
时间:2024-10-14 10:04:07 王娟 好文 我要投稿




  英语小故事 1

  The Bank of france.Now the young Sarto was unemployed and had fifty-one job rejection,when his fifty-second job rejection to go out,find a needle head of the bank on the doorstep,he bent down to pick it up.

  The second day,he received a notification of the bank.

  Originally,he squatted down to pick up the needle scene is just the banks chairman saw.The chairman believes that the bank engaged in work,are in need of such spirit of Rafael Sarto.

  Maybe he is not a lucky million,but you can guarantee this luck will not come upon you?I believe the success of him,including the Bank of France and finally become the king.He is not only because of his good luck,but the key is that he fully prepared.It is not a temporary move his needle,and he should be good to follow up the details of an attitude.That is to say,if you know the details of the implementation details of the Rafael Sarto spirit you have found the details,dont you succeed?





  英语小故事 2

  One day,a fox saw a crow sitting in a tree.The crow had a piece of cheese in her beak,and she sat in the tree to eat it.The fox thought,“I want that cheese,” and then hr thought of way to get it.

  The fox walked to the foot of the tree and said,“Hello,Miss Crow.You look beautiful today.”

  “Ready?” thought the crow while she looked down at the fox.

  The fox said,“Your feathers are so colorful and your eyes are so bright.But birds are not only beautiful to look at.They are also beautiful to listen to.”

  “Miss Crow,your voice is more beautiful than any other birds,” the fox said.“Please sing for me,and I will call you the Queen of birds.”

  The crow smiled and lifted her head.She began to sing,but when she opened her beak,the cheese dropped to the ground.

  The fox quickly ate it.“Your voice is wonderful,” he said,“but you are not very smart.” You gave me your cheese,so I will give you some advice: never trust anyone who flatters you.”









  英语小故事 3


  Hello!I am an envelope."Whew!"I am very tired because I made a long trip.How long was my trip?Let me tell you!Two days ago,a little girl wrote a letter to her grandmother.She folded the letter up and put it inside of me."Lick my flap and smooth me out!"


  Then,she put a sticky picture on me and wrote something on me!"Don’t I look fancy?"She put me into a box."Ooh!It is really dark in here!"In the box,I met other envelopes.Some envelopes were smaller than me.Other envelopes were larger than me."They are going all over the world!"


  Suddenly,the door of the box opened.All of us were put into a big sack."Whee!Now,we are all going for a ride."I peeked out of the bag.We were getting on a big plane!When we landed,the bag was opened,again.Someone put me into a mail sorter."Oh,machines!"A kind woman picked me up."Good-bye!Good-bye!"


  Then,we walked down the street,together."Hey!Whose house is this?"Finally,I was at Grandmother’s house!"Time to open me up.Ouch,be careful!"Grandmother is very happy to see me.I am happy,too.I have a cozy,new home,now!

  英语小故事 4

  The Way to a Man’s Heart…

  He was her university teacher.He was smart,confident,and had a great sense of humor.And he was rather good-looking,too.The fact was,she had fallen in love with him.She sensed that he might like her.She had caught him looking at her more than once.What to do?

  At the end of the semester,she waited till all the other students had left.She said she had a gift for him.He said that was very nice of her.Then he looked around for a wrapped package.Where was the gift,he asked.She said it was still at the store.She would pick him up and take him there that Saturday,if that was okay with him.

  She picked him up at the Starbucks near his apartment.He was enjoying the mystery.He asked her: Was it an alarm clock so that he wouldn’t be late for class?Was it teaching materials,like markers and erasers?A new briefcase?An extra ink cartridge for his computer for when he printedhandouts?She said that she couldn’t comment.

  They got to the mall and went into Nordstrom’s.“I hope it isn’t a suit,” he joked.“I never wear suits.”

  “No,it isn’t.But it’s something that you always wear with a suit.”

  “A tie?Why would I wear a tie if I never wear suits?”

  “Not a tie,silly,” she said,as they walked into the shoe department.She had noticed that he always wore the same pair of shoes in class.She had guessed that he wore size 11,and had picked out a nice two-tone casual model by Clark.She hoped that he would like the shoes as much as she did.The shoes fit perfectly,and he did like them.When they left the store,he offered her his hand,and they walked out to her car hand in hand.She was tingling.“Let me at least buy you dinner,” he suggested as they got into her car.

