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  王尔德童话英文版 篇1


  The statue of the happy prince stands high above the city - a tall stone pillar. He was covered with thin gold leaves, his eyes were made of bright sapphire, and a huge red gem was embedded in the hilt.


  He is the envy of the world. "Hes as beautiful as a weathervane," said a city senator who wanted to show his artistic taste, and then worried that people would regard him as impractical. In fact, he was very pragmatic, so he added, "its just not as practical as a weathervane."


  "Why cant you be like the happy prince?" A wise mother said to her little boy crying for the moon, "the happy prince never thought of crying for anything in his dreams."


  "Im glad there are so many happy people in the world," murmured a frustrated man, gazing at the extraordinary statue.


  "He looks like an angel," the orphanage children said. They were coming out of the church with bright red cloaks and clean white Bibs on their chests.


  "How do you know?" The math teacher asked, "you havent seen angels."


  "Ah! But weve seen it. Weve seen it in our dreams. " The children replied. The math teacher frowned and strained his face because he didnt approve of childrens dreams.


  One night, a swallow flew over the city. His friends had been flying to Egypt six weeks ago, but he stayed behind because he missed Miss reed so much. He met her in the early spring, when he was down the river chasing a big yellow moth. Fascinated by her slender waist, he stopped to talk to her.


  "Can I love you?" Asked the swallow, who liked to get to the point at once. The reed bent over to him, so he flew round and round her, stroking the water with his wings, rippling with silver. This is the way the swallow courted, and so he went on all summer.


  "This kind of love is ridiculous," the other swallows chuckled. "She has no money and so many relatives." Indeed, the river is full of reeds.


  When autumn comes, swallows fly away.


  After everyone left, he felt very lonely and began to hate his lover. "She cant talk," he said. "Besides, Im afraid shes a slut. You see, shes always flirting." Its true that once the wind blows, the reed will perform the most elegant curtsey. "I admit shes a homebody," continued the swallow, "but I love traveling, and my wife, of course, should love traveling."


  "Will you come with me?" He asked at last. However, the reed shook her head. She was too reluctant to leave her home.


  "So youre playing with me," he yelled. "Im going to the pyramids. Goodbye!" Then he flew away.


  He flew all day and came to the city at night. "Where shall I spend the night?" "I hope the city is ready," he said.


  Then he saw the statue on the tall column.


  "Ill spend the night there," he cried. "Its a good place, full of fresh air." So he fell between the feet of the happy prince.


  "I have a bedroom made of gold," he said to himself in a low voice after looking around, and then he was ready to go to sleep. But just as he put his head under his wings, a big drop of water fell on him. "Its incredible!" He cried, "there is no cloud in the sky, the stars are clear and bright, but its raining. The weather in northern Europe is terrible. The reed likes rain, but its just her selfishness


  And then there was another drop.


  "Whats the use of a statue that cant keep out the rain?" He said, "I have to find a good chimney to make a nest." He decided to fly away from here.


  But before he opened his wings, the third drop of water fell down again. He looked up and saw - ah! What did he see?


  The happy princes eyes were full of tears, which ran down his golden cheeks. The princes face was so beautiful in the moonlight that the swallow felt pity.


  "Who are you?" He asked.


  "Im the happy prince."


  "Then why are you crying?" The swallow asked again, "youve got me wet."


  "Before, when I had a heart and lived," said the statue, "I didnt know what tears were, because at that time I lived in a palace where sorrow could not enter. During the day people accompany me to play in the garden, and at night I lead the dance in the hall. There is a high wall along the garden, but I never thought there was anything on the other side of the wall. Everything around me is so beautiful. My servants call me happy prince. Indeed, if happiness is happiness, then I am very happy. I live and die like this. And now that Im dead, theyve put me up here so high that I can see all the ugliness and poverty in my city. Even though my heart is made of lead, I cant help crying. "


  "Ah! Isnt he a gold statue with a heart of stone? " Said the swallow to himself. He is very polite and doesnt want to talk about other peoples private affairs out loud.


  "In the distance," the statue continued in a low and sweet voice, "there is a poor family living in a small street in the distance. A window was open, through which I could see a woman sitting at a table. Her thin face was full of tiredness, and her rough red hands were full of needle holes, because she was a tailor. She is embroidering a lotus flower on the satin dress, which the Queens favorite maid in waiting to wear at the next court ball. On a bed in the corner of the room lay her sick child. The child is feverish and clamors for oranges. His mother had nothing but to feed him a few mouthfuls of water, so the child kept crying. Swallow, swallow, little swallow, would you like to take down the ruby from my hilt and give it to her? My feet are fixed on this base and cant move. "


  "My friends are waiting for me in Egypt," said the swallow. "They are flying up and down the Nile, talking to the big lotus flowers, and will soon spend the night in the grave of the great Pharaoh. The Pharaoh himself was sleeping in his colorful coffin. His body was wrapped in yellow linen and filled with antiseptic spices. He had a light green emerald necklace around his neck, and his hands were like withered leaves


  "Swallow, swallow, little swallow," said the prince, "wont you spend the night with me and be my messenger? The child is so hungry and thirsty that his mother is very sad


  "I dont think I like children," replied the swallow. "Last summer, I went to a river. There were two naughty children, the son of a Miller, who always threw stones at me. Of course, they will never try to hit me. How fast we swallows fly. Besides, I come from a family famous for its quickness. But anyway, its impolite


  But the happy princes sad face made the swallow feel bad. "Its too cold here," he said, "but Id like to spend the night with you and be your messenger."


  "Thank you, swallow," said the prince.


  So the swallow took the huge Ruby from the princes sword, took it in his mouth, and flew over the roofs of the city.


  He flew over the top of the cathedral tower and saw an angel carved in white marble. He flew over the palace and heard the song of dancing. A beautiful girl went to the roof with her sweetheart. "What wonderful stars," he said to her, "what wonderful love."


  "I hope my dress will be ready in time for the big dance," she replied. "Ive asked for the lotus, but the seamstress is too good."


  He flew over the river and saw countless lanterns hanging high on the mast. He flew over the ghetto and saw old Jewish people bargaining with each other and weighing coins on a copper scale. At last he came to the poor mans house and looked inside. The feverish child tossed and turned in bed, and her mother was already asleep because she was too tired. He jumped into the room and put the huge Ruby on the table next to the womans thimble. Then he gently flew around the bed, flapping the childs forehead with his wings. "I feel so cool," the child said. "I must be better." With that, he fell into a sweet dream.


  Then the swallow went back to the happy prince and told him what he had done. "Do you think its strange," he continued, "although its very cold, I feel so warm now."


  "Thats because you did a good thing," said the prince. So the swallow began to think about the princes words, but soon fell asleep. For him, he always sleeps when he thinks about problems.


  At dawn he flew down the river to take a bath. "Its incredible," said a professor of Ornithology as he walked across the bridge. "There are swallows in winter So he wrote a long letter to the local newspaper about it. Everyone quotes from his letter, although many of the words in the letter are incomprehensible.


  "Im going to Egypt tonight," said the swallow. He was full of energy when he thought of the distance. He visited all the public monuments in the city and sat on the top of the church for a while. Every place, the sparrows chirped to each other, "what a rare guest!" So he had a good time.


  When the moon rose, he flew back to the happy prince. "Do you have anything to do in Egypt?" "Im leaving," he asked in a loud voice


  "Swallow, swallow, little swallow," said the prince, "would you like to spend another night with me?"


  "My friends are waiting for me in Egypt," replied the swallow. "Tomorrow my friends will fly to the second waterfall, where the hippos spend the night in the papyrus. The ancient Egyptian god mennong sat on a huge granite throne. He watched the stars all night. Whenever the stars twinkled, he would make a joyful cry, and then he would be silent. At noon, the Yellow lions come down to the river to drink. Their eyes are like green gems. Their roar is louder than the roar of the waterfall. " "Swallow, swallow, little swallow," said the prince, "far away in the city, I saw a young man living in the attic. He was working hard on a paper covered desk with a bunch of dried violets in the glass next to it. He had curly brown hair, red lips like pomegranates, and big sleepy eyes. He is trying to write a play for the theater manager, but he is too cold to write any more. There was no firewood in the fireplace, and hunger made him dizzy


  "Id like to spend another night with you," said the swallow, who had a kind heart. "Shall I give him another ruby?"


  "Alas! I dont have any rubies now. " The prince said, "all thats left is my eyes. They are made of rare sapphire, which was produced from India many years ago. Take out one and send it to him. Hell sell it to the jeweler so that he can buy back food and firewood and finish his play. "


  "Dear prince," said the swallow, "I cant do that," and he began to cry.


  "Swallow, swallow, little swallow," said the prince, "do as I say."


  So the swallow took off one of the princes eyes and flew to the attic where the students lived. Because there is a hole in the roof, swallows can easily get in. So the swallow went through the hole and came into the house. The young man put his face in his hands and did not hear the flutter of the swallows wings. When he looked up, he saw the beautiful sapphire on the dry violet.


  "Im beginning to be appreciated," he cried. "It must have come from someone who admired me so much. Now I can finish my script. " There was a happy smile on his face.


  The next day the swallow flew to the harbor below. He sat on the mast of a big ship and watched the sailors pull the big box out of the cabin with ropes. Follow them hey yo! Hey, yo The sound of the voice, a large box to drag up. "Im going to Egypt!" The swallow said slightly, but no one paid any attention to him. When the moon rose, he flew back to the happy prince.


  "Ive come to say goodbye to you," he cried.


  "Swallow, swallow, little swallow," said the prince, "wont you spend another night with me?"


  "Winter is coming," replied the swallow. "Cold snow is coming. In Egypt, the sun is warm on the verdant palm trees, and crocodiles in the mud look around lazily. My friends are building nests in the temple in the ancient city of balbeck. The pink and silver pigeons are watching them work and talking to each other. Dear prince, I have to leave you, but I will never forget you. Next spring, I will bring you two beautiful gems to make up for the one you lost because you gave it to others. Ruby will be redder than a red rose, and sapphire will be bluer than the sea. "


  "In the square below," said the happy prince, "stands a little match girl. All her matches have fallen in the gutter. They are useless. If she doesnt bring money home, her father will beat her, shes crying. She had no shoes, no socks, nothing on her head. Please take off my other eye and send it to her so that her father wont beat her


  "Id like to spend another night with you," said the swallow, "but I cant take off your eyes, or youll be blind."


  "Swallow, swallow, little swallow," said the prince, "do as I say."


  So he took off the princes other eye, and took it down. He suddenly fell in front of the little girl and quietly put the gem on the palm of her hand. What a beautiful piece of glass Cried the little girl, and she ran home with a smile.


  Then the swallow came back to the prince. "You are blind now," said the swallow. "I will always be with you."


  "No, swallow," said the poor prince, "you have to go to Egypt."


  "Ill stay with you all the time," said the swallow, sleeping at the princes feet.


  The next day he sat on the princes shoulder all day and told him what he had seen, heard and experienced in a foreign country. He also told the prince about the red herons, who stood in long rows on the banks of the Nile River, catching goldfish with their sharp beaks; about Sphinx, who was as old as the world, lived in the desert, and knew everything about the world; about the businessmen in New York, who were walking slowly with their camels, touching the rosary made by wolf in their hands; about the moon mountain The king, whose skin is as black as ebony, worships a huge crystal. He talks about the big green snake sleeping on the palm tree and asking 20 monks to feed it with cakes made of honey. He also talks about the dwarfs, who travel across the lake on the big flat leaves and often fight with butterflies. "


  "Dear swallow," said the prince, "you have told me a lot of strange things, but even more strange are the sufferings of the men and women. Nothing is more incredible than suffering. Little swallow, just fly over my city and tell me what you see on it. "


  So the swallow flew over the city and saw the rich people enjoying themselves in their beautiful western style houses, while the beggars were sitting at the gate starving. He flew into the dark alley and saw the hungry children with pale faces looking listlessly at the dark street. In the hole of a bridge, the two children hugged each other to make each other warm. "We are so hungry!" They said. "You mustnt lie here," the guard exclaimed, as the two children hobbled back into the rain.


  Then he flew back and told the prince what he had seen.


  "Im covered with good pieces of gold," said the prince. "You take them off one by one and send them to my poor people. The living believe that gold will make them happy


  The swallow pecked the golden leaves one by one until the happy prince became dark. He gave these pure gold leaves to the poor one by one, and the childrens faces were flushed. They were playing games happily in the street. "We have bread now!" The children cried.


  Then it began to snow, and after the snow came the severe cold. The street looks white, like silver, bright and dazzling; the long icicles hang under the eaves like swords made of crystal. Everyone put on leather clothes, and the children put on red hats to go skating outdoors.


  The poor swallow felt colder and colder, but he didnt want to leave the prince. He loved him so much. When the baker didnt pay attention, he got some bread crumbs from the door of the bakery to satisfy his hunger, and flapped his wings to warm himself.


  In the end, however, he knew that he was going to die. He had only enough strength left to fly on the princes shoulder once more. "Goodbye, dear prince!" He murmured, "will you let me kiss your hand again?"


  "Im glad youre finally flying to Egypt, swallow," said the prince. "Youve been here too long. But you have to kiss my lips, because I love you


  "Im not going to Egypt," said the swallow. "Im going to the house of death. Death is a sleeping brother, isnt it


  Then he kisses the happy prince on the lips, falls at his feet and dies.


  At this moment, there was a strange crack inside the statue, as if something was broken. In fact, the princes lead heart has been split in two. Its really a terrible cold winter day,


  The next morning, the mayor was accompanied by the city senators for a walk to the square below. As they passed the column, the mayor looked up at the statue and said, "my God! Why is the happy prince so ugly He said.


  "Its so ugly!" Exclaimed the city senators, who usually speak the same way as the mayor. After that, everyone stepped forward to have a close look.


  "The ruby on the hilt of his sword is gone, the sapphire eye is gone, and he is no longer gold," said the mayor. "In fact, he is not much better than a beggar begging for food!"


  "Its not much better than a beggar," echoed the city senators.


  "And there is a dead bird lying at his feet!" The mayor went on, "we really should make a statement forbidding birds to die in this place." So the city clerk wrote down the suggestion.


  Then they knocked down the statue of the happy prince. "Since hes no longer beautiful, hes no longer useful," said the Universitys art professor.


  Then they melted the statue in the furnace, and the mayor called a municipal meeting to decide what to do with the metal. Of course, we have to cast another statue He said, "that should be my statue."


  "My statue," every city senator argued, and they argued. The last time I heard people talk about them, their quarrel was not over.


  "What a strange thing The foreman of the foundry said, "this broken lead core will not melt in the furnace. We have to throw it away. " They threw it into the garbage and the dead swallow lay there.


  "Bring me the two most precious things in the city," God said to one of his angels. So the angel brought back the lead heart and the dead bird to God.


  "You have made the right choice," God said, "because in my paradise garden, birds can sing forever, and in my golden castle, happy prince can praise me heartily."

  王尔德童话英文版 篇2


  Every afternoon, the children like to play in the giants garden after school.


  This is a lovely big garden, full of green grass, beautiful flowers can be seen everywhere, more like the stars in the sky. There are twelve peach trees growing on the grassland, which bloom in spring and bear fruits in autumn. The birds perched on the branches were singing joyful songs. At this time, the children would stop to listen to the birds and shout to each other, "how happy we are!"


  One day, the giant came back. It turned out that he went to visit his Genie friend konesis house and lived in the genies house for seven years. After seven years of speaking, he decided to go back to his castle. Entering the house, he saw the children playing in the garden at a glance.


  "What are you doing here?" He growled and the children ran away.


  "My garden is my own garden," said the giant. "Everyone knows that I dont allow outsiders to play here." So he built a high wall along the garden, and put up a notice: no admittance, heavy punishment


  He is a very selfish giant indeed.


  Since then, the poor children have no place to play, they have to come to the road, but the street is full of dust and hard stones, let them down. After school, they often linger outside the high wall and talk about the beautiful scenery in the garden inside. "How happy we are in it," they told each other.


  Spring is coming again. The whole country is full of flowers and birds. But the garden of the selfish giant is still a cold winter scene. Because they couldnt see the children, the birds didnt want to sing and the trees forgot to blossom. A flower poked its head out of the grass. When it saw the sign, it sympathized with the childrens sufferings, so it drew back its head and went on to sleep. Only snow and frost are happy about it. "Spring has forgotten this garden," they cried, "so we can live here all year round." Snow makes the grass blue with her huge white cloak, frost makes all the trees pretend, and then they come to live with them in the north wind. The north wind was invited to come. Wearing a fur coat, he roared into the garden all day and blew off the chimney cap. "Its a happy place," he said, "and we have to call hail." So hail came. For three hours every day, he kept pounding on the roof of the castle. The stone tiles on the roof were scattered, and then he ran around the garden one after another. He was gray all over and breathed out chills.


  "I dont know why spring is so late," said the giant, sitting at the window and looking out at the icy garden. "I hope the weather changes."


  But spring never came again, and summer never came. Autumn gives the golden fruits to the gardens of thousands of families, but nothing to the giants garden. "Hes so selfish," autumn said. In this way, the giants garden is a cold winter all the year round, with only north wind, hail, frost and snow jumping up and down in the forest.


  One morning, the giant was lying on the bed with his eyes open. At this time, the music came from his ears. The music was so sweet that he thought it must be the kings musician who passed by. It turned out that it was just a little cardinal singing outside the window. Because the giant hadnt heard the bird singing in the garden for a long time, he felt that it was wonderful. At this time, the hail on the giants head no longer danced wildly, the north wind stopped whistling, and the fragrance came through the open window. "I believe spring has finally arrived," said the giant, jumping out of bed and looking out of the window.


  What did he see?


  He saw a moving scene: the children had climbed through the small hole in the wall and entered the garden. They were sitting on the branches, and there was a child sitting on each tree. The trees that welcomed the children were overjoyed. They dressed themselves up with fresh flowers and gently stroked the childrens heads with their arms. The birds were dancing in the treetops, singing excitedly, and the flowers were smiling from the grass. This is really a moving picture. There is only one corner of the garden still shrouded in the severe winter. It is the farthest corner in the garden. A little boy is standing there alone because he is too small to climb the tree. He can only walk around the tree, crying and at a loss. The poor tree was still wrapped in frost and snow, and the north wind roared at it wantonly. "Climb up quickly, child 1," the tree said, and dropped its branches as much as possible, but the child was still too small.


  This situation deeply affected the giants heart. "Im so selfish!" He said, "now I understand why spring doesnt come to me. Im going to take that poor child up a tree, and then Im going to knock down the walls, and make my garden a playground for children forever. " He was really ashamed of what he had done in the past.


  The giant went down the stairs quietly, opened the front door and went into the garden. But when the children saw the giant, they ran away and the garden went back to winter again. Only the little boy didnt run because his eyes were full of tears and he didnt see the giant coming. The giant quietly came to the childs back, gently holding the child in both hands on the branch. The tree immediately burst out flowers, and the birds flew back to the branches to sing. The little boy put his arms around the giants neck and kissed the giants face. When the other children saw that the giant was no longer so fierce, they all ran back, and spring followed them. "This is your garden, children," said the giant. Then he picked up a big axe and cut down all the walls. At 12 noon, when people went to the market, they were glad to see the giant playing with the children in the most beautiful garden they had ever seen.


  They played all day, and when night came, the children said good night to the giant.


  "But where is your little companion?" The giant asked, "its the boy I carried to the tree." The giant loved the boy best because he had kissed him.


  "We dont know," the children replied. "Hes gone."


  The giant said, "you must tell him to come here tomorrow." But the children told the giant that they didnt know where the little boy lived, and that they had never seen him before. The giant was very upset.


  Every afternoon, the children come to play with the giant as soon as they finish school. But the little boy the giant loved never came again. The giant is very friendly to every child, but he misses the little boy more and often mentions him. "How I want to see him," the giant often exclaimed.


  Many years passed and the giant became old and weak. He can no longer play with the children, can only sit in a huge armchair, while watching the children play games, while enjoying his garden. "I have many beautiful flowers," he said, "but children are the most beautiful flowers."


  One winter morning, the giant got up and dressed and looked out of the window. Now he didnt hate winter any more, because he knew in his heart that it was just to let spring beat a ton and let the flowers rest.


  All of a sudden, he rubbed his eyes in surprise and fixed his eyes. The view was wonderful: in the corner at the end of the garden, there was a tree full of lovely white flowers. The branches of the tree were glittering with gold. Silver fruits hung on the branches. Under the tree stood the little boy, who was the giants favorite.


  The giant ran downstairs excitedly, went out and ran towards the garden. He ran across the grass in a hurry to the child. When he came to the child, he blushed and said angrily, "who dares to make you like this?" There are two nail marks on the palm of the childs small hands and two nail marks on his small feet.


  "Who dares to make you like this?" The giant roared, "tell me, Ill get my sword and kill him."


  "No!" The child replied, "these are all marks of love."


  "Who are you?" The giant said with a strange awe in his heart. He knelt down in front of the little boy.


  The little boy looked at the giant with a smile and said, "you asked me to play in your garden once. Today Im going to take you to my garden. Thats heaven. "


  When the children ran into the garden that afternoon, they saw the giant lying under the tree, dead and covered with white flowers.

  王尔德童话英文版 篇3


  The night before the coronation, the young king was sitting alone in his beautiful house. His ministers bowed to him head to head in accordance with the etiquette of the time and left. They came to the hall of the palace to learn the last few lessons from the etiquette Professor, because some of them had not yet been taught how to behave. Needless to say, it was very impolite.


  The boy - he was only a boy, but only sixteen years old - was not at all sorry for their departure. He leaned back, sat on the cushion of his embroidered sofa, took a long breath, and lay down with his eyes open and his mouth open. It was like a brown woodland God or a small animal in the forest just captured by a hunter.


  Coincidentally, the hunters found him, and they met him almost by luck. At that time, barefoot and flute in hand, he was following the sheep of the poor shepherd who raised him, and he always regarded himself as the son of the poor shepherd. His mother turned out to be the only daughter of the old king. She secretly fell in love with a person who was much lower than her. Some people said that the man was from other places. He played magic sounds with his flute, which made the young princess fall in love with him. Others said that he was an artist from Rimini, Italy, and the princess valued him very much, perhaps too much. He suddenly disappeared from the city, and his unfinished work was still in the cathedral - when the child was only a week old, he secretly took the child away from his sleeping mother and gave it to an ordinary peasant couple. The couple, who have no children of their own, live deep in the dense forest, and it takes a day to get there on horseback from the city. I dont know if it was because of excessive grief, as announced by the royal doctor of the court, or a kind of acute Italian poison put in the spice wine, as some people have talked about. Anyway, the pale girl who gave the child life died in less than an hour. A loyal servant and his child got on the saddle and left. When he bent down from his tired horse and knocked on the door of the shepherds hut, the princesss body was buried in an open grave, which was dug in a desolate churchyard near the city gate. It is said that there is another corpse lying in that tomb. He is a very handsome man from other places. His hands are tied back and tied with a knot. There are many bloody wounds on his chest.


  That, at least, is what people are whispering to each other in private. However, it is certain that when the old king was dying, he did not know whether he regretted his great sin, or just because he hoped that his kingdom would not fall into the hands of outsiders, so he sent someone to retrieve the young man and admitted him as his successor in front of the ministers in the palace.


  It seems that from the moment when he was admitted, he showed great enthusiasm for beautiful things, which was destined to have a great impact on his life. The servants who accompanied him to the prepared room to wait for him to rest often talked about how excited he would shout when he saw the gorgeous clothes and precious stones, and how ecstatic he was when he took off his coarse leather coat and coarse sheepskin coat. Sometimes he did miss his free forest life, and always resented the complicated court etiquette that took up most of the day, but it was a beautiful palace - people called it the "carefree Palace" - and now he became its master, and to him, it was like a fashionable new world built to please him, as long as he could If he could escape from the chamber of Parliament or the meeting room, he would run down the shining steps of the spotted rock with the gilded bronze lion, from one room to another, and from one corridor to another, as if one were to find a painkiller or a cure in beauty.


  For this journey full of new discoveries, this is what he calls it - really, for him, its a real wandering in the divine realm. Sometimes there will be several golden haired palace guards in Cape with gorgeous ribbons; but most of the time, he is often a person, with a sense of some quick instinct, which is almost a kind of foresight. To grasp the secret of art, it is best to seek it in secret. Besides, beauty, like wisdom, is loved by lonely admirers.


