英语四级作文:An Eye-witness Account of a T

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英语四级作文:An Eye-witness Account of a Traffic Accident,An Eye-w

  在日常学习、工作和生活中,大家都接触过作文吧,借助作文可以提高我们的语言组织能力。写起作文来就毫无头绪?以下是小编为大家收集的英语四级作文:An Eye-witness Account of a Traffic Accident,An Eye-witness,欢迎大家借鉴与参考,希望对大家有所帮助。

英语四级作文:An Eye-witness Account of a Traffic Accident,An Eye-w

  英语四级作文:An Eye-witness Account of a Traffic Accident,An Eye-w 1

  The car accident happened at about 7:30 on the morning of april 6th, when I was on my way to school.

  It was raining heavily, and the road was very slippery. Three little boys were going in front of me, each riding on a bike, talking loudly with each other while they rode. One of the boys didnt weara raincoat; instead he was holding an umbrella in one hand, and the handle of the bike in another. As he turned left to hongqiao road, a car came out at a high speed from behind a truck parked on the corner. Both the boy and the driver acted quickly, but it was too late. I heard a big noise and saw the boy falling down and an umbrella thrown away. I was completely shocked.

  I think three factors attributed to this tragedy. The first factor is the boys absent mindedness. He was talking all the way, dangerously holding an umbrella while riding the bike. The second factor is the bad weather and the slippery road, which makes it hard for the driver to bring the car to a full stop abruptly. The last factor was the improperly parked truck, which was big enough to make the road conditions invisible to the driver and students who were going to make a turn.

  英语四级作文:An Eye-witness Account of a Traffic Accident,An Eye-w 2

  As I was walking down the street on a sunny afternoon, I witnessed aAs I was walking down the street on a sunny afternoon, I witnessed a traffic accident that left me shaken. It was around 3 pm when I saw a speeding car crash into a motorcycle that was trying to make a turn. The impact was so strong that the motorcycle rider was thrown off his bike and landed on the pavement.

  The driver of the car seemed to be in a state of shock and didnt know what to do. People around us started to gather, and some of them called the emergency services. I rushed to the riders side to see if he was okay. He was unconscious and bleeding from his head. I tried to stop the bleeding by applying pressure on the wound, but it was clear that he needed professional medical help urgently.

  The ambulance arrived within a few minutes, and the paramedics quickly assessed the riders condition. They carefully lifted him onto a stretcher and rushed him to the hospital. I couldnt help but feel a sense of sadness and fear as I watched the ambulance drive away.

  The accident was a stark reminder of how fragile life can be and how important it is to follow traffic rules. It also made me realize the importance of being prepared for emergencies. I felt grateful that I was able to help in some small way, but I knew that there was much more that could have been done to prevent this tragedy.

  In conclusion, witnessing a traffic accident is a traumatic experience that leaves a lasting impact on anyone who sees it. It is our responsibility as citizens to be aware of our surroundings and take necessary precautions to ensure our safety and the safety of others. Let us all strive to make our roads safer for everyone.

  英语四级作文:An Eye-witness Account of a Traffic Accident,An Eye-w 3

  Title: An Eye-witness Account of a Traffic Accident

  Last Saturday afternoon, I was walking home from the library when I witnessed a traffic accident that happened right in front of me. It was a clear day, and the streets were busy with people and cars as usual. Suddenly, a loud screeching sound caught my attention, and I turned to see what was happening.

  A young man on a motorcycle was speeding down the street, seemingly unaware of his speed. As he approached a crossroad, a car was trying to turn left, and the two vehicles collided. The impact of the crash sent both the motorcycle and the car spinning out of control.

  I immediately ran towards the scene of the accident. The young man on the motorcycle was unconscious and lying on the ground, while the driver of the car was shaken but seemed unhurt. I called 911 and reported the accident, while other passers-by came to help.

  The ambulance arrived soon, and the paramedics took immediate action to stabilize the injured man. They quickly loaded him into the ambulance and rushed him to the hospital.

  This tragic accident reminded me of the importance of road safety. We must always be vigilant and follow traffic rules to prevent such accidents from happening. I hope the young man will recover soon, and this experience will serve as a lesson for all of us to drive safely.

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