
时间:2023-03-25 08:53:24 情诗 我要投稿
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  1. YOU ALLOWED your kingly power to vanish, Shajahan, but your wish was to make imperishable a tear-drop of love.

  Time has no pity for the human heart, he laughs at its sad struggle to remember.

  You allured him with beauty, made him captive, and crowned the formless death with fadeless form.

  The secret whispered in the hush of night to the ear of your love is wrought in the perpetual silence of stone.

  Though empires crumble to dust, and centuries are lost in shadows, the marble still sighs to the stars, “I remember.”

  “I remember." - But life forgets, for she has her call to the Endless and she goes on her voyage unburdened, leaving her memories to the forlorn forms of beauty.











  (* 这个说的是印度国王纪悼王后的故事。)


  2。COME TO MY garden walk, my love. Pass by the fervid flowers that press themselves on your sight. Pass them by, stopping at some chance joy, that like a sudden wonder of sunset illumines, yet eludes.

  For love''s gift is shy, it never tells its name, it flits across the shade, spreading a shiver of joy along the dust. Overtake it or miss it for ever. But a gift that can be grasped is merely a frail flower, or a lamp with a flame that will flicker.





  3。THE FRUITS COME in crowds into my orchard, they jostle each other. They surge up in the light in an anguish of fullness.

  Proudly step into my orchard, my queen, sit there in the shade, pluck the ripe fruits from their stems, and let them yield, to the utmost, their burden of sweetness at your lips.

  In my orchard the butterflies shake their wings in the sun, the leaves tremble, the fruits clamour to come to completion.



  骄傲地来到我的花园啊, 我的王后,坐在那树荫里,摘下那些已然成熟的果子呀,让它们咿呀惊叫,不管它们如何叫得响亮,它们的重担--那甜蜜,只是为了你的柔唇而生的哦。



  4。SHE IS NEAR TO my heart as the meadow-flower to the earth; she is sweet to me as sleep is to tired limbs. My love for her is my life flowing in its fullness, like a river in autumn flood, running with serene abandonment.

  My songs are one with my love, like the murmur of a stream, that sings with all its waves and currents.





  5。I WOULD ASK for still more, if I had the sky with all its stars, and the world with its endless riches; but I would be content with the smallest corner of this earth if only she were mine.





  (* 特别喜欢诗圣泰戈尔深沉、细腻、充满哲思和宗教色彩、想像丰富的古典派散文诗,所以就翻译了一些;有人说他写的太简单,偶要说-那是因为你根本没有看懂。他的诗歌意思有很多层次,偶总是琢磨不透,所以薄薄的两个诗集翻来翻去快看烂了,赫赫。他写的很多集子是给他暗恋的一个嫂子,因为他俩是青梅竹马的知音,因为她过早去世,所以他总对她怀念不尽,你细细品味就会知道哪些部分其实是写给她的哦。)


  Rabindranath Tagore‘s Verses -- Lover''s Gift




  6.IN THE LIGHT of this thriftless day of spring, my poet, sing of those who pass by and do not linger, who laugh as they run and never look back, who blossom in an hour of unreasoning delight, and fade in a moment without regret.


  Do not sit down silently, to tell the beads of your past tears and smiles, - do not stop to pick up the dropped petals from the flowers of overnight, do not go to seek things that evade you, to know the meaning that is not plain, - leave the gaps in your life where they are, for the music to come out of their depths.






  7.IT IS LITTLE that remains now, the rest was spent in one careless summer. It is just enough to put in a song and sing to you; to weave in a flower- chain gently clasping your wrist; to hang in your ear like a round pink pearl, like a blushing whisper; to risk in a game one evening and utterly lose.


  My boat is a frail small thing, not fit for crossing wild waves in the rain. If you but lightly step on it I shall gently row you by the shelter of the shore, where the dark water in ripples are like a dream-ruffled sleep; where the dove''s cooing from the drooping branches makes the noon- day shadows plaintive. At the day''s end, when you are tired, I shall pluck a dripping lily to put in your hair and take my leave.