  During this period, there were many anecdotes about him. It is said that a chubby City magistrate came out on behalf of the whole city and made a magnificent speech. He also said that he saw him kneeling reverently in front of a giant painting just brought from Venice, as if to defend the worship of the new gods. There was another time when he disappeared for several hours. It took a lot of effort for people to find him in a small room in the North Tower of the palace. He was staring at a Greek gem engraved with the statue of Adonis. It is also said that he used his hot lips to kiss the forehead of an ancient marble statue, which was found in the river bed when people built a stone bridge. In addition to the statue, the name of bisnian slaves owned by Roman emperor Hadrian was engraved on it. He also spent the whole night observing the changes of the moonlight on the silver statue of andimin.


  All the rare and expensive things had a great attraction for him, and made him eager to get them. For this reason, he sent many merchants, some of whom were sent to the North Sea to buy amber from poor fishermen there, some of whom went to Egypt to find emeralds that could only be found in the tombs of the Pharaohs. It is said that these emeralds have extraordinary magic power. Some of them went to Persia to buy Velvet carpets and painted pottery. Many others went to India to buy tulle and colored ivory and the moon Jewelry and emerald bracelets, sandalwood and blue enamel, and fine wool woven shawls.


  However, what bothered him most was the robe he wore when he was crowned. The robe was made of gold thread, with a crown inlaid with rubies and a scepter with strings of pearls. In fact, thats what he was thinking about tonight, when he was lying on the luxurious sofa and watching the huge pine wood slowly burn out in the fireplace. They were all designed by the most famous artists of that era, and the design patterns were submitted to him a few months ago. He also ordered the craftsmen to drive them out day and night, and sent people all over the world to look for jewelry worthy of their craftsmanship. In his imagination, he saw himself standing on the high altar in the cathedral in his royal robe. His childish lips were smiling, and his dark eyes were shining brightly.


  After a while, he got up and leaned against the carved eaves at the top of the fireplace, looking around the dimly lit room. On the walls around them are ornate ornaments representing "victory of beauty". A large wardrobe, inlaid with agate and glass, filled a corner. Facing the window stands an unusual cabinet, on which the paint grid layer is either plated with gold powder or inlaid with gold flakes. On the grid layer are some exquisite Venetian glass goblets and a large black agate cup. There are some white poppies embroidered on the silk sheets. They seem to fall from the tired hands of sleep. The large ivory columns with striped grooves support the velvet canopy, and the large ostrich hair on the top of the canopy extends upward like white foam, reaching the silvery white palindrome decorated roof. The beautiful young Narcissus, made of bronze, holds up a bright mirror with both hands with a smile on his face. There is a flat bottom basin made of Amethyst on the table.


  Outside the window, he could see the dome of the church, floating like a bubble on the dark house. Listless sentinels walked up and down the misty balcony near the river. In an orchard in the distance, a nightingale is singing. A light scent of jasmine wafted in through the open window. He swept his brown curls back from his forehead, then picked up a lute and let his fingers play on the string. His eyelids dropped down heavily, and an inexplicable weariness came over him. Before that, he had never felt the magic and mystery of beauty so strongly and excitedly.


  When the clock struck midnight, he rang the bell, and the servants came in, stripped him of his gown, and sprinkled rose perfume on his hands, and sprinkled flowers on his pillow. Not long after they left the room, he fell asleep.


  After he fell asleep, he had a dream. It was like this:


  He felt that he was standing in a long, low attic, surrounded by the spinning and knocking of looms. The faint light came through the grating window, making him see the gaunt figures of the weavers working on the loom table. Some sick and pale children squatted on the huge beams and died. Whenever the shuttle flies through the warp, the weavers lift up the heavy box seat. As soon as the shuttle stops, they immediately put down the reed and press the thread together. Their faces were hungry, and their dry hands were shaking and shaking. Some weak women sat at a table sewing. The room was full of pungent odor, the air was dirty and dreary, and the walls were dripping with moisture.


  The young king came to a weaver and watched him work.


  The weaver looked at him angrily and said, "why do you always look at me? Are you the spy our master sent to watch our work


  "Who is your master?" Asked the young king.


  "Our master!" Cried the weaver bitterly, "hes just like me. In fact, theres only one difference between him and me - he wears beautiful clothes, but Im always in rags, Im so hungry and skinny, but hes so full. "


  "This is a free country," said the young king. "You are not a slave to anyone."


  "In the age of war," replied the weaver, "the strong turn the weak into slaves, while in the age of peace the rich turn the poor into slaves. We have to work to make a living, but their wages are so small that we will starve to death. We toil for them all day, their boxes are full of gold, our children die before they grow up, and the faces of those we love become sad and ferocious. We squeeze out the grape juice, but let others taste it. The grain we grow cant be brought to our table. We wear shackles, though they are invisible; And we are slaves, though people say we are free men. "


  "Is that all of us?" Asked the young king.


  "All the people are lucky," the weaver replied, "whether they are young or old, whether they are men or women, children or people who are hard all the year round. The merchants oppress us, and we have to do what they say. The priests rode past us, counting their rosary beads. No one cared about us. Poverty crawled through the dark alley with hungry eyes, followed by sin with his alcoholic face. It is grief that wakes us up in the morning, and shame that accompanies us to sleep at night. But what does that have to do with you? Youre not one of us. How happy you look! Then he turned his head and put the shuttle through the loom. The young king saw that a piece of gold thread was woven on the shuttle.


  He was startled and asked the weaver, "what kind of Robe are you weaving?"


  "This is the robe that the young king wore when he was crowned," he replied. "What are you asking about this?"


  Then the young king woke up with a cry, my God! He was in his room. Through the window, he saw the big honey moon hanging in the dim sky.


  He fell asleep again and had a dream again. The dream was like this:


  He felt himself lying on the deck of a sailboat, with a hundred slaves rowing for it. The captain was sitting on the carpet next to him. He was as black as ebony, and his turban was made of deep river silk. On his thick earlobe hung a pair of huge tremella, and his hands looked like an ivory balance.


  The slaves were all naked except for a rag on their waist. Everyone was locked with the other one beside them. The hot sun shot at them, and the black people ran up and down the aisle, while the whip kept beating them. They stretched out their dry arms and paddled heavy oars into the water. Salty water splashed from the oars.


  Finally they came to a small harbor and began to measure the depth of the water. A breeze from the shore covered the deck and the sail with fine red sand. Three Arabs came on wild donkeys and shot at them. The captain took a bow and shot one of them in the throat. He fell heavily into the waves, and his companions fled. A woman with a yellow scarf on her face was slowly following her on a camel, and from time to time she looked back at the dead body.


  The Negroes dropped their anchors, lowered their sails, and came to the bottom of the cabin one after another. They took out a long ladder with a plumb under it. The captain dropped the rope ladder from the side of the ship and tied its two ends to two iron pillars. At this time, the Negroes seized one of the youngest slaves, opened his shackles, filled his nostrils and ears with wax, and tied a stone around his waist. Tired, he climbed down the rope ladder and disappeared into the sea. There were several blisters where he went into the water. Other slaves looked curiously. On the bow sat a shark driver, drumming monotonously.


  After a while, the diver came up from the water, panting and climbing up the ladder, with a pearl in his right hand. The black men took the Pearl from him and threw him into the sea. And the slaves had fallen asleep by the oars.


  He came up again and again, each time with a beautiful pearl. The captain weighed the pearls and put them into a small green leather bag.


  The young king wanted to say something, but his tongue seemed to stick behind his upper teeth, and his lips could not move. The black people were talking to each other and began to quarrel over a string of pearls. Two white cranes are flying around the sailboat.


  At this time, the diver came out of the water for the last time, and the Pearl he brought was more beautiful than all the pearls in omaz Island, because it was like a full moon in shape, and it was whiter than the color of the morning star. But his face was very pale. He fell on the deck, and blood burst out of his ears and nostrils. He just shivered and couldnt move any more. The Negroes shrugged and threw his body overboard.


  The captain laughed. He reached out and picked up the Pearl. As he looked at it, he put it on his forehead and bowed. "It should be used," he said, "to decorate the young kings scepter." Then he made a sign to the black people to lift the anchor.


  When the young king heard this, he suddenly cried out and woke up. Through the window, he saw the long fingers of dawn picking up the weak stars.


  He fell asleep again and had a dream. The dream was like this:


  He felt that he was wandering in a dark forest, with strange fruits and beautiful poisonous flowers hanging on it. Where he passed, the Viper hissed at him, and the GORGEOUS PARROT screamed and flew from branch to branch. The giant tortoise lies in the hot mud and sleeps. There are monkeys and peacocks all over the tree.


  He walked until he came to the edge of the woods, where he saw a large group of people toiling on a dry river bed. They swarmed to the rock like ants. They dug deep holes in the ground and went down into them. Some of them use big axes to cut rocks, others are groping on the beach. They uprooted the cactus and stepped over the bright red flowers. They were busy, shouting at each other, and no one was lazy.


  Death and greed watched them from the shadows of the cave, and death said, "Im tired. Give me a third of them. Im going."


  But greed shook his head. "They are my servants," she replied.


  Death said to her, "whats in your hand?"


  "I have three grains of grain," she replied. "What does that have to do with you?"


  "Give me one," cried death, "and plant it in my garden. Just one of them, Ill go."


  "I wont give you anything," greedy said, hiding her hand in the edge of her dress.


  Death smiles. He picked up a cup and dipped it in the pool. By the time the cup came out, there was malaria in it. Malaria passed through the crowd, and a third of them fell down and died. A cold air rolled up behind her, and countless water snakes ran wildly beside her.


  Greedy saw that one third of the people were dead, so he beat his chest and cried. She beat her dry chest and cried, "you have killed a third of my servants. Go now. There is a war going on in Tatars mountain. The kings of both sides are calling for you. The Afghans have killed the black ox and are heading to the front. They beat their shields with spears and put on their helmets. Whats my Valley for you? You dont have to stay here, do you? Go on, dont come here any more. "


  "No," replied death, "I wont go unless you give me another grain."


  Greed clenched his hand and clenched his teeth. "I wont give you anything," she murmured.


  Death smiles. He picked up a black stone, threw it into the woods, and out of the wild celery in the deep forest came the fever in the flaming robe. She walked through the crowd and touched them. Everyone she touched died. The grass under her feet withered.


  Greed trembled and put the earth on his head. "You are cruel," she cried. "You are cruel. Many cities in India are suffering from famine, and the reservoirs in Samarkand have dried up. Many cities in Egypt are suffering from famine, and locusts are coming from the desert. The Nile did not come ashore, and the priests were cursing their own gods, Isis and Asiris. Go to those who need you, and let go of my servants


  "No," replied death, "I will not leave until you give me a grain of corn."


  "I wont give you anything," greedy said.


  Death smiles again. He puts his hand on his mouth and whistles between his fingers. A woman comes from the air. The word "plague" was printed on her forehead, and a group of hungry eagles were flying around her. She lived in the whole valley with her huge wings, and no one could escape her.


  Greedy screamed and ran through the woods, and death galloped away on his red horse, which ran faster than the wind.


  From the mud at the bottom of the valley, countless dragons and monsters with scales emerged. A group of jackals also ran along the beach and sucked the air greedily with their nostrils.


  The young king cried and said, "who are these people? What are they looking for? "


  "The ruby on the kings crown," said a man standing behind him.


  Surprised, the young king turned his head and saw a pilgrim like man with a silver mirror in his hand.


  He turned pale and asked, "which king?"


  The pilgrim replied, "look in the mirror and youll see him."


  He looked in the mirror and saw his own face. He woke up with a cry. The bright sunlight poured into the house, and the birds sang from the trees in the garden and garden outside.


  Court ministers and civil and military officials came into the room to salute him. The waiter brought him a robe woven with gold thread, and put the crown and Scepter in front of him.


  The young king looked at them. They were so beautiful, more beautiful than anything he had ever seen before. But he remembered his dream, so he said to the ministers, "take all these things away. I wont wear them."


  The ministers were surprised, and some even laughed, because they thought the king was joking.


  But he said to them seriously again, "take all these things away and dont let me see them. Although today is my coronation day, I will not wear them. Because this robe of mine is woven on the loom of sadness with pale hands of pain. Rubys heart is red with blood. There is a shadow of death in the Pearls heart Then he told them about his three dreams.


  After listening to the story, the ministers looked at each other and whispered, "he must be crazy. Dreams are dreams. Hallucinations are just hallucinations. They are not real. Dont care. Besides, what does the life of those who work for us have to do with us? Cant a man eat bread without seeing the seed, or drink wine without talking to the grape growers? " The court minister said to the young king, "Your Majesty, I beg you to put these sad thoughts aside and put on this beautiful robe and crown. If you dont put on your robe, how can the people know that you are the king? "


  The young king looked at him. "Is that so?" He asked, "if I didnt wear a royal robe, wouldnt they know I was king?"


  "They will not know you, your majesty," cried the court minister.


  "I used to think that there were some people with the appearance of emperors," the young king replied, "but maybe, as you said, I still dont wear this robe, and I dont wear this crown. I want to go out of the palace as I did when I entered the palace."


  Then he told them to leave, leaving only one waiter to accompany him. The waiter took a bath in the middle of the year, opened a painted box, and from the box he took out his fur coat and coarse sheepskin coat, which he had worn when he was herding sheep on the hillside. He put them on and picked up the big shepherds stick in his hand.


  The little waiter opened his blue eyes wide in surprise and said to him with a smile, "Your Majesty, I see your robe and scepter, but where is your crown?"


  The young king took a branch from the wild bramble on the balcony, bent it into a circle and put it on his head.


  "This is my crown," he replied.


  When he was dressed in this way, he went out of the room to the hall, where the dignitaries were waiting for him.


  The dignitaries thought it ridiculous, and some of them even cried to him, "Your Majesty, the subjects are waiting to see their king, but you show them a beggar." Others said angrily, "he has disgraced our country and is not worthy to be our master." However, without saying a word to them, he just walked forward, down the bright porphyry steps, out of the bronze gate, mounted his horse, and ran to the church, with the waiter running beside him.


  The people laughed and said, "its the kings clown who rode by." They laughed at him.


  But he stopped Mamun and said, "no, I am the king." So he told them his three dreams.


  A man came out of the crowd and said to the king bitterly, "emperor, dont you know that the life of the poor comes from the luxury of the rich? Its your wealth that keeps us alive. Its your bad habits that bring us bread. Its hard to work for a strict master, but its even harder if we dont have the master to make us live. Do you think crows will feed us? Do you have a prescription for these things? Would you say to the buyer, "you want to buy it with so much money" and at the same time say to the seller, "you want to sell it at this price"? I bet you wont. So go back to your own palace and put on your high purple robe. What do you have to do with us and our suffering? "


  "Arent the rich and the poor brothers?" Asked the young king.


  "Yes," the man replied, "the rich brothers name is Cain."


  The young kings eyes were full of tears. He rode through the murmurs of the common people. The little waiter was so scared that he walked away.


  When he came to the church gate, the guards raised their halberds and said to him, "what are you doing here? No one is allowed in except the king. "


  On hearing this, he blushed with anger and said to them, "I am the king." Then he pushed their halberds away and went in.


  When the old bishop saw him come in dressed as a shepherd, he got up from his throne in surprise, went forward and said to him, "my child, is this the kings dress? What crown shall I crown you with? What kind of Scepter do you take and put in your hand? It should be a happy day for you, not a humiliating day. "


  "Should happiness be disguised by sorrow?" Said the young king. Then he told the old bishop about his three dreams.


  After hearing three dreams, the bishop frowned and said, "son, Im an old man. Im in my twilight years. I know there are many evil things in this world. Ferocious bandits came down from the mountain, captured countless children and sold them to the moors. The lion lay in the grass waiting for the passing caravan to bite the camel. The boar uprooted the crops in the valley. The fox bit the vine on the mountain. Pirates made waves along the coast, burned fishing boats and robbed fishermen of their nets. There are lepers living in Yanze. They build huts with reed poles. No one wants to get close to them. Beggars drifted in the street, competing with dogs for food. Can you keep these things from happening? Would you like lepers to sleep with you and beggars to eat with you? Will you tell the lion to obey you and the boar to obey you? Is the God who made these sufferings not as clever as you? Therefore, I will not praise you for what you have done. I ask you to ride back to your own palace with a smile on your face and wear clothes suitable for being a king. I will crown you with a golden crown and put the scepter full of pearls in your hands. As for your dreams, dont think about them any more. The burden in this world is too heavy for one to bear, and the sorrow in the world is too heavy for one heart to bear. "


  "Is that what you say in this room?" Said the young king. He strode past the bishop, ascended the steps of the altar and stood in front of the statue of Christ.


  He stood in front of the statue of Christ, with magnificent gold pots on his left and right, the chalice for yellow wine and the bottle for holy oil. He knelt down under the statue of Christ. The huge candle was burning brightly beside the pearly throne. The incense smoke circled in a circle, and the blue smoke floated to the roof beam. He lowered his head to pray, and the priests in stiff vestments stepped down from the altar.


  All of a sudden, there was a loud noise from the street outside. A group of nobles with feather tassels came in, holding sheathed swords and flashing steel shields. "Where is the dreamer?" They yelled, "where is the king, the boy dressed like a beggar and bringing shame to our country? We must kill him, because he is not worthy to rule us. "


  The young king bowed his head again to pray. After that, he stood up and turned to look at them sadly.


  Ah! Look at that, the sun shines on him through the colored glass window, and the light weaves a golden robe around him, which is more beautiful than the kings robe woven to please him. Dry branches in full bloom flowers, it is even white than the Pearl Lily. The withered bramble also bloomed, and the red rose was redder than ruby. Lilies are whiter than pearls. Their roots are made of glittering silver. More red than rubies, their leaves are made of gold.


  He stood in the kings clothes, the jeweled shrine opened its lid, and the crystal of the radiant casket gave off an extraordinary light. He stood there in the kings clothes, and it was full of the glory of God, and even the saints in the niche seemed to move. Dressed in the kings luxurious clothes, he stood in front of them, the organ played music, the trumpeter sounded their trumpet, and the children of the choir were singing.


  The people knelt down in awe. The nobles took back their swords and saluted the young king. The Bishops face turned pale and his hands trembled. "The man who crowns you is greater than I am." He cried and fell on his knees before the king.


  The young king came down from the high altar and walked through the crowd to his room. At this time, no one dares to look at his face, because it looks like an angel.

  王尔德童话英文版 篇4


  It was the princesss birthday. She was just 12. The bright sunshine was in the garden of the palace.


  Although she is a real princess and a Spanish princess, she can only have a birthday every year like the children of poor people. Therefore, it is natural for the whole country to regard it as a major thing, that is, her birthday should be a sunny day. That day was a fine day indeed. The tall striped tulips stand upright on the stems, like a line of upright soldiers, and look arrogantly at the roses over the grass, saying, "we are as beautiful as you." Purple butterfly dancing with the gold powder on its wings, and visiting each flower in turn; The lizards climbed out of the cracks in the wall and lay in the sun in the sun; Pomegranates in the hot sun have opened their mouths, revealing their blood red heart. Even a string of light yellow caragans hanging from the carved shed along the dark corridor seemed to have been stained with a rich color from the wonderful sunshine. The magnolia trees also opened their huge ivory colored globular flowers, which filled the air with strong fragrance.


  The little princess herself and her partners walked back and forth on the balcony, playing hide and seek around stone vases and mossy statues. She is allowed to play only with children of her identity on a regular day, so she always plays alone, except for birthday. The king has ordered that she invite any child she likes to come to the palace to play with her. These small Spanish children are still running in elegant ways. The boys wore big feather hats, fluttering short coats, girls holding the back of satin dresses in their hands, and protected their eyes from the sun with big fans of black and silver gray. However, the little princess was the most elegant of them, dressed up in the most timely manner, according to the quite miscellaneous styles at that time. Her dress was made of grey brocade, and the hem and wide cuffs were embroidered with silver thread, and the straight breastcoat was sewn with several rows of precious pearls. Two slippers with big pink roses showed up under her clothes as she walked. The big fan was pink and pearl, her hair was like a faded golden ring around her pale face, and on it was wearing a beautiful white rose.


  The sad king looked at them through the window in the palace. Behind him was the man he hated, his brother, Don Pedro of Aragon, and his penitent, and the grand religious magistrate from grannada, sitting beside him. The king was more sad than ever, because he saw the princess salute the courtiers in a child like seriousness, and saw her throwing a fan and laughing with her mouth closed. The prince suddenly remembered the young queen, the mother of the little princess, which seemed to him as something not long ago. At that time, the queen came to Spain from France, a happy country. She died in the melancholy and gorgeous life of the Spanish court. She died only six months old. She didnt even see the second opening of apricot flowers in the garden, and she did not catch up with the second year of collecting the fruits of the old fruitless fruit trees in the center of the yard. Now it is already overgrown with weeds. He loved her so much that he could not bear to bury her in a grave that he could not see. A Moorish doctor has perfumed her body and, in return for his work, the king saved his life because he was sentenced to a death sentence by a religious referee for being suspected of cult and witchcraft. Her body is still on a tapestry stand in the palaces black marble chapel, as the monks carried her there on a windy March day 12 years ago. Once a month, the king, wrapped in black robes, carrying a light-proof lantern in his hand, walked into the chapel and knelt beside her, calling, "my queen, my queen!" Sometimes he would ignore the etiquette (any act in Spanish life is bound by etiquette, even the grief of the king), and seize her pale hand with jewels in grief, and kiss her cold, makeup-making face and try to wake her up.


  Today he seems to see her again, just as he saw her in the fontainbailu palace in Paris for the first time, when he was only 15 years old and she was younger. They were engaged at that time, attended by the Popes envoys, the French king and all the courtiers, and then he returned to the Spanish palace with a small bunch of blonde hair. Since he was in his carriage, he had been thinking of two childish lips bending down and kissing his hand. The next wedding was held in Burgos, a small city on the border between the two countries. The public celebration of entering Madrid was grand, and a mass was held in La Atoka Cathedral, and a more solemn ceremony was held than usual for the punishment of heretic cremation. Nearly 300 pagans, many of whom were British, were handed over to the executioners to burn to death on the pillar of fire.


  He loved her so crazy that many people thought he had destroyed the country because they were fighting against Britain for the Empire of the new world. He could not leave her for even a quarter of an hour; For her, he has forgotten, or seems to have forgotten, all the important matters of the country; Driven by this passion, he reached such a blind and terrible point that he did not find that the intricate manners he thought of to please her had exacerbated the strange melancholy she had made. For a while after she died, he seemed to be mad. If he was not worried that the princess would be damaged by his brother after she left, he would have officially abdicated and recluse in the terab monastery in grannada, and he would have been the honorary Dean of the house. His brothers cruelty and ruthlessness were famous in Spain. Many people suspected that he killed the queen. It is said that when the queen visited his castle in Aragon, he sent a pair of toxic gloves to the queen. Even after the king announced his countrys public mourning by royal decree for three years, he still couldnt bear the continuation of his ministers stories with him. When the holy emperor of the Roman Empire himself came to him to propose his niece, a beautiful and lovely princess of Bohemia, to marry him, he still ordered his minister to tell the emperor, Said the Spanish king has married grief, although she is only a bride who can not bear, but he loves her more than any beauty; The price of this answer was to lose his kingdoms rich provinces of Nederland, which, soon under the emperors encouragement, were led by fanatical times of reformist sects and rebelled against him.


  Today, as he watched the little princess play on the balcony, he seemed to recall his whole marriage life, which was a strong and hot joy, and also caused terrible pain due to the sudden completion of her. The little princess has all the lovely arrogance of the queen, the same willful head swing, the same curved and proud beautiful lips, as beautiful and lovely smile - indeed, a very French smile - the little princess looks up at the window from time to time, or reaches out her hand to let the distinguished Spanish gentleman kiss. But the childrens loud laughter pricked his ears, the bright and merciless sunshine mocked his sadness, a strange smell of spice, like spices for the body, as if the fresh air of the morning had been soiled - perhaps his fantasy? He buried his face in his towel, and when the little princess raised her head again to look at the window, the curtain had fallen and the king left.


  She pouted the pin in a little disappointment and shrugged her shoulders. To be honest, he should have been with her for his birthday. What is the matter with the stupid state affairs? Maybe he went to the dark chapel again, right? There was a candle all the time and never let her in. It was so stupid of him to have such a good sunshine and everyone was so happy. Besides, he will miss a bullfight played by people. The trumpet of the game has been sounded, let alone puppet plays and other wonderful performances. Her uncle and the great religious magistrate were more considerate. They had already walked to the balcony and congratulated her. So she put her lovely head up again, and took Don Pedros hand, and slowly walked down the stone steps, and walked down to the long Pavilion porch of purple silk weaving standing at the end of the garden. The other children followed her in strict order, that is, who has the longest name, who will walk in front of her.


