初中英语作文:How Can We Change The World

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初中英语作文:How Can We Change The World_

  在日常生活或是工作学习中,大家都写过作文,肯定对各类作文都很熟悉吧,作文是通过文字来表达一个主题意义的.记叙方法。相信写作文是一个让许多人都头痛的问题,下面是小编为大家收集的初中英语作文:How Can We Change The World_,欢迎阅读与收藏。

初中英语作文:How Can We Change The World_

  Being an environmental friendly is easy. There are a lot a ways to change the world. Here are things that are very small and easy to do, but it could make a big difference, when more people do it, it will make a huge difference. In all of those that I will tell you about, they easy one is don’t litter, reduce, reuse, recycle and use the green bin! As everyone knows smoking and drag is bad for your health, and they still do it, but did you know that left over things from drag and cigarette are bad for other living things because some people like to throw those left over on the ground. Don’t do it and save other living things. Other things that you can do are easy too. Like don’t pollute; save resources like fuel, water, foods, trees, oils, gas, coal and energy… When you cut down a tree, plant two or more in its place. Some people may think things look easy but in reality it’s hard to do, but they are wrong, those thing look easy and it’s easy to do, don’t give up.www.t262.com

  There are harder things to help change the world, but it will help for sure. You can do it, everyone can. Harder thing will help more, like sometimes buy things that you need not what you want. Buy things you need not what you want save money, and save more trees. Trees are environmental friendly, they give oxygen and they absorb carbon dioxide. Trees are very helpful. All people have its job in keeping our planet clean. Here is another tip to change the world. When you write be sure to use both side of paper. Don’t put the paper in the garbage when they can go into the recycle bin. From what I know most people don’t do that one, but it can really help a lot. There are more things every one can do to help change the world, just do them and don’t stop doing it. Here is another great one, walk, and bike… to school instead of taking a bus when you can do those things. There are lots more out there you can do to help the earth than you think there is. I will not name all of them, but I will tell you this: don’t lose hopes that you and everyone will reach the goal-change the world. If all the people do it than we will get there for sure, lest people do it the longer it takes, so everyone do it.

  Everyone let’s get going, and change the world, we are going to get to our goal, more people do it, the more we can help change the world. Once again don’t give up hope. Go Green Go! I KNOW we can do this, so everyone let’s start by doing the easy ones. You can do more to help. We are environmental friendly, so once again let’s get going.

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