  我的船儿是那般的弱小呢,不适于在大雨里渡过狂风巨浪的。若你只轻轻步入这船儿,我会沿岸边的树荫悠悠地划桨,那儿沉沉暗水泛起涟漪,尤若酣睡被梦翻起;那儿低垂的树枝里,树鸽咕咕的叫鸣,使那中午的影子充满忧悒。 当白昼过尽,当你疲倦之时,我会摘一朵滴水的百合,插入你的发际,然后就离去。


  8.THERE IS ROOM for you. You are alone with your few sheaves of rice. My boat is crowded, it is heavily laden, but how can I turn you away? your young body is slim and swaying; there is a twinkling smile in the edge of your eyes, and your robe is coloured like the rain-cloud.


  The travellers will land for different roads and homes. You will sit for a while on the prow of my boat, and at the journey''s end none will keep you back.


  Where do you go, and to what home, to garner your sheaves? I will not question you, but when I fold my sails and moor my boat, I shall sit and wonder in the evening, - Where do you go, and to what home, to garner your sheaves?







  Rabindranath Tagore‘s Verses -- Lover''s Gift




  9.WOMAN, YOUR basket is heavy, your limbs are tired. For what distance have you set out, with what hunger of profit? The way is long and the dust is hot in the sun.


  See, the lake is deep and full, its water dark like a crow''s eye. The banks are sloping and tender with grass.


  Dip your tired feet into the water. The noon-tide wind will pass its fingers through your hair; the pigeons will croon their sleep songs, the leaves will murmur the secrets that nestle in the shadows.


  What matters it if the hours pass and the sun sets; if the way through the desolate land be lost in the waning light.


  Yonder is my house, by the hedge of flowering henna; I will guide you.


  I will make a bed for you, and light a lamp. In the morning when the birds are roused by the stir of milking the cows, I will waken you.


  女人啊,你的篮子沉甸甸, 你的四肢也已倦。你已走了多远的路,渴望得到啥好处?路途遥遥长,太阳下红尘滚滚烫。












  10. WHAT IS IT THAT drives these bees from their home; these followers of unseen trails? What cry is this in their eager wings? How can they hear the music that sleeps in the flower soul? How can they find their way to the chamber where the honey lies shy and silent?


  什么在驱使他们离开家的,这些蜂儿,这些无形痕迹的跟从者?他们的翅膀振振呼唤为甚?他们是如何听得花之魂里沉睡之曲? 大厅里躺着羞羞寂寂的蜂蜜,他们是如何找到去那大厅的路的?

  Rabindranath Tagore‘s Verses -- Lover''s Gift




  11. IT WAS ONLY the budding of leaves in the summer, the summer that came into the garden by the sea. It was only a stir and rustle in the south wind, a few lazy snatches of songs, and then the day was done.

  But let there be flowering of love in the summer to come in the garden by the sea. Let my joy take its birth and clap its hands and dance with the surging songs, and make the morning open its eyes wide in sweet amazement.



  12. AGES AGO WHEN you opened the south gate of the garden of gods, and came down upon the first youth of the earth, O Spring; men and women rushed out of their houses, laughing and dancing, and pelting each other with flower-dust in a sudden madness of mirth.

  Year after year you bring the same flowers that you scattered in your path in that earliest April. Therefore, today, in their pervading perfume, they breathe the sigh of the days that are now dreams-the clinging sadness of vanished worlds. Your breeze is laden with love-legends that have faded from all human language.

  One day, with fresh wonder, you came into my life that was fluttered with its first love. Since then the tender timidness of that inexperienced joy comes hidden every year in the early green buds of your lemon flowers ; your red roses carry in their burning silence all that was unutterable in me; the memory of lyric hours, those days of May, rustles in the thrill of your new leaves born again and again.

  很久以前,当你打开神明们的花园南门,地球的第一个青春就此来临,哦 春天;男男女女冲出自家的门,欢歌笑语、足蹈手舞,在突然的狂喜中,互掷如尘的瓣瓣碎花。






  Rabindranath Tagore‘s Verses -- Lover''s Gift




  13. LAST NIGHT IN the garden I offered you my youth''s foaming wine. You lifted the cup to your lips, you shut your eyes and smiled while I raised your veil, unbound your tresses, drawing down upon my breast your face sweet with its silence, last night when the moon''s dream overflowed the world of slumber.


