
时间:2022-06-25 10:45:18 板报大全 我要投稿
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  According to legend, one of the eight Lu Dongbin in spring in March, as an old man in West Lake to sell Glutinous Rice Balls. At this time Xu Xian happened to walk through a bowl, one careless, a Tangyuan rolling down West Lake, swallowed by the white snake. So the White Snake became a fairy, and turned into a man, and he was married to Xu Xian knot.



  This is a legend and Yuanxiao custom: Legend of Emperor Wudi of a courtier named dongfangshuo, he is kind and funny. One winter, snow the next few days, he went to the Imperial Garden to go to the emperor off plum. Just enter the gate, I found a maid prepare Kei tears. Dongfangshuo hurried forward to deliver, and asked the reason why she Dutch act. Originally, the maid named yuanxiao, there are parents and a younger sister at home. Since she entered the palace, she had not met her family again. Every year when the Spring Festival comes, I miss my family more than usual. Don't feel in front of filial parents, more than a dead. Dongfangshuo heard what happened to her, sympathy, he assured her, be sure to let her and family reunion.

  一天,东方朔出宫在长安的街上摆了一个占卜摊。不少人都争着向他占卜求卦。不料,每个人所占所求,都是“正月十六火焚身”的签语。一时之间,长安里起了很大恐慌。人们纷纷求问解灾的`办法。东方朔就说:“正月十三日傍晚,火神君会派一位赤衣神女下凡查访,她就是奉旨烧长安的使者,我把抄录的偈语给你们,可让当今天子想想办法。”说完,便扔下一张红帖,扬长而去。老百姓拿起红帖,赶紧送 到皇宫去禀报皇上。

  One day, out of his palace and set up a fortune telling stalls on the streets of Changan. Many people are scrambling to divination to him. Behold, every man of prayer, are "sign language on the sixteen fire burning". In the moment, there was a great panic in Changan. People are asking for a way to solve the disaster. Dongfangshuo said: "the evening of thirteen, Vulcan Jun will send a red clothed messenger goddess Xiafan visits, she is granted Changan burned, I put the transcript difference to you, can let the emperor think way." Then, he threw down a red post, left. People pick up the red tie, hurried to the palace to tell the emperor.

  汉武帝接过来一看,只见上面写着:“长安在劫,火焚帝阙,十五天火,焰红宵夜”,他心中大惊,连忙请来了足智多谋的东方朔。东方朔假意的想了一想,就说:“听说火神君最爱吃汤圆,宫中的元宵不是经常给你做汤圆吗?十五晚上可让元宵做好汤圆。万岁焚香上供,传令京都家家都做汤圆,一齐敬奉火神君。再传谕臣民一起在十五晚上挂灯,满城点鞭炮、放烟火,好像满城大火,这样就可以瞒过玉帝了。 此外,通知城外百姓,十五晚上进城观灯,杂在人群中消灾解难”。武帝听后,十分高兴,就传旨照东方朔的办法去做。

  The emperor took a look, see the top write: "Changan in the robbery, the fire Dique, fifteen fire, flame red night, his heart was shocked, hurriedly brought in dongfangshuo resourceful. After pondering for a, he said: "I heard the fire gods favorite palace lantern to Glutinous Rice Balls, you often do not Glutinous Rice Balls? Fifteen night can let Yuanxiao do Glutinous Rice Balls. Long live messenger Kyoto offer incense, everyone has done Glutinous Rice Balls, together to worship Vulcan Jun. Then had subjects together in fifteen night lights, Mancheng point firecrackers, fireworks, like Mancheng fire, so you can mess with the jade emperor. In addition, notice outside the city people, fifteen city night lights, mixed in the crowd disaster". The emperor after listen to very happy, just as, for his way to do.

  到了正月十五日长安城里张灯结彩,游人熙来攘往,热闹非常。宫女元宵的父母也带着妹妹进城观灯。当他们看到写有“元宵”字样的大宫灯时,惊喜的高喊:“元宵!元宵!”, 元宵听到喊声,终于和家里的亲人团聚了。

  To the fifteen day Changan city decorated, very lively visitors to the hustle and bustle of large crowds. The maid parents with a sister city guandeng. When they saw the words "palace lantern lamp", surprise shouted: "the Lantern Festival Lantern Festival Lantern Festival!!", heard the cry, and finally the family reunion.


  The city of Changan was safe and safe for a night so busy. The emperor ordered the wedding, after every fifteen month to do for the fifteen Glutinous Rice Balls Vulcan Jun, so the city lights fireworks. Because the Lantern Festival is the best soup, people call the dumpling called Lantern Festival. This day is called the Lantern Festival.



  Another legend is the Lantern Festival is the Han emperor to commemorate the "Ping Lu" and set up. The Han emperor after the death of Liu Bang, the son of lvhou reign of Han Emperor Liu Ying. Hui cowardly, irresolute and hesitant gradually fall in the hands of LV power, after the Han emperor died. After the court Liu Lu would become the world's world, veteran, Liu clan deeply indignation, but are afraid lvhou brutal and resentment. After lvhou illness, fear of being hurt and pushed the Libyans on tenterhooks. Then, a secret meeting at the general Lu: home, conspiracy insurrection things, to completely take over Liu jiangshan.


  This spread to Liu Liu clan room king Liu Nanger, Liu Bao Liu Jiangshan capsule is decided, qibingtaofa second and then founding veteran Zhou Bo, Chen Ping made contact, the lifting of the design Lu Lu, "chulu: Chaos" has finally been completely pacified. After the insurgency, Liu Bang made all his second sons Liu Heng ascended the throne, Emperor Wen said. Wen was not easily won the "a time of national peace and order, to quell the chaos chulu:" the fifteen day, as the capital of family and have fun with the citizens, to celebrate. Since then, the fifteen became a folk festival - "celebrate the Lantern festival".









