land limits have caused an alarming housing crisis and astronomical rise in social and economic difference.

  B)While the residents of most cities display pride and support for their home industries,drastic market distortions in the San Francisco Bay Area have created boiling resentment in the region towards the tech industry.A vocal minority is even calling on officials to punish those who are benefitting from the economic and housing boom.If this boom and its consequences are not resolved,a drastic increase in social and economic difference may have a profound impact on the region for generations.A history and analysis of this transformation may hold invaluable insights about the opportunities.Perils of tech cities are currently being cultivated across the US,and indeed around the world.

  C)According to a recent study,San Francisco ranks first in California for economic difference.The average income of the top 1%of households in the city averages $3.6 million.This is 44 times the average income of those at the bottom,which stands at $81,094.The top 1%of the San Francisco peninsulas share of total income now extends to 30.8%of the regions income.This was a dramatic jump from 1989,where it stood at 15.8%.

  D)The regions economy has been fundamentally transformed by the technology industry springing from Silicon Valley.Policies pushed by Mayor Ed Lee provided tax breaks for tech companies to set up shop along the citys long-neglected Mid-Market area.The city is now home to Twitter,Uber,Airbnb,Pinterest,Dropbox and others.In short,the Bay Area has become a global magnet for those with specialized skills,which has in turn helped fuel economic enthusiasm,and this economic growth has reduced unemployment to 3.4%,an admirable feat.

  E)In spite of all that,the strength of the recent job growth,combined with policies that have traditionally limited housing development in the city and throughout the peninsula,did not help ease the affordability crisis.In 2015 alone,the Bay Area added 64,000 in jobs.In the same year,only 5,000 new homes were built.

  F)With the average house in the city costing over $1.25 million and average flat prices over $1.11 million,the minimum qualifying income to purchase a house has increased to $254,000.Considering that the average household income in the city currently stands at around $80,000,it is not an exaggeration to say that the dream of home ownership is now beyond the grasp of the vast majority of todays people who rent.

  G)For generations,the stability and prosperity of the American middle class has been anchored by home ownership.Studies have consistently shown that the value of land has overtaken overall income growth,thus providing a huge advantage to property owners as a vehicle of wealth building.When home prices soar above the reach of most households,the gap between the rich and the poor dramatically increases.

  H)If contributing factors leading to housing becoming less than affordable are not resolved over multiple generations,a small elite will control a vast share of the countrys total wealth.The result?A society where the threat of class warfare would loom large.A societys level of happiness is tied less to measures of quantitative wealth and more to measures of qualitative wealth.This means that how a person judges their security in comparison to their neighborshas more of an impact on their happiness than their objective standard of living.At the same time,when a system no longer provides opportunities for the majority to participate in wealth building,it not only robs those who are excluded from opportunities,but also deprives them of their dignity.

  I) San Francisco and the Bay Area have long been committed to values which embrace inclusion and rejection of mainstream culture.To see these values coming apart so publicly adds insult to injury for a region once defined by its progressive social fabric.In the face of resentment,it is human to want revenge.But deteriorating policies such as heavily taxing technology companies or real estate developers are not likely to shift the balance.

  J)The housing crisis is caused by two primary factors:the growing desirability of the Bay Area as a place to live due to its excellent economy,and our limited housing stock.Although the city is experiencing an unprecedented boom in new housing,more units are sorely needed.Protection policies were originally designed to suppress bad development and boost historic preservation in our urban areas.Now,too many developers are experiencing excessive delays.Meanwhile,there are the land limitations of the Bay Area to consider.The region is surrounded by water and mountains.Local governments need to aid development as well.This means increasing housing density throughout the region and building upwards while streamlining the approval process.

