小学英语作文:A Lettle to American Presiden

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小学英语作文:A Lettle to American President

  在日常学习、工作和生活中,大家一定都接触过作文吧,借助作文人们可以反映客观事物、表达思想感情、传递知识信息。你写作文时总是无从下笔?以下是小编帮大家整理的小学英语作文:A Lettle to American President,仅供参考,欢迎大家阅读。

小学英语作文:A Lettle to American President

  Dear Mr. President Obama:

  Good morning, actually I am not surewhat time will be when you see this letter, I mean, you not evengoing to see this letter anyway, but I still want to say "Goodmorning" as my respect to you. My name is Hongyu Leng, a 8th graderwho is studying in Arcadia Foothills Middle School right now. I amwriting this letter for two main purposes. The first, I want topersuade you to send human to Mars. And the second, I can earn myScience grades from this letter. Evan the most important point ofthis letter is to earn my Science grades and you not going to seethis letter anyway, I will focus on it just like you will read thisletter, which means I will try my best.

  Again, this letter is use to makeyou, I mean, persuade you to sent human to Mars and sure I havesome reasons for it. Let me make a summary for you first, please. Igot three main reasons here: first, if U.S. government can get onMars first, that will be a big proud for citizens; second, ifscientists can get on Mars then they can do many researches thatthe robots can not do; and the third reason, we can set up coloniesthere.

  Nation's proud. Imagine that when yousend the first human to Mars, and that guy is American, he landed,then send back the first massage with LOL, everyone begin yellingyour name aloud, big parties everywhere, and put your name in bothhistory and science text book... Newspapers around this world willbe all talking about American spaceship sending people to Mars andadmire to it, at that time I bet every American citizen will besaying: "Oh, I am so happy that I am an American!"

  Second, send scientist to Mars willhelp research. Robot can use their arms to research somrthing andtake pictures, but they can't done evry fine works. But humanbeings are totally different, unlike robots act with programs, wecan think in our own mind, make decitions by our own. Scientistscan done amazing researches on Mars I believe. Someone may say thathow the scientist come back. Well, how about we keep sending peopleto there so they won't be alone. And I think the sacrifice isnecessary, we will remember their names forever, and look back inthe history, so many mainingful sacrifices improved human evolutionso much!

  The last reason, set up colonies. Youknow, the Earth is being more sick now: natural resources becameless and less; Greenhouse Effect, to many people, desertification,natural disasters... The Earth will die and not good for human tolive one day, so that is important for human to find a new planetto live. Maybe hundreds years later, most human moved on Mars, andkids born there will learn lessons about how America's PresidentObama sent the first people to Mars and saved human. That will bepretty cool, right? I also know that will cost a lot of money, butthink abou that, just being a little poor right now, than ourposterity can live on another planet with happiness and nocontamination!

  In conclution, we should beginsending brave people to Mars, for our nation, for human evolution,for our posterity! At last, hope your great-great-great-grandsonand my great-great-grandson can live on Mars and see two moons at atime. And hopefully I can have a good grade for thisletter.

  Yours sincerely,

  Ryder Leng


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