
时间:2024-10-22 22:00:02 夏仙 资格考试 我要投稿




  四级真题作文 1

  Our university library is currentlyonly accessibleto students and faculty.However, there has been aproposal to open it to the general public as well.In my opinion, this would be a positive move thatcould benefit both the university and the locatcommunity.

  On the one hand, opening the library would allowcommunity members to access a wide range ofresources and materials that may not be availableelsewhere. This could promote lifelonglearningand intellectual growth.On the other hand, havingmore people utilize the library may lead toovercrowding and make it difficult for students tofind study spaces,!

  Ultimately,i believe the advantages outweigh thepotentialdrawbacks.Byimplementing measuressuch as designated student-only areas and enforcingreasonable policies, the librarycould bea valaable community resource while stillprioritizing student needs. This would foster town-gown relations and knowledge sharing.

  四级真题作文 2

  Recently,there has been a discussion aboutallowing the general public to access theuniversity cafeteria. While opening it up couldhave some benefits,ibelieve there are moredrawbacks that should be carefully consideredOn the positive side, having outside customerscould potentiallyincrease revenue for thecafeteria and university,lt may also expose morepeople to the diverse, quality food options available on campus. However, this could come atthe expense of overcrowding andlonger lines forstudents during peak hours.

  More importantly, one of the main roles of thecafeteria is to provide a convenient, affordabledining option tailored specifically to the needsand dietary restrictions of the student body.Allowing public access could make it morechallenging to uphold food quality, sustainaffordable pricing, and accommodate the uniquerequirements of students.

  While increasing community engagement isadmirable, the primaryobligation of the cafeteria)should be to the students it is meant to serve.Perhaps a better solution would be désignatedcommunity days or limited public access ratherthan fully opening it at all times. Ultimately, thedecision should prioritize the dining needs ofthe campus population.

  四级真题作文 3

  Our university is considering opening its sportsfacilities, such as the gymnasium, swimming pool and playing fields, to members of the localcommunity when notin use by students. Whileincreasing access could benefit public health,there are several factors that need to be weigheccarefully.

  On one hand, making facilities available wouldallow residents to have high-quality spaces toexercise and stay active. This aligns With goals opromoting physical fitness and could strengthentown-gown connections.Additional revenue frommembership fees could also help maintain andupgrade the amenities

  However,overcrowding is a major concern thatcould disrupt student sports teams and physicaeducation classes,Allowing outside access also raises issues around liability, staffing requirements,and potentially acceleratedmaintenance cycles.There is a risk that excessivepublic use could diminish the quality of thefacilities for the student population they are primarily intended for.

  Ultimately,a compromised approach with limitecpublic time slots and spaces may balance theinterests better than complete open access.Students should be consulted, and their needsshouldremain the priority for facilities funded bituition and university fees. Reasonable policiescould enable responsible community use whilepreserving the core purpose.

  四级真题作文 4

  In the modern era,there is aheated debate regarding whether theuniversitys library should be open to the public.Some believe thatit will do us more good than harm,while others argue that it wilpose a threat to the order and operation of the university.

  In myview,the university authorities shouldbe cautious about offeringthe outsiders an access to such an important venue,Above all,the library,serving as a critical academic facility as well asan indispensable researchsite for both students and teachers,issupposed to keep those limited valuable resourcesto its authorizedusers.If the university choosesto open the library to the public,it ishighly possible that a mass of people will rush into this place,leavingmany college students and teachersunable to complete their aca-demic work.Furthermore,when too many citizens crowd into thelibrary,there will be unnecessary talking,laughing,quarreling oreven chasing,incurring disorder of one kind oranother.

  In conclusion,the merits of such a practice outweigh the demerits.Therefore,opening the universitys library tothe public must neverbe put on the universitys agenda.

  四级真题作文 5

  In the modern era,there is a heated debate regarding whether theuniversitys canteens should be open to the public.Some believethatit will do us more good than harm,while others argue that it willpose a threat to theorder and operationof the university.In myview,the university should recognize that this has both pros andcons.