  K)Real estate alone will not solve the problem,of course.Transportation,too,needs to be updated and infrastructure extended to link distant regions to Silicon Valley and the city.We need to build an effective high-speed commuting system linking the high-priced and crowded Bay Area with the low-priced and low- density Central Valley.This would dramatically reduce travel times.And based on the operating speeds of hovering trains used in countries such as Japan or Spain,high-speed rail could shorten the time to travel between San Francisco and Californias capital,Sacramento,or from Stockton to San Jose,to under 30 minutes.This system would bring once distant regions within reasonable commute to heavy job centers. The city also needs to existing transportation routes combined with smart home-building policies that dramatically increase housing density in areas surrounding high-speed rail stations.By doing so,we will be able to build affordable housing within acceptable commuting distances for a significant bulk of the workforce.

  L)Our threatening housing crisis forces the difficult question of what type of society we would like to be.Will it be one where the elite command the vast bulk of wealth and regional culture is defined by an aggressive business world?We were recently treated to a taste of the latter,when local tech employee Justin Keller wrote an open letter to the city complaining about having to see homeless people on his way to work.

  M)It doesnt have to be this way.But solutions need to be implemented now,before angry crowds grow from a nuisance to serious concern.It may take less than you might think.And in fact,the solutions to our housing crisis are already fairly clear.We need to increase the density of housing units.We need to use existing technology to shorten travel times and break the land limits.There is a way to solve complex social and economic problems without abandoning social responsibility.This is the Bay Areas opportunity to prove that it can innovate more than just technology.

  36.San Francisco city government offered tax benefits to attract tech companies to establish operations in a less developed area.

  37.The fast rise in the prices of land and houses increases the economic inequality among people.

  38.San Francisco has been found to have the biggest income gap in California between the rich and the poor.

  39.The higher rate of employment,combined with limited housing supply,did not make it any easier to buy a bouse.

  40.When people compare their own living standard with others,it has a greater impact on their sense of contentment.

  41.Improved transport networks connecting the city to distant outlying areas will also help solve the housing crisis.

  42.Average incomes in the Bay Area make it virtually impossible for most tenant families to buy a home.

  43.Innovative solutions to social and economic problems should be introduced before it is too late.

  44.Residents of the San Francisco Bay Area strongly resent the tech industry because of the economic inequality it has contributed to.

  45.One way to deal with the housing crisis is for the government to simplify approval procedures for housing projects.

  Section C

  Directions:There are 2 passages in this section.Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements.For each of them there are four choices marked A),B),C)and D).You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 2 with a single line through the centre.

  Passage One

  Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.

  The suggestion that people should aim for dietary diversity by trying to eat a variety of foods has been a basic public health recommendation for decades in the United States and elsewhere.Now,however,experts are warning that aiming for a diverse diet may actually lead to just eating more calories,and,thus,to obesity.One issue is that people may not interpret "variety"the way nutritionists intend.This problem is highlighted by new research conducted by the American Heart Association.Researchers reviewed all the evidence published related to dietary diversity and saw a correlation between dietary diversity and a greater intake of both healthy and unhealthy foods.This had implications for obesity,as researchers found a greater prevalence of obesity amongst people with a greater dietary diversity.

  One author of the new study explained that their findings contradict standard dietary advice,as most dietary guidelines around the world include a statement of eating a variety of foods.But this advice does not seem to be supported by science,possibly because there is little agreement about the meaning of “dietary diversity,”which is not clearly and consistently defined.Some experts measure dietary diversity by counting the number of food groups eaten,while others look at the distribution of calories across individual foods,and still others measure how different the foods eaten are from each other.

  Although the findings of this new study contradict standard dietary advice,they do not come as a surprise to all of the researchers involved.Dr.Rao,one of the study authors,noted that,after 20 years of experience in the field of obesity,he has observed that people who have a regimented lifestyle and diet tend to be thinner and healthier than people with a wide variety of consumption.This anecdotal evidence matches the conclusions of the study,which found no evidence that dietary diversity promotes healthy body weight or optimal eating patterns, and limited evidence shows that eating a variety of foods is actually associated with consuming more calories, poor eating patterns and weight gain.Further,there is some evidence that a greater variety of food options in a single meal may delay peoples feeling of fullness and actually increase how much they eat.

