
时间:2021-02-02 09:31:15 试题 我要投稿


  一、 单项选择

  1. Jim usually ____ home at 5 o’clock every afternoon.

  A.reaches B. gets to C. arrives in D. arrives at

  2. Lucy knew nothing about it ____ her mother told her.

  A. because B. until C. if D. since

  3. Hawaii is famous ____ its beautiful beaches.

  A. to B. as C. for D. at

  4. There are ___ in the sky at night when the weather is fine.

  A. million stars B. million of stars

  C. millions of stars D. millions of star

  5. Though Mike meets great trouble in English, I believe he can ____it _____because he is always hard-working.

  A. turn; over B. get; over C. take; over D. look; over

  二、 完形填空

  In the old days,in London,the smog was very thick. Car and bus drivers 1 to drive very slowly they could 2 see the.road in front of them even during the daytime. People did not like going out in the smog. 3 they had to go out,they wore smog masks over their faces.

  In December 1952,a very, 4 dark cloud came down over.London.It was the 5 smog Londoners had ever had. 6 of it was bad factory smoke. Nearly fifty people died in road accidents. But many more people became unhealthy.The smog was very 7 for old people and children.One man said,“The streets were almost 8 because people stayed at home as much as possible.The air was very thick,and you could almost cut it with a knife.”

  After three weeks,the smog began to 9.But in the following weeks and months,over 4000 people died as a 10 of the smog.

  ( )1 A.hurried  B.stayed  C. had  D.minded

  ( )2. A.already  B.easily   C.luckily  D. hardly

  ( )3 A.If   B.So   C.Though  D.Whether

  ( )4. A.thin   B.thick   C.light  D.clear

  ( )5. A.furthest  B.hottest  C.worst  D.nicest

  ( )6. A. Much  B.Many   C.Few  D. A few

  ( )7. A. quiet  B.dangerous  C.favorite  D.weak

  ( )8. A.busy  B.empty   C.enjoyable D.dirty

  ( )9. A.arrive  B.shine   C.forget  D.lift

  ( )10. A.beginning B.part   C.usual  D.result


  一、 单项选择

  1. A 答案:本题考查动词的用法。四个选项都有到达的意思,但此时,home是副词,不能跟在介词

  后,所以不能选BCD。如果是get home,或是arrive home都是可以的。

  2. B 答案:本题考查状语从句的引导词,until是直到的意思。前句中有Nothing,其实可以把本句当做


  3. C 答案:本题考查短语用法,be famous for因......而出名,是固定用法。

  4. C 答案:本题考查量词的用法,在英文中量词是没有单复数的,比如说2000,应该是two

  thousand。但有一个用法是thousands of 表示成千上万的意思,是概数,类似的',hundred,

  million都有类似的用法。本题中用millions of 表示成百上千万的。Of后如果是棵树名词的话应该是复


  5. B 解析:本题考查动词词组,这属于比较难的英语题型了,中考会出现。Turn over意思是翻转,

  get over有克服(困难...)的意思,take over意思是接替,接管,look over 有审阅,查看的意思。B


  二、 完形填空

  1. C 解析:have to有‘不得不’的意思,由于雾厚,所以司机们是不得不开的很慢。

  2. D 解析:hardly是几乎不的意思,这事一个半否定的词。这个词是小升初常考词,常在反义疑问句


  3. A 解析:本题考查状语从句连词的用法,if表示如果,引导条件状语从句。

  4. B 解析:本题考查上下文,从下文可以推断出本题讲的是一场很严重的雾,应该选thick.

  5. C 解析:worst是bad的最高级,表示最严重的。

  6. A 解析:smog是不可数名词。Much可以修饰不可数名词。

  7. B 解析:上句提到很多人变得不健康,可以推出雾是很危险的。

  8. B 解析:下文中提到人们都尽量呆在家里,说明街道应该是空的。

  9. D 解析:本题考查动词意义,lift有(云雾等)消散,停止的意思。如果对这个意思不了解,也完全可


  10.D 解析:as a result of...由于......的结果。