  A line of noble boys dressed as bullfighters came out to welcome her. The young new earl, a 14-year-old American, took off her hat with the all the elegant manner of the lower Spanish aristocratic family and solemnly led her to a small gold inlaid Ivory chair on the stand in the arena. The children were in a circle around her, waving their big fans and talking to each other. Don Pedro and the great religious magistrate stood smiling at the population. Even the Duchess, who called the maid mayor, a small, uncertain woman, with yellow plumes and a face that had been made up of the past, swept her wrinkled face with a cold smile, and her bloody and dry lips moved.


  It was a really amazing bullfight, and it looked better for the little princess than the real bullfight. It was when the Duke of Parma came to visit her father, and she was taken to Seville to see a bullfight. A group of boys ran back and forth in the field in their gorgeous horseskin clothes, waving spears with colorful ribbons attached to them; others walked on foot and danced scarlet earth in front of fake cattle, and they easily jumped over the fence when the cows rushed in; and as for cattle, though it was made of willows and open cowhide, they were with the real cattle It is a kind of living tiger, but sometimes it keeps running around the field with its back legs. It is something that real cattle cant even dream about. The bull fight was good, the children were excited, they got up and stood on the bench, waved their handkerchiefs, shouting: great, great! Thats the same energy as adults. The battle continued, and finally, several horses were stabbed, and the young new Earl pressed the cow on the ground, and he asked the little princess to allow him to give him a deadly blow, and then he stabbed the animal with a wooden sword. He was too hard to stab the cow off at once, which made Mr. Ronan laugh with delight, the son of the French ambassador to Madrid.


  In the applause, the arena was cleaned up. Two Moors in yellow and black uniform dragged the fallen Trojan horse away solemnly, followed by a small episode, which was performed by a French rope walking master on a tight rope. Some Italian puppet performers staged a semi classical tragedy, sofenicia, in a small theater that was specially built to perform puppet. Their performance was excellent, puppet movements were natural, and the eyes of the little princess were filled with tears at the end of the show. At that time, many children cried, so they had to comfort them with sugar. Even the magistrates were deeply moved. He couldnt help but say to Don Pedro that these things made of simple wood and colored wax and mechanically moved by silk thread could perform such sadness and misfortune, which seemed unacceptable to him.


  Next is an African performing trick. He brought up a large, flat basket covered with a red cloth. He put the basket in the middle of the field, then took a strange reed pipe from under his purse and blew it. Soon, the red cloth began to move. As the reed pipe sounded more and more sharp, two golden green snakes extended their strange wedge-shaped heads, and the higher they reached, they were shaking with the music, just like floating plants in the water. The children were afraid of their spotted heads and tongue, and they were afraid, and they were not happy until they saw the juggler turn a little orange tree in the sand, and bloom beautiful white flowers and grow a string of real fruits; and then the juggler took a fan from Marquis TOS little daughter and turned it into a blue one The birds of color fly and fly in the pavilion Gallery, and they sing songs constantly. Their excitement and surprise are indescribable. The solemn dance music performed by the boys in the dance class in the chapel of the mothers house in new stras is also a great attraction. The little princess has never seen such a grand celebration before, which is held in May every year in front of the altar of the virgin, dedicated to the celebration of the virgin. In fact, since a madness priest (who is said to have been bought by Queen Elizabeth of England) has tried to murder the Spanish prince Asturias with a poisonous pancake, no member of the Spanish royal family has gone into the Cathedral of saracosa. Therefore, the little princess just heard that this dance of "our virgin" seems to be wonderful. The boys were dressed in old court clothes made of white velvet, and their funny triangular cap was covered with silver ornaments and large camel hair on the top. When they were dancing in the sun, the dazzling white dress was more gorgeous against their black face and long black hair.


  At this time a beautiful group of Egyptians, also known as Gypsies, came into the field, sat on the floor, circled in a circle, began to play their chords gently, others danced their waists in tune, and sang as low as they could, as low as possible, as a breeze in their dreams. As soon as they saw Don Pedro, they frowned at him, and some people showed a fear, because just a few weeks ago, Tang said that their two people had been hanged in Sevilles market by demonizing. But the beautiful little princess fascinated them, and she leaned back, and a pair of big blue eyes looked at them from the fan, and they believed that the lovely people like her would never treat others cruelly. So they played the piano quietly, and their long fingernails just went to the strings, and their heads began to point forward as if they were going to sleep. Suddenly a sharp cry came, and the children were all surprised. Don Pedros hand grabbed the agate hilt of his short sword. Only the musicians jumped up, and turned around the field madly, beating the drums and singing wild love songs in their peculiar voice. With the signal coming, they all fell on the ground, lying still, and the whole scene was still, only to hear the monotonous strings. After doing a few rounds, they disappeared again. When they returned, they had brought a hairy brown bear with a chain. They were still sitting on their shoulders some Babali monkeys. The bear stood up very seriously, and the skinny monkeys followed two little boys like their master, Gypsy, who were performing all sorts of funny tricks, and they would swing swords and guns, and complete a whole set of regular army exercises like the kings guard. The Gypsies did have a great success.


  But the most interesting part of the mornings entertainment was the Dwarfs dances. He hobbled his bent legs, his deformed big head swaying around, so he stumbled into the field. The children cried out excitedly at the sight of the situation. The little princess herself laughed more than herself, so that the mayor of the waitress had to remind her that although the daughter of the Spanish king had cried several times in front of others, she never had a royal family who had laughed so much before the lower. But the Dwarfs actions are irresistible, and even the Spanish court, a place known for its cultivation of terror, has never seen such an attractive monster. It was the first time he had a show. He was found only yesterday, when he was running madly in the woods. Two nobles were hunting in the remote area of the suppository forest around the city. So they took him into the palace as a surprise for xiaogongxuan. The father of the dwarf is a poor charcoal man, and it is hard for him to get rid of this ugly and useless child. Perhaps the most interesting thing is that the dwarfs dont know their ugly looks at all. He does look happy and full of spirit. The children laughed, and he laughed as free as they were. At the end of each dance, he would bow to each of them the funniest bow, and he nodded to them as if he was indeed one of them, not an unfortunate monster that God deliberately created to make others tease. As for the little princess, she was almost fascinated by the dwarf. He could not remove his eyes from her, as if he had danced for the little princess alone. At the end of the performance, the little princess remembered that she had seen the ladies throwing flowers at the famous Italian tenor, ganeli, when the Pope sent janarie from her chapel to Madrid, and intended to use his sweetest song to heal the kings worries; so the little princess took the beautiful white rose from her hair, half playing Half of the smile was to tease the waitress, throwing flowers at the dwarfs in the field, with the sweetest smile on his face. The dwarf took the whole thing seriously, and he pressed the flower under his rough lips with one hand, and the other hand knelt down in front of her, grinning with a grin, and the bright little eyes radiated a happy light.


  This made the little princess forget dignity, and she laughed with a strong smile for a long time when the dwarf ran out of the field, and said to her uncle that she wanted to let the dance be performed again immediately. However, the Chamberlain mayor pleaded that the sun was already too high and too hot. Her royal highness should return to the palace immediately, where she had prepared a sumptuous banquet for her, with a genuine birthday cake, with capitals on her name, and a flags of silver flags. The little princess rose very solemnly and announced that the dwarf should perform again after her nap time, and asked for her gratitude to be communicated to the count of new land for his gracious hospitality, and then she went back to her room, and the other children followed her in the order in which they had come in.


  When I heard that the little princess told him to go to her and perform again, and she had given her orders, the little weirdo was very proud. He ran to the garden, and kissed the white rose ecstatically, and made many clumsy and ugly movements.


  The flowers were so angry at his daring to enter their beautiful home. They saw him running around the flower Gallery, and waved with their hands ridiculous, and they could not bear it any more.


  "Hes so ugly that he shouldnt have been allowed to come where we are," the tulip shouted.


  "He should go for opium soup and sleep for a thousand years," said the big red lily. At this time they were really angry.


  "He is a terrible man!" The cactus screamed, "ah, he is ugly, and the man is short. His head and legs are disproportionate. He really makes me feel uncomfortable all over me. If he comes near me, I will stab him with my prick. "


  "And he really got my most beautiful flower," exclaimed the white rose tree. "That flower was given to the little princess myself this morning, and as a birthday present, he stole it from her." Then she cried out, "thief, thief, thief!"


  Even the red wind grass who doesnt like to show up, all of them know that there are many grass of poor relatives, and they roll up disgustingly when they see the dwarfs. Violet said gently that the dwarf was indeed not very good, but he could not press him. Feng Lu Cao also retorted fairly that it was his main defect, and people should not mock him for his incurable illness. In fact, some violet think that the ugliness of the dwarf is his own. If he has a sad face or at least shows a contemplation, rather than jumping up and down happily and making a strange and silly look, he will feel much better.


  As for the old sundial, he was a very remarkable person. He once reported to his majesty Charles V only his daily moments. The appearance of the dwarf surprised him, and almost forgot to mark it for two times with his long shadow fingers. He couldnt help but say to the Milky peacock who was basking in the fence, everyone knew that the kings child was the king, the child of the charcoal maker or the charcoal maker. If it was not, it was impossible. The idea was fully agreed with by the peacock, and she really called it, "yes, yes." Loud and thick, even goldfish in cool water pools came out of the water asking what happened to tritons, the giant stone sculpted sea god.


  But birds like dwarfs. They often see him in the woods, chasing the leaves in the air like a fairy, or squatting in the hole of an old oak tree, sharing his nuts with squirrels. They didnt care about his ugly appearance at all. Yes, Nightingale goes to the forest at night to sing, and sometimes the moon will bow down to listen to her sweet song, but she has no patience; besides, the dwarfs used to be very good to them. In the terrible winter, there were no nuts on the tree, the ground was frozen like iron. Wolves also went down to the gate to find food. At this time, the dwarfs never forgot them. He always knead his small pieces of black bread into crumbs for them to eat. Regardless of how little breakfast he had, he would give them some.


  So they flew around him, and they flew over him, gently touching his face with their wings and talking to each other. The dwarf was so happy that he could not help showing the beautiful white rose to them, and told them that this was the princess herself gave him, because she loved him.


  They cant understand a word they say to him, but it doesnt matter because they look smart with their heads aside, which is as good as knowing it and its easier.


  Lizards also like him very much. When he is tired and he lies on the grass for rest, the lizard will climb around him and play, and take out his skills to make him happy. "Not everyone can be as beautiful as a lizard," they cried, "but its too much. And its ridiculous to say, but hes not ugly at all, of course, as long as people put their eyes together, dont look at him. " Lizards are born to be full philosophers, who cant go out when theres nothing to do or when its raining, and they sit down for hours to think.


  However, Huaer is very worried about their behavior, and at the same time, he is also very uneasy about the birds behavior. "It only shows," said the flowers, "what a vulgar effect this constant skipping can have. Well educated people like us always stay in the same place honestly. No one has ever seen us jumping in the flower gallery or chasing dragonflies in the grass. If we want to change the air, we will call the gardener and he will move us to another flower bed. Its a sacred thing, and it should be. But birds and lizards have no sense of rest. Indeed, birds dont even have a fixed address. They are just a group of vagabonds like Gypsies, and they really deserve to be treated as fellow Vagabonds. " So the flowers looked very proud, and watched the dwarfs get up from the grass and walk across the balcony towards the palace.


  "He should stay in the house all his life," they said. "Look at his hump and his crutches," and they chuckled.


  But the dwarfs knew nothing about it. He likes these birds and lizards very much, and thinks that flowers are the most beautiful things in the world, except the little princess. And the little princess has given him the beautiful white rose, and she loves him, which is quite different. How he wished he could go back to the woods with her! She would let him sit on her right hand and smile at him. He would never leave her. He asked her to play with him and teach her all kinds of funny tricks. Because although he had never been to the palace before, he knew a lot of great things. He can make a small cage out of wicker grass, so that grasshoppers can be shut in and sing. He can also make a flute out of the long and thin bamboo, and use it to play the favorite tune of the shepherd. He knows the call of every bird, and can call starlings from the treetops, or herons from the ponds. He knows the footprints of every animal. He can find rabbits with slight footprints and bears with trampled leaves. He knows all kinds of wind dances, such as the dance in red in autumn, the dance in blue straw sandals on rice, the dance in snow cap in winter, and the slow dance in orchard in spring. He knew where turtledoves made their nests. Once an old pair of turtledoves were captured by a bird catcher, he came to feed the young birds himself, and built a small nest for them in the crack of an elm tree whose top had been cut off. They were all obedient and used to looking for food in his hands. The little princess will like them, as well as the rabbits scurrying in the long crested grass, the Plover with hard feathers and black beaks, the hedgehog that can bend into a thorny ball, and the big smart turtle that can shake her head, bite the tender leaves gently and crawl slowly. Yes, she will come to play with him in the woods. He would give her his little bed to sleep, and he would watch out the window until dawn, not to let the horned beast hurt her, not to let the hungry wolves near the hut. At daybreak, he would gently tap on the windowsill to wake her up. They would go out together and dance all day. Its not lonely in the woods. Sometimes the bishop would pass by on his white mule, reading a book with pictures. Sometimes the falcons passed by in their green velvet hats, in their tanned deerskin jackets, and on their wrists stood the hooded eagles. Every season when the grapes are ripe, the grape pickers have purple hands and feet, with ivy corolla on their heads and skin bags dripping with wine in their hands. Charcoal burners sit around the edge of the fire basin at night, watching the dry wood burn slowly in the fire, burying chestnuts in the ash to bake. The robbers also came out of the cave to play with them. On another occasion, he saw a good-looking line of people winding along the long dusty road towards Toledo. The monks walked at the front of the procession, singing sweet songs, holding bright flags and golden crosses in their hands, followed by soldiers armed with muskets and spears in silver jujube armour. Among them walked three barefoot men, dressed in strange yellow robes and covered with wonderful pictures, with lighted candles in their hands. Seriously, theres a lot to see in the woods. When she was tired, he would find a soft beach full of moss to let her rest, or help her walk, because he was very strong, even though he knew he was not tall. He will make a necklace for her with red vines. It will be as beautiful as the white pearls on her clothes. Once she doesnt like the necklace, he will throw it away and do something else for her. He would get her some soap horn and dew soaked autumn peony, and the little firefly could be the little star in her light yellow hair.


  But where is she? He asked white rose, who could not answer his question. The whole palace seemed to be asleep. Even where the shutters were not closed, heavy curtains were hung down to block the light from the windows. He wandered about looking for a place to enter, and finally he looked at an open little door. He slipped in and found himself in a splendid hall. He felt much more magnificent than the woods. Even the floor was paved with colorful stones. But the little princess was not there. Only a few beautiful white stone statues looked down at him from their emerald seats. Their eyes were full of sadness and loss, and their mouth was still hanging A strange smile.


  At the end of the hall hung a delicate black velvet curtain embroidered with the sun and stars, which was the kings favorite design and his favorite color. Maybe shes hiding behind that? Hes going to see it anyway.


  So he went over quietly and opened the curtain. No one. It was just another house, but he thought it was more beautiful than the one he had just passed. On the wall are green tapestries embroidered with figures. Its a hunting picture that several Flemish artists spent seven years on. This used to be the room of the king called silly John. The mad king loved hunting too much. When he was insane, he always dreamed of riding on the horse with hind hooves in the painting, dragging away the stag attacked by a group of big hunters, blowing his hunting horn, and stabbing a running DOE with his dagger. Now its a conference hall, and on the table in the middle of the room are the ministers red folders, covered with Spanish gold tulip prints, and the harpsburg Royal insignia.


  The dwarf looked around in surprise, and he was a little afraid to go forward. The strange and silent riders in the painting quickly crossed a long grass, and could not hear any sound. In his view, these people were like the terrible ghosts that the charcoal makers had spoken about - complacs, who only went out hunting at night, and if they met someone, they would turn the man into a red deer and then hunt him. But the dwarfs remembered the beautiful little princess, and then they were brave again. He hoped she would stay there alone so that he could tell her that he loved her too. Maybe shes in the room next door.


  He ran over the soft Morse carpet and opened the door. No, Shes not here either. The room is empty.


  This is a royal chamber for foreign envoys. It is not uncommon for the king to accept them personally. Years ago, it was in this room that British envoys came here to arrange their Queen - one of the European Catholic monarchs who married the eldest son of the emperor. The curtains in the room were made of gilded leather, and under the black and white two color flower board hung heavy gilded candlesticks, on which 300 candles could be erected. A huge golden cover is embroidered with small pearls to embroider the lion and Castell castle. Under the cover is the throne of the king. The throne is covered with expensive black velvet covering cloth, and the cover cloth is inlaid with silver tulips and is also equipped with exquisite silver ornaments and Pearl spikes. On the second stage of the throne, there is a kneeling bench for the little princess. The mat is made of silver thread cloth. Under the kneeling bench, and outside the Huagai, there is a chair of the Pope. Only the envoy has the right to sit with the king at any public ceremony. His bishops hat, which was wrapped with a dark red hat, was placed on a purple embroidered frame near the front. On the wall of the throne, there was a portrait of Charles Vs uniform, which was as big as a human being, and there was a big hound standing beside him. In the middle of the other wall is a portrait of the time that mailipu II received tribute from the provinces of Nederland. In the middle of the two windows was a ebony cabinet with ivory plates engraved with the characters in the "death dance" of holpen, which is said to have been carved by the master himself.


  But the dwarfs did not notice the luxury of the scene. He would not use his own rose for pearls on the cover, and he would not even use a rose petal for a throne. All he had to do was meet her before the little princess went to the pavilion and asked to go with him after his dance. At this time, the air is depressed and heavy in the palace, but in the woods, the wind can dress freely, the sun waves the golden hands to pull out the trembling leaves. There are flowers in the forest, which may not catch up with the flowers in the garden, but they are more fragrant and frightening; in the early spring, the hyacinth flowers in the cool Valley and grass hills rise with purple waves; a cluster of yellow cherry trees crawls around the oak root; the colorful white qulai, the blue and quiet welling fairy, the red and Golden Grape tail can be seen everywhere. Hazelnut trees have gray catkins, and the top needle flowers hang the little bee house with spots hanging. The top of the chestnut tree is like a white star, while hawthorn is full of its pale and beautiful moon. Yes, she will come as long as he can find her! She will go with him to the wonderful woods, and he will dance for her all day, and make her happy. Thinking of these, his eyes were smiling brightly, and then he walked into another house.


  This one is the brightest and most beautiful of all the houses. The four walls of the house are covered with Italian satin with light red flowers, and the satin is decorated with bird pictures and lovely silver flowers; the furniture is made of large silver, with bright wreaths and small rotating gods of love; in front of the two fireplaces, there are screens embroidered with Peng treads and peacocks; the floor is sea green agate, as if extending to a distant distance. This is not his one, the other end of the room, standing in the shadow of the doorway, standing a small figure, looking at him. He trembled, and he made a joyful cry from his mouth, and then he ran into the sun outside the house. When he did, the figure followed it, and he saw exactly what it was.


  The Little Princess! No, its just a monster. Its the most ugly monster hes ever seen. It was a strange shape, very human, hunched, crunched, and a large head and a mane of black hair. The dwarf frowned. He laughed, and it followed, and he put his hands on his waist, just as he did. He made a bow to him with a laugh, and he also gave him a gift. He walked towards it, and he came up to meet him, and took the same pace as he did. He stopped and the other side stood still. He cried in surprise, ran up and out with one hand, and the monsters hand came to his hand, which was cold. He felt so scared, waved his hand over again, and the monsters hand came out quickly. He tried to press forward, but something smooth and hard was blocking him. The monsters face is now close to his face, which seems to be full of fear. He wiped his hair off his eyes. It also imitates him. He went to hit it, but he also reported his fist. He was annoyed with it, and he made a face at him. He retreated back, and it followed.


  What is it? He thought for a while and looked around the house. Its strange that whatever happens to the invisible water wall, they will be repeated. Yes, there are the same pictures in the room and the same couch on the wall. The sleeping animal God in the bird at the gate wall had a twin brother who was sleeping in the same shape. The silver Venus, who stood in the sun and stretched out his arms, was looking at another as lovely Venus.


  Is this a echo? He had called her in the valley, and she responded word by word. Can she imitate her eyes as she does sound? Can she create a fake world like the real world? Is the shadow of an object color, life, and movement? Is this going to be --?


  He was surprised, and took out the beautiful white rose from his arms, turned around and kissed the flower. The monster as like as two peas has its own rose. It is kissing flowers, and it is the same as his kiss method, and it also uses its terrible action to press the flower on his chest.


  When he understood the truth, he made a desperate scream and cried on the ground. The original strange ugly, bent hunchback monster is his own. He was the monster, and all the children laughed at him, and the little princess he thought he loved - she was just laughing at his ugly appearance and having fun with his leg. Why did they take him out of the woods? There was no mirror in the forest to tell him how ugly he was. Why does his father not kill him, but betray his ugly face? Tears rolled down his cheek, and he tore the white rose to pieces. The monster who lay on the ground did the same thing as he did, and scattered the petals in the air. He was crawling on the ground, he looked at it, and he looked at him with a frown faced. He climbed to one side, unwilling to see it again, and covered his eyes with his hands. He climbed to the dark like a wounded animal and lay there moaning.


  At this time, the little princess came in with her little friends from the open window. When they saw the ugly dwarf lying on the ground and pounding the floor with her clenched fist, they couldnt help laughing at his ridiculous and exaggerated behavior and watching him.


  "His dance is very interesting," said the little princess, "and his acting was more funny. He is almost as good as a puppet, but it is not natural. " She fan up a big fan and clap her hands happily.


  But the dwarf never looked up again, his cry was weaker and weaker, and suddenly he gave a strange gasp and grabbed him. Then he fell down again, and he was still.


  "Its wonderful," said the little princess, after a while; "but now you have to dance for us."


  But the dwarf did not answer.


  The little princess stamped her feet and called her uncle. Her uncle was walking on the balcony with the court minister, reading the official document just sent from Mexico, where the religious referee recently established. "My funny little man is angry," she cried out. "You must wake him up and let him dance for me."


  They laughed at each other and walked in slowly. Don Pedro stooped down and hit the dwarfs face with his embroidered gloves and said, "you have to dance, little monster, you must. The little princesses of Spain and the West Indies are happy. "


  But the dwarfs did not move.


  "He should be called on a whip," said Don Pedro angrily, and then he returned to the balcony. But the court minister was a solemn expression, kneeling beside the dwarf and pressing his hand on the dwarfs chest. After a while, he shrugged his shoulders, stood up, bowed to the little princess, and said:


  "My beautiful little princess, your funny dwarf can no longer dance. Im sorry, he looks so ugly, and it will make the king unhappy. "


  "But why doesnt he dance anymore?" Asked the little princess with a smile.


  "Because his heart is broken," said the court minister.


  The princess frowned, and her lovely rose leaf lips pouted proudly. "Then let those who come to play with me without heart," she cried, and ran out into the garden.

  王尔德童话英文版 篇5


  Once upon a time, two poor woodcutters were crossing a pine forest and heading home. It was a cold night in winter. There was thick snow on the ground, and there was snow on the branches. As they passed by, the branches on both sides were broken by the frost. When they came to the waterfall of the mountain stream, the frost stopped in the air motionless, because the king of snow and snow had kissed her.


  It was so cold this night that even birds and animals didnt know what to do.


  "Oh "Its a bad day. Why dont the government think about it?" cried the wolf, and walked out of the bush with his tail


  "Oh! Oh! Oh "The old earth is dead, and they have taken her in their white life clothes," the green plum blossom birds chirped


  "The earth is going to marry, this is her wedding dress," the turtledoves whispered to each other. Their little red feet were frozen, but they felt responsible for seeing it in a romantic and optimistic way.


  "Nonsense The wolf growled. "I tell you that this is all the fault of the government, and if you dont believe me, I will eat you." Wolf has a completely pragmatic mind, and he will never find a good argument.


  "Well, personally," said the woodpecker, a natural philosopher, "Im not concerned with atomic theory as an explanation. If something looks like, it should have been, but its just too cold right now. " Its really cold. The squirrels living in the tall fir trees rub their noses to warm each other. The hare shrinks in their holes and even dare not look out. The only one who seems to be happy with this weather is the big horned gull. Their feathers made the frost freeze hard, but they didnt care, they kept turning their big yellow eyes, calling out to each other through the forest, "tweet! Tweet! Tweet! Tweet! What a good climate today! "


  The two woodcutters kept on driving the road, and they were blowing heat on their fingers, and the stupid, big boots with nails on their feet were walking on the snow. Once they fell into a deep snow pit, and when they came out, they were as white as the grinder in the mill. The stone was slippery. Once they fell on the hard and smooth ice, which was formed by the water on the moor, and the bundles of firewood fell, and they had to pick up and bind them again; and once again they thought they were self-contained They lost their way, and they were afraid of it, because they knew that snow was cruel to those who slept in her arms. But they trusted the kind Saint Martin, who would take care of all the people who went out, and then they returned, and walked carefully, and finally they came to the exit of the forest and saw the light in the village where they were in the distance from the valley below.