  英语小故事 5

  What Animals are the sea?There are all kinds of animals in the sea.Look!They are coming.This is an octopus.The octopus is spraying ink.This is a shark.The shark has sharp teeth.This is a whale.The whale shoots water into the air.This is a sea turtle.The sea turtle has a hard shell.

  These are starfishes.The starfishes have five legs.These are angelfishes.The angelfishes have beautiful colors.This is a lobster.The lobster has strong claws.This is a jellyfish.The jellyfish has a soft body.They are different.But all of them live in the sea.

  英语小故事 6

  She loves the circus.The circus has elephants.Elephants are so big.The circus has tigers.Tigers are so pretty.The circus has clowns.Clowns are funny.

  They drive funny cars.They wear funny costumes.They have funny faces.They make her laugh.The circus is in town this week.She tells her dad and her mom.


  英语小故事 7

  It was time for a haircut.Lenny didn’t even have to look in the mirror.Even though he was going bald,he knew that he needed to cut his hair every two weeks.

  He had a "tongue" of hair on the top of his head.His hair was thinning at the crown.He still had plenty of hair on the sides and back.It was what they call "salt and pepper," a mixture of gray hair and dark brown hair.

  It was only a few years,he figured,until the salt and pepper became just salt.He never let his hair grow for more than two weeks.The longer it got,the worse it looked,he thought.

  He spread a newspaper over the bathroom sink so that no hair went down the drain.He plugged in the clippers and started cutting his hair.He started at the back of his head,went to the sides,and finished on the top.Every minute or so,he had to clean the hair out of the blades with an old toothbrush.

  Finished,he picked up a hand mirror to check out the back of his head.Everything looked okay.He carried the newspaper back out to the kitchen and shook the hair clippings into the trash can.

  Then he took a shower.

  英语小故事 8

  Jupiter granted beards to the She-Goats at their own request,much to the disgust of the he-Goats,who considered this to be an unwarrantable invasion of their rights and dignities.

  So they sent a deputation to him to protest against his action.He,however,advised them not to raise any objections."Whats in a tuft of hair?" said he."Let them have it if they want it.They can never be a match for you in strength."


  英语小故事 9

  An ox,grazing in a swampy(沼泽的) meadow,chanced to set his foot among a parcel of young frogs,and crushed nearly the whole brood to death.

  One that escaped ran off to his mother with the dreadful news."Oh,mother!" said he,"It was a beast - such a big four footed beast!That did it." "Big?" quoth the old frog,"How big?Was it as big" -- and she puffed herself out to a great degree- "as big as this?" "Oh!" said the little one,"a great deal bigger than that." "well,was it so big?" and she swelled herself out yet mere."Indeed,mother,but it was,and of you were to burst yourself you would never reach half its size." Provoked at such a disparagement of her powers,the old frog made one more trial,and burst herself indeed.

  So men are ruined by attempting greatness to which they have no claim.

  英语小故事 10

  it is said that there was a goodness man went broke his domain.he lived a hard life and he has three daughters.the three daughters were being married but he didnt have money to buy dower for his daughters.on the happy chrismas eve three girls went to bed early.

  they didnt know that their father was so worried.at last the chrismas father decided to help them.he besprinkled gold through the stack and the gold fell into the socks of the mans daughters.they lived a happy life from then on...chrismas socks was origined by this.

  英语小故事 11

  A wild boar was sharpening his tusks against a tree one day when a fox came by.

  "What are you doing that for?" asked the fox."There are no hunters around.Everything looks very peaceful to me."

  "Quite true,"said the boar,"but when the hunter does e with his dogs I shall be too busy running away to have time for this.So let me sharpen my tusks while I can."

  Be prepared.

  英语小故事 12

  As was the common practice with the gods of Olympus,Zeus and Hermes were visiting the world in disguise.One day they came to a village.At a thousand house sthey knocked,and a thousand times they were refused rest and food and drink.At last they arrived at a humble cottage,where the old couple Baucis and her husband Philemon lived.Poor but at peace with world,they made the best of what life could offer them,and felt truly grateful to the gods above.When the two travellers entered the hut,the old couple were glad with lively happiness.They offered their guests their best seat,and immediately set about preparing dinner for them.With no small difficulty they made fire,brought in a fresh cabbage,cut a fat piece of their long kept meat and put them over the fire to cook.The one single goose they were ready to kill for the visitors,but it was saved at the last minute by the guests.The dining bench was a makeshift,poor and patched but the best they had.