  Today in the dew-cooled calm of the dawn you are walking to God''s temple, bathed and robed white, with a basketful of flowers in your hand. I stand aside in the shade un-der the tree, with my head bent, in the calm of the dawn by the lonely road to the temple.


  昨晚在花园,我献给了你我青春盎然的红酒。你举杯放在唇边,闭上双眼,当我揭开你的面纱,你笑意轻浅,我解开你的发辫,将你甜美宁静的脸揽在我的胸前 。就在昨晚,就在月儿的梦溢过世界的沉睡之时。


  而今日,被露降凉的晨曦的静寂里,你走向神的庙宇,沐浴后, 穿上白袍,手携满盈篮子的花卉。树荫下,我站在一边,头垂胸前,在晨曦的静寂里,在去往神庙的孤僻路旁。


  (* 哦,我想这个说的是他和他嫂子的那个爱情,以及他嫂子的内疚心情,所以第二天大约她是去庙宇做忏悔,而他只有默默的不知所措而已。哦,被禁止的爱情,可怜的人儿。-译者语)


  14. IF I AM impatient today, forgive me, my love. It is the first summer rain, and the riv-erside forest is aflutter, and the blossoming kadam trees, are tempting the passing winds with wine-cups of perfume. See, from all corners of the sky lightnings are darting their glances, and winds are rampant in your hair.


  If today I bring my homage to you, forgive me, my love. The everyday world is hidden in the dimness of the rain, all work has stopped in the village, the meadows are desolate. In your dark eyes the coming of the rain finds its music, and it is at your door that July waits with jasmines for your hair in its blue skirt.






  Rabindranath Tagore‘s Verses -- Lover''s Gift




  15. HER NEIGHBOURS call her dark in the village-but she is a lily to my heart, yes, a lily though not fair. Light came muffled with clouds, when first I saw her in the field; her head was bare, her veil was off, her braided hair hanging loose on her neck. She may be dark as they say in the village, but I have seen her black eyes and am glad.


  The pulse of the air boded storm. She rushed out of the hut, when she heard her dap-pled cow low in dismay. For a moment she turned her large eyes to the clouds, and felt a stir of the coming rain in the sky. I stood at the corner of the ricefield,-if she noticed me, it was known only to her (and perhaps I know it). She is dark as the message of shower in summer, dark as the shade of flowering woodland; she is dark as the longing for un-known love in the wistful night of May.






  16. SHE DWELT HERE by the pool with its landing-stairs in ruins. Many an evening she had watched the moon made dizzy by the shaking of bamboo leaves, and on many a rainy day the smell of the wet earth had come to her over the young shoots of rice.


  Her pet name is known here among those date-palm groves, and in the court-years where girls sit and talk, while stitching their winter quilts. The water in this pool keeps in its depth the memory of her swimming limbs, and her wet feet had left their marks, day after day, on the footpath leading to the village.


  The women who come today with their vessels to the water, have all seen her smile over simple jests, and the old peasant, taking his bullocks to their bath, used to stop at her door every day to greet her.


  Many a sailing boat passes by this village; many a traveller takes rest beneath that banyan tree; the ferry boat crosses to yonder ford carrying crowds to the market; but they never notice this spot by the village road, near the pool with its ruined landing-stairs,-where dwelt she whom I love.










  (* 想必这个一定又是泰戈尔怀念他嫂子的一首,他经常会不知不觉写到她,可见对她的爱是深到骨髓里,哦,可怜的一对人儿,天上人间各居一方!为他们而悲!而,一个成就了伟大诗人的女人,就这样早早离世,实在又是一大悲哀!