  They were so ecstatic that they had found themselves out of danger. They laughed with joy. The earth seemed to be a silver white flower in their eyes, and the moon was like a golden flower.


  But after laughing, they fell into sorrow again, because they thought of their poor family. One woodcutter said to another, "why should we be happy? We should know that life is for the rich, not for the poor like us? We might as well freeze to death in the forest, or let any beast seize us and bite me to death. "


  "Thats true," his partner replied, "some people enjoy too much, while others get too little. Injustice has divided the world, and nothing but sorrow is equally distributed. "


  But just as they lament each others unhappy lives, a strange thing happened. A very bright, very beautiful star fell from the sky. It slipped down the sky by the other stars, and they looked at it in surprise, and in their view it seemed to fall behind a cluster of willows less than a shot away from the sheepsy.


  "Ah! Anyone who finds it will get a jar of gold! " They screamed, ran out, they wanted gold too much.


  One of them ran faster, and he surpassed his companion, and tried hard to cross the willow bushes and came to the other side of the tree, ah! There was indeed a golden thing lying on the snow. He hurried over, bent down to touch it with his hand, a cloak made of gold thread, carefully embroidered with stars and folded into many folds. He said loudly to his companion that he had found the treasure that had fallen from the sky. When his companion approached, they sat down on the snow, and untied the fold on the cloak, and prepared to take the gold out for a split. But, ah! There was no gold, no silver, no treasures, only a sleeping child.


  One said to the other, "our hope is such a painful ending. We will not be lucky. What will a child do for one person? Lets get out of here and take our way. We are all poor people, we all have our own children. We cant divide our childrens bread to others. "


  But his companion replied, "no, it is not good to leave the child here to freeze to death in the snow. Although I am as poor as you, I have to feed several people and there is nothing to eat in the pot, but I will take him home and my wife will take care of him."


  He hugged the child very lovingly, wrapped it in a cloak to resist the cold, and then went down the hill and went back to the village, and his companion was surprised by his stupidity and kindness.


  They went back to the village and his companion said to him, "you have this child, then give me the cloak, because we all know it should be split."


  But he replied, "no, because the cloak is neither yours nor mine, it is a childs one." He said goodbye to his companion, came to his door and knocked.


  His wife opened the door and saw her husband return to her safely. She held her arms around his neck, kissed him, took the bundle from behind him, brushed the snow from his boots, and told him to go into the room.


  But he said to her, "I found one thing in the forest, and I brought him back to take care of him." He stood at the door and didnt come in.


  "What is it?" "Let me know, the house is empty and we need a lot of things," she said He pulled the cloak back and showed her the sleeping child.


  "Oh, my God!" "Isnt there enough of our own children?" she muttered? Why do you have to bring a replacement child home? Who knows if he will bring us bad luck? What else shall we feed him? " She was angry with him.


  "No, he is a star child," he replied, and he told her the strange experience of finding the child.


  But she was not at all depressed, but sarcastic and said angrily, "our children do not have bread to eat, do we have to raise other peoples children?"? Who will take care of us again? Who will give us food? "


  "Dont do that. God will take care of sparrows, and God will keep them," he replied.


  "Isnt sparrow often starved to death in winter?" "Isnt it winter now?" she asked Her husband was speechless, but stood at the door and did not come in.


  A cold wind blew from the forest into the open door, she hit a cold edge, shook it, and said to him, "dont you want to close the door? There was a cold wind blowing in the house, and I felt very cold. "


  "The wind that blows into the heart of iron will not always be cold?" He asked in reverse. The woman did not answer him, but she was leaning closer to the fire.


  After a while she turned and looked at him, and her eyes were full of tears. He rushed in, put the child in her arms, she kissed the child, and put him on a small bed, where the youngest child in their family slept.


  The next day the woodcutter took the rare gold cloak and put it in a large cabinet. His wife took the amber necklace from the childs neck and put it in the big cabinet.


  In this way, the star child grew up with the woodcutters children, and they sat together to eat and play together. He grew more handsome year by year, and the people living in the village were surprised by it. Because others were all black skin and black hair, he was only one man who was white and delicate, like fine ivory, and his curly hair was like a garland of Narcissus. His lips were like red petals, his eyes were like violets by the clear water river, and his figure was like the Narcissus grass that no one had cut in the field.


  But his beauty brought him bad luck. Because he became proud, cruel and selfish. He despised the woodcutters children and the other children in the village, saying that they were of low birth, but he was noble and jumped out of the stars. He recognized himself as their master and called them slaves. He was not at all in love with the poor, nor did he pity the blind, the disabled, or any sick, and treated them with stones or drove them to the road and ordered them to beg elsewhere, so only the second time the second time the second time they would go to the village for relief. He is also infatuated with beauty, mocking the weak and ugly people, not taking them seriously. He loves himself. When there is no wind in summer, he will lie beside the well in the fathers orchard, look at the moving place of his face in the well, and laugh happily for his beauty.


  The woodcutter and his wife often blame him and say, "we have not treated you as you do to those who are lonely. Why do you treat the poor who need sympathy so cruelly?"


  The old priest often went to him and tried to teach him how to love things, so he said to him, "fly is also your brother. Dont hurt it. The wild birds that fly in the forest have their own freedom. Dont make fun of catching them. God created the lizard and the mole, each of which has its own value. Who are you that can bring pain to Gods world? Even the living animals in the fields know how to praise God. "


  But the star child ignored his words. He frowned and looked very unhappy. He went back to find his friends and led them to play. His companions followed him, because he was beautiful and light footed. He could dance, play flute and music. No matter where the star child led them, they would go. No matter what the star child told them to do, they would do it. When he thrust a pointed reed into the moles hazy eyes, they all laughed happily. When he threw a stone at the leper, they also laughed. No matter what he controls them to do, they will become as hard hearted as him.


  One day, a poor begging woman walked through the village. Her clothes were ragged, her feet were bloody from the long journey and the rough road, and she looked very embarrassed. Because she was so tired, she sat under the chestnut tree and had a rest.


  When starchild saw her, he said to his companions, "look! Such a dirty begging woman is sitting under that beautiful green leafy tree. Come on, lets get rid of her. Shes so ugly and annoying


  So he went over and threw a stone at her and mocked her. She looked at him with frightened eyes and looked straight at him. The woodcutter was chopping wood in the nearby pasture. When he saw what the star child had done, he ran up to him and scolded him. He said to him, "your heart is so cruel that you dont have any pity. What has this poor woman done to you? Do you want to treat her like this?"


  The star child flushed with anger, stamped his feet on the ground and said, "who are you? Dare you ask me what I do? Im not your son. I wont listen to you. "


  "Youre right," the woodcutter replied, "but when I found you in the woods, didnt I feel pity for you?"


  After hearing these words, the woman yelled and fell to the ground. The woodcutter took her into his home, and his wife came to look after her. When she woke up from her coma, they brought her food and drink, and told her to relax.


  But she would neither eat nor drink, but said to the woodcutter, "didnt you say that the child was found in the woods? Was it ten years ago today? "


  The woodcutter replied, "yes, I found him in the woods, ten years ago today."


  "Was there any sign when he was found?" She asked aloud, "does he have an amber necklace around his neck? Isnt he wrapped in a golden cloak embroidered with stars? "


  "Thats it as like as two peas," replied the woodcutter. "Its exactly the same as yours." He took the cloak and amber necklace from the cupboard and showed it to her.


  As soon as she saw these things, she cried happily and said, "he is my little son who was lost in the forest. I beg you to call him. Ive traveled all over the world to find him


  The woodcutter and his wife went out quickly, called the star child, and said to him, "come into the house, and you will see your mother there. She is waiting for you."


  The star child ran into the room full of wonder and ecstasy. But when he saw that she was waiting for him, he laughed scornfully and said, "Hey, wheres my mother? How can I only see such a cheap beggar? "


  The woman replied, "Im your mother."


  "You are crazy to say that," the star child said angrily. "Im not your son, because youre a beggar, ugly and ragged. So youd better get out of here, dont let me see your disgusting face again. "


  "No, you are indeed my little son. You were born in the forest." She cried out, kneeling down and holding out her arms to him. "The robbers took you away from me and left you in the woods to die," she murmured. "But as soon as I saw you, I recognized you, and I recognized the keepsakes: all woven cloaks and amber necklaces. So I beg you to come with me. Ive been all over the world looking for you. Come with me, my son, because I need your love. "


  But the star child did not move, and was not moved by her words at all. At this time, nothing could be heard except the womans painful cry.


  At last he said to her that the tone was very hard and cruel. "If you are really my mother," he said, "then youd better go far in the end, and dont disgrace me by coming here again, because you know I think Im a child of some planet, not a beggars child, as you just told me. So youd better get out of here and dont let me see you again. "


  "Ouch! My son, "she yelled," wont you kiss me before I leave? Because Ive been through so much to find you


  "No," said the star child, "you are so ugly. Id rather kiss the viper, the toad than you."


  So the woman got up and went back to the forest with tears in her heart. The star child was very happy to see her go, so he ran back to his companions and was ready to play with them.


  But when they saw him coming, they all laughed at him and said, "how can you be as ugly as a toad and as hateful as a poisonous snake. Get out of here, because we cant stand playing with you, "and they drove him out of the garden.


  Xing Xing frowned and said to himself, "what did they tell me? Ill go to the well and see myself there. The well will tell me how beautiful I am


  He came to the well and looked into the well, ah! His face is as like as two peas, and his body is as long as a snake. He fell down on the grass, cried and said to himself, "this must be the retribution of my sin. Because I didnt recognize my own mother and drove her away. I was arrogant and cruel to her. So Im going to go, Im going to travel all over the world to find her, and I wont rest until I find her. "


  Then the woodcutters little daughter came up to him. She put her hand on his shoulder and said to him, "what does it matter if you lose your beauty? Youd better stay with us. I wont make fun of you. "


  He said to her, "no, Im too cruel to my mother. This punishment is the retribution for my evil deeds. So I have to go right away and travel all over the world to find my mother until I find her and get her forgiveness for me. "


  So he ran to the forest and called for his mother to come back to him, but there was no response. All day long he called her. When the sun went down, he lay down on the bed made of leaves to sleep. Birds and wild animals fled when they saw him, because they still remember his cruelty. He was alone. Only toads would look at him, and slow poisonous snakes would crawl in front of him.


  In the morning, he got up and picked some bitter plum from the tree to eat. Then he went through the forest and cried. Whatever he met, he would come forward and ask if he had seen his mother.


  He said to the mole, "can you go down to the ground and tell me where my mother is?"


  But the mole replied, "you have blinded me. How can I know? "


  He said to the finch, "you can fly over the top of the tree and see the whole world. Tell me, can you see my mother? "


  The plum finch replied, "you have cut off my wings for fun. How can I fly?"


  To the little squirrel who lived alone in the fir tree, he said, "where is my mother?"


  The little squirrel replied, "you have killed my mother. Do you want to kill your mother, too? "


  The star child cried, lowered his head, pleaded with the creatures God created to forgive him and went on through the forest to find the begging woman. On the third day he went to the end of the forest and came to the plain again.


  When he walked through the village, the children laughed at him and threw stones at him. The countrymen even refused to let him sleep because he looked so dirty that he would mould the grain he had stored. The carers employed by the countrymen drove him away. No one here sympathized with him. He could not hear any news about the beggar woman his mother had been. Although he had been searching for him all over the world for three years, he seemed to feel that she was walking in front of him. He called for her and pursued her until his feet were crushed out of blood by hard stone. But he never caught up with her, and those who lived by the side of the road said they had not seen her or women like her, and they all found their grief happy.


  He has been around the world for three years. He has neither love nor care nor kindness in this world. However, this world was made for himself when he was proud of it.


  One night he came to the gate of a city with strong walls, which was on a river, tired and suffering from foot pain, but he entered the city. But the soldiers there stopped him by drinking the download and said rudely, "what are you doing in the city?"


  "Im looking for my mother," he replied, "I beg you to allow me to go into the city, maybe shes in this city."


  But they were sarcastic, and one of them, with his black beard, lowered his shield and shouted, "to be honest, your mother will not be happy to see you, for you are more disgusting than toads in the swamp and the serpents crawling there. Roll on, roll away, your mother doesnt live in this city. "


  The other soldier, with a yellow flag in his hand, said to him, "who is your mother, why do you want to find her?"


  "My mother is a beggar like me. I dont treat her very well. I beg you to allow me to go in so that she can forgive me if she really lives in this city." But they still did not let him into the city, and they used their spears to stab him.


  In this way, the star child had to cry and turn and walk. At this time, a man came. He was wearing a gold clad armor, and a winged lion crouched on his helmet. He asked the soldiers who asked for the coming into the city. The soldiers replied, "its a meal, and his mother is also a beggar. We have driven him away."


  "No," the man said with a smile, "we can sell this ugly guy as a slave, and his price can be worth a bowl of sweet wine."


  Then an old ugly man passed by, and he cried out, "Ill pay him a price," and when he paid, he took the star boys hand and took him to the city


  They walked several streets to a small door, which was above a wall under the shade of the durian tree. The old man hit the door with a carved Jasper ring, and the door opened. They went down the five bronze steps and came to a garden full of black millet flowers, where there were many green porcelain pots. The old man took a silk handkerchief from his headdress, tied it to the eyes of the star child, and drove the star child to walk in front of him. When the silk handkerchief was taken away from the eyes of the star child, the star child found himself in a dungeon, where a horn lamp was lit.


  The old man put a wooden plate of moldy bread in front of the star child, and said to him, "eat it," and he said to him with a cup of salt water, and said, "drink it," and when the star child has finished eating and drinking, the old man goes out, locks the door and firm the door with an iron chain.


  The next day, the old man came to see him again. This old man was indeed the most capable one of the magicians in Libya. He learned his skills from a master who lived in the Nile tomb. The old man frowned and said to him, "in a forest near the gate of this heretic City, there are three gold coins. One is platinum, the other is yellow, and the third is red. Today, youre going to get me the platinum one. If you cant get it back, Ill beat you a hundred times. You go quickly, when the sun sets, I will wait for you at the gate of the garden. Remember to bring back the platinum one, or you will be unlucky, because you are my slave. I bought you for a bowl of liqueur. " Then he tied the star childs eyes with the silk handkerchief and led him out of the house, through the poppy garden and up the five copper steps. After he opened the little door with his ring, he put the star child in the street.


  So the star child went out of the gate and came to the forest where the magician told him.


  Looking from the outside, the forest is really beautiful. It seems that there are birds singing and flowers everywhere. The star child excitedly walks in. However, the beauty of the forest did not bring him any good, because no matter where he wanted to go, thick and sharp thorns would appear on the ground to block his way, ferocious nettles would stab him, and Thistle would stab him with sharp thorns, which made him painful. And the piece of platinum that the magician said could not be found everywhere, although he found noon in the morning and sunset in the afternoon. After sunset, he had to turn around and cry all the way back, because he knew what kind of fate was waiting for him.


  But when he came to the edge of the forest, he heard a cry of pain from someone in the forest. He forgot his troubles and ran to the place. He saw a little Rabbit fall into the trap set by the hunter,


  The star child sympathized with it, so he released it and said to it, "I am a slave myself, but I can give you back yourself."


  The rabbit replied, "you did give it to me. What can I do for you?"


  The star child said to him, "Im looking for a piece of platinum, but I cant find it anywhere. If I cant get it back to my master, he will beat me."


  "Come with me," said the rabbit, "and Ill take you because I know where its hiding and why its there."


  So the star child and the rabbit went together, ah! In the crack of an old oak tree, he saw the piece of platinum he was looking for. He was so excited that he grabbed it and said to the rabbit, "you have redoubled the little things I have done for you, and you have redoubled me a hundred times for the little favor I have shown you."


  "No," replied the rabbit, "its just that I paid you back the way you treated me." then the rabbit ran away and the star child went to the city.


  At the gate of the city sat a leper, his face covered with a turban of green linen, and his eyes glowed like burning coals from the small holes in the linen. When he saw the star child coming, he knocked on a wooden bowl, rang his bell, called the star child, and said, "give me a coin, or I will starve to death. Because people have driven me out of the city, and no one sympathizes with me. "


  "Oh The star child exclaimed, "there is only one coin in my purse. If I dont bring it to my master, he will beat me because I am his slave."


  However, the leper still pestered him and begged him. Later, the star child finally moved his heart and gave him the platinum coin.


  When the star child returned to the magicians room, the magician opened the door for him, let him in, and said to him, "have you got the platinum coin?" But the star child replied, "I didnt get it." So the magician pounced on him, hit him, put an empty wooden plate in front of him, said to him, "eat," gave him an empty cup, said, "drink," and then pushed him into the dungeon.


  The next day the magician came to him again and said, "if you cant bring me that gold coin today, I must keep you slave and beat you 300 times."


  So the star boy went to the forest again. He was looking for the gold coin in the forest all day, but he couldnt find it anywhere. At sunset he sat down and began to cry. When he cried, the rabbit came again, the rabbit he saved from the trap.


  The rabbit said to him, "why did you cry? What else do you look for in the forest? "


  "I am looking for a gold coin, and it is hidden here. If I cant bring it back, my master will beat me and treat me as a slave," the star replied


  "Come with me," cried the rabbit, running through the woods until he ran to a pool. The gold coin lies at the bottom of the pool.


  "I dont know how to thank you?" "By the way, its the second time you have saved me," said the star


  "No, because you first expressed sympathy for me," said the rabbit, and ran away quickly.


  The star child took the gold coin, put it in his wallet and hurried towards the city. But when the leper saw him coming, he ran up to meet him, fell down in front of him, cried and said, "give me a coin, or I will starve to death."


  "In my wallet, I have only one gold coin, and if I dont give it to my master, he will beat me and let me continue to be a slave," the star boy said to him


  But the leprosy patient still cried bitterly, so the star child moved his sympathy again and gave him the gold coin.


  When he returned to the magicians room, the magician opened the door for him and asked him to come in and said, "have you got that gold coin?" The star boy said to him, "I didnt get it," the magician rushed at him, slapped him, locked him with chains, and threw him into the dungeon.


  The next day the magician came to him and said, "if you bring me that red gold coin today, I will let you go, but if you cant bring it back, I will surely kill you."


  So the star boy returned to the forest, and he was looking for the red gold all day, but he couldnt find it anywhere. At night, he sat down and cried. Just as he cried, the rabbit came to him.


  The rabbit said to him, "the red gold coin you are looking for is in the cave behind you. So you dont have to cry any more. You should be happy. "


  "How can I repay you," the star cried, "ah, this is the third time you have saved me."


  "No, but you are the first one to sympathize with me," said the rabbit, and ran away in a hurry.


  The star boy entered the cave and found the red gold coin in the innermost corner. So he put it in his wallet and hurried back to the city. The leprosy patient saw him coming, stood in the middle of the road, cried loudly and said to him, "give me that red coin, or I will die," said star boy, once again sympathizing with him, giving him the red gold coin, and saying, "you need more than me." But at this time his mood was heavy, because he knew what bad luck was waiting for him.


  But ah! As he passed by the gate of the city, the guards bowed to him and saluted, and said in their mouth, "how beautiful is our emperor!" A group of citizens followed him and shouted, "there is no more beautiful person in the world than he is!" The star child cried and said to himself, "they laughed at me again and found happiness with my misfortune." The more people gathered, he lost his way in the crowd, and finally found himself in a huge square, which was the palace of the king.


  The door of the palace opened, and the monks and ministers came out to meet him. They bowed to him and said, "you are the emperor we are waiting for, you are the son of the king of our country."


  The star child replied, "I am not the son of the king, but the son of a poor woman. Why do you say Im beautiful? I know how ugly I look. "


  At this time, the gentleman with a winged lion crouched on his helmet, and held a shield in his hand, and said, "how can my emperor say he is not beautiful?"


  Star boy, raise his head and look, ah! His own danger is the same as before, his beauty is restored to the past, and he also sees something in his eyes that he has never seen before.


  The monks and ministers knelt in front of him and said to him, "an old prophecy once said that there is today - one is coming to rule us. Therefore, let our crown and this rod be accepted by our crown, and rule us with his justice and kindness. "


  But he said to them, "I am unworthy, because I dont even recognize my mother and I will not rest until I find her, and before I get her forgiveness. So let me go, because I will go all over the world again, and I will not stay here, even though you will give me the crown and the scepter, it will not be useful. " After that, he turned and walked toward the street leading to the gate. Look, among the crowd of people around the soldiers, he saw his begging mother, standing beside her, the leprosy, and he stood in the middle of the road.


  He cried out of excitement, and ran over, knelt down, kissed the wound on his mothers feet, and washed them with his tears. He hung his head in the dust, crying, like a broken heart, and he said to her, "mother, I didnt recognize you when I was proud of myself. And now when I am humble, you take me. Mother, I have been kind to revenge, please give me your love. Mother, I have rejected you. Please take your child now. " But the begging woman didnt answer him a word.


  He reached out his hands again, grabbed a pair of pale feet of the leprosy and said to him, "I have sympathized with you three times. Please ask my mother to say a word to me. " But the leprosy did not answer him a word.


  He cried again and said, "mother, my pain is so great that I cant bear it. Forgive me, and let me go back to the forest. " The begging woman put her hand on his head and said to him, "get up," said the leper, too, on his head, and said, "get up."


  He stood up and looked at them, ah! It turns out that they are the king and queen.


  The queen said to him, "this is your father, and you have saved him."


  "This is your mother, you washed her feet with tears," the king said


  They bent over his neck, kissed him, and took him into the palace, put on him beautiful clothes, and put the crown on his head, and put the scepter in his hand. From then on, he ruled the city, which was located on the river, and became its master. He showed great justice and kindness to all. He drove away the evil magician, and gave the woodcutter and his wife a lot of wealth and gave them great honor to their children. He could not tolerate any abuse of birds and animals, and educate the people with love, kindness and forgiveness. He gave bread to the poor, and clothes to naked people, full of peace and prosperity in this kingdom.


  However, his rule was not long, because he suffered too much suffering, and suffered too much test, and three years later he died. His successor was a very bad ruler.

  王尔德童话英文版 篇6


  "She said she would dance with me as long as I gave her some red roses," cried a young student. "But in my garden, there was no red rose."


  This was heard by the nightingale in her nest in the oak tree, and she looked around, looking out of the green leaves.


  "I cant find red roses anywhere in my garden," he cried, with beautiful eyes full of tears. "Well, is happiness dependent on such a small thing! I have read all the articles written by the wise, and all the secrets of knowledge are in my mind, but I will live a painful life because of the lack of a red rose. "


  "There is a real lover here," said the Nightingale to himself, "although I dont know him, I sing for him every night and I will tell his story to the stars every night. Now I finally saw him, his hair black as hyacinth, his lips as red as the rose he wanted; but the emotional torture made him pale as ivory, and the sad marks climbed up his brow. "


  "The prince is going to have a dance tomorrow night," the young student muttered, "and the one I love will go. If I send her a red rose, she will dance with me till the sky; if I send her a red rose, I can hold her waist, and she will lean her head on my shoulder, and her hand will be held in my hand. But there are no red roses in my garden. I can only sit there alone and watch her pass by. She wont notice me, my heart will break. "


  "It is a true lover," said the Nightingale, "what I sing about is the pain he suffered, and what I do is pain to him. Love is a wonderful thing. It is more precious than emerald and rarer than cat eye stone. "It is not for pearls and pomegranates, which is not available in the market, from merchants, nor can gold be used to weigh it."


  "Musicians will sit in their galleries," said the young student, "playing their strings. My beloved will dance in the music of the harp and violin. She danced so easily and happily that she didnt even rub her heels against the floor. The servants in gorgeous clothes surrounded her in the middle. But she just wont dance with me, because I dont have a red rose for her. " So he fell on the grass, his hands covered his face and cried.


  "Why does he cry?" A green lizard, who raised his tail high, ran past him, and asked.


  "Yes, why is it?" A butterfly said she was dancing after a ray of sunshine.


  "Yes, why is it?" A daisy whispered to her neighbor in a low voice.


  "He cried for a red rose." The Nightingale told you.


  "For a red rose?" They called. "Its funny!" The lizard said he was a mockery man and couldnt help laughing.


  But only Nightingale understands the cause of students sadness. She sits silently on the oak tree, imagining the mystery of love.