  Based on their findings,the researchers endorse a diet consisting of a limited number of healthy foods such as vegetables,fruits,grains,and poultry.They also recommend that people simultaneously endeavor to restrict consumption of sweets,sugar and red meat.The researchers stress,however,that their dietary recommendations do not imply dietary diversity is never positive,and that,in the past,diversity in diets of whole,unprocessed food may have actually been very beneficial.

  46.What has been a standard piece of dietary advice for decades?

  A)People should diversify what they eat.

  B)People should have a well-balanced diet.

  C)People should cultivate a healthy eating habit.

  D)People should limit calorie intake to avoid obesity.

  47.What did the new research by the American Heart Association find?

  A)Unhealthy food makes people gain weight more easily.

  B)Dietary diversity is positively related to good health.

  C)People seeking dietary diversity tend to eat more.

  D)Big eaters are more likely to become overweight.

  48.What could help to explain the contradiction between the new findings and the common public health recommendation?

  A)There is little consensus on the definition of dietary diversity.

  B)The methods researchers use to measure nutrition vary greatly.

  C)Conventional wisdom about diet is seldom supported by science.

  D)Most dietary guidelines around the world contradict one another.

  49.What did Dr.Rao find after 20 years of research on obesity?

  A)There is no clear definition of optimal eating patterns.

  B)Diversified food intake may not contribute to health.

  C)Eating patterns and weight gain go hand in hand.

  D)Dietary diversity promotes healthy body weight.

  50.What does the passage say about people who eat a great variety of food?

  A)They are more likely to eat foods beneficial to their health.

  B)They dont have any problems getting sufficient nutrition.

  C)They dont feel they have had enough until they overeat.

  D)They tend to consume more sweets,sugar and red meat.

  Passage Two

  Questions 51 to 55 are based on the following passage.

  The ability to make inferences from same and different,once thought to be unique to humans,is viewed as a cornerstone of abstract intelligent thought.A new study,however,has shown that what psychologists call same- different discrimination is present in creatures generally seen as unintelligent:newborn ducklings(小鸭) .

  The study,published Thursday in Science,challenges our idea of what it means to have a birdbrain,said Edward Wasserman,an experimental psychologist at the University of lowa who wrote an independent review of the study

  “In fact,birds are extremely intelligent and our problem pretty much lies in figuring out how to get them to talkto us,or tell us how smart they really are,"he said.

  Antone Martinho and Alex Kacelnik,co-authors of the new paper,devised a clever experiment to better test bird intelligence

  First,they took 1-day-old ducklings and exposed them to a pair of moving objects.The two objects were either the same or different in shape or color.Then they exposed each duckling to two entirely new pairs of moving objects.

  The researchers found that about 70%of the ducklings preferred to move toward the pair of objects that had the same shape or color relationship as the first objects they saw.A duckling that was first shown two green spheres,in other words,was more likely to move toward a pair of blue spheres than a mismatched pair of orange and purple spheres.

  Ducklings go through a rapid learning process called imprinting shortly after birth—its what allows them to identify and follow their mothers.

  These findings suggest that ducklings use abstract relationships between sensory inputs like color,shape, sounds and odor to recognize their mothers,said Dr.Kacelnik.

  By studying imprinting,the authors of this study have shown for the first time that an animal can learn relationships between concepts without training,said Jeffrey Katz,an experimental psychologist at Auburn University who was not involved in the study.

  Previous studies have suggested that other animals,including pigeons,dolphins,honeybees and some primates (灵长类动物) ,can discern same from different,but only after extensive training.

  Adding ducklings to the list—particularly untrained newborn ducklings-suggests that the ability to compare abstract concepts“is far more necessary to a wider variety of animalssurvival than we previously thought,”Dr.Martinho said.He believes the ability is so crucial because it helps animals consider context when identifying objects in their environment.

  Its clear from this study and others like it that “animals process and appreciate far more of the intricacies in their world than weve ever understood,"Dr.Wasserman said."We are in a revolutionary phase in terms of our ability to understand the minds of other animals.”