  Lets start with the advantages.First,it allowsthe public to enjoy thediverse and delicious food offered by university canteens.This canenhance the reputation of the university and foster a stronger rela-tionship between the university and thelocal community.Second,itcan also generate additional revenue for the university,which canbe used to improve the facilities and services provided tostudents.However,there are also potential drawbacks to consider.For in-stance,the increased number of people using the canteen may leadto overcrowding and longer waiting times for students during peakhours.Additionally,the public may have different preferences anddietary requirements compared to students,which could affect themenu options available and potentially increase costs.

  In conclusion,the university should weigh the merits and demeritsso that itcan provide the best possible experiencefor both studentsand membersof the public.

  四级真题作文 6

  After the epidemic,there is a heated debate regarding whether uni-versity sports facilities should be open to the public.Some believethat itwill bringthe society much benefits,while others argue that itwill pose a threat to the security of college students.In my view,weneed to recognize that opening sports facilities to the public hasmore pros than cons.

  First,it has dramatically improved the health level of the whole soci-ety.People can exercise on the playground to invigorate health ef-fectively,reduce the risk of heart disease,and lower the odds ofobesity,which not only prolong peoples life but also curtail thewholeexpenditure of healthcare.Second,making university sportsfacilities available to the public contributes to the cost-cutting of thegovernment.If thecampus sports facilities are not open to thepublic,government willalso build them elsewhere,which is boundto increase its budget pressure.In the mean time,the utilization ofsports facilities in schools will also be reduced if the public cannotaccess to them,resulting wasting of resources.

  In conclusion,although too many “non-students”might cause se-curity problem toward the university,this can be overcome by strict-er regulation,while allowing people to use sports facilities in thecampus will undoubtedly bring agreat deal of benefits to the wholesociety.

  四级真题作文 7

  The use of PowerPoint (PPT) is becoming increasingly popular in class. Teaching materials are presented by many teachers in class with the convenience of PPT, which has been an inevitable part of school life throughout the world.

  The reasons why teachers prefer using PPT as a subsidiary teaching method instead of writing on those traditional blackboards are demonstrated in the following three aspects. First, applying PPT as an approach to present knowledge can save both teachers and students plenty of time for other required parts in class. Moreover, teaching students through PPT is so convenient that teachers can effortlessly and quickly show and change the knowledge only by pressing the remote-controller. Besides, PPT can easily store more information in the digital way, so that teachers can give students the knowledge already learned for review.

  In conclusion, PPT has become one of the greatest inventions in this modern world. Teachers can not only enhance the efficiency of sharing knowledge in class but also enjoy the accompanying diversity brought by this more vivid method.

  四级真题作文 8

  As the internet is developing so rapidly, the way of communication keeps changing surprisingly. New applications on communication and new social skills emerge abundantly, contributing to the fact that people s lifestyle has been changed substantially as well.

  The changes in the way of communication can be listed as follows. First of all, people used to prefer talking to each other face to face. However, with social networking applications becoming increasingly popular, people are gradually used to communicating with others online. Moreover, making telephone calls, though expensive and inconvenient, was one of the most important ways to keep in touch with those far away. At present, with the popularization of social networking apps, the cost of texting or calling friends and relatives is much cheaper than before. Besides, internet slang is more commonly used in people s daily life.

  From my perspective, we should not easily judge peoples ways of communication, whether they prefer face-to-face communication or they would like to contact people via virtual world, if only the efficiency of communication would not be affected adversely.

  四级真题作文 9

  The use of translation apps is becoming increasingly popular. Consequently, people are getting more opportunities to speak or meet another language but their own mother tongue with the development of the economy. Undoubtedly, an app of translation is crucial for people who cannot handle the language perfectly. But the viewpoints are split one whether this kind of apps are wholly a good thing.