  Suddenly she spread out her brown wings and flew into the air. She flew over the grove like a shadow, and flew over the garden like a shadow.


  In the middle of a meadow, there was a beautiful rose tree, and she saw it and flew towards it and fell on a small branch.


  "Give me a red rose," she cried in a high voice. "Ill sing my sweetest song for you."


  But the tree shook his head.


  "My rose is white," it replied, "white as the spray of the sea, white more than the snow on the top of the mountain. But you can go to my brother, who is near the sundial, or he can meet your needs. "


  So the Nightingale flew towards the rose tree, which grew next to the sundial.


  "Give me - a red rose," she cried, "Ill sing my sweetest song for you."


  But the tree shook his head.


  "My rose is yellow," it replied, "yellow as the mermaids hair sitting on amber throne, more yellow than daffodils that were blooming on the grass before the mower with a sickle came. But you can go to my brother, who is under the student window, or he can meet your needs. "


  So the night apartment flew towards the rose tree that grew under the student window.


  "Give me a red rose," she cried, "Ill sing my sweetest song for you."


  But the tree shook his head.


  "My rose is red," it replied, "red as the feet of pigeons, more red than the coral fans that flutter in the ocean caves. But winter has frozen my blood vessels, frost and snow have destroyed my flower buds, the storm has broken my branches and leaves, this year I will not have roses. "


  "I only need a rose," cried the Nightingale, "as long as a red rose! Cant I get it? "


  "There is a way," the tree replied, "but its just too terrible for me to say it to you."


  "Tell me," said the Nightingale, "Im not afraid."


  "If you want a red rose," said the tree, "you have to make it with music by moonlight and dye it with the blood in your chest. You must sing with your chest against a thorn of mine. You will sing for me all night, that thorn must penetrate your chest, your blood must flow into my blood vessels, and become my blood. "


  "Its a very high price to take death for a rose," cried the nightingale. "Life is very valuable to everyone. It is a pleasure to sit on the green tree and see the sun driving her golden carriage and the moon driving her pearl carriage. Hawthorn gives off fragrance, and it is also fragrant for the wind bell grass hidden in the valley and the South flowers blooming in the mountain. But love is better than life, and how can birds heart be better than human heart? "


  So she spread her brown wings and flew out into the sky. She flew over the garden like a shadow, and she passed through the grove like a shadow.


  The young student was still lying on the grass, and his beautiful eyes were still tears, as she left.


  "Be happy," cried the Nightingale, "be happy, and you will have your red rose. I will make it with music in the moonlight, give out the blood in my chest and dye it red. I ask you to repay me only one thing, is you want to be a true lover, because although philosophy is very clever, but love is smarter than her, although power is great, but love is greater than him. The flame reflects the wings of love, making his body as red as fire. His lips are as sweet as honey; his breath is as fragrant as the frankincense. "


  The student looked up from the grass and listened, but he didnt understand what Nightingale was saying to him, because he knew only what was written in books.


  But the oak knew it in his heart, and he felt very sad, because he loved the little nightingale, which made its nest on his own branches.


  "Sing me the last song," he whispered, "Ill feel lonely when you leave."


  So nightingale sang to oak, and her voice was like the boiling water in a silver jar.


  When her song stopped, the students stood up from the grass, and took out a notebook and a pencil from his pocket.


  "She looks so beautiful," he said to himself, walking away through the grove. "It cant be denied; but is she emotional? I dont think she did. In fact, she is just formal, like most artists, and she has no sincerity. She will not sacrifice for others. She only thought about music, and everyone knew that art was selfish. But I have to admit that her singing is also a bit of a beautiful tune. Its a pity that they dont make any sense and have no real benefits. " He walked into the room, lay on his own humble bed, thinking of his beloved son, and soon went to sleep.


  When the moon was on the horizon, the Nightingale flew towards the rose tree, holding the thorn against it with its own chest. She sang all night with her chest prickly on top of her chest, and even the cool crystal moon leaned down to listen. She sang all night, and the more she stabbed in her chest, the blood on her was running out.


  She began to sing the love sprouting in the heart of the young man and the girl. On the highest branch of the rose tree, an unusual rose was opened, and the song sang one after another, and the petals were opened. At first, flowers were milky white, like haze hanging on the river - white as morning feet, white as the wings of the dawn. The rose that blooms on the highest branch is like a rose shadow in a silver mirror and in a pool.


  But the tree shouted the Nightingale to make the thorn tighter. "Tighten up, little nightingale," cried the tree, "or the rose will be bright before it is finished."


  So Nightingale pricked up more tightly, and her song was louder and louder, because she sang a passion for the birth of a pair of adult men and women.


  A faint red halo climbed up the rose petals, just like the red glow on the brides face when the groom kissed her. But the thorn has not reached the heart of the Nightingale, so the heart of the rose is still white, because only the blood in the Nightingales heart can dye the heart of the red rose.


  At this time, the tree shouted the Nightingale to be tighter. "Tighten up, little nightingale," the tree shouted loudly, "otherwise, the rose will be bright before it is finished."


  So Nightingale pricked rose more tightly, stabbed her heart, and a sharp pain hit her whole body. The pain is getting worse and the song is more and more intense, because she sings the love completed by death, and the immortal love in the grave.


  Finally, this extraordinary rose became dark red, like the red glow in the eastern sky. The outer ring of the petals is dark red, and the heart of the flower is more red like a ruby.


  But the Nightingales singing was getting weaker and weaker, and her little wings began to flutter, and a layer of mist climbed her eyes. Her singing became weaker and she felt something blocked in her throat.


  At this time she sang the last song. The moon listened to the song, but forgot the dawn, only to hover in the sky. Red rose heard the song, but also ecstatic, opened all petals to meet the cool morning wind. Echo brings song back to purple cave in his mountain, wakes sleeping shepherd from his dream. The song goes over the reed in the river, and the reed sends the sound to the sea.


  "Look, look!" The tree cried, "the rose has grown." But the nightingale did not answer, because she had already died in the long grass, and the thorn was still in her heart.


  At noon, the students opened the window and looked out.


  "Ah, what a good luck!" "There is a red rose here," he cried! I have never seen such roses in my life. Its so beautiful, I dare say it has a long Latin name. " He bent down to pick it off.


  Then he put on his hat, picked up the rose and ran to the professors house.


  The professors daughter is sitting at the door, spinning blue silk on a spinning wheel, and her dog lies at her feet.


  "You said that if I give you a red rose, you will dance with me," the student said in a high voice. "It is the most red rose in the world. You put it on your chest tonight, and when we dance together, it will tell you how much I love you. "


  But the girl frowned.


  "Im afraid it doesnt match my clothes," she replied. "Besides, the nephew of the court minister has given me some precious jewelry, and everyone knows that jewelry is more valuable than spending."


  "Oh, Im going to say, youre a ungrateful person," the student said angrily. Once the rose was thrown into the street, the rose fell into the gutter, and a carriage ran over it.


  "Ungrateful!" The girl said, "I tell you, you are rude; what are you? Its just a student. Ah, I dare say you will not have silver buttons on your shoes, like your nephew of the court minister. " Then she stood up from the chair and walked towards the house.


  "How foolish love is!" The student walked and said, "it doesnt work half the logic because it cant prove anything, and it always tells people something that doesnt happen and makes people believe something thats not true. To be honest, it is not practical at all. In that time, everything should be practical. Im going back to Philosophy and learning metaphysics. "


  So he went back to his house and took out a large dusty book and read it.

  王尔德童话英文版 篇7


  One morning, the old rat came out of his hole. He had bright small eyes and a stiff gray beard, and his tail looked like a long black rubber. The ducklings swam in the pond, looking like a large group of golden silkworms. Their mother, who was white and snow, and with a pair of red legs, was trying to teach them how to stand down in the water.


  "You will never be in the upper class unless you learn to stand up," she said to them, and kept showing them. But the ducklings did not pay attention to her words. They are too young to know at all what the benefits of the upper class are.


  "What a naughty child!" The old rat shouted, "they should have drowned."


  "Its not that," replied mother duck. "Its hard to start with everything. Parents have to be more patient."


  "Ah: I dont know the feelings of being a parent at all," said the rat. "Im not a breadwinner. In fact, Ive never been married, and I never intend to. Love is good in itself, but friendship is more valuable than it. To be honest, I dont know what else in this world is more noble and precious than faithful friendship. "


  "So, what do you think is the responsibility of a faithful friend?" A green cardinal asked, as he sat next to the willow tree and overheard their conversation.


  "Yes, thats what I want to know," said mother duck. Then she swam to the other end of the pond, and she stood up with her head down to set a good example for the children.


  "How stupid is this question?" "Of course, Im sure my faithful friend is faithful to me," the rat roared


  "So what do you repay?" The bird said, jumped on a silver branch and flapped his little wings.


  "I dont understand what you mean," replied the rat.


  "Let me tell you a story about this," said the cardinal.


  "Is it about me?" "If thats the case, Id like to hear it because I like to hear stories in particular," the rat asked


  "Its for you too," replied the cardinal. He flew down and stood by the bank, telling the story of the faithful friend.


  "A long time ago," said the cardinal, "there was an honest boy named Hans."


  "Is he very good?" Asked the rat.


  "No," replied the cardinal, "I dont think he is good at all, just a good heart, and a funny and friendly round face. He lives alone in a small village cottage, working in his garden every day. No garden in the whole country is as lovely as his garden. It has American carnation, violet, shepherds purse, and French pine and snow grass. There are pink roses, golden roses, and crocus, and violet has gold, purple and white. With the seasons changing, columbine and shredded rice shepherds purse, Achyranthes and wild orchid, lotus and iris, Narcissus and cloves are all competing to open. One flower just withers, the other is in full bloom. There are beautiful flowers in the garden for people to watch, and there is always a pleasant fragrance to smell.


  "Hans had many friends, but the most faithful friend was the Miller. Indeed, the rich Miller was very faithful to Hans, who had to bend over the wall to pick a bunch of flowers or a handful of herbs every time he passed the garden of Hans. In a fruitful season, he would fill his pocket with plums and cherries.


  "The Miller often said to Hans," real friends should share everything. " Hans smiled and nodded, and he was proud of his own lofty friend.


  "Indeed, sometimes neighbors are surprised that the rich Miller has never paid little Hans anything in return, even though he has a hundred bags of flour in his own mill, six cows and a large flock of sheep. However, Hans never had any idea about these things, and he often heard the wonderful stories of the Miller talking about the real friendship which was selfish. For Hans, he was happier than hearing them.


  "So little Hans has been working in the garden. He was very happy in spring, summer and autumn. But when winter arrived, he would have a hungry and cold day without fruit and flowers to sell. He often couldnt eat dinner, and he went to bed with some dried pears and walnuts. In winter, he felt particularly lonely, because the Miller would never visit him.


  "The Miller often said to his wife, as long as the snow doesnt stop, there is no need to see Hans, because when people are in trouble, they should be left alone and not let outsiders disturb them. Its at least my view of friendship, I believe Im right, so Ill wait until spring comes, and Ill visit him and he will send me a basket of cherry trees, which will make him very happy. "


  "You do think very well for others," his wife replied. She was sitting in a comfortable sofa chair, with a large stove of firewood burning beside her, its really thoughtful. You have a very beautiful conversation about friendship. I dare say that the priest himself can not speak such a beautiful word, even though he can live in a three story house, and he has a golden finger on his fingertips. "


  "But cant we invite Hans to come here?" "If poor Hans had any difficulty, I would give him half my porridge and my little white rabbits," said the Millers little son


  "You are such a silly boy!" The Miller shouted, "I dont know what its good to send you to school. You dont seem to learn anything. Oh, if Hans came here, he would have been jealous if he saw our warm fire, our rich dinner, and the barrel of red wine. Jealousy was a very terrible thing, and it would destroy ones character. I certainly dont want to destroy Hans character. I am his best friend. I will always take care of him and pay attention to his temptation. Besides, if Hans came to my house, he might ask me to give him some flour on credit, which I cant do. Flour is one thing, friendship is another thing, and they can not be confused. Yes, the spelling of these two words is very different and the meaning is very different. Everyone knows that. "


  "Youre talking so well!"! The Millers wife said, pouring herself a large glass of warm light beer, I really feel sleepy, just like sitting in a church listening to sermons.


  "A lot of people do well," replied the Miller, "but there are few people who speak well. It can be seen that it is more difficult and charming to speak in both things." He looked at the little son at the other end of the table with stern eyes. The little son felt very embarrassed, lowered his head, blushed, and tears fell into the teacup. But you still have to forgive him for his age. "


  "Is that the story over?" Asked the rat.


  "Of course not," replied the cardinal, "its just the beginning."


  "Then youre too backward," said the rat. "Todays storytellers start with the end, then to the beginning, and finally to the middle. This is a new approach. I heard these words from a critic that day, when he was walking by the pond with a young man. He had a good talk about this question, and I believe he was right, because he was wearing blue glasses and bald head. And as soon as the young man spoke, he always replied, bah! But please tell the story. I like the Miller in particular. I have all kinds of beautiful emotions myself, so I am in love with him. "


  "Oh," said the cardinal, who sometimes jumped with one foot and another. "Just after winter, when cherry blossom began to open their pale yellow star blossom, the Miller said to his wife that he was going down the mountain to visit Hans.


  "Ah, your heart is very good!" His wife shouted, you always think about others. Dont forget the big basket with flowers on it. "


  "So the Miller fixed the windmills wings with a solid chain, and then he took the basket over his arm and went down the mountain.


  "Good morning, Hans," said the Miller.


  "Good morning," Hans replied, leaning against the shovel, smiling.


  "Have you been all right all winter?" Asked the Miller again.


  "Ah, yes," Hans cried, "I ask you, you are so good, great. I want to say I have had some difficulties, but now spring is here. I am so happy. My flowers are very good. "


  "We often mention you this winter," said the Miller, "and we care about how you have been."


  "Thank you so much," Hans said, "Im a little worried youll forget me."


  "Hans, what you said surprised me," said the Miller; "friendship never forgets, this is the extraordinary place of friendship, but Im afraid you dont know the poetic meaning of life. Oh, by the way, how lovely your cherry blossom is! "


  "They are really cute," Hans said, "Im so lucky that there will be so many cherry trees. Im going to take them to the market and sell them to the mayors daughter, and Ill redeem my cart if I have money. "


  "Redeem your cart? You mean you sold it? How stupid you did it! "


  "Oh, in fact," Hans said, "I have to do that. You know winter is very difficult for me, and I really dont have the money to buy bread. So I sold the silver buttons on Sunday uniforms, then the silver chains, then my big pipe, and then my cart. But Im going to buy them all again now. "


  "Hans," said the Miller, "Id like to give you my cart. It has not been completely repaired. In fact, one side of it has gone away, and the rim has some problems. But anyway, I will give it to you. I know Im a very generous person and many people think its stupid to send me off the car, but Im a different person. I think generosity is at the heart of friendship. Besides, I also got myself a new trolley. Well, take your heart off. Ill give you my cart. "


  "Ah, you are so generous," said Hans, with joy on the funny round face. "I will fix it effortlessly because there is a board in my house."


  "A board!" The Miller said, "right, I just want a board to mend my top. There is a big hole in it. If I dont stop it, the wheat will get wet. Thanks to your mention of this: its amazing that one good thing always produces another. I have given you my cart, and now youre going to give me the board. In fact, cars are much more valuable than wood, but true friendship never pays attention to this. Please bring the board quickly. I will go and repair my warehouse today. "


  "Of course," cried Little Hans, and ran into his hut and dragged the board out of the meter.


  "This board is not too big," said the Miller, looking at the board, "Im afraid I wont have any left to mend the cart for you after I finish the top of the warehouse, but its not my fault. And now I have given you my cart, and I believe you will be happy to give me some flowers in return. Here is your basket. Please fill my basket. "


  "Do you want to fill it up?" little Hans asked, and he was very upset, because it was a big basket. He understood that if he filled it, he would not have flowers left to go to the market for sale, and he wanted to redeem the silver button.


  "Oh, yes," replied the Miller, "since I have given you my cart, I dont think it would be much to ask for some flowers from you. Maybe I am wrong, but I dont think friendship, true friendship, will bring any personal heart. "


  "My dear friend, my best friend," cried Little Hans, all the flowers in my garden are for you to enjoy. I would rather hear your good words earlier, and I would like to redeem the silver button any day. " Then he ran to pick all the beautiful cherry trees in the garden and filled the Millers basket.


  "Goodbye, Hans," said the Miller. He carried a board on his shoulder and walked up the mountain with a big basket in his hand.


  "Goodbye," said Hans, and then he began to dig up the earth with great joy, and the cart excited him.


  "The next day, as he was nailing the porch with honeysuckle, he heard the Miller shouting at him on the road. He jumped off the ladder and ran into the garden and looked out of the wall.


  "The Miller was standing outside with a large bag of flour.


  "Dear Hans," said the Miller, "would you help me carry this bag of flour to the market?"


  "Im sorry for being a herdsman," Hans said, "Im really busy today. I will nail all the vines well, and I will have to pour all the flowers in water, and all the grass will be cut off. "


  "Ah, yes," said the Miller, "I think so. But you should consider that I will give you my cart. If you refuse, I will not be friends enough. "


  "Ah, dont say that," cried Hans, "I will not be sorry for my friend anyway." He ran into the hut to get his hat, then carried the big bag of flour and walked hard towards the market.


  "It was a hot day, the dust was flying on the road, and Hans was not able to walk six miles, so he was too tired to sit down and rest. However, he went on to the road bravely again, and finally reached the market. He didnt wait long there, he sold the bag of flour and sold it for a good price. He set out to go home immediately because he was worried that he would be too late at the market and that robbers might be met on his way back.


  "Its really hard today," Hans said to himself when he went to bed, "but Im glad not to refuse the Miller because he is my best friend, and he also gives me his cart."


  "The next morning, the Miller went down the mountain to collect his bag of flour, but Hans was too tired to sleep in bed.


  "I have to say," said the Miller, "you are really lazy. If you think I will give you my cart, you should have worked harder. Laziness is a big sin. I certainly dont like my friend as a lazy man. Of course you wont blame me for telling you this straight word. If Im not your friend, I will not do it. But if people cant speak their heart honestly, then friendship is still something else. Anyone can speak beautiful words, please people, or be nice. However, real friends always say words against their ears, and they are not afraid to give people suffering. Indeed, as long as a true and faithful friend is willing to do so, the reason is that he knows he is doing well. "


  "Im sorry," said Hans, rubbing his eyes and taking off his cap. but Im so tired. I just want to sleep a little longer and listen to the birds. You know, Ill do more whenever I hear the birds? "


  "Well, that makes me happy," said the Miller, patting Hans on the shoulder of little Hans. "I just want you to come to my mill immediately in good clothes and fix the roof of the warehouse for me."


  "Poor little Hans thought of going to work in his garden because his flowers and grass had not been watered for two days, but he didnt want to refuse the Miller, who was his good friend.


  "If I say Im busy, would you think Im not a friend?" He asked shyly and worried.


  "Oh, really," replied the Miller, "I dont think Im asking you too much. You think Ill give you my cart, but of course if you dont want to do it, Ill go back and do it myself."


  "Ah! "What can I do then?" cried Little Hans. He jumped off the bed, put on his clothes and went to the warehouse.


  "He worked there all day until the sun set, and the Miller at sunset came to see how he did.


  "Have you mended the hole in the top of the warehouse, Hans?" Asked the Miller in a loud voice.


  "Its all mended," said Hans, walking down the ladder.


  "Ah!" "There is nothing happier than working for others," said the Miller


  "Its a great honor to hear you speak," said Hans, sitting down, wiping away sweat from his forehead and saying, "great honor, but Im afraid Ill never have such a good idea of you."


  "Ah! You will have it, "said the Miller," but you have to work harder. Now you have only completed the practice of friendship, and one day you will have theory. "


  "Do you really think I will?" Asked Hans.


  "I have no doubt about this," replied the Miller, "but since you have mended the top of the barn, youd better go back to rest because I want you to help me drive goats up the mountain tomorrow."


  "Poor little Hans dared not say anything about it, and the Miller rushed his flock to the cottage the next morning, and Hans drove them up the hill. It took him a whole day to go back and forth. When he got home, he was tired, and he sat in his chair and fell asleep, and it was already morning when he woke up.


  "How happy I would be to be in my garden today." He said it, and he went to work immediately.


  "But he would never be able to take care of his flowers with all his heart, for his friend, the Miller, always came to him to send him some errands, or asked him to help him in the mill. Sometimes Hans was also very upset, worried that his flowers would think he had forgotten them, but he comforted himself with the idea that the Miller was his best friend. "Besides," he often said to himself, "he also gives me his cart, which is a truly generous act."


  "So Hans kept on doing the main business of the mill, and the Miller also spoke all kinds of wonderful words about friendship. Hans wrote them in his notebook, and he often took them out at night to read them, because he was still a reader.


  "One night, Hans was sitting by the stove and baking, and suddenly a loud knock came. It was a bad night, and the wind was partaking around the hut. At first he thought he had heard only the storm, but a second knock came, followed by a third, and louder than the previous two.


  "This is a poor traveler," said Hans to himself, and ran towards the door.


  "The former door stood the Miller, one with a lamp in one hand and a big cane in the other.


  "Dear little Hans," cried the Miller, "I have a big problem. My little son fell off the ladder and was hurt. I was going to ask a doctor. But the doctor lived too far, and the weather was so bad tonight. I just suddenly felt that it would be much better if you went to ask for a doctor for me. You know Im going to give you my cart, so its fair that you should do something for me in return. "


  "Of course," cried Hans, "I think its my pleasure to have you come to me. Ill leave. But you have to lend me the lamp. Its too dark tonight. Im afraid Ill fall into the ditch. "


  "Im sorry," replied the Miller, "this is my new lamp. If there is something wrong with it, it will be a great loss to me."


  "Oh, it doesnt matter. I dont use it." Little Hans said loudly that he took off his fur coat and warm red hat, and put a scarf around his neck, and set off.


  "It was a terrible storm night, so dark that he could not reach out his fingers, and Hans could not see anything. The wind blew so hard that he couldnt stand steady. However, Hans was very brave, he walked for about three hours, came to the doctors house and knocked on the door.


  "Who is it?" The doctor asked loudly, extending his head from the bedroom.


  "Doctor, Im Hans."


  "Whats the matter, Hans."


  "The Millers son fell down the ladder and fell and hurt. The Miller asked you to go immediately."


  "OK!" And the doctor said, and asked people to prepare for the horses. He took the big boots, put on the lamp, and walked down from the upstairs, rode up to the mill masters house, while Hans followed the wine.


  "But the storm was getting bigger and bigger, and it rained like the water of a river. Hans could not see the road in front of him and could not catch up with the horse. Finally he lost his way and wandered about a swamp. It was a very dangerous place, and there were deep puddles everywhere, where poor little Hans drowned. The next day, several shepherds found his body floating on the surface of a large pond. The shepherds carried the body back into his hut. The host of the mourning ceremony.


  "Since I am his best friend," said the Miller, "then I should be in the best position." So he walked in a black robe at the front of the funeral procession, and from time to time he wiped his eyes with a large handkerchief.


  "The death of Hans was a great loss to everyone," the blacksmith said. At this time, the funeral was over, and everyone sat comfortably in the hotel, drinking spice wine and eating dessert.


  "It was a great loss to me anyway," replied the Miller, "yes, I have given him my cart. Now I really dont know how to deal with it. It was a big hindrance to me to put it in my house. It was already in a mess, and I could get anything if I sold it. I will pay more attention to not sending anything. "Generosity is always a pain."


  "And then?" After a while the rat said.


  "What, Im done," said the cardinal.


  "But what happened to the Miller?" Asked the rat.


  "Oh! I really dont know, "replied the cardinal," I dont think I care about it. "


  "Its clear that there is no sympathetic element in your nature," said the rat.


  "Im afraid you havent figured out the teachings of the story," the cardinal retorted.


  "What?" The rat warmed up loudly.




  "You mean there is a doctrine in the story?"


  "Of course," said the cardinal.


  "Oh, really," the rat said, gasping, "I think you should tell me that before you tell the story. If you do that, Im sure I wont listen to you. In fact, I should say "bah!" like a critic But I can say that now. " So he shouted, "bah!" , and waved his tail, and went back to the cave.


  "What do you think of the rat?" The duck asked, and it took her several minutes to clap the water and come ashore. "He has many advantages, but as far as I am concerned, I have a mothers feeling that it is impossible to tear down tears when I see the single men who are not married with iron heart."


  "Im worried Ive offended him," replied the cardinal. "The truth is that I told him a doctrinal story."


