
时间:2022-01-20 10:14:42 美国 我要投稿




美国英语作文 篇1

  American Soccer 美国足球American people are crazy about sports, basketball, baseball and football are very popular there. Most of them take exercise everyday, there is no doubt that sports have been part of their lives. But soccer as the most popular sport around the world, meets the awkward situation in the United States.美国人都喜欢运动,篮球、棒球和足球很受欢迎。大多数人每天锻炼,毫无疑问,体育是他们生活的一部分。但足球是世界上最流行的体育运动,却在美国遭遇了尴尬的局面。When people talking about basketball, everybody will think about NBA in America, which is the biggest basketball match in the world. It attracts fans from all around the world. But people barely connect soccer with America, because American people show little interest in it. For the old generation, they even don’t know how the game is played.当人们谈论篮球时,每个人都会想到美国的NBA,这是世界上最大的篮球比赛。它吸引了来自世界各地的球迷。但是人们很少会把足球与美国连接在一起,因为美国人对此不感兴趣。对老一代来说,他们甚至不知道如何踢足球。American football is different from soccer, it needs the unique sets to protect the football players, because the rule allows the player to grab the ball and then hit other player to win the match. American football is not favored by the coutries that outside the United States. But more young people in America like to play soccer and they make some breakthroughs in the World Cup matches.美式足球是不同于英式足球,它需要独特的装备来保护球员,因为规则允许球员拿球,然后碰撞其他球员去赢得了比赛。美式足球在美国以外的国家不受欢迎。但在美国越来越多的年轻人喜欢踢足球,美国队在世界杯比赛中也取得了一些突破。Soccer will be favored by more people, because the world is talking about it. 足球会受到更多的`人喜爱,因为全世界都在谈论它。

美国英语作文 篇2

  American citizens emphasize on achievements and respect heroes.They have great sense in their hearts to praise success and heroes.Personal achievements are one of those with the highest value in Americans mind.Americans have very strong senses of success.Success is the pursuit of most Americans,it is their attractive future and the incentives for moving forward.They believe that one's personal value is equivalent to his achievements in his career.Some high achievers in their career such as entrepreneurs,scientists,artists and all kinds of super starts became modern heroes.The process and result of how they strived have become the frame of reference of social culture value and the real life text book for parents to educate their children.

美国英语作文 篇3

  The Culture of the United States is a Western culture, and has been developing since long before the United States became a country. Today the United States is a diverse and multi-cultural nation.

  The types of food served at home vary greatly and depend upon the region of the country and the family's own cultural heritage. Recent immigrants tend to eat food similar to that of their country of origin, and Americanized versions of these cultural foods, such as American Chinese cuisine or Italian-American cuisine often eventually appear. German cuisine also had a profound impact on American cuisine, especially the mid-western cuisine, with potatoes and meat being the most iconic ingredients in both cuisines.Dishes such as the hamburger, pot roast, baked ham and hot dogs are examples of American dishes derived from German cuisine

  The primary, although not official, language of the United States is American English. According to the 20xx U.S. Census, more than 97% of Americans can speak English well, and for 81% it is the only language spoken at home. Nearly 30 million native speakers of Spanish also reside in the US. There are more than 300 languages besides English which can claim native speakers in the United States—some of which are spoken by the indigenous peoples (about 150 living languages) and others which were imported by immigrants. American Sign Language, used mainly by the deaf, is also native to the country. Hawaiian is also a language native to the United States, as it is indigenous nowhere else except in the state of Hawaii. Spanish is the second most common language in the United States, and is one of the official languages, and the most widely spoken, in the U.S. Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

  There are four major regional dialects in the United States: northeastern, south, inland north, and midwestern. The Midwestern accent (considered the "standard accent" in the United States, and analogous in some respects to the received pronunciation elsewhere in the English-speaking world) extends from what were once the "Middle Colonies" across the Midwest to the Pacific states.

美国英语作文 篇4

  Visitors to the United States are often surprised to learn the great distance from the east coast to the west coast. The continental United States stretches 4,500 kilometers from the Atlantic Ocean on the east to the Pacific Ocean on the west. It borders Canada on the North,and reaches south to Mexico and the Gulf of Mexico. A fast train,travelling 96 kilometers an hour, takes more than 48 hours to cross the country. A jet plane crosses the continental United States from east to west in about five hours.