  51.In what way were humans thought to be unique?

  A)Being capable of same-different discrimination.

  B)Being able to distinguish abstract from concrete.

  C)Being a major source of animal intelligence.

  D)Being the cornerstone of the creative world.

  52.What do we learn from the study published in Science?

  A)Our understanding of the bird world was biased.

  B)Our communication with birds was far from adequate.

  C)Our knowledge about bird psychology needs updating.

  D)Our conception of birdsintelligence was wrong.

  53.What did the researchers discover about most ducklings from their experiment?

  A)They could associate shape with color.

  B)They could tell whether the objects were the same.

  C)They preferred colored objects to colorless ones.

  D)They reacted quickly to moving objects.

  54.What was novel about the experiment in the study reported in Science?

  A)The ducklings were compared with other animals.

  B)It was conducted by experimental psychologists.

  C)The animals used received no training.

  D)It used a number of colors and shapes.

  55.What do we learn from Dr.Wassermans comment on the study of animal minds at the end of the passage?

  A)Research methods are being updated.

  B)It is getting more and more intricate.

  C)It is attracting more public attention.

  D)Remarkable progress is being made.

  Part N Translation (30 minutes)

  Directions:For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to translate a passage fiom Chinese into English.You should write your answer on Answer Sheet 2.

  徐霞客是中国明代的著名地理学家。他花费了三十多年的时间游遍了大半个中国。他主要靠徒步 跋涉,寻访了许多荒远偏僻的地区。他把自己的.见闻和考察结果详细记录下来,为后人留下了珍贵的 考察资料。他通过对许多河流的实地调查,纠正了文献中关于水源的错误。他还详细地描述了地形、 气候等因素对植物的影响,生动地描绘了各地的名胜古迹和风土人情。他的考察记录由后人整理成了 《徐霞客游记》,在国内外产生了广泛的影响。




  Conversation one.

  ive just bought a new blender.

  Whats that a blender?

  A machine that blends food.

  the electric kitchen appliance, exactly.

  This one is state of the art. Ive been meaning to buy one for a while. I did thorough research on which specific model to get. I read through maybe hundreds of online user reviews. Anyway.

  its amazing really what could be so special about it. I its just a blender.

  Basically its just a very good one. It feels heavy and sturdy and well made. It also has lots of power and can easily cut and crush practically anything. This way. The soups and juices I make come out really fine and smooth with no lumpy bits.

  I see I have never thought of getting one myself. It sounds like the kind of thing that for me personally I would rarely use.

  Ive never had one before now that I do, I use it all the time. I make a fresh fruit juice in the morning, maybe not every morning but 3 or 4 times a week and it feels fantastic. Its a really healthy habit.

  I can imagine that must feel quite satisfying. I can picture you getting all creative in the kitchen and trying out a multitude of different ingredients. Its obviously going to be healthier than buying packaged juice from a supermarket.

  Its so much healthier. Its not even close did you know that store bought juice is like 10% sugar, right?

  Then you bought it for the health benefits, mostly yes.

  Basically, it allows me to have a more varied diet with a far wider assortment of nutrients, because its not only fruit in my morning juices. You see. I can also throw in vegetables, nuts, yogurt, cereals, anything that tickled my fancy.

  Questions. 1 to 4 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  Question 1, what does the man say he did before buying the blender?

  Question 2, what does the woman say she has never thought of doing?

  Question 3, what does the man say is a really healthy habit?

  Question 4, what do we learn about store bought juice from the conversation two?

  Today we have a very interesting guest, mister thomas benjamin grimm, the mayor of burkington is here to talk about his job and responsibilities overseeing this charming village. Mr. Grimm, thank you for being here.

  Thank you for having me.

  Id like to start by stating the obvious burketon has become one of the most popular tourist destinations in the country and this has happened under your watch. Just how did you achieve this?

  The achievements belongs to all the residents of burton. It was a shared effort where everybody pitched in for the communal good.