  "Ah, its always dangerous," said the duck.


  I fully agree with her.

  王尔德童话英文版 篇8


  The kings son is about to get married, so he has to celebrate the whole country. He has been waiting for his bride for a whole year, and she finally comes. She was a Russian princess, and she came from Finland on a sledge drawn by six reindeer. The sledge looked like a giant golden swan, and the little princess lay between the wings of Tianpeng. The long mink coat hung to her heel, and on her head was a small silver cap, her complexion was as pale as the color of the snow palace she had been living in. She was so pale that as she drove through the street, people along the street sighed in surprise, "she is like a white rose!" So people threw flowers from the balcony towards her.


  The prince was waiting for her to arrive at the gate of the castle. He has a dream purple eye and a blonde hair. As soon as he saw her coming, he knelt down on one leg and kissed her hand.


  "Your picture is so beautiful," he whispered, "but you are more beautiful than the picture." The little princesss face was red at once.


  "She used to be a white diamond," a young waiter said to the people around her, "but now its like a red rose." The whole palace was a happy place.


  In the three days after that everyone said, "white rose, red rose; red rose, white rose." So the king ordered that the guards salary be doubled. But he did not receive any salary at all, so the order for a raise had no effect on him, but it was regarded as a great honor and was published in court newspapers as usual.


  Three days later, a wedding ceremony was held. It was a grand ceremony, and the groom and bride walked hand in hand under a purple velvet cover embroidered with little pearls. Then there was a state banquet, which lasted for five hours. The prince and Princess sat in the first seat of the hall, drinking in a pure crystal glass. Only sincere lovers can drink with this cup, because as long as the false lips are next to the cup, the cup will become gray and light-free.


  "At one glance they love each other," said the little guard, "as pure as crystal!" The king ordered him to raise his salary again for that. "What a great honor!" The ministers shouted in unison.


  After the party, a dance was held, and the groom and the bride were going to dance together, and the king promised to play flute for them. He blew badly, but no one dared to say that to him, because he was the king of a country. To be honest, he can only play two tunes and never know which one he plays, but it doesnt matter, because no matter what he blows, people shout loudly: "great! Great! "


  The last project of the show was to give off a big fireworks, which was set at midnight. The princess never saw fireworks in her life, so the king ordered royal fireworks to attend the wedding ceremony in person to give them.


  "What does fireworks look like?" One morning, the little princess asked the prince this way when she was walking on the balcony.


  "They are like aurora borealis," said the king, who always liked to answer questions for others. "Its just more natural. I prefer fireworks to stars, because you always know when they will appear, and they are as wonderful as I play flute. You have to see them. "


  So a big table was built at the end of the royal garden. When the Royal Fireworks hand had prepared everything, the fireworks talked to each other.


  "The world is so beautiful," cried a little firecracker. "Look at the yellow tulips. Ah! If they were real firecrackers, they would be more likeable. Im glad Ive been on a tour. Tourism greatly improves insight and removes all personal prejudices. "


  "The kings garden is not the world, you stupid firecrackers," said a Roman candlelight bullet. "The world is a very big place, and it takes you three days to see the world."


  "Wherever you love it, its your world," a thoughtful wheel of fireworks shouted excitedly. She had a love for an old fir box in her early years and was proud of this sad experience. "But love is no longer fashionable, and poets have killed it. They express too much about love, so that people dont believe that anymore. Im not surprised at all. True love is painful and silent. I remember having had that one time - but its over now. Romance is only in the past. "


  "Nonsense "Romance will never die, it will be like the moon, and will live forever," said the Roman candlelight. For example, how warm the bridegroom and bride love each other. I heard about them from a firecracker made of brown paper this morning. He happened to be in a drawer with me and knew the latest news from the palace. "


  But saw the wheel of fireworks shake his head, murmured, "romance has died, romance has died, has died." She, like many others, believes that if you say the same thing over and over again, the last fake will become true.


  Suddenly, a sharp dry cough came, and they all turned around and looked.


  The sound came from a tall, arrogant rocket tied to the top of a long wooden pole. Before it makes a speech, it always cough a few times, which will attract peoples attention.


  "Ah, cough! Ah, cough! " He coughs. Everyone listened carefully, only poor round of fireworks still shook their heads, murmured, "romance has died."


  "Silence! Silence! " A firecracker shouted. He is a politician and always dominates the local elections, so he knows how to use the right political terms.


  "Dead," whispered the wheel of fireworks, and then she went to bed.


  When the surrounding area was completely quiet, the rocket coughed for a third time and began to speak. His tone was slow and clear, as if he was reciting his own notebook, and he never looked at his audience in the eye. To be honest, his demeanour is very outstanding.


  "The kings son is so lucky," he said, "and his wedding was just when I was going to go up and set off. Indeed, even if it was arranged in advance, it was no better for him; but, in other words, the princes always had good luck. "


  "My mother!" "I think the opposite is true," said the firecracker. "I think we are going to be on the rise for the honor of the prince."


  "It may be for you," he replied, "and in fact it is certainly. But its not a good thing for me. I am a very magical rocket, born in a wonderful family. My mother was the most famous round of fireworks of her time and was famous for her beautiful dance. As long as she appears, she will fly out 19 times. Every time she turns, she will throw seven pink stars in the air. She is three and a half feet in diameter and is made of the best powder. My father is a rocket like me. He is from France. He flies so high that people worry that he wont come down. Nevertheless, he came down because he was kind. He turned into a golden rain and fell down very brightly. The newspaper described his performance in words of a stick. Indeed, the court newspaper called him a great achievement in fireworks. "


  "Fireworks, fireworks, do you mean it," said a Bangladeshi fireworks. "I know its fireworks because I see it on my box."


  "Oh, Im talking about guns," replied the rocket in a serious tone. Bangladesh fireworks feel overwhelmed and immediately bully the firecrackers to show that they are still an important role.


  "I mean," the rocket continued, "I mean - what am I talking about?"


  "Youre talking about yourself," replied the Roman candlelight.


  "Indeed, I know Im talking about something interesting and Im being cut off by a rough cut. I hate all kinds of rude behaviors and bad behaviors because I am a very sensitive person. I believe that no one in the world is more sensitive than me. "


  "What does a sensitive person mean?" Firecrackers asked the Roman candlelight.


  "A person always wants to step on other peoples toes because of his own chicken eyes," whispered Roman candlelight. Firecrackers are almost not laughing down their belly.


  "What do you laugh at?" The rocket said, "I didnt laugh at all."


  "I laugh because Im happy," replied firecrackers.


  "Its selfish," said the rocket, with a furious face, "what right do you have to be happy? You should think about it for others. In fact, you should think about it for me. I always think about myself, and I hope others will do it. Thats what we call compassion. It is a lovely virtue, and I have a high virtue in this respect. For example, suppose what happened to me this night, how unfortunate it would be for everyone! The prince and princess will never be happy any more, and their life after marriage will be destroyed; as for the king, he may not be able to withstand the blow. Really, I was almost moved to shed tears when I thought of my important position. "


  "If you want to bring happiness to others," said the Roman candlelight, "then youd better not get wet first."


  "Of course," said the Bangladeshi fireworks, who is much better at the moment, "its a simple common sense."


  "Common sense, not false!" The rocket said angrily, "but you forget that I am unusual and amazing. Ah, anyone who has no imagination will have common sense. But I have imagination, because I never think things according to their actual situation, I always think of them as another thing. As for me not to cry, it is clear that no one here can appreciate the sentimental character. Fortunately, I dont mind myself. The only thing that can keep me alive is to think that I am much better than others, which is also the feeling I have always cultivated. You people are all emotionally free. You just laugh or joke, as if the prince and princess were not just married. "


  "Ah, it is," cried a little fireball affectionately, "cant it? What a joy it is. As soon as I fly to the sky, I will tell the stars all about it. When I tell them beautiful princesses, you will see the stars blinking. "


  "Ah! What a small outlook on life! " "But thats exactly what I expected," the rocket said. You have no ambition; you are shallow and ignorant. Oh, maybe the prince and princess will live in a country with a deep river; maybe they have only one son, the little boy has blonde hair and purple eyes like his prince; maybe one day the little boy will go out for a walk with the nanny; maybe the nanny will sleep under an old tree; maybe the little boy will fall into the deep water and drown. What a terrible disaster! Poor man, lost their only son! This is terrible! Ill never forget. "


  "But they didnt lose their only son," said the Roman candlelight, "and there was no unfortunate hair owner on them at all."


  "I never said they would have misfortune," the rocket replied, "I just said they might. If they have lost their only child, what else is the point of talking about it. I hate those who regret afterwards. But Im very sad to think that they may lose their only son. "


  "Of course you will!" "In fact, you are the most emotional person I have ever met," the Bangladeshi fireworks shouted


  "You are the most vulgar person I have ever met," the rocket retorted. "You cant understand my friendship with the prince."


  "Oh, you dont even know him," roared the Roman candlelight.


  "I never said I knew him," the rocket replied, "I dare say that if I knew him, I would not have been his friend. Its very dangerous to know a lot of friends. "


  "Youd better not shed tears if you are really," said the fireball. "Its a matter of great importance."


  "Im sure its very important for you," the rocket replied, "but I have to cry if I want to." He cried first, and then the water came down from the pole like rain, and almost drowned two beetles looking for a dry place to nest.


  "He must have a real romantic quality," said the wheel of fireworks. "There is nothing to cry at all, but he can cry." Then she sighed for a long time, and thought of the fir box again.


  But the Roman candlelight bomb and Bangladeshi fireworks were not happy, they said ceaselessly: "bullshit! Bullshit! " That sound is really loud enough. They are very practical, and as long as they object to something, they will say it is nonsense.


  At this time, the moon rose like a silver shield; stars began to flash, and music came from the palace.


  The prince and princess are leading the dance. They danced so beautifully that even the beautiful white lotus flowers peered through the windows, and the big red poppies nodded frequently and beat.


  Then the clock at ten struck, then the eleven, and then twelve. When the last bell struck at midnight, all the people came to the balcony, and the king sent for the royal fireworks.


  "Start fireworks," the king announced. The Royal Fireworks hand bowed deeply and stepped down to the end of the garden. He brought six assistants, each in line with a pole, and the top of the pole was tied with a lighted torch.


  It was indeed an unprecedented performance.


  Whizzing! Whizzing! The wheel fireworks flew up, and they were spinning. Boom! Boom! The Roman candlelight bomb flew up again. Then firecrackers danced everywhere, and then the fireworks in Bangladesh turned everything red. "Goodbye," the fireball shouted and went out of the air, throwing down countless small blue Mars. Pop! Cheerleading! The firecrackers also went on, and they were so happy. They all succeeded very well, only the magic rockets left. He was wet with tears and could not be lifted up to the sky at all. The best thing on him is gunpowder. When the powder is wet by tears, it can not be used. His poor relatives and relatives, usually he never said hello, but occasionally sneered, at this moment, all like the full-color flowers in full bloom, flew to the sky. What a wonderful! What a wonderful! The people of the court cheered; the little princess laughed with joy.


  "I guess they kept me for a bigger celebration," the rocket said. "Theres no doubt thats what it means." He looks more arrogant than before.


  The next day the workers came to clean up. "These people are delegations at first glance," said the rocket. "I will meet them with dignity." So he put out a dignified look, frowning solemnly, as if thinking about what snow to ask. But they ignored him at all, and one of them happened to see him until they were leaving. "Hey He shouted, "such a dilapidated rocket!" And then he threw the rocket into the gutter outside the wall.


  "The old rocket? A dilapidated rocket? " He rolled in the air and said, "no way! Big rocket, thats what the man said. The old and big sounds are very close, and they are often the same sounds. " Then he fell into the gutter.


  "Its not comfortable here," he said, "but it may be a fashionable bath, they sent me to get back to health. My nerves are really hurt a lot, and I need to rest. "


  Then a little frog swam towards him, with a pair of bright and shining jewel eyes and a green striped coat.


  "It seems that its a new arrival!" The frog said, "ah, its not the same as mud. I will be very happy if I can enjoy rainy days and a gutter. Do you think it will rain in the afternoon? I wish so, but you can see the blue sky, there is no cloud in the sky, how regrettable


  "Ah, cough! Ah, cough! " The rocket coughed as it said.


  "How nice your voice is!" "Its like a frog croaking, and thats certainly the best music in the world," the frog cried. You can come and hear our chorus show tonight. We are all in the old duck pond next to the farmers house, and as soon as the moon rises, we begin to perform. It was so fascinating that everyone was lying with their eyes open and listening to us singing. In fact, yesterday, I heard the farmers wife say to her mother that because of our existence, she couldnt sleep all night. Its a thank goodness to be welcomed by so many people. "


  "Ah, cough! Ah, cough! " The rocket said angrily. He was very annoyed that he couldnt even a word.


  "Of course, wonderful music," the frog continued, "I hope you can come to the duck pond. Im going to see my daughters. I have six beautiful daughters, and Im worried that the shuttle will meet them. He is a real monster, and he will take them as breakfast without hesitation. Well, goodbye, weve had a great conversation. I can believe you. "


  "Talk, not a bit of fake!" "Its all youre talking on your own," the rocket said. "Its not a conversation."


  "I have to hear," replied the frog. "I like talking alone, too. This saves time and avoids quarrels. "


  "But I like to argue," said the rocket.


  "I dont want that," said the frog proudly, "the quarrel is too vulgar, because in a good society, everyone will have a complete consensus. I saw my daughter over there again Then the little frog swam away.


  "Youre a very annoying guy," said the rocket, "and youre not well bred. I hate people talking about themselves, just like you. You know that people want to talk at this time, just like me. This is what I call selfishness, which is a very abhorrent thing, especially for people of my character, because I am named after compassion. To be honest, you should take me as an example. You may not find a better example than me. Since you have a chance, youd better hold it, because Im almost going back to the palace. I was a big darling in the palace; in fact, the prince and princess had a wedding yesterday to celebrate me. Of course, you know nothing about these things because you are a rustic. "


  "Its no good talking to him," said a dragonfly, sitting on the top of a brown cattail at the moment. "There is no benefit, because he has gone."


  "Well, thats his loss, not mine," the rocket replied. "I will not stop talking to him just because he doesnt care about me. I like to listen to myself, which is one of my greatest pleasures. I often speak a lot of things by myself, but I am too clever. Sometimes I dont even understand what I say myself. "


  "Then you should have taught philosophy," said Qingzhi, and then he spread out his lovely pair of wings and flew into the air.


  "Its a fool of him not to stay here!" "I dare say he doesnt have such a chance to improve his intelligence often," the rocket said. However, I dont mind at all. A genius like me will surely be appreciated one day. " He fell deeper into the mud.


  After a while a big white duck swam to him. She has a pair of yellow legs and webbed feet, and she is considered a great beauty because she has come up and shakes it.


  "GA, GA, GA," she cried, "how strange you look! May I ask you how you were born so? Or was it caused by an accident? "


  "Obviously, youve been living in the country all the time," the rocket replied, "or youll know who I am. But I will forgive your ignorance. Its unfair to expect others to be as great as themselves. You will be surprised when you hear that I can fly up the sky and sprinkle a golden rain. "


  "I dont value that," said the duck, "because I cant see what its going to do to others. Now, if you can plow like a cow, pull a car like a horse, or look at the sheep like a shepherd, its a character. "


  "My good man," the rocket cried out in a very proud language. "You are of the lower class. A person of my status will never work. We have achieved something, thats enough. I am not very kind to all kinds of so-called hard work, especially to those hard work that you appreciate. To be honest, I always think that hard work is just a way of escape for those who have nothing to do. "


  "Well, well," said the duck, a man of steady handling, and never quarreled with anyone. "Everyone has his own hobbies. I think, anyway, youre going to settle down here. "


  "Ah! Of course not, "the rocket shouted." Im just a passer-by, a famous guest. The fact is that I think this place is boring. Its not quiet here, theres no social life. To be honest, this is just the outskirts. I may be back in the palace, because I am destined to make some achievements in the world. "


  "Ive also thought about getting involved in public affairs," duck said. "There are so many things in the world that need to be innovated. To be honest, I worked as chairman of the meeting a while ago, and we passed resolutions condemning everything we didnt like. However, they dont seem to have much effect. Now Im dedicated to housework and looking after my family. "


  "I was born for this society," rocket said. "So are all my relatives, even the most humble of them. As long as we come out, it will attract wide attention at any time. In fact, its not my turn to appear, but as soon as I appear, it will be a spectacular scene. When it comes to housework, it makes people grow old early and have no intention to pursue higher goals. "


  "Ah! Higher life goals, how good they should be The duck said, "but it makes me feel hungry." With that, she swam downstream, and at the same time called "GA, GA, GA".


  "Come back, come back!" Rocket tip declared, "I have a lot to say to you." But the duck ignored him. "Im glad shes gone," he said to himself. "Her mind is really just average." As he sank deeper into the mud, he began to think of the loneliness of genius. All of a sudden, two little boys, dressed in white woolen clothes, with a kettle in hand and a lot of firewood in their arms, ran towards the bank.


  "This must be the delegation," the Rockets said, trying to be very serious again.


  "Hey One of the children cried, "look at this old stick! I dont know why its here. " He picked up the rocket from the gutter.


  "Old stick!" The rocket said, "no way! Golden stick, thats what he said. The golden stick is a very nice word. In fact, he mistook me for some dignitary in the palace. "


  "Lets put it in the fire!" Another child said, "it helps to boil the water."


  So they piled the firewood together, put the rocket on top, and lit the fire.


  "Thats great," the Rockets yelled. "Theyre going to set me off in broad daylight so everyone can see me."


  "Lets go to bed now," they said. "The kettle will boil when we wake up." Then they lay down on the grass and closed their eyes.


  The rocket was all wet, so it took a long time to dry him. In the end, however, the fire lit him.


  "Now Im going to take off!" He yelled and straightened himself up at the same time. "I know I want to fly higher than the stars, higher than the moon, higher than the sun. In fact, Ill fly so high -- "


  Hiss! Hiss! Hiss! He flew straight into the air.


  "Great He cried, "Im going to keep flying like this. How successful I am!"


  However, no one saw him.


  Then he began to feel a strange tingling all over his body.


  "Now Im going to explode," he yelled. "Im going to light up the world, Im going to be so powerful that all people dont talk about anything else this year." Its true that he did explode. Whoo! Hoo: Hoo! The gunpowder exploded. This is absolutely true.


  But no one heard him, not even the two children, for they were fast asleep.


  Then all he had left was the stick, which fell on the back of a goose walking in the gutter.


  "My God The goose cried, "why did you get the stick down?" Then he jumped into the river.


  "I know Im going to work miracles," the rocket gasped, and then he went out.

  王尔德童话英文版 篇9


  Every night the young fisherman would go out to sea to catch fish and cast his net into the sea.


  When the wind came from the land, he could catch nothing, or at most a little bit, because it was a fierce wind with black wings, and even the huge waves jumped up to welcome it. But when the wind came ashore, the fish came up from the deep sea and swam into his net. He took the fish to the market and sold them.


  Every night he went out to sea to catch fish. One night, when he took in the net, it was so heavy that he almost couldnt drag it onto the boat. He laughed and said to himself, "I must have caught all the swimming fish, or I must have got people into the net as miraculous monsters, or I could have gotten the terrible things that the great queen likes." He tugged at the rope with all his strength until the long blood vessels on his arm came out, like the stripes of blue glaze on a pot vase. He tugged at the string again. As he got closer, the flat cork floating ring got closer and closer, and the net finally rose out of the water.


  However, there was no fish, no monster or anything terrible in the net, only a sleeping little mermaid lay in it.


  Her hair was like wet golden wool, and each hair was like fine gold thread in a glass. Her body was as white as ivory, and her tail was the color of silver and pearls. Silver and pearl are her tail, and the green seaweed is around it; Her ears are like shells, her lips are coral. The cold waves pounded her chest, and the sea salt glittered on her eyelids.


  How beautiful she is! The young fisherman was filled with wonder when he saw her. He reached out to pull the net to his side and leaned down to hold her in his arms. When he was next to her, she cried out like a frightened seagull and woke up. She looked at him in horror with Amethyst eyes and struggled to escape. But he held her tightly and was not willing to let her go.


  When she saw that she could not escape, she began to cry and said, "I beg you to let me go. I am the kings only daughter. My father is old and has no other family around him."


  But the young fisherman replied, "I wont let you go unless you promise that whenever I call you, you will come and sing for me, because the fish like to listen to the mermaids song, so my net will be full."


  "If I promised you, would you really let me go?" Said the mermaid, crying.


  "I will let you go," replied the young fisherman.


  So she promised as he hoped, and cursed with the mermaid oath. He released his arm from her, and she sank into the sea, trembling with an inexplicable fear.


  Every night when a young fisherman goes out fishing, she calls for a mermaid, and she comes out of the sea and sings for him. The dolphins were swimming around her, the gulls were hovering over her head.


  She sang a wonderful song. Because she sang the story of her companion. They drove the cattle from one cave to another, carrying calves on their shoulders; She also sang the sea gods, half a man and a fish, with long green beards and furry chests, who sounded spiral conch whenever the king passed by; She sang to the kings palace, all of which were made of city smelting, and the roof was made of bright emerald blue, and the road was paved with shining pearls; She sang to the garden in the sea, where huge coral fans were dancing all day long. The fish were dressed like silver birds, and autumn peony climbed on the rocks, and pink bamboo sprouted in the yellow sand. She sang the big white whales from the bottom of the North Sea, with sharp ice pillars hanging on their binding. She sang the female demons who can tell moving stories. Their stories are wonderful. The blind people in the past have to block their ears with wax to avoid hearing them and jump into the sea and lose their lives; She also sang to the sinking ships with high masts, the frozen sailors holding the sailline tightly, and the blue and white fish swam in and out through the open hatch; She sang to the small snail, who were great travelers, and they stuck them on the keel of the ship and swam the world all over; She sang squid fish living on the edge of the cliff, extending their long black arms, and could call the night come whenever they wanted; She also sang Nautilus, who had a boat of her own carved out of cats eye stone, sailing with a silk sail; She sang the male Mermaid with harps, who could make the sea monster dream; She sang to a group of children who caught the slippery dolphins and rode on them with a smile; She sang the Mermaids again, and they lay in the white foam, and stretched out their arms to wave to the seaman. She sang to the sea lions, which were curved in their bodies, and the seahorses with floating bristles.


  When she sang, all tunas came up from the bottom of the water to listen to her song. The young fisherman scattered the nets around them, and knocked them out, and the fish outside the net were caught by him with harpoon. When his boat was full, mermaid smiled at him, and then sank to bottom of the water.


  However, she did not want to swim near him to let him touch her. He often called her and pleaded with her, but she was unwilling; As long as he wanted to catch her, she would have been like a seal, and she would suddenly run into the water, and he would never see her any more that day. Day after day, he felt her singing was getting more and more attractive. Her song was so wonderful that even he often forgot the net and the work in his hand, even the line. Tuna swam in groups, with scarlet fins and prominent golden eyes, but he didnt pay attention to them. His harpoon was also idle, and his wicker basket was empty. He opened his mouth, stared at his astonishing eyes, sat stupidly on the boat and listened to it. He had heard the vast sea fog covering him all the time, and the wandering moon was spreading his brown body with silver and white light.


  One night, he called her and said, "Little Mermaid, mermaid, I love you. Let me be your groom, because I love you so much."


  But Mermaid shakes his head. "You have a soul of one," she replied, "if you will send your soul away, then I will fall in love with you."


  The young fisherman said to himself, "what is the use of my soul for me? I cant see it, I cant touch it, I dont know it. I must take it from me so Ill be very happy. " Then he made a happy scream, and stood up on the colorful boat, and stretched out his arm towards the mermaid. "I will send my soul away," he cried, "you are my bride. I will be your groom. We live together at the bottom of the sea. All you sing in your songs will show me. I will try my best to do whatever you want. We will never separate together."


  The mermaid laughed happily and hid his face in his hands.


  "But how can I send my soul away?" The young fisherman shouted, "tell me what I should do, oh, Ill do it."


  "Ah! I dont know, "said the little mermaid," our Mermaid family has no soul. " Then she sank to the bottom of the water, looking at him thoughtfully.


  The next morning, when the sun was rising on the top of the mountain less than a little high, the young fisherman came to the priests house and knocked three times.


  The doorman looked out from the door opening, and when he saw the person coming, he pulled down the mortar and said to the person coming, "please come in."


