
时间:2022-02-28 13:14:27 好文 我要投稿


  This post from Tami Rosen, Vice President of People at Quora, originally appeared on Quora as an answer to the question, "How do you determine if you are in the right job or not?"

  本文作者是Quora网站的人事副总裁Tami Rosen,最初发布在Quora网站上以回答提问者“你怎么知道这份工作是否适合自己?”的问题当中。

  There are 8 questions she suggests you ask yourself to determine if a job is the right fit for you.


  Some questions include, "How motivated are you to go to work every day?" "Is the work challenging?" and "Am I learning and growing?"


  A mentor once told me that a quick way to know if you are in the right job is to count the number of good and bad days that you have at your current job.


  If the good days outweigh the bad days by a long shot, they you are probably in the right place.


  While I like that as a quick test, it does not get at the heart of the matter. Is this the right job for me now and in the future. I think it takes time, introspection, and willingness to ask yourself difficult questions to know if you are in the right job. Some people fall into the job that they are in by chance and some people intend to do what we are doing. Either way, you may or may not be in the right job for you.


  Here are a few suggested questions that you can ask yourself to help evaluate your current job and if it is right for you. Be honest with your answers and patient as you may not be able to answer everything right away.


  1. How motivated are you to go to work everyday?

  1. 你每天去上班的动力有多大?

  2. Am I passionate about the work I am doing?


  3. Do I feel I can make an impact?

  3. 我能制造影响吗?

  4. Is the work challenging?

  4. 工作是否具有挑战性?

  5. Am I learning and growing?

  5. 我是否正在学习和进步?

  6. Do I aspire to take on more responsibility and/or be my manager one day?

  6. 我想不想承担更多的责任或者有一天充当管理者?

  7. Do I enjoy working with the people on my team and at my company?

  7. 我是否喜欢与团队及公司其他同事一起工作?

  8. Do I align with the values at the company?

  8. 我的'价值观与公司的价值观一致?

  Questions 1, 2 & 3 help you assess if you are enjoying the work and feel you are accomplishing something.


  Questions 4, 5 and 6 give you a sense if there is a future for you at the company and whether you aspire to invest the time to get there.


  Questions 7 & 8 help you see if you are a fit for the team and the company. It is important that you feel comfortable to bring your whole self to work. Not enjoying the team you are on or feeling friction with company values can be a sign that this is not the right place for you. The more someone feels comfortable in their work environment, the more they can contribute and have impact.


  After you go through this exercise of self reflection, it can be helpful to check in with a mentor or someone that knows you well like a friend or family member. They can offer different perspectives or help remove a blind spot for you.