  Where there is a light, there is a shadow. Some people argue that a translation app will bridge them with the native speakers adequately no matter who will be a traveler or a businessman. It will pose a huge threat for people who can not understand what they say. Fortunately, everyone will interact richly with the apps like this. On the other hand, some people think that the translations app cannot fully create and convey the feelings on the authentic language. As a result, it will bring more misunderstandings. Besides, the opponents take the point of view that people will be more over-reliant on the mobile-phones and Internet.

  Form where I stand, I would take the translation on this kind of apps as a reference rather than a kind of dependence. The most effective and beneficial way to express yourself and communicate with a foreigner is to improve one’s ability to exert this unfamiliar language. As an old saying goes is Practice makes perfect.

  四级真题作文 10

  With the rapid development of the technology and Internet, it’s obvious that the way of transportation keeps changing surprisingly, which has contributed to the emergence of many new transportation applications and benefited to people’s life a lot.

  To be specific, the changes in the way of transportation can be listed as follows. First of all, with the development of technology, it is much convenient than before. Moreover, compared with the traditional ways of buying paper tickets, applications and websites of transportation bring people much convenience on booking tickets online, because they don’t need to go outside to the ticket station, which will save them much time. Besides, high-speed railways have gradually replaced the green trains, more and more people choose to take high-speed railways, because high-speed railways are more comfortable and take less time.

  From my perspective, the changes in the way of transportation are good. As a passenger, those changes has provided me much convenience and benefits and I believe that transportation of China will continue developing in the good ways.

  四级真题作文 11

  What this thought-provoking drawing mirrors is the phenomenon thatthe increasing use of the mobile phone has penetrated into peoples daily life. There is no consensus of opinions among people regarding whetherwe should overuse it. Some people hold the attitude that we shouldnt spend too much time on their phone terminal rather than relating to people in the real world. The reasons can be listed as follows. In the first place, it will make people addicted to mobile phone to spend too much time on these. What is more, it will impact and influence peoples family affection and friendship.

  Just as an old Arab proverb says, Every sword has its two edges.On the contrary, others are under the impression thatit does not matter.There are some reasons behind this attitude. For one thing, these useful and powerful communication tools have made it much faster, easier and cheaper to keep in touch with family and friends in other countries .For another, people cannot live without Internet and Wi-Fi nowadays.

  From my point of view, it is more reasonable to support the former opinion rather than the latter one.From what has been discussed above, we may naturally arrive at the conclusion thatwe shouldnt spend too much time on their computer terminal rather than relating to people in the real world.

  四级真题作文 12

  Online libraries are becoming increasingly popular. More and more people read books and consult required contents with their mobile phones and computers for information necessary for their study.

  The reasons why we prefer online libraries rather than traditional offline ones are presented in the following three aspects. First, online libraries are so convenient that we can effortlessly and quickly search for information needed at any time and place just by applying digital devices. Moreover, reading through them can save us plenty of time for other things. Besides, online libraries generally store various books due to the unlimited space that updated in time.

  In conclusion, online libraries are one of the greatest inventions in this modern world. We can not only enhance the efficiency of acquiring information and knowledge but also enjoy the technological innovation.

  四级真题作文 13

  Science and technology have been bringing human beings tremendous benefits. Thanks to science and technology, we now live comfortably and conveniently in houses furnished with air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines and televisions etc. Thanks to science and technology, we can eat fresh vegetables att the year round. thanks to science and technology, we can travel tong distances in the fraction of a second on planes, trains and cars. thanks to science and technology, we wear clothes with synthetic materials which can not easily be worn out. However, science and technology have atso brought us a tot of disasters. First, because of the many breakthroughs in the field of medicine, people are now living much longer than they used to. as a result, the population of the world is increasing, causing tots of problems. Second, because of the development of industry, tots of the wastes from factories pour into the air and rivers, causing pollution of att kinds. Third, some terrorists are using science and technology against mankind. They use biological, chemical and unclear weapons to threaten world peace...

  So its urgent that we find ways to solve these problems. But we should not stop the development of science and technology because of these disasters they bring, just as we should not give up eating for fear of choking. In addition, we should make some rules to regulate our actions. As long as we use science and technology in a proper way, they may bring us even more benefits.