  The young fisherman came in, kneeling on the floor with fragrant cordurous mattresses, and shouting to the priest who was reading the Bible: "father, I fell in love with a mermaid, and my soul hindered me, so that I could not achieve my wish. Please tell me how I can send my soul away from me, because I really dont need it. What else does my soul do to me? I cant see it, I cant touch it, I dont know it. "


  The priest beat his chest and said, "Oh, oh, are you crazy? What kind of poisonous grass did you eat? Because soul is the noblest part of human beings, and it is given to us by God. We should use it with high quality. There is nothing more precious than the soul of man in the world, and nothing on the earth can be compared with it. It is worth more than all the gold in the world, and much more than the rubies of kings. So, my child, dont think about it any more, because its an unforgivable crime. As for the mermaid family, they have lost, and anyone who is with them will be lost. They are like the beasts of the earth who are not good and evil, and Christ did not die for them. "


  After hearing the strict loyalty of the priest, the eyes of the young fisherman were full of tears. He stood up and said to the priest, "priests, the shepherds live in the forest, they are very happy, and the male Mermaid sits on the rock playing their golden harp. Let me be with them, I beg you, because they live the same day as flowers. As for my soul, if it would create a barrier between me and what I love, what would my soul do for me? "


  "The love of the flesh is evil," the priest said, frowning, "all the heresy things God has encountered in the world he created that make him unhappy are evil. The shepherds in the forest should be cursed, and the singers in the sea should be cursed! I heard their songs at night, and they were going to lure me away from my sermon. They knocked at my window and laughed loudly. They whispered to my ears stories of toxic joy. They seduced me with all sorts of temptations, and when I prayed, they came to tease me. Theyre not saved. For they have no heaven in their hearts, nor Hell, nor praise the name of God,,


  "Father," cried the young fisherman, "you dont know what youre talking about yourself. Once I caught the kings daughter with a fishnet. She is more beautiful than morning star, and whiter than the bright moon. For her flesh, I am willing to surrender my soul; I prefer not heaven for her love. Please tell me what I ask you, let me leave quietly. "


  "Go! Go The priest cried out, "your lover is hopeless, and you will fall with her." The priest drove him out of the door without giving him blessing. The young fisherman came to the market, and he walked slowly, with his head down and a frown.


  When the merchants saw him coming, they whispered to each other. One of them came to him, called his name and said to him, "what are you selling?"


  "I will sell my soul to you," he replied, "I beg you to buy it from me, because I have hated it. What is the use of my soul for me? I cant see it, I cant touch it, I dont know it. "


  But the merchants began to laugh at him and they said, "what is the use of the human soul for us? Its not worth half a broken silver coin. Sell your body to us as slaves. We will wear blue and purple clothes for you, and a ring on your fingers, and let you be a clown for the great queen. But dont say any soul, because its useless for us and its not valuable for our work. "


  The young fisherman said to himself, "how strange it is! The priest told me that the value of soul is better than the gold of the world, while businessmen say that half of the silver coins are worthless. "


  So he left the market, went to the seaside and began to think about what he should do.


  At noon, he remembered one of his own partners, a man who collected umbrella grass, who once told him how wonderful her witchcraft was when she lived in a cave at the entrance of the bay. So he ran and started, and he couldnt wait to get his soul out. He ran on the beach, and a mist rose behind him. The young witch knew his coming by itching her hand, and she laughed and spread her red head away. She stood at the opening, a red hair fell, wrapped in her face, and in her hand she had an open wild celery.


  "What are you missing? What are you missing? " She asked loudly, as he was panting up the cliff and stooping to salute her. "When the wind is not good, will you let the fish enter your net? I have a reed, and as long as I blow it, the carp will swim into the bay. But its a price, a beautiful child, its a price. What are you missing? What are you missing? Is there a storm to blow the boat over to bring the treasure laden box ashore? My storm is more than the wind, because the people I serve are stronger than the gale, and with a sieve and a bucket of water I can send the ship to the bottom of the sea. But its a price, a beautiful child, its a price. What are you missing? What are you missing? I know a flower that grows in the valley, and no one knows it except me. It has purple leaves, a star in the flower heart, and its juice is as white as milk. As long as you touch the Queens closed lips with flowers, she will follow you to the end of the world. She will rise from the kings bed and follow you all over the world. But its a price, a beautiful child, its a price. What are you missing? What are you missing? I can pound toads in a bowl, make a thin soup of what I mash, and stir it with the hand of a dead man. Sprinkle the soup on your enemy, and when he falls asleep, he will become a black snake, and his mother will kill it. I can pull the moon down from the sky with a wheel, and I can also let you see death in the crystal ball. What are you missing? What else do you lack? But youre going to pay back to me, beautiful kids, youre going to pay me back. "


  "All I want is a small thing," said the young fisherman. "But the priest was angry with me and blew me out. It was just a small matter, and the merchants joked at me, refusing me thousands of miles away. So I came here to find you. Although people say you are evil, no matter how much your offer is, I will pay you. "


  "What do you want?" The witch came to him and asked.


  "Im going to send my soul away," replied the young fisherman.


  The witchs face turned pale and trembled, and hid her face in her blue big shoes. "Beautiful children, beautiful children," she murmured, "it was a terrible thing."


  He shook his brown hair and laughed. "My soul is no longer of use to me," he replied, "I can neither see it nor touch it, nor understand it.".


  "What would you give me if I told you?" The witch, standing high, looked at him with beautiful eyes, and asked.


  "Five gold coins," he said, "and my net, my wicker made up house, and the colored boat I was driving. You just need to tell me how to get rid of my soul, and I will give you everything I have. "


  She laughed at him and beat him with the poisonous celery. "I can turn autumn leaves into gold," she replied, "and I can weave the pale moonlight into silver I like. I serve a man richer than all the kings in the world and possess the kingdom as big as they are. "


  "So what do I want to give you?" "If your price is neither gold nor silver," he cried out


  The witch stroked his hair with her thin white hand. "You have to dance with me, beautiful boy," she said softly, smiling at him.


  "Just this one?" The young fisherman asked in surprise and stood up.


  "Its all," she said, smiling at him.


  "Then when the sun sets, well go to a secret place to dance," he said. "After the dance, you have to tell me what I want to know."


  The witch shook her head. "When it comes to the full moon, until its full," she said softly. Then she looked down at her and listened to her ears. A blue bird screamed from the nest, circled around the dunes, and three spotted birds leaped across the gray weeds and whistled at each other. There is also the sound of the waves below to wash smooth pebbles. So she reached out her hands, pulled him to her own side, and put dry lips near his ears.


  "You must come up to the top of the mountain tonight," she whispered, "its Sabbath and he will come here."


  The young fisherman looked at her in surprise, at her smiling face with white teeth. "The one you said was who is he? He asked.


  "It doesnt matter," she replied, "you have to come tonight, standing under the branches of the Carpinus tree, waiting for me to come. If there is a black dog running towards you, you use a wicker to beat it, and it will go away. If an owl talks to you, dont answer it. When the moon is round, I will come to you, and we will dance together on the grass. "


  "But would you promise me that you would tell me how to send my soul away?" He said this way.


  She came to the sun, and the wind gently blew her red hair. "I swear with the hoof of the goat," she replied.


  "You are the best witch," cried the young fisherman. "I must dance with you on the top of the mountain tonight. In fact, I would rather you ask me for gold or silver, but since you need such a price and it is a matter of mind, you will do what you want. " After that he took off his hat and saluted her, bowed deeply, and ran back to the city with joy.


  The witch looked at him away from afar, and when his figure disappeared, she returned to her own cave, and took a mirror from the carved fir box, put it on a shelf, and set up Verbena on the charcoal in front of the shelf to observe the mirror through the smoke circle. "He should have been mine," she murmured, clenched her fist in a gasp, "Im as beautiful as she is."


  That night, when the moon rose, the young fisherman climbed to the top of the mountain and stood under the branches and leaves of the Carpinus tree. Under his feet lies the circular sea, like a polished metal target, and the shadow of the fishing boat is shaking in the small bay. A big owl with yellow sulfur eyes called his name, but he ignored it. A black dog ran towards him and barked at him. He hit it with a wicker, and the dog ran away crying.


  At midnight, the witches came from the air like bats. Before they had their heels on the ground, they cried, "bah! There is a man here that we dont know! " They sniffed around with their noses, spoke to each other, and made a sign. Finally came the young witch, whose red hair was dancing in the wind. She was dressed in a gold velvet dress embroidered with peacock eyes and a green velvet cap on her head.


  "Where is he? Where is he? " The witches screamed and asked as soon as they saw her, but she just smiled, ran under the Carpinus tree, led the young Fishermans hand, led him to the moonlight and began to dance.


  They turned round and round, and the young witch jumped tall and tall, and he could see her dark red heel. At this time, a sound of horse galloping hoof passed on to dancers, but he felt terrified that he did not see the shadow of the horse.


  "Hurry up," cried the witch, stretching out her arms and holding his neck, her breath on his face. "Hurry up, hurry up!" She cried out, and he felt as if the ground under his feet had been spinning, he felt so sad, and a great fear came up, and something evil seemed to be watching him, and finally he noticed that there was a man in the shadow of the rock, who he had never seen before.


  It was a man, dressed in a black velvet suit, in Spanish style chives. His face had a strange pale white, but his lips seemed to be a rose of cake pride. He looked tired, leaning back, and feebly stroking the hilt of the sword. On the grass beside him was a feather cap, and a pair of gloves with gilded riding, embroidered with very novel pearl ornaments. He had a short black bottle lined jacket on his shoulder, and his delicate white and sleek hands were full of rings. The heavy eyelid was blue in his eyes.


  The young fisherman looked at him as if he had got something magical. The last two met, and wherever he danced, he seemed to feel that one of his eyes was staring at himself. He heard the young witch laugh, and then he hugged her waist and turned around with her madly.


  Suddenly, a dog barked up in the woods, and the dancers stopped. One pair of dancers walked over, knelt down and kissed the mans hand. When people do this, a smile is on his proud lips, just like a bird with its wings next to the water, let the water hang on a smile. But his smile with a slight meaning, but also still a strong look at the young fisherman.


  "Come on! We went to see him, "whispered the witch, pulling him over, and a strong desire to make him want to do what she asked him to do, and he went with her. But when he approached him, he did not know why, he crossed his chest and called for the holy name.


  As soon as he had done it, the witches screamed like eagles and flew away, and the pale face that had been looking at him twisted with pain. The man went to the grove and whistled. A pony with a silver bridle came and picked him up. As he stepped on the saddle, he turned and looked sadly at the young fisherman.


  The witch with a red hair also wanted to fly away, but the fisherman caught her wrist and held it tightly.


  "Let me go," she cried out, "let me go. Because you call names that shouldnt be called and make signs that we shouldnt see. "


  "No," he replied, "I will not let you go unless you tell me the secret."


  "What secret?" The witch said, struggling like a wild cat, still biting her foaming lips.


  "You know," he replied.


  Her green eyes were dark with tears, and she said to the fisherman, "you can tell me anything, except this."


  He laughed and grabbed her hand tighter.


  She saw that she couldnt run away, and she whispered to him, "in fact, I am as beautiful as my daughter in the sea, and as lovely as the girls who live in the blue sea." She was flattering him and she was leaning her face towards him.


  But he pushed her away with frown and said to her, "if you cant do what you promised me, then Ill kill you as a fake witch."


  Her face turned gray at once, like the flowers of the cycado, and trembled. "Now," she murmured, "its your soul, not mine. Just do as you say. " Then he took a knife with the handle of green snake skin from his belt and handed it over to him.


  "What will this thing do to me?" He asked him in a puzzled way.


  She paused for a moment in silence, and the expression of fear hit her face. Then she wiped the hair that hung on her forehead back, and said to him with a strange smile, "the shadow of the human body that people call is not actually the shadow of the body, but the shadow of the soul. You stand on the beach with your back to the moon, and cut the shadow around your feet with a knife. That is, your souls body, and you can leave you, and it will do what you say.


  The young fisherman shivered. "Is that true?" He asked in a low voice.


  "Its true, I wish I hadnt told you about it," she cried, hugging his knees and crying.


  He pushed her away, left her in the lush grass, and he went to the top of the hill, and ed a knife in his belt and began to go down the hill.


  His soul called him in his body and said to him, "Hello! I have lived with you for so many years and have been your servant. Please dont let me leave you, have I done anything bad to you? "


  The young fisherman laughed. "You didnt do anything sorry for me, but I dont need you anymore," he replied. "The world is vast, there are heaven, there are hell, and the gloomy houses between them. Go where you like to go! Dont disturb me any more, because my love is calling me. "


  His soul pleaded with him bitterly, but he ignored it, but jumped from one rock to another, and walked as fast as a wild goat, and finally he ran to a flat ground and came to the honeyed beach. ,


  He stood on the beach with his back to the moon. His bronze limbs and strong muscles looked like a statue of a Greek man. He put out a lot of white arms from the foam of the sea, calling him up, showing some hazy figures from the waves, saluting him, and lying across his shadow in front of him, that is, the body of his soul, honey colored behind him. A round of bright moon hung in the sky.


  Then his soul said to him, "if you really want to drive me away, you have to send me a heart first. The world is cruel. Let your heart go with me. "


  He shook his head and smiled. "If I give you my heart, what can I take to love my lover?" He shouted loudly.


  "No, be merciful," said his soul, "give me your heart, because the world is so cruel that I am afraid."


  "My heart belongs to my lover," he replied, "so dont delay time. You can leave here quickly."


  "Shouldnt I love it?" Asked his soul.


  "You go, because I dont need you." The young fisherman roared, and he drew out the knife with the handle of the green snake skin, cut his figure around his feet, and the shadow stood up and stood in front of him, looking at him. It was almost the same as himself.


  He retreated backward, and thrust the knife into his belt, and a strange fear came on him. "Go away," he murmured, "dont let me see your face again."


  "No, we will meet again," said the soul, whose voice was low, as if the flute had not moved his lips.


  "How can we meet again?" The young fisherman cried, "you wont go with me to the depths of the ocean, will you?"


  "I come here once a year to call you," said the soul, "maybe you will need me."


  "What else do I need you to do?" The young fisherman shouted, "but just follow your." Then he went into the sea, and the gods of half a man and a half sounded their trumpets. The little mermaid swam up to meet him, and stretched out their arms around his neck and kissed his mouth.


  At this time, the soul stood alone on the beach and looked at them. When they sank into the sea, it cried and walked through the swamp.


  A year later, the soul returned to the beach, calling for the young fisherman, who floated down the sea floor and said to him, "why do you call me?"


  The soul replied, "come closer, I can speak to you, because I see a lot of wonderful things."


  So he came closer, and squatted in the water, holding his head with his hands, listening.


  The soul said to him, "when I leave you, I turn to the East and travel. Everything from the East is very clever. I traveled six days, and on the seventh morning, I came to a hill, which was on the land of the Tatar state. I sat in the shade of a Tamarix to avoid the sun. The land was dry and hot. People walked back and forth on the plain, as flies crawled and climbed over polished copper plates.


  "At noon, a cloud of red dust rose from the horizon. When the Tatars saw it, they opened their bows and jumped on their ponies and ran in that direction. The women screamed to see running into the cart, lying behind the curtain.


  "At dusk the Tatars came back, but five of them were missing, and many of them were wounded among the returned. They put the horses on the cart and hurried to the bus. Three wolves came out of the hole and watched behind them. Then they sniffed a few air and ran in the opposite direction.


  "When the moon rose, I saw a light fire on the plain, and ran in that direction. A group of businessmen sat on the carpet around the fire. Their camels were tied to the piles behind them, and the slaves were setting up a salty tent on the sand and building high walls with overlord trees. "


  "When I approached them, the leader of the merchant stood and took out his knife and asked me what I was doing.


  "I replied that I was the prince of my country, and I ran out of the Tatars, because they wanted me to be slaves to them. The head laughed and showed me five heads hanging on the long bamboo pole.


  "Then he asked me who was the prophet of God, and I told him that he was Muhammad.


  "After hearing the name of the false prophet, he bowed deeply, pulled up my hand and asked me to sit by his side. A slave brought me some mare milk in a wooden bowl, and a piece of roasted lamb.


  "We are on the road again at dawn. I rode on a red camel, walking next to the head, and a runner with a long gun running in front of us. The soldiers walked on both sides of us, and mules followed with merchandise. The caravan has forty camels, and the number of mules is two and forty.


  "We have gone from the land of Tatars to the kingdom of the moon curse. We see the monsters of the Gryphon guarding their gold on white rocks, and the scaly dragons sleep in their caves. When we cross the mountains, even the atmosphere dare not come out. The snow will fall down and hold our body. Everyones eyes are tied with a piece of gauze. As we crossed the valley, the dwarfs arched at us from the nest of the big trees, and at night we heard the wild people playing drums and playing drums. When we climb the monkey tower, we put some fruit in front of the monkey, and they wont hurt us. When we came to the tower, we would drink some hot milk in a copper bowl, and the snake would let us pass through smoothly. We came to the shore of the oxsumes river three times during the journey. We sat on a raft in bulging Brown Leather pockets and crossed the river, and the hippos were angry at us as if we were going to eat us all the way. Camels shuddered when they saw them like that.


  "Every county in a city collects taxes on us, but he does not want us to enter their gates. They threw us bread from the wall, honey corn cakes made of fine flour, and pastries filled with dates, and exchanged for one of our amber beads for every hundred baskets of food.


  "As soon as the villagers saw us approaching, they put poison in the well and fled to the top of the mountain. We fought with the magdales, who were born old people, and were younger than one year, and died when they were children; we fought with the lactroix, claiming to be the son of the tiger, and painted ourselves in yellow and black; we fought with the orantes, and they buried the dead on the top of the tree, and But we lived in the dark cave, afraid that their God, the sun, would kill them; we fought with the crinians, worshipping crocodiles, wearing green glass earrings and feeding them with butter and live chickens; we fought with agazoba, who had dog like faces; we fought with hippians with horsefeet, who ran more than horses Come on. One third of our caravan died in the fight, and one third died of hunger. The rest complained quietly that I had brought them bad luck. I caught a horned snake from under a stone and let it bite me. They were afraid to see that I was not poisoned at all.


  "In the fourth month, we arrived in iller, and it was night before we reached the groves outside the walls, and the air was very dull, because the moon had gone to Scorpio palace for a journey. We took the ripe pomegranate from the tree, cut it open to drink the sweet juice, and then we lay on the carpet waiting for the day.


  "We got up just in the morning and knocked on the gate. The gate is made of red copper, engraved with sea dragons and winged dragons. The sentry looked down from the battlements and asked what we were doing. The caravan interpreter told the other party that we came from Syria with a lot of goods. They asked us several of us to be hostages and told us that we would not open the gate until noon and told us to wait patiently.


  "At noon, they opened the gate. When we entered the city, people came out of the house to see us, and a convener came to the city to inform people of our arrival with conch. We stood in the market, and the slaves opened the cloth package and opened the carved Maple box. After they had done these things, the merchants put out various strange items, including batik linen from Egypt, cloth from Ethiopia, purple sponge from tyre City, blue curtain of hitton, cold amber cup, glass boutique and wonderful pottery. There are a group of women looking at us at the top of a house. One of them wore a gold-plated leather mask.


  "The first day we were dealing with monks, nobles the next day, artisans and slaves the third day. It is their habit to treat businessmen as long as they stay in the city.


  "We stayed here for a month, and when the month was short, I was bored, and went to the streets of the city to wander around and came to the garden of the shrine. The monks in yellow robes quietly walked through the green trees, and on the road paved with black marble stood a rose temple, which was for their gods. The door was painted with gold powder, and the glittering bulls and peacocks with gold ornaments protruded from it. The roof is made of sea green porcelain tiles, and the small bells hang on the eaves. When the pigeons fly by, they will use their wings to beat the bell, making the bell lock tinkle when the local ring.


  "There is a clear pool of striped agate in front of the temple. I lay beside the pool, stroking the broad leaves with my pale fingers. One of the monks came to me and stood behind me. He was wearing straw shoes on his feet, one made of soft snake skin, the other was made of birds feathers. He had a monks hat with a black felt on his head, and it was decorated with Silver Crescent. Seven yellow stripes were woven in his robe, and antimony powder was applied to his weir hair.


  "After a while, he spoke to me and asked what I wanted.


  "I told him that my request was to see God.


  "God went hunting," said the monk, looking at me strangely with his little slanted eyes.


  "I replied," tell me which forest he is, and I will ride with him.


  "He combed the soft spikes on the edge of his robe with his long nails. "God is sleeping," he muttered.


  "I replied again," tell me which bed I am and Im going to take care of him. "


  "God is having a party," he cried.


  "I replied," if wine is sweet, I will drink with him, and if it is bitter, I will drink with him. "


  "He lowered his head curiously, and took my hand, and dragged me up and led me into the temple.


  "In the first house, I saw a statue sitting on the jade throne, which was bordered with the Great Pearl of the East. The statue was carved from Ebony, as big as a human being. On its forehead is a ruby, thick oil dripping from its hair and falling on its thigh. His feet were red with the blood of the newly slaughtered lamb, and a brass band was tied to his waist,


  "I said to the monk, is this God?" He answered me, "this is God."


  "Take me to God," I shouted, "otherwise I will kill you." I also touched his hand, which withered in a flash.


  "The monk pleaded to me and said," please my master to heal his servant, and I will take him to God. "


  "So I blew a breath on his hand, and his hand grew well again, and he led me into the second house, shaking all over. Here I see a statue standing on a lotus made of jadeite, which is hung with many large emeralds. The statue is carved from ivory, twice as large as the average person. On its forehead is a piece of topaz, its chest is covered with myrrh and meat and laurel, one hand with a curved jade stick, the other hand holds a round crystal. He was wearing brass boots on his feet and a circle of plaster around his thick neck.


  "I said to the monk, is this God?" He replied, "this is God."


  "Take me to God," I shouted, "otherwise I will kill you." I touched his eyes, and he became blind at once.


  "The monk pleaded to me and said," please my master to heal his servant, and I will show him the spirit. "


  "And I blew a breath in his eyes, and he immediately recovered his vision, and he trembled again, and took me into the third house. Ah! There was no statue here, no statues of any kind, but a round metal mirror, which was placed on a stone altar.


  "I said to the monks," where is God? "


  "He replied: there is no God here, only this mirror you see, because it is a mirror of wisdom, which reflects everything in the sky and on the ground, but only the face that is looking in the mirror can not be reflected, so the person looking in the mirror may be intelligent. There are many other mirrors, but those are the mirror of opinion. Only this is the mirror of wisdom. Those who have this mirror know everything in the world, nothing can be hidden from them, and those who do not have it will have no wisdom. So we see it as God, and we worship it. So I looked as like as two peas in the mirror.


  "I did a strange thing, but what I did was nothing, because I hid the mirror of wisdom in a valley a day from this place. I only entreat you to let me enter your body again, and be your servant, so that you will be wiser than all the wise, and wisdom belongs to you. Please let me go into your body, so there will be no smarter people in the world than you. "


  But the young fisherman laughed. "Love is better than wisdom," he cried, "and the mermaid loves me."


  "No, nothing is better than wisdom," said the soul. "Love is better," replied the young fisherman, and then he sank down to the bottom of the sea, and the soul cried and walked through the swamp.


  The next year passed, and the soul came to the beach again, calling for the young fisherman, and he came out of the water and said, "why do you call me?"


  The soul replied, "come closer, I can speak to you because I see a lot of wonderful things."


  So he stepped closer and squatted in the shallow water, holding his head with his hands, listening.


  The soul said to him, "I left you, and I turned to travel south. Everything from the south is precious. I walked along the road for six days towards aishte, a dusty red road that even the pilgrims would not like to take. On the seventh day, I looked up, ah! The city lies at my feet, because it is in the valley.


  "There are as many as nine gates into the city. In front of each gate stands a bronze horse. Whenever the bodouin people come down from the mountain, the nine horses roar together. The walls were covered with copper, and the roofs of the towers were made of brass. Each tower bomb has a shooter holding a bow and arrow. At sunrise, he blows the gong with an arrow; at sunset, he blows the horn.


  "I was about to enter the city when the guard stopped me and asked who I was. I answered that I was a Muslim, and I was on my way to Mecca, where there was a green curtain with the Koran embroidered in silver by the angels. My words filled them with curiosity, so they let me in.