  But how did this change happen? In about 10 years, burkton has gone from a relatively unheard of sleepy village to a must see destination.

  Yes, the change has truly been remarkable. Burkton was always fortunate to be endowed with such a beautiful natural allure. The anbury hills above the village remain untouched by human development. The sonora valley just below it is equally stunning. The transformation commenced in a town hall meeting in spring 2008 over 10 years ago. Now when an overwhelming majority of neighbors voted in favor of motion, 836, this legislative proposal essentially set out to harmonize the aesthetic appearance of all the houses in berkton. The idea was that if all the properties looked a certain way with shared design features, then the village as a whole would look more beautiful. It worked, it certainly did.

  Im looking now at a before and after photo and the change is truly remarkable. Its hard to believe its the same place. How do the neighbours feel now? Great pride.

  I would say.

  But what about the multitudes of visitors now crowding the streets? Is everyone happy about that?

  The tourists we receive are a blessing as they have completely revitalized our local economy. Every visitor is warmly welcome.

  Questions 5 to 8 are based on the conversation you have just heard.

  Question 5, what is the question the woman asked mister grimm after the introduction?

  Question 6, what do we learn about burkton of 10 years ago?

  Question 7, what resulted from the passing of the legislative proposal motion 836.

  Question 8, why does the man say the tourists are a blessing to bergen? Passage one,

  researchers in the us have created a remote controlled robot that is so small. It can walk on the top of aus penny in research published in the journal science, robotics. A team at northwestern university said the crab like robot is 0.5 millimeters wide. Researchers described it as the smallest ever remote controlled walking robot. The tiny robot can bend, twist, crawl, walk, turn and even jump without the use of complex hardware or special power. The engineers said this is because the robot is powered by the elastic property of its body. To construct the robot, the researchers used a shape memory alloy material that transforms to its remembered shape when heated using a laser, the team is able to heat the robot at specific parts of its body, causing it to change shape as the robot deforms and goes back to its original shape. It creates movement from one place to another, because these structures are so tiny, the rate of cooling is very fast. Project lee, professor john a rogers said, in fact, reducing the sizes of these robots allows them to run faster. While the research is still in the exploratory phase, the team believes that technology could lead to micro sized robots that can perform practical tasks. In tightly confined spaces, you might imagine micro robots as agents to repair or assemble small structures or machines in industry or a surgical assistance to clear clogged arteries to stop internal bleeding or to eliminate cancerous tumors all in minimally invasive procedures. Rogers said.

  Questions 9 to 11 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  Question 9, what does the passage say about a team of researchers at northwestern university?

  Question 10, what did the researchers say about the robot they created?

  Question 11, what do the researchers expect their robots to do in the future?

  Passage two, I dont want to boast or anything, but I have always considered myself something of an elite sleeper given the opportunity, I will sleep for marathon stretches and condose through the most extreme situations on one very rough ferry crossing on the route to the isles of silly. For example, my traveling companion spent the entire 3 hour ride throwing up in the bathroom while I dozed happily on a plastic chair. Unfortunately, it has come to my attention that I am not an elite sleeper. After all. It seems I am just lazy because elite sleepers are defined as the approximately 3% of the population who are biologically programmed to need less sleep than the rest of us. According to a study that came out in march, elite sleepers have rare genetic changes, which means they can sleep fewer hours than mere mortals without any risk of cognitive decline, it may not be possible to change your own genes, but can you train yourself to need less sleep? Is there a non biological way to reach elite sleeper status? I have spent the past year trying to answer that question, not for fun, I should add because having a baby has severely disrupted my sleep for which I still have a great passion for a while. I assumed id be forced to become one of those people who jump out of bed at the crack of dawn. After a year of tough scientific study, however, I have discovered being forced to get up early in the morning is very different from being an early bird.

  Questions 12 to 15 are based on the passage you have just heard.

  Question 12. What does the speaker say she did on her ride to the isles of silly

  Question 13. What do we learn from the passage about elite sleepers?

