
时间:2022-02-06 16:46:17 美国 我要投稿




美国英语作文 篇1

  The Culture of the United States is a Western culture, and has been developing since long before the United States became a country. Today the United States is a diverse and multi-cultural nation.

  The types of food served at home vary greatly and depend upon the region of the country and the family's own cultural heritage. Recent immigrants tend to eat food similar to that of their country of origin, and Americanized versions of these cultural foods, such as American Chinese cuisine or Italian-American cuisine often eventually appear. German cuisine also had a profound impact on American cuisine, especially the mid-western cuisine, with potatoes and meat being the most iconic ingredients in both cuisines.Dishes such as the hamburger, pot roast, baked ham and hot dogs are examples of American dishes derived from German cuisine

  The primary, although not official, language of the United States is American English. According to the 20xx U.S. Census, more than 97% of Americans can speak English well, and for 81% it is the only language spoken at home. Nearly 30 million native speakers of Spanish also reside in the US. There are more than 300 languages besides English which can claim native speakers in the United States—some of which are spoken by the indigenous peoples (about 150 living languages) and others which were imported by immigrants. American Sign Language, used mainly by the deaf, is also native to the country. Hawaiian is also a language native to the United States, as it is indigenous nowhere else except in the state of Hawaii. Spanish is the second most common language in the United States, and is one of the official languages, and the most widely spoken, in the U.S. Commonwealth of Puerto Rico.

  There are four major regional dialects in the United States: northeastern, south, inland north, and midwestern. The Midwestern accent (considered the "standard accent" in the United States, and analogous in some respects to the received pronunciation elsewhere in the English-speaking world) extends from what were once the "Middle Colonies" across the Midwest to the Pacific states.

美国英语作文 篇2

  The Americans are much in love with food. This is part of being American too. Baseball is Americans' national pastime1, but what's a ball game without hot dogs, peanuts2 and Cracker Jacks (sweetened popcorn3)? Hollywood is America's symbol of glamour4 and excitement all over the world, but who would watch a movie in America without asking for an extra large bag of popcorn? And the astronauts took instant orange drink [Tang] with them.

  Americans love all kinds of food, Italian, Chinese, Mexican, Greek, French, Japanese and many others. The Americans are in fact

  “The UN of Food.”

  To get familiar with the American eating custom, one must know two things. First, one must know the sequence5 of service. There is something special in terms of the sequence, or order, of dish service in America compared with ours. Here is the order:

  1. Aperitif6—a small cup of alcoholic drink to increase one's appetite7. The host or hostess will ask: “Do you like a cup of aperitif?”

  2. Hors d'oeuvre8—some tasty food offered in small quantities at the beginning of a meal.

  3. Appetizer —or called starter, it is a small serving of juice, fruit or seafood or something else, at the beginning of a meal, to stimulate9 people's appetite.

  4. Now the main course is under way:

  a) Soup—it is usually the first course in a dinner.

  b) Fish—it is usually served after the soup and before the entree10 in a formal meal.

  c) Entree—the third course of a meal, generally it is made up of a hot meat.

  d) Savory11—the last course in a formal meal, it is something pleasant to eat but with a salty rather than sweet taste.

  5. Dessert12 —sweet food served toward the end of a meal, usually it is a pudding, chocolate cake, or cheese and biscuits sometimes.

  6. Coffee—that's the last stage in a formal present-day European and American dinner. It's served either at table or in the living room.

  In a family treatment, the above-mentioned No 1-3 stage may be omitted13, though No 4 is the essential part. And the main course generally includes no more than 5 dishes of nutrient14 food. Ostentation15 is never under consideration.

  Another thing to mention is that serving oneself from one's own plate is popular in Europe and America, except for the soup and bread which is taken and enjoyed according to one's need.

  The second one we must know about the American eating custom is the taboos at table.

  (1) Don't circle your plate with your arm. If you do so, you will become the focus16 of the table. Everyone would wonder: “Is there anything wrong with the food?” This may give a false message that you don't like the food or something like that.

  (2) Don't push the plate back when finished. Leave it where it was. Do you mean to remind17 the hostess that you've just completed a labor?

  (3)Don't lean18 back and announce that “I'm through” or “I'm stuffed19.” Just put the fork and knife quietly across the plate, that's all.

  (4) Don't cut up everything before you start to eat. Cut only one or two bites20 at a time.

  (5) Never take huge mouthfuls of anything. Do you mean to show how hungry you are? Don't do that! Be gentlemanlike or ladylike.

  (6) Don't crook21 your finger when picking up a cup or glass. That looks too affected22, far from ladylike!

  (7) Never wear too much lipstick23 to the table. It may stain the napkins24 and look gaudy25 and embarrassing on the rims26 of the cup or glass.

  (8) It's never acceptable to reach across the table for anything (a serving dish, for example). If the item you want is not at hand, simply ask for the nearest person for help, like “Mrs. Smith, would you mind passing me the butter (or a dish)?”

美国英语作文 篇3

  Cars are an important part of life in the United States. Cars have made the United Slates a nation on wheels.

  There are 3 main reasons why the car has become so popular in this country. First of all, Americans like to travel. The car provides the most comfortable and cheapest form of transportation. With a car people can go any place without spending a lot of moncy.

  The second reason that cars are popular is the fact that the United States never really developed an efficient and inexpensive form of public transportation. Long-distance trains have never been as common in the United States as they are in other parts of the world. Air-service provides a comfortable travel system. But it is too expensive to be used frequently.

  The third reason is the most important one, though. The American spirit of inde pendence is what really made cars popular. Americans do not like to wait for a bus, or a train or even a plane. They do not like to have to follow an exact schedule. A car gives them the frecdom to schedule their own time, and this is the freedom that Americans want most to have.