  至于这诗歌的艺术魅力 -- 人去物非,寂寥哀哀;生者的记忆却尤新,不肯老,也不肯因死者而死去;余音袅袅,意境空而幽深到痛,一个悲哀的字也没有提到,却全文充溢着深沉的哀思追忆;最悲,莫过此文!--译者语。)

  Rabindranath Tagore‘s Verses -- Lover''s Gift




  17. WHILE AGES passed and the bees haunted the summer gardens, the moon smiled to the lilies of the night, the lightnings flashed their fiery kisses to the clouds and fled laughing, the poet stood in a corner, one with the trees and clouds. He kept his heart silent, like a flower, watched through his dreams as does the crescent moon; and wandered like the summer breeze for no purpose.


  One April evening, when the moon rose up like a bubble from the depth of the sunset; and one maiden was busy watering the plants; and one feeding her doe, and one making her peacock dance, the poet broke out singing,-''O listen to the secrets of the world. I know that the lily is pale for the moon''s love. The lotus draws her veil aside before the morning sun, and the reason is simple if you think. The meaning of the bee''s hum in the ear of the early jasmine has escaped the learned, but the poet knows.''


  The sun went down in a blaze of blush, the moon loitered behind the trees, and the south wind whispered to the lotus, that the poet was not as simple as he seemed. The maidens and youths clapped their hands and cried,-''The world''s secret is out.'' They looked into each other''s eyes and sang-''Let our secret as well be flung into the winds.''


  时光荏苒而逝,蜜蜂那时常光顾夏的花园,月儿曾对夜百合微微笑过, 闪电曾频送热情的吻给云朵又笑着逃走了,诗人曾站在个角落,和树木和云朵呆在一处。他让他的心保持着缄默,犹如一个花朵,看穿他的梦境,一勾新月也曾见过;他也曾徘徊过,犹如夏日的微风般漫无目的呢。




  太阳面色羞红地降落下去,月亮在树丛后面徘徊不已,南风对芙蓉悄声细语,告诉她那诗人可不像他看来的那般简单哩。女佣们和小伙们拍掌欢叫,-“ 世界的秘密出来了呢。”他们深情凝视着对方的眼唱道 - “让我们的秘密就和风儿去缠绵旖旎。”


  18. YOUR DAYS WILL be full of cares, if you must give me your heart. My house by the cross-roads has its doors open and my mind is absent,-for I sing.


  I shall never be made to answer for it, if you must give me your heart. If I pledge my word to you in tunes now, and am too much in earnest to keep it when music is silent, you must forgive me; for the law laid in May is best broken in December.


  Do not always keep remembering it, if you must give me your heart. When your eyes sing with love, and your voice ripples with laughter, my answers to your questions will be wild, and not miserly accurate in facts,- they are to be believed for ever and then forgotten for good.


  你每日将会充满顾虑,若你一定要交付我你的心。我的屋子在道路交叉处,大门敞开着,而我的心却并不在屋子里呢,- 只因我在唱歌。




  你不该总是记住这,若你必须给我你的心。当你的眼睛唱着爱意,当你的嗓音笑声如波,我对你问题的回答是肆无忌惮的,丝毫也不符合事实,- 它们是用来永远相信然后却最好还是忘却呢。

  Rabindranath Tagore‘s Verses -- Lover''s Gift




  19. IT IS WRITTEN in the book, that Man, when fifty, must leave the noisy world, to go to the forest seclusion. But the poet proclaims that only for the young is the forest hermitage. For it is the birth-place of flowers, and the haunt of birds and bees; and hidden nooks are waiting there for the thrill of lover''s whispers. There the moonlight, that is all one kiss for the malati flowers, has its deep message, but those who understand it are far below fifty.


  And alas, youth is inexperienced and wilful, therefore it is but meet, that the old should take charge of the household, and the young take to the seclusion of forest shades, and the severe discipline of courting.


  书上明注,那人到了五十岁,就该离开喧闹处,到隔绝人迹的地方去住。而诗人要正式宣布- 年青人才该去森林隐居。因为那儿是鲜花诞生之处,还有鸟儿和蜜蜂的飞绕;隐秘的角落等在那为恋人们的悄悄话而激动呢。那儿的月色,是使君子花的仅得一吻,却藏有一个深层含义,可那些懂得它的却还远远不到五十岁呢。




  Rabindranath Tagore‘s Verses -- Lover''s Gift




  20. WHERE IS THE market for you, my song? Is it there where the learned muddle the summer breeze with their snuff ; where dispute is unending if the oil depend upon the cask, or the cask upon the oil; where yellow manuscripts frown upon the fleet-footed frivolousness of life? My song cries out. Ah, no, no, no.