  Question 14, what has the speaker been trying to find out over the past year?

  Question 15, what has the speaker discovered after a year of tough scientific study?

  Recording one if you read an article about a controversial issue, do you think youd realize if it had changed your beliefs? No one knows your own mind like you do. It seems obvious that you would know if your beliefs had shifted. And yet a new paper in the quarterly journal of experimental psychology suggests that we actually have very poor awareness of our own belief change, meaning that we will tend to underestimate how much weve been swayed. By a convincing article, the researchers recruited over 200 undergraduates across two studies and focused on their beliefs about whether physical punishment of kids is an effective form of discipline. The students reported their initial beliefs about whether physical punishment is an effective way to discipline a child on a scale from one completely disbelief to nine completely believe. Several weeks later, they were given one of two research based text to read. Each was several pages long and either presented the arguments and data in favor of physical punishments or against it. After this, the students answered some questions to test their comprehension and memory of the text. Then the students again scored their belief in whether physical punishment is effective or not. Finally, the researchers asked them to recall what their belief had been at the start of the study. The students belief about physical punishment changed when they read a text that argued against their own initial position. Crucially, the memory of their initial belief was shifted in the direction of their new belief. In fact, their memory was closer to their current belief than their original belief. The more their belief had changed, the larger this memory bias tended to be suggesting the students were relying on their current belief to deduce their initial belief, the memory bias was unrelated to the measures of how well theyd understood or recalled the text, suggesting these factors didnt play a role in memory of initial belief or awareness of belief change. The researchers concede that this research was about changes to mostly moderate beliefs. Its likely the findings would be different in the context of changes to extreme or deeply held beliefs. However, our beliefs on most topics are in the moderate range. And as we go about our daily lives reading informative material, these intriguing findings suggest we are mostly ignorance of what we just read has updated and altered our own position. Questions.

  16 to 18 are based on the recording you have just heard.

  Question 16. What does a new paper in the quarterly journal of experimental psychology suggest?

  Question 17, what happened when the students read a text that argued against their own initial position?

  Question 18, what did the researchers concede concerning their findings according to as the american population grows?

  So does the number of american moms recording to as the american population grows? So does the number of american moms, but more than a century after mothers day became an official holiday. Even as that number increases, the share of the american population who are mothers is at the lowest point in 1/4 century. Its frequently noted that fertility rates are falling sharply in richer countries, but the less observed consequence of this trend is that a decline in births can also mean a decline in motherhood in general. According to my analysis of data from the census bureau, the decline of american motherhood is real occurring very quickly and may continue for some time yet. Not only are moms making up less of the population, but their characteristics are changing too. And in a way that might be linked to their proportional decline, moms today tend to be older than in the past. Just looking at recent years, the change in age specific birth rates has been drastic. In just the past few years, the peak childbearing age range for american women has advanced from that of 25 to 29 that To 34. Meanwhile childbearing among women under 20 has fallen by half or more. While childbearing among women 35 and older is rising. One positive consequence of this age shift is that a larger proportion of new mothers are economically prepared to raise children less positively. However, many women find that as they age, they cant have as many kids as they would like. Plus having children later in life can increase the risk of health complications. These finer points aside, one major consequence of the older moms trend is that fewer years of a womans life are spent as a mother. This means that at any given time, a larger share of women and thus of the whole population will report not having children in government surveys. In other words, later motherhood means less motherhood, even as motherhood rates decline, mothers day will endure. In fact, despite the demographic shift, retail spending on the holiday appears to be rising. It is hard to say if mothers day spending is rising more than one would expect, given that the american population keeps growing. But one factor might be that the proportion of women who are the mothers of adult children is rising. Those adult children may spend more generously when it comes to celebrating the moms. They no longer live with.

  Questions, 19 to 21 are based on the recording. You have just heard.

  Question 19. What does the speaker conclude from her analysis of the census bureaus data?

  Question 20. What does the speaker say is a positive consequence of the age shift in childbearing?