美国英语作文 篇4

  This is a good news for Chinese singers, it is said that there will be a Chinese music group and a man invited to performance in the American famous music show. It sounds so inspiring, it seems that Chinese music has been introduced into American market. While the fact is not, the invited Chinese singers only get their performance when the advertisement time comes, it is so awkward, they are given the unimportant time. Chinese music still not get into the American musical market, American people just want to catch Chinese people’s attention and go into Chinese market, so they invited the Chinese singers. I believe that our Chinese music will get be popular around the world some day.


美国英语作文 篇5

  Raising Children 美式教养观

  The job of raising children is a tough one. Children don't come with an instructionmanual. And each child is different. So parents sometimes pull their hair out in frustration, notknowing what to do. But in raising children-as in all of life-what we do is influenced by ourculture. Naturally then, American parents teach their children basic American values.


  To Americans, the goal of parents is to help children stand on their own two feet. Frominfancy, each child may get his or her own room. As children grow, they gain more freedom tomake their own choices. Teenagers choose their own forms of entertainment, as well as thefriends to share them with. When they reach young adulthood, they choose their own careersand marriage partners. Of course, many young adults still seek their parents' advice andapproval for the choices they make. But once they "leave the nest" at around 18 to 21 yearsold, they want to be on their own, not "tied to their mother's apron strings."


  The relationship between parents and children in America is very informal. Americanparents try to treat their children as individuals-not as extensions of themselves. They allowthem to fulfill their own dreams. Americans praise and encourage their children to give themthe confidence to succeed. When children become adults, their relationship with their parentsbecomes more like a friendship among equals. But contrary to popular belief, most adultAmericans don't make their parents pay for room and board when they come to visit. Even asadults, they respect and honor their parents.


  Most young couples with children struggle with the issue of childcare. Mothers havetraditionally stayed home with their children. In recent years, though, a growing trend is to putpreschoolers in a day care center so Mom can work. Many Americans have strong feelings aboutwhich type of arrangement is best. Some argue that attending a day care center can be apositive experience for children. Others insist that mothers are the best caregivers for children.A number of women are now leaving the work force to become full-time homemakers.


  Disciplining children is another area that American parents have differing opinions about.Many parents feel that an old-fashioned spanking helps youngsters learn what "No!" means.Others prefer alternate forms of discipline. For example, "time outs" have become popular inrecent years. Children in "time out" have to sit in a corner or by a wall. They can get up onlywhen they are ready to act nicely. Older children and teenagers who break the rules may begrounded, or not allowed to go out with friends. Some of their privileges at home-like TV ortelephone use-may also be taken away for a while. Although discipline isn't fun for parents orchildren, it's a necessary part of training.


  Being a parent is a tall order. It takes patience, love, wisdom, courage and a good sense ofhumor to raise children (and not lose your sanity). Some people are just deciding not to havechildren at all, since they're not sure it's worth it. But raising children means training the nextgeneration and preserving our culture. What could be worth more than that?


美国英语作文 篇6

  high school in america, after middle school comes high school, which includes grades 9 through 12。 students are required to take certain subjects like english, social studies, math, science, and physical education。 in addition, they choose among elective subjects to complete their high school education。 electives include subjects in technology, music, art, and foreign languages。

  each student in the school has their own locker for books and personal items。 this convenience saves students from carrying textbooks, and allows students a small space they can decorate with posters and favorite objects。

  cheating in any form is strictly prohibited in american schools。 and in fact, high school students usually don‘t cheat。 a student caught in plagiarism, forgery, or copying another student faces severe discipline, even expulsion。

  school activities each school holds certain yearly activities for the entire school body, such as homecoming, prom night, holiday celebrations, etc。

  homecoming is celebrated each fall, usually on a weekend, and events leading up to it may last all week。 while homecoming is celebrated differently at each school, it usually includes a parade and the crowning of the homecoming king and queen, and ends with a football game and school dance。

  the prom is a formal dance for students in grades 11 and 12, and is generally anticipated as the most important social event of the school year。 it can also be a time of anxiety, as boys have to work up the courage to ask a date to the prom, and girls hope the right boy invites them。 these couples dress in formal clothes — girls in long gowns, boys in suits。 some students even arrange a limousine and driver for their group of friends to arrive in style! at the prom, students dance, have snacks and drinks, and chat。 prom usually ends with a prom king and queen being announced and crowned on stage before an envious audience。

  besides hosting events for holidays such as the fourth of july and halloween, individual high schools often have their own special events。 one day might be “inside out/backwards day,” where students and teachers should wear their clothes reversed all day, perhaps walk and speak backwards, and even go to classes in opposite order。 and some schools hold contests where, if certain academic goals are met, the principal will kiss a pig, shave his mustache, or dress as a woman for the day。

  sports most high schools have at least one sports team that competes in local events, and all students are encouraged to be involved in athletics。 schools often offer football, baseball and softball, basketball, volleyball, tennis, and soccer。 some may even have sports like golf, swimming, gymnastics and cross-country skiing。

  jobs many high school students have part-time jobs by the age of 15 or 16, some even earlier。 their first jobs are often babysitting or cutting lawns, but later they will likely get a job at a fast-food restaurant, video store, or clothing shop。

  driving sixteen years old is legal driving age in most states, and students usually want to own a car as soon as they can。 some parents allow their children to drive a family vehicle, and may even buy a car as a graduation present。 others prefer that their sons and daughters earn enough to purchase a used vehicle。 regardless, many teenagers feel it‘s a necessity to own a car, and will do whatever it takes to be able to drive。