  Where is the market for you, my song? Is it there where the man of fortune grows enormous in pride and flesh in his marble palace, with his books on the shelves, dressed in leather, painted in gold, dusted by slaves, their virgin pages dedicated to the god obscure? My song gasped and said, Ah, no, no, no.

  Where is the market for you, my song? Is it there where the young student sits, with his head bent upon his books, and his mind straying in youth''s dream-land; where prose is prowling on the desk, and poetry hiding in the heart? There among that dusty disorder would you care to play hide-and-seek? My song remains silent in shy hesitation.

  Where is the market for you, my song? Is it there where the bride is busy in the house, where she runs to her bedroom the moment she is free, and snatches, from under her pillows, the book of romance so roughly handled by the baby, so full of the scent of her hair? My song heaves a sigh and trembles with uncertain desire.

  Where is the market for you, my song? Is it there where the least of a bird''s notes is never missed, where the stream''s babbling finds its full wisdom where all the lute-strings of the world shower their music upon two fluttering hearts? My song bursts out and cries, Yes, yes.

  我的歌儿啊,你的市场在哪里?是在那儿么,那学者将夏风和鼻烟相混合之处?抑或,在人们无休止的争议“是油和油桶谁更需要依赖谁”之处?又或者,是在发黄稿纸因人生船儿的漂泊般轻浮不定的而不悦的地方?我的歌儿哭喊到-哦,不, 不,不。

  我的歌儿啊,你的听众在那里?那富人的书仅仅在书架上堆积如山,那些包着皮质的书皮,涂着金色,奴仆为它们拂去尘灰,那些处女般圣洁的篇章只是为神明的糊涂而著,在他因无限骄傲而用大理石来炫耀其财富的宫殿里么? 我的歌儿气喘吁吁的说,哦,不,不,不。

  我的歌儿啊,你的听众在哪里?那学生坐在那里,头低垂到他的书上,心思却偏离在年青人的'梦境,散文在他桌上徘徊,而诗歌却躲藏在他的心里,在他那里么? 在那杂乱无章纷繁的红尘里,你愿意玩那藏匿寻找躲猫猫的游戏么?我的歌儿在害羞的犹豫里沉默不语。





  (*哦,偶喜欢这组,开始严肃,后来浪漫,最后又是那么的幽默。但同时也感觉到一种沉重,泰戈尔的时代,其实资本主义已经来临,而人们已经在丢弃诗歌等文化,他所以才会如此感叹出这些来,其实,诗歌真的只是为了爱情而写么?显然不是,所以这结尾就显得无奈而匆匆,其实,估计连他自己也并不满意,这可以从他前面几段的不耐烦的讥讽里看出他的憎恨和无奈和哀叹。如今偶看来,实在实在,感觉太深刻了,如此深刻,以至于已经不再留恋这样的人世,这样没有灵魂,只有野兽和动物的人世!ok,偶已经再世好些次,但也已经向神明要求不再回来这黑暗而没有光明前途的人世!we r all doomed !)



  Rabindranath Tagore‘s Verses -- Lover''s Gift



  21.(From the Bengali of Devendranath Sen)

  METHINKS, MY love, before the daybreak of life you stood under some waterfall of happy dreams, filling your blood with its liquid turbulence. Or, perhaps, your path was through the garden of the gods, where the merry multitude of jasmine, lilies, and oleanders fell in your arms in heaps, and entering your heart became boisterous.

  Your laughter is a song whose words are drowned in the clamour of tune, a rapture of odour of flowers that are not seen; it is like the moonlight breaking through your lips'' window when the moon is hiding in your heart. I ask for no reason, I forget the cause, I only know that your laughter is the tumult of insurgent life.