  Question 21. What might be one explanation for the rise in retail spending on mothers day?

  Recording three. Since nasa published a paper in 1989, claiming that house plants can soak up pollution and toxic chemicals, businesses and homeowners have increasingly invested in greenery to help clean their air. But a new analysis suggests it could actually take more than 1,000 plants per square meter to gain a benefit any greater than simply opening a couple of windows. The problem lies in the fact that NASA conducted their tests in sealed containers that do not simulate the conditions in most peoples homes or offices. The space agency was primarily concerned about keeping the air fresh for astronauts cut off in biosphere or space stations and helping to combat sick building syndrome, which had become a problem due to the super insulated and energy efficient officers of the late 1970s. By the early 1980s, workers regularly complained of skin rashes, sleepiness, headaches and allergies as they breathed in toxic chemicals from paints and plastics. Nasa found that certain plants could remove chemicals from the air. And even today, garden centers recommend the plants for air cleaning properties. However, a new evaluation of dozens of studies spanning 30 years found that house plants in a normal environment have little impact. In fact, natural ventilation is far better at cleaning the air. The researchers also calculated the clean air delivery rates for plants in the studies they analyzed and found that the rate at which plants dispersed the compounds was well below the usual rates of air exchange in a normal building caused by the movements of people coming and going opening doors and windows. Many of the studies did show a reduction in the concentration of volatile organic compounds over time, which is likely why people have seized on them to praise the air purifying virtues of plants. But the researchers calculation showed it would take 10 to 1,000 plants per square meter of floor space to compete with the air cleaning capacity of a buildings, air handling system, or even just a couple of open windows in a house. In contrast, NASA sealed experiment recommended one pot plants per 100 square feet. This is certainly an example of how scientific findings can be misleading or misinterpreted over time. But its also a great example of how scientific research should continually re examine and question findings to get closer to the ground truth of understanding whats actually happening.

  Questions 22 to 25 are based on the recording. You have just heard question 22. What does nas as 1989 paper? Claim house plants can do.

  Question 23. What is said to be the problem with nas as study reported in its 1989 paper?

  Question 24. What is the finding of a new evaluation of dozens of studies spanning 30 years?

  Question 25. What does NASA sealed experiment recommendation exemplify in scientists pursuit of truth?



  Fans have enjoyed great popularity among Chinese sinceancient times.However,now they are regarded less as toolsof relievingheat andkeeping cool but more as art works forpeople to appreciate.Many fans feature graceful design andfine workmanship as well as exquisite pictures of landscape,flowers,birdsand figures,with superb artistic value.Manyfamous Chinese painters and calligraphers prefer to havepoems or paintings on the fans to demonstrate their artistictaste.Fans are often given to others as gifts to express ourgood wishes and sincere feelings.Nowadays,the practicalfunctions of fans have considerable decreased,but theystillplay a significant role in traditional Chinese culture as a cul-tural symbol and artistic form.



  There isa growing awarenessof the importance of digital lit-eracy and skills in todays world.Some believe that digitalliteracy is the key to success,while others argue that it is notcompulsory for everyone to learn.Personally,I find theformer view more reasonable.

  Firstly,digitat literacy is crucial for students in todays world.It enables students to develop critical thinking and prob-lem-solving skills,preparing them for future careers in atechnology-driven society.Secondly,digital skills are essen-tial for success in the modern workplace.Employers increas-ingly require employees who can utilize technology tostreamlineprocesses,analyze data,and solve problems.Forinstance,the ability to use software applications such as Mi-crosoft Office or data analysis tools like Excel can greatly en-hance ones productivity and employability.Lastly,digital lit-eracy is invaluable in daily life.From managing personalfinances online to accessing information and services,digi-tal skills are essential for navigating the digitalworld.

  In conclusion,digital literacy and skills are of paramount im-portance in todays world.As technology continues toevolve,it is crucial that we invest in developing digital litera-cy skillsto navigate and thrive in the digital age.