  Including the states of Alaska and Hawaii,which are not seen in this map of the continental United States, the country covers an area of 9,363,123 square kilometers. Of the fifty states of the country Alaska is the largest in area,and Hawaii is the newest. The former borders on northwestern Canada: the latter lies in the Pacific.

美国英语作文 篇5

  The topic like“what’s a university?” or “what a university should do?” has been discussed many times in every age. Not only educationalists but also students take into it. Is it necessary to give priority to skills and knowledge in university education as they are essential to employers? Or students in universities should have access to all of knowledge just as they have their own sake? Chose A or B, this is a problem.

  The value of knowledge itself need to be considered first in university education even though the course is not as practical as skills and technology. In Chinese culture, morality education is always took at first. It said that the way of real learning is to develop and expand virtue, to innovate peoples’ opinions, to get the best goodness. In addition, there are four stages in the success of a gentleman: first, to cultivate his moral characters; second, regulate his own family; third, rule the state successfully; forth, let the world get peace. In Chinese traditional value, students in

  university need to develop his morality firstly, though these knowledge is not as useful as other skills after they get a job.

  On the other hand, the practicability of a university course is also worth considering, especially in the age when our government call for the attention to skills and technology in university education and when the employees prefer to capacity and practical knowledge of employers. The time in university is limited and conditions and aims of students are different. When students chose which course to learn, it is inevitable for some of them prefer to those which are more needed in workplace.

  Universities give equal access to all of knowledge, including the practical courses and others. What’s more, they need give more chance to students to choose what to learn. Congratulate on diversity!

美国英语作文 篇6

  Steve Rogers was born in the Great Depression of a poor, vulnerable youth. Because of the news that the Nazis had invaded and invaded Europe in Europe, they wanted to join the army.

  But because the infirm refused. Inadvertently learned that Steve Rogers's sincere desire of general Chester Phillips decided to give him a chance, let him take part in the rebirth program".

  After several weeks of testing, Steve Rogers was injected with a super soldier serum and was bombarded with ultraviolet irradiation, and finally has the most perfect body of human beings.

  Then he received a physical and tactical training. After three months, he has been as "Captain America" first job with indestructible shield and well versed in tactical mind, he put in the fight with the red skull, and eventually stop the red skull's evil plan, but he has therefore been frozen until 70 years after woke up.

美国英语作文 篇7


  那是在美国Lakeside School所上的第一堂课,它无疑是一堂地道的英语课,但同时也是一堂奇特的英语课。


  挂钟上的“鸟”叫了,这大概是他们的铃声。学生们停止了闲聊,收起了闲书,加快了进餐速度,好像等待着老师的到来。我把注意力集中到了教室的正门,设想着一个白发碧眼的老年妇女或是一个卷发高个的中年男子走进门来。"Class begins.”声音是从我的身旁传来的。一个年轻的姑娘站立起来,围着圆桌走了一圈儿。学生们都将注意力集中在了她的身上。“难道这个漂亮的年轻姑娘竟是他们的老师?”我想。事实确是如此,她“叽哩呱啦”地讲着话,一双天蓝的眼睛在两条活泼跳动的眉毛的衬托下,显得格外有神。我不太明白她说些什么,但不难看出她正是该英语班的老师。上身穿着一件白色T恤,下身是西部美国人最传统的牛仔裤,一副学生打扮,好不精神。她手中没有拿书,也没有拿笔,取而代之的是一杯咖啡。同学们似乎也没什么教材,当然不会看书,都抬头望着眉飞色舞的老师,听着她所说的,高兴了还插上几句,或者一阵大笑。可能是因为语言障碍吧,我不太懂他们笑些什么,大概他们在谈论一本书,好像这本书是老师昨晚刚看过的,也不知道学生们到底看过这本书没有,一个个都显得特别积极,似乎每人都是评论家一般,争先恐后地发表着自己对该书的看法。学生讨论的时候是无需举手的,你大可以随时随地地发言。只有当老师在做小结的时候,要发言的同学才必须先举手。出乎意料,学生间的讨论竟是这般的热烈。一人话音朱落,另一个又将










