
时间:2022-03-25 15:37:37 交通安全 我要投稿





  Recently, I saw two frightening on the TV news.

  The first is the traffic accident that happened the day before yesterday. Six people were injured when a bus carrying passengers in the capital hit a toll station in the woods. On TV, I saw that the forest toll station was hit in a mess, the on-site personnel were in a hurry, and the passenger drivers in the capital were in a trance, and the passengers who escaped were also frightened and panicked. The whole picture is really terrible!

  The second impressive thing is the accident on the highway yesterday. What an exaggeration I saw on the TV news! The vehicle causing the accident has been snaking and forcing the car. The forced SUV rolled eight times after hitting the guardrail. What a horror! Fortunately, both of them were wearing seat belts, so they were only slightly injured. It's a great luck in misfortune! However, the vehicle that caused the accident escaped and was denounced by the major media.

  In fact, both accidents were human negligence. The driver of capital passenger transport should not drive tired, and another snake driver should not rush fast. If both drivers can obey the traffic rules, accidents can be avoided.

  "The road is like a tiger's mouth". My mother often warned me to pay attention to whether there are cars on the left and right when crossing the road. In fact, everyone hopes to "go out happily and go home safely", but "everyone is responsible for traffic safety". If everyone can obey the traffic rules, many car accidents will not happen and will not cause irreparable family tragedies.


  Everyone lives only once, and people often lose their lives by not paying attention to traffic safety.

  In order to take a shortcut, some people do not take the sidewalk or zebra crossing, watch the traffic lights and rush about. In order to save time, some people resolutely climbed over the railing and went their own way. At this time, traffic safety was thrown out of the sky. As a result... Once I went to the grocery store to buy salt. A boy who looks like 17-18 years old is ready to cross the road. He ran into a black car and fell to the ground, never opening his eyes. This is the lesson of blood!

  For many people now, the speed of cycling is very fast. It seems that there is something urgent. As a result, cars are destroyed and people are killed, which is unimaginable.

  One night, I was doing my homework in front of the window. I felt very tired, so I leaned against the window to have a rest. Suddenly, a young man, who thought he was good at driving, sat on his bicycle without holding the handle and was careless. But "the weather is unpredictable, and people have a blessing in a lifetime". He rushed directly into a flying motorcycle. Because the young man didn't turn in time, he only heard a "bang". The young man was ejected, hit his head on the concrete floor, splashed blood on the ground, and was unconscious. I feel a pain in my heart: does a life disappear like this? How can people not be unforgettable! Hey, if you don't obey the traffic rules, you have to pay a price, and the consequences will be terrible. "Keep traffic safety in mind", let us consciously abide by traffic rules to avoid happiness and sorrow!


  Once, my mother and I were going to walk across the road, but there was "a red apple" on the traffic light across the road, so we couldn't cross.

  My mother and I couldn't wait to see the number under the red light. We talked about baking. When my mother and I talked to each other and the heat began to discuss. We didn't notice that "the red apple is gone, and the green apple is replacing it". We still discussed baking, and the discussion was almost the same, and even wanted to change the topic.

  At this time, the green light is about to turn into a red light. If you don't walk, you can't cross the road. "Green light! You can go!" A voice rang. I turned my head and my mother said "thank you". I took advantage of this moment to observe the man: National face, small eyes, wearing a sportswear and carrying a black backpack, which is completely like a college student. Who is he? Will give such a warm prompt to a stranger.

  The college student seemed to notice that I was looking at him and turned away. My mother and I praised the college student and walked across the road.

  Although it is a month away from now, I still remember it vividly, and the plot is also fresh in my mind. Everyone will help others, but they usually help people they know. However, we should learn from that college student and care about strangers. Then, before long, the society will be shrouded in love and people's hearts will be bright.


  I'm sure everyone is familiar with the sentence "traffic safety is everyone's responsibility". The teacher has often told us this sentence since we first went to school. However, how many people really do this sentence?

  Next, I'll tell you a true story: a student kicked a shuttlecock on the side of the road. She accidentally kicked the shuttlecock sideways, and the shuttlecock fell in the middle of the road. Without thinking about it, she ran to pick it up. Suddenly, a large truck came up and ran over her mercilessly. In this short moment, she lost her precious life. Her parents knew and cried bitterly. Look, this is the consequence of non-compliance with traffic accidents.

  Moreover, according to relevant data, the number of deaths caused by traffic accidents in the world has exceeded 30 million every year, accounting for more than 50% of the total number of accidental deaths, and more than 180000 children under the age of 15 die in road traffic accidents every year, and hundreds of thousands of children are disabled. Therefore, please be sure to abide by traffic laws and take good care of your lives.

  Traffic accidents are invisible killers hidden around us, specially waiting for those who violate traffic rules. Therefore, we should always pay attention to traffic safety and develop the good habit of civilized driving and walking. The universe gives each of us only one life. Please cherish life for our relatives, others and ourselves! Please consciously abide by the traffic laws and let the means of transportation better benefit our mankind.


  When the pedestrian is allowed to pass, the green light is on; When the yellow light is on, pedestrians are not allowed to pass, but pedestrians who have entered the sidewalk can continue to pass; When the red light is on, pedestrians are not allowed to pass; When the yellow light flashes, pedestrians must pass under the principle of ensuring safety.

  When the green light of the crosswalk signal is on, pedestrians are allowed to pass through the crosswalk; When the green light flashes, pedestrians are not allowed to enter the crosswalk, but those who have entered the crosswalk can continue to pass; Pedestrians are not allowed to enter the crosswalk when the red light is on.

  Pedestrians must abide by the regulations that pedestrians must walk in the sidewalk, and there is no sidewalk to walk on the right; When crossing the road, you must take the crosswalk; When passing through the pedestrian crossing controlled by traffic signal, the signal regulations must be observed; When passing the sidewalk without traffic signal control, look left and right, pay attention to the traffic, and do not chase or run; If there is no crosswalk, you must go straight through, and you are not allowed to cross suddenly when the vehicle is approaching; If people cross the overpass or underpass, they must take the overpass or underpass; It is not allowed to climb the guardrail and isolation fence beside and in the road, and it is not allowed to push pickpockets, chase cars, forcibly block cars or throw cars on the road.