  "Its a big market in the city. You should have gone with me. In those narrow streets, countless wonderful paper lanterns are dancing like big colorful butterflies. When the wind blows over the roof, these lanterns float together, like some colorful soap bubbles. Businessmen are sitting on the silk carpets in front of their stalls. They had straight black beards, their headscarves were decorated with gold coins, and long strings of amber and carved peach stones were sliding on their cold fingers. Some of them sell Maple butter and dried pine oil. Some also sell wonderful scent from the islands of the India sea, as well as strong red rose oil, and myrrh and small nail shaped cloves. Once someone came up to talk to them, they would throw frankincense into the charcoal fire pot one by one, making the air fragrant. I saw a Syrian with a reed like stick in his hand. The smoke rose from the stick. When the stick was burning, it smelled like pink almonds in spring. Others are selling silver hand copper inlaid with cream blue Turkish gems, and foot rings made of small pearls strung with copper wires, as well as gold tiger claws, gold-plated Cat Claws, leopards with gold seats, emerald earrings with eyes, and emerald rings with an empty middle. From the teahouse came the music of guitars, and the Opium smokers looked at the pedestrians with their pale smiles.


  "Seriously, you should have come with me. The liquor seller carried a large black leather bag on his shoulder and used the back to squeeze a passage through the crowd. Most of them sell a kind of wine called siraz, which is as sweet as honey. They sell wine in small metal cups and sprinkle rose petals on them. There are fruit sellers standing in the market. They sell all kinds of fruits, including ripe figs, purple fresh meat with injuries, melons with the same fragrance, yellow as topaz, citron, guava and white grapes, round golden red oranges and oval golden green lemons. Once I saw an elephant walk by. Its body is coated with silver and turmeric, and its ears are connected with a net made of vermilion. It came to the opposite stall and stopped to eat oranges. The fruit seller just laughed. You cant imagine what a strange people they are. If they are happy, they will go to the bird seller to buy a cage with a bird in it, and open the cage to let the bird fly away. In this way, they will be more happy. When they are sad, they will beat themselves with thorns to make their worries bigger and bigger.


  "One night, I met some black slaves carrying a heavy sedan chair walking through the market. The sedan chair is made of gold-plated bamboo, the pole is vermilion, and the peacock is decorated with brass. On the car window hung a thin veil embroidered with beetle wings and small pearls. As the sedan chair passed by, a pale saigarcian looked out of the sedan chair and looked at me with a smile. I followed, and the slaves quickened their pace and frowned. But I dont care at all. I feel a curiosity is driving me.


  "At last they stopped in front of a square white house. The house has no windows, only a small door like a tomb door. They put down the sedan chair and knocked on the door three times with a copper hammer. An Armenian in a green leather robe looked out of the door. When he saw us, he opened the door and spread a carpet on the floor. The woman in the sedan chair came out. As she entered the room, she turned her head and looked at me again, smiling. Ive never seen anyone so pale as her.


  "When the moon rose, I went back to that place to look for the house, but I couldnt find it. Seeing this, I knew who the woman was and why she was smiling at me.


  "You should have gone with me. On new moon day, the young emperor came out of his palace and went to the temple to pray. His hair and beard were dyed red with rose petals, his cheeks were covered with fine gold powder, and his palms and feet were dyed yellow with red flowers.


  "At sunrise he came out of the palace in a silver robe, and at sunset he came back in a gold robe. People are lying on the ground hiding their faces, but I dont do that. I stood in front of a booth selling dates and waited. When the emperor saw me, he raised his eyebrows and stopped. I stood there quietly, not kneeling to him. People were surprised at my boldness and advised me to run away from the city. I ignored them, but went to the dealers who sold foreign gods and sat with them. These people were hated no matter how they were here. After I told them what I had done, they all drew a statue of me and asked me to leave them.


  "That night, I was lying on a mat in the pomegranate Street teahouse, and the emperors guards came in and took me into the palace. After entering the palace, they closed every door one by one, and locked the door. There is a large courtyard surrounded by an arcade. All around the walls are made of White Alabaster, with blue and green porcelain tiles embedded everywhere. The pillars are made of green marble. The ground is covered with a kind of peach blossom dalihang. Ive never seen anything like this before.


  "As I stepped across the yard, two veiled women looked down from the balcony and scolded me. The guards walked in a hurry, their spear tips making a sound on the polished floor. They opened a delicate Ivory door, and I found myself in a garden with seven jars and water. The garden is planted with tulips, cows-eye chrysanthemums, and silvery aloes. A fountain is hanging in the dim air like a slender crystal stick. Cypress is like a burning torch. There is a nightingale singing in such a cypress.


  "There is a small pavilion at the end of the garden. As we approached it, two eunuchs came out to meet us. As they walked, their fat bodies swayed from side to side, and they looked at me curiously with their yellow eyelids. One of them took the guard to his side and whispered something to each other. The other kept taking out the lozenges and chewing them in his mouth. These lozenges were taken out of a lavender oval box in an artificial posture.


  "A moment later, the chief of the guard dismissed the guards. They went back to the palace. The two eunuchs walked slowly behind them, picking sweet mulberry fruits from the trees to eat. The old eunuch once looked back at me with a malicious smile.


  "Then the chief guard beckoned me to go to the pavilion. I went forward without fear, drew back the heavy curtain, and went in.


  "The young emperor is resting on the colored lion skin bench, and a white Falcon perches on his wrist. Behind him stood a black cowboy in a copper hat, with a bare upper body and heavy Earrings hanging from his two pierced ears. On the table next to the bench was a big curved steel knife.


  "When the emperor saw me, he frowned and said to me," whats your name? Dont you know that I am the emperor of this city? " But I didnt answer him.


  "He pointed at the steel knife with his finger, and the niubia man grabbed the knife and chopped at me with all his strength. The blade swished through my body, but it didnt hurt me at all. But the man fell to the ground, and when he got up, his teeth trembled with fear, and he himself lay behind the bench.


  "The emperor immediately jumped up, took a spear from the weapon rack and threw it at me. I grabbed the flying spear and folded it in two. He shot me with his arrow again, but I raised my hands and the arrow stopped on the way. Then he drew a dagger from his white belt and thrust it into the throat of the Negro. He was afraid that the slave would tell his shameful things. The man twisted like a snake that had been trampled on, and there was a bright red foam in his mouth.


  "As soon as the man died, the emperor turned to me, wiped the sweat off his forehead with a purple silk handkerchief with lace, and said to me," are you a prophet? Is it something I shouldnt hurt, or is it the son of a prophet I cant hurt? I beg you to leave my city tonight, because as long as you are still in the city, I will no longer be the master here. "


  "I said to him," give me half of your property and Ill go. Give me half of your wealth and Ill leave. "


  "He took me by the hand and led me to the garden. When the chief guard saw me, he was surprised. When the eunuchs saw me, their knees trembled and fell to the ground in horror,


  "There is a room in the palace, which is surrounded on eight sides by red marble, with some lights hanging from the copper ceiling. The emperor touched a wall, the wall opened automatically, we went into a corridor in the corridor, corridor lit a lot of torch. In the wall birds on both sides of the corridor, there are many huge wine jars full of silver coins. When we came to the middle of the corridor, the emperor said something that he could not hear on weekdays. A granite gate with a secret spring popped open. He covered his face with his hand so that his eyes would not be dazzled.


  "You wont believe what a wonderful place it is. A huge tortoise shell is full of pearls, and the empty space of the giant Moonstone is full of red gems. Gold is collected in elephant trunk, and gold powder is put in leather bottle. There are opal and sapphire. Opal is put in crystal cup and sapphire is put in Emerald cup. Round beryl stones were neatly arranged on thin Ivory plates, and in one corner were stacked with silk and copper bags, some containing turquoise, others containing emerald. The horn cup made of ivory is full of purple jade, and the brass horn cup is full of chalcedony and red chalcedony. The beams and columns made of Chinese fir are hung with strings of yellow Bobcat stones. On the flat oblate shield lay the rubies, which were the color of both wine and grass. But what I said to you is only one tenth of that there.


  "When the emperor took his hand off his face, he said to me," this is my treasure house. Half of the things in it are yours. Do as I promised you. I will also send you camels and camel drivers. They will do what you tell them to do and take your share of treasure to any place in the world you want to go. This has to be done tonight, because I dont want the sun, who is my father, to see a man in my city who I cant kill. "


  "But I said to him," the gold here is yours, the silver is yours, the precious jewels and valuable things are yours. For me, I dont need these things. I wont ask you for anything, but Id like that little ring on your finger. "


  "The emperor frowned." its just a lead ring, "he said aloud." its not worth much. So Id better take half of your treasure and leave my city. "


  "No," I replied, "I dont want anything, just the lead ring, because I know whats written in it and whats the use of it."


  "But the emperor trembled and begged me," take all the treasures and leave my city. Half of my wealth belongs to you. "


  "But I did a strange thing, but it was nothing, because it was in that cave that I hid this ring of wealth, which was a whole days journey from here. Its just a days journey. The ring is waiting for you. Whoever owns the ring will be richer than all the kings in the world. Go ahead, take it and you will have all the wealth of the world. "


  But the young fisherman laughed. "Love is more important than wealth," he cried, "and the little mermaid loves me very much."


  "No, nothing is more important than wealth," said the soul.


  "Love is better," the young fisherman replied, and then he dived into the bottom of the sea again, and his soul had to cry and go through the swamp.


  The third year passed, and the soul came down from the land to the sea, calling for the young fisherman. So the fisherman came out of the water and said, "what do you call me for?"


  The soul replied, "come closer so that I can speak to you, for I have seen wonderful things."


  So the fisherman approached and squatted in the shallow water, holding his head in his hand and listening.


  The soul said, "in a city I know, there is a small hotel by a river. I sat there with the sailors, who drank two different colors of wine, ate barley bread, and little salted fish wrapped in cinnamon leaves with vinegar. While we were sitting and amusing, an elderly man came in with a leather blanket over his shoulder and a piano with two amber horns. Just then, just as he was laying his blanket on the floor and plucking his harp with a string, a girl in a veil came in and danced in front of us. Though she was veiled, her feet were bare. Shes barefooted and shes dancing on the blanket. Its like the city where shes dancing is only a days walk from here. "


  At this moment, when the young fisherman heard the words of the soul, he remembered that the little mermaid could not dance with him because she had no feet. So his heart rose a great desire, he said to himself: "just one days journey, I can return to my lovers side." He laughed, got up from the shallow water and strode toward the shore.


  When he came to the dry shore, he laughed again and extended his arms to his soul. His soul cried out with great joy and ran towards him. Then the young fisherman saw his own shadow on the sand stretching in front of him, which was the body of his soul.


  His soul said to him, "lets not delay. Lets go there immediately, because the sea gods will be jealous, and there are many monsters who will listen to them."


  So they went on their way in a hurry. All night they were on their way in the moonlight. The next day they went forward against the fierce sun. That night they came to the city.


  The young fisherman said to his soul, "is this the city where she dances that you told me about?"


  His soul replied, "its not this city, its another one. But we can go in and have a look. "


  So they went into the city and crossed some streets. As they passed the jewelry street, the young fisherman saw a beautiful silver cup on a stall. His soul said to him, "take that silver cup and hide it."


  He took the silver cup and covered it in the seam of his robe. They went out of the city quickly.


  Three miles after they left the city, the young fisherman frowned, threw away the silver cup and said to his soul, "why do you want me to take the cup and hide it? Because its a bad thing. "


  But his soul said to him, "dont be angry, dont be angry."


  The next night they came to another city. The young fisherman said to his soul, "is this the city where you told me she danced?"


  His soul replied, "this is not that city, but another one. But we have to go in. "


  They went into the city and crossed several streets. When they passed the straw sandal street, the young fisherman saw a child standing by a water tank. His soul said to him, "go and beat that child." So he began to beat the children and made them cry. Then they left the city in a hurry.


  Three miles after they left the city, the young fisherman suddenly got angry and said to his soul, "why do you ask me to beat that child? Its a bad thing."


  But his soul replied, "dont be angry, dont be angry."


  The third night they came to another city. The young fisherman said to his soul, "is this the city where she dances that you told me about?"


  His soul said to him, "maybe its the city, so lets go in and have a look."


  They went into the city and crossed several streets, but the young fisherman could not find the Inn by the river. People in the city looked at him curiously. He began to be afraid and said to his soul, "lets go, because the man who dances with white feet is not here."


  But his soul replied, "no, wed better stay, because its too dark at night. Well meet robbers on the way."


  He sat down in the market and had a rest. After a while, he passed a businessman with a turban. He had a Tatars cloth cloak and a horn lantern tied to the head of a reed pole. The merchant said to him, "Why are you still sitting in the market? Dont you see that the stalls are closed and everything is packed?"


  The young fisherman replied, "I cant find that inn in this city, and I have no relatives to stay here for the night."


  "Arent we all relatives?" The merchant said, "isnt it all created by one God? So come with me. I have a guest room


  So the young fisherman got up and followed the merchant to his house. When he walked into the house through a pomegranate garden, the merchant brought him rose water from a copper plate to wash his hands. He also brought ripe melons to quench his thirst, and a bowl of rice and a piece of roast lamb to satisfy his hunger.


  After all this, the merchant took him to the guest room and told him to have a good rest. The young fisherman thanks him, kisses the ring on the merchants finger, and then lies down on the dyed goat blanket. After he covered himself with a black lamb quilt, he fell asleep.


  Three hours before dawn, when it was still dark, his soul woke him up and said to him, "get up, go to the merchants room, go to the room where he sleeps, kill him and take his gold, because we need it."


  The young fisherman got out of bed and crawled into the merchants room. He had a machete at the merchants feet and nine gold packets in the plate beside him. The fisherman reached out for the machete. As soon as his hand got the knife, the merchant woke up. He jumped up, grabbed the knife and yelled at the young Fisherman: "do you want to repay your kindness with resentment? Do you want to repay my kindness to you with your flowing blood? "


  Then his soul said to the young fisherman, "go and beat him." So he knocked the merchant unconscious, grabbed nine bags of gold, ran away through the pomegranate garden, and set out in the direction of the star.


  Three miles after they left the city, the young fisherman beat his chest and said to his soul, "why do you want me to kill the merchant and take his gold? You are so bad. "


  But his soul replied, "dont be angry, dont be angry."


  "No," cried the young fisherman, "I cant calm down, because everything you ask me to do is what I hate. You make me hate you, too. I want you to tell me why you taught me to do this. "


  His soul replied, "when you sent me to the world in the past, you didnt give me a heart, so I learned to do all these things, and I like it."


  "What are you talking about?" Murmured the young fisherman.


  "You know it," his soul replied. "You know it very well. Have you forgotten that you didnt give me a heart? I dont believe it. So dont worry about yourself, and dont worry about me. Please rest assured, because there is no pain that cant be removed, and there is no happiness that cant be enjoyed. "


  When the young fisherman heard these words, he trembled all over and said to his soul, "no, you are so bad that I forget my lover. You seduce me with many temptations and set my feet on the road of sin."


  His soul said to him, "when you sent me to the world, you didnt care for me, so I learned to do all these things and like to do them. Come on, lets go to another city and have fun, because we already have nine bags of gold. "


  However, the young fisherman took out nine bags of gold and threw them on the ground and stepped on them with his feet.


  "No," roared the fisherman, "I have nothing to do with you, and I will never go anywhere with you again, just like I used to send you away, and I will drive you away now, because you are not good for me." Then he turned his back to the moon, and with the green snake skin knife, he was ready to cut the shadow of his own body, the body of his soul, from around his feet.


  However, his soul didnt even move. He didnt want to leave him and ignored his orders. He said to him, "the magic that the witch taught you no longer works, because I cant leave you and you cant drive me away. A man can only send his soul away once in his life, but once he takes his soul back, he has to keep it forever. This is not only a punishment for him, but also a reward for him. "


  The young fisherman turned pale, clenched his fist and cried out, "she didnt tell me that. She lied to me."


  "No," his soul replied, "but she can move the" he "she worships. Sincerely, she wants to be his eternal servant."


  Now the young fisherman knew that he could never drive away his soul. Besides, he was an evil soul and would always be with him. He fell to the ground and cried.


  At daybreak, the young fisherman stood up and said to his soul, "I will bind my hands so that I will not do as you tell me. I will also keep my mouth shut so that I will not say anything I cant say. I will go back to the place where my beloved lives. Ill even go back to the sea, to the little bay where she used to sing, and Ill call her up and tell her the bad things Ive done and the bad things youve done to me. "


  His soul seduced him and said, "who is your lover? You have to go back to her? There are many beauties in the world who are prettier than her. The dancers in Samaris can dance in all kinds of animal and bird postures. Their feet were dyed red with Impatiens, and they held many small copper bells in their hands. They are dancing and laughing. Their smile is as clear as Qingxi. Come with me. Ill take you to meet them. What do you want to worry about those evil things? Arent those delicious things made for people to eat? Is there poison in something sweet to drink? Dont worry about it. Follow me to another city. There is a small city near here with a lily garden. In this lovely garden live some white peacocks and peacocks with blue breast. When their tails spread out towards the sun, they are like Ivory disks and gilded disks. The woman who feeds them dances for fun, sometimes with her hands and sometimes with her feet. Her eyes were dyed antimony, and her nostrils were like the wings of a swallow. In a nostril with a small hook hanging with a pearl carved flowers. As she danced, a pair of silver rusts on her ankles rang like silver bells. So stop worrying about yourself and come with me to this city. "


  But the young fisherman did not answer his soul. Instead, he closed his mouth with a silent seal and tied his hands tightly with a rope. He got up and went back to the place where he came out, even to the small bay where his lover used to sing. Although his soul lured him all the way, he never answered, and he didnt want to do anything bad that his soul asked him to do. The power of his inner love was so great.


  When he came to the edge of the sea, he untied the rope and tore the silent seal from his mouth. He called for the little mermaid. However, she did not come to meet him, he called for a whole day, imploring her, but still can not see her.


  His soul laughed at him and said, "you must not get much joy from your lover. Youre like a man pouring water into a leaky boat in a drought. You give everything you have, but you get nothing in return. Youd better follow me, because I know where happy valley is and whats there.


  But the young fisherman didnt answer his soul. He made up a house for himself in a crack in the rock, and lived there for a year. Every morning he called the mermaid, every noon he called her name, and at night he still called her. However, she never came out of the sea to meet him, and he could not find her anywhere in the sea. Although he had searched everywhere in the cave, under the blue water, in the whirlpool of the sea tide, or in the well deep under the sea, he never saw her.


  Although his soul kept casting evil to lure him, and whispered some terrible things to him, none of these could stop him. The power of his love was so great.


  A year later, the soul thought in his body, "I have seduced my master with evil, but his love is stronger than mine. Now I will tempt him with kindness, and he may follow me


  So he said to the young fisherman, "Ive told you about the joys of the world, but you dont listen to me. Now I have to tell you the pain in the world. Maybe thats what you want to hear. Really, pain is the master of the world, no one can escape from its net. Some people are short of clothes, others are short of bread. There were widows sitting in purple robes, and there were widows in rags. Walking up and down the swamp are lepers. They are very cruel to each other. Beggars come and go on the road, and their bags are empty. On the streets of every city is famine. Dont let it happen. You see, your lover didnt respond to your call, so why do you stay here to call your lover? What on earth is love, you have to pay such a high price for it?


  However, the young fisherman did not answer. His love was too powerful. Every morning he would call the mermaid, every noon he would call her, and at night he would call her name. But she never came out of the sea to meet him, and he was not able to find her anywhere in the sea, even though he went to the rivers in the sea to find her, in the valley under the waves to find her, even in the ocean dyed purple by night, and in the ocean painted gray by dawn, he could not find her shadow.


  The next year passed, and one night, as the young fisherman was sitting alone in the house made of tree strips, his soul said to him, "Hello! Now I tempt you with evil, and I tempt you with good, and your love is stronger than mine. Therefore, I will not tempt you any more, but I beg you to let me into your heart, so that I will stay with you as before. "


  "Of course you can come in," said the young fisherman, "because you must have suffered a lot in those days when you had no heart to wander around the world."


  "Oh dear!" His soul cried out, "I cant find a place to go in. Your heart is too tight with love."


  "But I wish I could help you," said the young fisherman.


  Just as like as two peas, the voice of the sea came from the sea, which was exactly the same as the voice heard by the mermaid family. The young fisherman jumped up, left his treehouse and ran to the beach. The black waves came rushing towards the shore, carrying something whiter than silver. It is as white as the waves, floating on the waves like a flower. The wave snatched it from the waves, and the foam took it away from the wave. Finally, the coast accepted it, so at the foot of the young fisherman, he saw the body of the little mermaid. She lay dead at his feet.


  The painful tearful man fell down beside her, kissing her cold red lips and stroking the wet amber in her hair. He fell down on the beach and lay beside her, crying like a person shaking with excitement. He held her tightly to his chest with his brown arms. Her lips were cold, but he still kissed it. The honey color in her hair was salty, but he still tasted it with painful pleasure. He kisses her closed eyelids, and the spray on her eyes is not as salty as his tears.


  He confessed to the dead body. He put all the sufferings he wanted to tell into her ears. He put her two little hands around his neck and stroked her thin throat with his fingers. His happiness became more and more painful, and the pain was full of wonderful pleasure.


  The black water was getting nearer and nearer, and the white foam was whining like a leper. The sea uses its white foam to rob the coast. From the official hall of the sea king came the cry of sorrow. In the distant sea, the sea gods of half man and half fish blew out their hoarse voice with their horns.


  "Run away," said his soul, "because the sea is getting closer and closer, and if you stay, it will kill you. Run away, because Im so afraid, I know your heart is closed to me, because your love is too big. Run to a safe place. You will not send me to another world without giving me a heart. "


  However, the young fisherman did not listen to his soul, but kept calling for the little mermaid and said, "love is better than wisdom, more precious than wealth, and more beautiful than the feet of human daughters. Fire cant burn it, sea cant submerge it. I called you at dawn, but you didnt answer me. The moon heard your name, but you still ignored me. Because I leave you is a thousand mistakes, I left instead of my own harm. But your love is always with me, it is always strong, nothing can stop it, no matter what I face is evil or good. Now that you are dead, I must die with you. "


  His soul pleaded with him to leave, but he refused, and his love was too deep. The sea was getting closer and closer, and it asked its waves to cover him. Now he knew that the death was approaching, and he kissed the mermaids cold lips madly, and his heart was broken. Just as his heart was full of love and broken, the soul found an entrance and entered, and it was integrated with him as before. The sea finally drowned the young fisherman with its waves.


  In the morning, the priest went to bless the sea, because the sea was so noisy. With the priest there were monks and musicians, and people holding candles, people shaking incense ovens, and a large group of people.


  When the priest came to the beach, he saw the young fisherman lying on the wave drowning, holding the body of the mermaid in his arm. The priest frowned back, and after drawing a cross sign on his chest, he shouted, "I will not bless the sea and anything in the sea.". The mermaid family should be cursed, and it should curse those who are with them. As for him, he abandoned God for love, so he lay beside the mistress who was killed by the Gods judge, carried away his body and his mistress body, buried them in the corner of the rind ground, without any sign or mark, so that no one would know where they rest. For they were cursed before they were born, and they should curse after their death. "


  They did as he told them to. In the corner of the rind ground, there was no herb growing there, and they dug a deep hole in the ground and put the dead body in.


  The third year passed again. On a sacred day, the priest came to the chapel, and he wanted to show the wounds of God to people, and he also told them about Gods hatred.


  When he had dressed himself in his robes, he went into the chapel and saluted it, when he saw the altar full of strange flowers he had never seen before. The flowers looked strange, but they were also different beauty. The beauty of the flowers made him uncomfortable. Their smell was very fragrant in his nostrils. He felt happy, but he didnt know why.


  Then he opened the shrine, burned incense on the table, showed the beautiful one to people, and then hid it behind the tent curtain. He began to talk to people and wanted to tell people about Gods anger. But the beauty of the white flowers upset him, the smell of the flowers smelled in his nose, and another word came into his lips. He told not the anger of God, but the God called love. Why he said that, he didnt know himself.


  When the priest finished speaking, people cried. The priest returned to the place where the sacred wares were placed in the temple, and his eyes were full of tears. The deacons came in, took off the garments for him, and took off the linen garments, and the belts, the ribbons and the ribbons. He stood there as if he were in a dream.


  After they undressed the broadband for him, he looked at them and said, "what flowers are on the altar? Where did they come from? "


  They replied, "we cant tell what flowers they are, but they come from the corner of the rinsed ground." The priest trembled and returned to his home and began to pray.


  In the morning, just before dawn, he came to the sea with monks, musicians and candle holders, incense shakers and a large group of people to the sea, and to all the wild things in the sea. He also blessed the gods, the little things dancing in the forest, and the bright eyes that peeped out of the leaves. He blessed all the things God created in the world, and people were full of joy and wonder. But no flowers of any kind have been grown in the corners of the rinding site since then, which has become as desolate as ever. The mermaid family never swam into the Bay as usual, because they went to the rest of the sea.















王尔德童话故事 自私的巨人01-06