  你的欢笑,是一首歌呢,歌词却被喧嚣的声音湮没了, 那是百花无形芳菲的万分欣喜;恰若月色穿越过你的柔唇之窗,当那月儿藏在你的心窝窝里。我不寻求什么道理,我也忘却了为何如此,我只知道你的笑声是不俗人生里的小小骚动。

  Rabindranath Tagore‘s Verses -- Lover''s Gift



  22. I SHALL GLADLY suffer the pride of culture to die out in my house, if only in some for-tunate future I am born a herd boy in the Brinda forest.

  The herd boy who grazes his cattle sitting under the banyan tree, and idly weaves gunja flowers into garlands, who loves to splash and plunge in the Jamuna''s cool deep stream.

  He calls his companions to wake up when morning dawns, and all the houses in the lane hum with the sound of the churn, clouds of dust are raised by the cattle, the maid-ens come out in the courtyard to milk the kine.

  As the shadows deepen under the tomal trees, and the dusk gathers on the river-banks; when the milkmaids, while crossing the turbulent water tremble with fear; and loud peacocks, with tails outspread, dance in the forest, he watches the summer clouds.

  When the April night is sweet as a fresh-blown flower, he disappears in the forest with a peacock''s plume in his hair; the swing ropes are twined with flowers on the branches; the south wind throbs with music, and the merry shepherd boys crowd on the banks of the blue river.

  No, I will never be the leader, brothers, of this new age of new Bengal; I shall not trouble to light the lamp of culture for the benighted. If only I could be born, under the shady Ashoka groves, in some village of Brinda, where milk is churned by the maidens.



  破晓时分,他唤醒他的伙伴们, 巷里所有的房屋低鸣起搅奶器的声响;牲畜搅得尘土云般滚滚而飞扬,少女们走出在院里给母牛挤奶。




  Rabindranath Tagore‘s Verses -- Lover''s Gift




  24. YOUR WINDOW half opened and veil half raised you stand there waiting for the bangle-seller to come with his tinsel. You idly watch the heavy cart creak on in the dusty road, and the boat-mast crawling along the horizon across the far-off river.

  The world to you is like an old woman''s chant at her spinning-wheel, unmeaning rhymes crowded with random images.

  But who knows if he is on his way this lazy sultry noon, the Stranger, carrying his basket of strange wares. He will pass by your door with his clear cry, and you shall fling open your window, cast off your veil, come out of the dusk of your dreams and meet your destiny.




  Rabindranath Tagore‘s Verses -- Lover''s Gift




  23. I LOVED THE sandy bank where, in the lonely pools, ducks clamoured and turtles basked in the sun; where, with evening, stray fishing-boats took shelter in the shadow by the tall grass.

  You loved the wooded bank where shadows were gathered in the arms of the bamboo thickets; where women came with their vessels through the winding lane.

  The same river flowed between us, singing the same song to both its banks. I listened to it, lying alone on the sand under the stars; and you listened sitting by the edge of the slope in the early morning light. Only the words I heard from it you did not know and the secret it spoke to you was a mystery for ever to me.





  Rabindranath Tagore‘s Verses -- Lover''s Gift




  25. I CLASP YOUR hands, and my heart plunges into the dark of your eyes, seeking you, who ever evade me behind words and silence.

  Yet I know that I must be content in my love, with what is fitful and fugitive. For we have met for a moment in the crossing of the roads. Have I the power to carry you through this crowd of worlds, through this maze of paths? Have I the food that can sustain you, across the dark passage gaping with arches of death?



  Rabindranath Tagore‘s Verses -- Lover''s Gift




  26. IF, BY chance you think of me, I shall sing to you when the rainy evening loosens her shadows upon the river, slowly trailing her dim light towards the west,-when the day''s remnant is too narrow for work or for play.

  You will sit alone in the balcony of the south, and I shall sing from the darkened room. In the growing dusk, the smell of the wet leaves will come through the window; and the stormy winds will become clamorous in the coconut grove.

  When the lighted lamp is brought into the room I shall go. And then, perhaps, you will listen to the night, and hear my song when I am silent.