  The table was supported by a brick.The feast was quite modest,eggs and wine and cot tage cheese,and a variety of newly pickedfruit.The old couple humbly waited on the visiting guests withsincere looks and eager goodwill.Moved at the hospitality ofthe house,the gods told their true identity.“We are gods”,saidZeus.“While the neigh bour hood pays the penalty for itswickedness you shall be free from misfortune.Coming along with us”.When they were near the top of the hill,Bancis and Phile mon looked back and saw all the village below covered by amarsh,and that among the general ruin and destruction their old cottage alone survived,changed into a grand temple.At their request they were made the guardians of the sacred place of Zeus.When their span of worldly life came to an end they were turned into an ash and linden,standing side by side in front of the temple.

  英语小故事 13

  A guy goes to visit his grandma and he brings his friend with him.一名男子带着朋友去探望他的祖母。

  While hes talking to his grandma,his friend starts eating the peanuts on the coffee table,and finishes them off.当他和祖母聊天时,他的朋友开始吃咖啡桌上放的'花生,并把花生都给吃光了。

  As theyre leaving,his friend says to his grandma,"Thanks for the peanuts."他们离开时,他的朋友对祖母说:"谢谢您的花生。"

  She says,"Yeah,since I lost my dentures I can only suck the chocolate off."结果祖母说:"唉!自从我牙齿掉光后,我就只能吮掉花生豆外层的巧克力了。

  英语小故事 14

  1The Dog In The Manger

  Once a dog was taking a nap in the manger of an ox.It was full of hay.But soon the ox came back from his work to the manger.He wanted to eat his own hay.Then the dog awoke,stood up and barked at the ox.The ox said to the dog,“Do you want to eat this hay,too?”

  “Of course not,” said the dog.

  “Then,go away and let me eat my own hay.”

  “Oh,no.You go away and let me sleep.” “What a selfish dog!He will neither eat the hay himself,nor let me eat it !” said the ox to himself.

  英语小故事 15

  A naval officer fell overboard.He was rescued by a deck hand.The officer asked how he could reward him.

  "The best way,sir," said the deck hand,"is to say nothing about it.If the other fellows knew I‘d pulled you out,they‘d chuck me in."



  英语搞笑小故事带翻译 英语小绘本故事带翻译 一分钟简单英语小故事 简短的幼儿英文小故事 超短英语小故事带翻译 小学英语小故事带翻译 简单英语小短文加翻译 英语简短小故事带翻译

  英语小故事 16

  A lady lost her handbag.It was found by an honest little boy and returned to her.Looking in her purse,she commented,"Hmmm....Thats funny.When I lost my bag there was a $20 bill in it.Now there are twenty $1 bills."

  The boy quickly replied,"Thats right,lady.The last time I found a ladys

  purse,she didnt have any change for a reward."



  英语小故事 17

  Who have a valuable antique vase?Barbecue When I was a child,I once went camping with my family in the summer.We decided to make a barbecue in the valley.So we collected some tree sticks to make a fire.My father asked me if I could try to make a fire.I was glad to take the job.Then I tried to set fire to the wood with a match,but produced only smoke.Then my father said,Thats not the right way.

  Ill show you how to do it.First use the small pieces of wood because they catch fire easily.Then put the larger ones on top of them.My father helped me make a big fire.

  英语小故事 18

  It’s very hot..An old man is asleep on the chair.A fly comes and sits on the end of the man’s nose.The old man has a naughty monkey.He chases the fly.

  The fly comes back again and sits on the old man’s nose again.The monkey chases it away again and again.This happens five or six times.The monkey is very angry.He jumps up, runs to the garden and picks up a large stone.When the fly sits on the old man’s nose again, the monkey hits it hard with the stone.He kills the fly and breaks the old man’s nose.

  英语小故事 19

  A pair of Oxen were drawing a heavily loaded wagon along the highway, and, as they tugged and strained at the yoke, the Axletrees creaked and groaned terribly.This was too much for the Oxen, who turned round indignantly and said, “Hullo, you there!Why do you make such a noise when we do all the work?”

  They complain most who suffer least.



  英语小故事 20

  A man who sold brooms went into a barber’s shop to get shaved.The barber brought one of his brooms.After he had shaved him, he asked for the price of the brooms.

  “Two pence,” said the man.

  “No, no,” said the barber.“I will give you a penny, and if you don’t think that is enough, you may take your broom back!”“

  The man took it and asked what he had to pay his shave.

  “A penny,” said the barber.“

  “I will give you a half penny, and if that is not enough, you may put my beard on again.”