  你将会独自坐在朝南的阳台上, 我将会在阴暗的屋子里歌唱。在越来越浓郁的黄昏里,湿漉漉的叶子气息会越窗飘来;椰子林里,那暴风却会变得更喧闹的。


  Rabindranath Tagore‘s Verses -- Lover''s Gift




  27. I FILLED MY tray with whatever I had, and gave it to you. What shall I bring to your feet tomorrow, I wonder. I am like the tree that, at the end of the flowering summer, gazes at the sky with its lifted branches bare of their blossoms.

  But in all my past offerings is there not a single flower made fadeless by the eternity of tears?

  Will you remember it and thank me with your eyes when I stand before you with empty hands at the leave-taking of my summer days?

  无论有什么我都放在了托盘上,把它进献给了你,明日该在你脚边放些什么才好呢, 我心下迷惘。我就如一棵树,在夏日开花的最后时光,带着没有了花卉的秃秃树枝对空凝望。



  Rabindranath Tagore‘s Verses -- Lover''s Gift




  28. I DREAMT THAT she sat by my head, tenderly ruffling my hair with her fingers, playing the melody of her touch. I looked at her face and struggled with my tears, till the agony of unspoken words burst my sleep like a bubble.

  I sat up and saw the glow of the milky way above my window, like a world of silence on fire, and I wondered if at this moment she had a dream that rhymed with mine.





  Rabindranath Tagore‘s Verses -- Lover''s Gift




  29. THOUGHT I had something to say to her when our eyes met across the hedge. But she passed away. And it rocks day and night, like a boat, on every wave of the hours the word that I had to say to her. It seems to sail in the autumn clouds in an endless quest and to bloom into evening flowers seeking its lost moment in the sunset. It twinkles like fireflies in my heart to find its meaning in the dusk of despair the word that I had to say to her.



  (* 说的是什么?偶猜测依然是说他和他嫂子的事,大约他结婚后不久的一天看到了她却不知说什么好,那可怜的女人就以为他不再爱她了就自杀了,这大约是他们最后一次相遇,那时候她收养的孩子也刚死了不久,作为外人和情人,能在那样的时刻说什么好呢,我觉得最尴尬就是那样时刻的相遇,问偶偶也不会知道说什么好,偶这很能说话的,发现某些时刻依然很难找到最恰当的语言。当然,真情可爱,所以即便是那样很不堪的爱情,写出来依然很是美丽,是他写的最美丽的之一哦,我以为,赫赫。)

  Rabindranath Tagore‘s Verses -- Lover''s Gift




  30. THE SPRING flowers breakout like the passionate pain of unspoken love. With their breath comes the memory of my old day songs. My heart of a sudden has put on green leaves of desire. My love came not but her touch is in my limbs, and her voice comes across the fragrant fields. Her gaze is in the sad depth of the sky, but where are her eyes? Her kisses flit in the air, but where are her lips?


  31. (From the Bengali of Satyendranath Datta)

  MY FLOWERS were like milk and honey and wine; I bound them into a posy with a golden ribbon, but they escaped my watchful care and fled away and only the ribbon remains.

  My songs were like milk and honey and wine, they were held in the rhythm of my beating heart, but they spread their wings and fled away, the darlings of the idle hours, and my heart beats in silence.

  The beauty I loved was like milk and honey and wine, her lips like the rose of the dawn, her eyes bee-black. I kept my heart silent lest it should startle her, but she eluded me like my flowers and like my songs, and my love remains alone.




  Rabindranath Tagore‘s Verses -- Lover''s Gift



  32/ MANY A TIME when the spring day knocked at our door I kept busy with my work and you did not answer. Now when I am left alone and heart-sick the spring day comes once again, but I know not how to turn him away from the door. When he came to crown us with joy the gate was shut, but now when he comes with his gift of sorrow his path must be open.


  Rabindranath Tagore‘s Verses -- Lover''s Gift



  33/ THE BOISTEROUS spring, who once came into my life with its lavish laughter, burden-ing her hours with improvident roses, setting skies aflame with the red kisses of new-born ashoka leaves, now comes stealing into my solitude through the lonely lanes along the breeding shadows heavy with silence, and sits still in my balcony gazing across the fields, where the green of the earth swoons exhausted in the utter paleness of the sky.


  34/ WHEN OUR farewell moment came, like a low-hanging rain cloud, I had only time to tie a red ribbon on your wrist, while my hands trembled. Today I sit alone on the grass in the season of mahua flowers, with one quivering question in my mind, ''Do you still keep the little red ribbon tied on your wrist?''

  You went by the narrow road that skirted the blossoming field of flax. I saw that my garland of overnight was still hanging loose from your hair. But why did you not wait till I could gather, in the morning, new flowers for my final gift? I wonder if unaware it dropped on your way,-the garland hanging loose from your hair.

  Many a song I had sung to you, morning and evening, and the last one you carried in your voice when you went away. You never tarried to hear the one song unsung I had for you alone and for ever. I wonder if, at last, you are tired of my song that you hummed to yourself while walking through the field.




  35/ LAST NIGHT clouds were threatening and amlak branches struggled in the grips of the gusty wind. I hoped, if dreams came to me, they would come in the shape of my beloved, in the lonely night loud with rain.

  The winds still moan through the fields, and the tear-stained cheeks of dawn are pale. My dreams have been in vain, for truth is hard, and dreams, too, have their own ways.

  Last night when the darkness was drunken with storm, and the rain, like night''s veil, was torn by the winds into shreds, would it make truth jealous, if untruth came to me in the shape of my beloved, in the starless night loud with rain?




  36/ MY FETTERS, you made music in my heart. I played with you all day long and made you my ornament. We were the best of friends, my fetters. There were times when I was afraid of you, but my fear made me love you the more. You were companions of my long dark night, and I make my bow to you, before I bid you good-bye, my fetters.


  (* 觉得这个比较诙谐,也许有人会说那是唯美主义,但偶看来却是一种特别的幽默。)

  37/YOU HAD YOUR rudder broken many a time, my boat, and your sails torn to tatters. Often had you drifted towards the sea, dragging anchor and heeded not. But now there has spread a crack in your hull and your hold is heavy. Now is the time for you to end your voyage, to be rocked into sleep by the lapping of the water by the beach.

  Alas, I know all warning is vain. The veiled face of dark doom lures you. The madness of the storm and the waves is upon you. The music of the tide is rising high. You are shaken by the fever of that dance.

  Then break your chain, my boat, and be free, and fearlessly rush to your wreck.




  Rabindranath Tagore‘s Verses -- Lover''s Gift



  38/THE CURRENT in which I drifted ran rapid and strong when I was young. The spring breeze was spend thrift of itself, the trees were on fire with flowers; and the birds never slept from singing.

  I sailed with giddy speed, carried away by the flood of passion; I had no time to see and feel and take the world into my being.

  Now that youth has ebbed and I am stranded on the bank, I can hear the deep music of all things, and the sky opens to me its heart of stars.




  Rabindranath Tagore‘s Verses -- Lover''s Gift



  39/THERE IS A looker-on who sits behind my eyes. It seems he has seen things in ages and worlds beyond memory''s shore, and those forgotten sights glisten on the grass, and shiver on the leaves. He has seen under new veils the face of the one beloved, in twilight hours of many a nameless star.

  Therefore his sky seems to ache with the pain of countless meetings and partings, and a longing pervades this spring breeze,-the longing that is full of the whisper of ages without beginning.


  所以他的天空似乎因没了没完的相见和别离而疼痛着,久久地渴望春日微风的遍及,- 不知从何时起很久来那渴望充满喃喃低语。

  Rabindranath Tagore‘s Verses -- Lover''s Gift



  40/A MESSAGE CAME from my youth of vanished days, saying, I wait for you among the quiverings of unborn May, where smiles ripen for tears and hours ache with songs un-sung.''

  It says, ''Come to me across the worn-out track of age, through the gates of death. For dreams fade, hopes fail, the gathered fruits of the year decay, but I am the eternal truth, and you shall meet me again and again in your voyage of life from shore to shore.''












