
时间:2023-03-17 09:47:33 其他类英语作文 我要投稿




英语作文 篇1

  A Post Card from John

  Dear Sarah,

  This post card shows you a picture from my holiday. We got Kunming on Wednesday. On the first day we visited Stone Forest. It’s very beautiful. I love it very much. On Thursday Kathy and I got lost in the city. We asked a policeman for help. He helped us find the hotel. On Friday we went to a small village. We saw folk dances and ate some fresh vegetables from the farm. We enjoyed ourselves. Last day we went shopping ane bought some presents for friends. Tomorrow we will be back home.


英语作文 篇2






  it is impossible to keep in good health unless we have sufficient recreation. the mind, too, needs rest to keep alert and vigorous. there is a lot of truth in the old saying, "all work and no play makes jack a dull boy."

  there are many games which we can play after our work is done. but it's always advisable for people to remember that persons who sit much should take up sports or a kind of recreation that requires muscular eercise. those who spend most of their time in the open air and have constant muscular labor, however, should adopt reading or some other quiet forms of recreation that will give them some physical rest.

  cycling is said to be a capital means of recreation.but some people foolishly ehaust themselves by ecessive eertion on the bike. the same may be said in regard to football. tennis is a great form of recreation. fishing requires much patience, but there is the risk of catching cold by prolonged eposure. a good brisk walk is one of the finest forms of eercise. for persons engaged in outdoor labor, chess playing is an ecellent change.

英语作文 篇3

  Dalian is the governing sub-provincial city in the eastern Liaoning Province of Northeast China. Dalian is China's northernmost ice-free seaport and is China's most livable city.

  Sightseeing and Attractions

  Dalian is a very popular destination among Chinese tourists and foreign visitors, especially from Japan, Korea and Russia. Its mild climate and multiple beaches as well as its importance in the modern history of China make it an especially nice place to visit. Some of the most famous beaches are Tiger beach, Xinghai beach, Jinshitan beach and Fujiazhuang beach.

  Four Inner-City Districts

  Zhongshan Square and Friendship Square

  Tiger Beach and Fujiazhuan Beach

  Tiger beach is a good place to see natural scenery. There is Seabed World, Bird Sing Wood and the recently completed Polar Region Museum, where a dolphin show is a big attraction.

  Jinshitan Sightseeing Area

  Jinshitan beach, the Golden Pebble Beach is a tourist attraction with splendid coves and rock formations. There is also a golf course (Jinshitan International Golf Course), cross country motorcycling, an amusement park (Discovery Kingdom) and a hunting forest. It is a good place for someone who wants silence and peace and it is excellent for swimming too.

英语作文 篇4

  Should People Play Games While on Duty?

  Should people play games white they are working? People*s.attitudes toward it vary greatly. Some people regard it as a common phenomenon in office nowadays. They think playing games is a good way to kill liie boring time. At the same time, it can make them relaxed, which, in turn, can help them do their job efficiently*

  However, some people have the opposite opinion. They think companies should prohibit their employees from playing games. They raaintain that playing games at work is an irresponsible behavior and a wrong working attitude which can exert a bad influence on their colleagues. Moreover, many serious mistakes are often made when people piay games during tbeir working time, because playing games distracts people's attention.

  In my view, people s&outdi^t play games while on duty. Oa the one hand, pi ay mg games can occupy some of their time wbicb can be used to do something more important and meaningful, such as the further study of their working field and the improving of their working skills. On the other hand, playing online games takes up a lot of corporate network resources which may interfere with other colleagues work.

英语作文 篇5

  When you waste food it’s usually due to lack of planning. You bought too much. You got too busy to cook it. You forgot you had it in the first place and you find it at the back of the refrigerator when it’s too late. Sound familiar?

  There are steps you can take to make sure your food doesn’t go to waste.

英语作文 篇6

  RENEE MONTAGNE, HOST:It's MORNING EDITION from NPR News. Good morning, I'm Renee Montagne.

  DAVID GREENE, HOST:And I'm David Greene.

  New federal standards for K through 12 science education are due out soon. This is the first since the mid-'90s. And for the first time, the guidelines advise teaching students about climate change.

  As NPR's Jennifer Ludden reports, it's expected to fill a big gap.

  JENNIFER LUDDEN, BYLINE: By the time today's students grow up, the challenges posed by climate change are expected to be severe and sweeping. Yet, polls show they know little of it.

  Mark McCaffrey is with the National Center for Science Education.

  MARK MCCAFFREY: Only one-in-five feel like they've got a good handle on climate change from what they've learned in school. So the state of climate change education in the U.S. is abysmal.

  LUDDEN: We all learn the water cycle. But how many can draw a picture of the carbon cycle? With plants taking in carbon to grow, then dying and eventually turning into fossil fuels like coal and oil, which then put carbon back into the atmosphere when burned. Even when this is taught, McCaffrey says climate is often sidelined. Why take Earth science, when you need biology and chemistry to get into college?

  On top of this, there's the political battle over how climate change is taught. Last month, Colorado state lawmakers considered a so-called Academic Freedom Act.

  JOSHUA YOUNGKIN: The bill will go toward creating an atmosphere of open inquiry.

  LUDDEN: That's Joshua Youngkin of the Discovery Institute, which helped write the bill. It's the same group that's questioned evolution, and the way it's taught. Now the institute is targeting global warming. Though Youngkin told lawmakers the aim is not to ban climate change from the classroom.

  YOUNGKIN: It just gives teachers a simple right. To know that they can teach both sides of a controversy objectively, in a scientific manner, in order to induce critical thinking in their student body.

  LUDDEN: But critics point out there is no controversy within science. Climate change is happening and it's largely driven by humans. This hasn't stopped 18 states from considering these academic freedom bills - seven this year. So far, only Tennessee and Louisiana have passed them.

  Still, say educators, since climate change has been politicized, many teachers avoid it altogether. Or, they do teach two sides. One day, it's Al Gore's "An Inconvenient Truth."


  AL GORE: Starting in 1970, there was a precipitous drop-off in the amount, and extent and thickness of the arctic ice cap.

  LUDDEN: And the next, "The Great Global Warming Swindle."


  UNIDENTIFIED MAN: Each day the news reports grow more fantastically apocalyptic.

  LUDDEN: The end result for students: Confusion. The new science guidelines could provoke more push back. James Taylor is a senior fellow with the Heartland Institute. The free market think tank is working on its own curriculum, questioning man's role in global warming.

  JAMES TAYLOR: To the extent that these standards do paint a picture that I think runs counter to the scientific evidence, we're going to make sure that we point that out.

  LUDDEN: The new science standards are voluntary. But 26 states helped develop them and about 40 say they're likely to adopt them. Heidi Schweingruber is with the National Research Council, which created the framework for the standards.

  HEIDI SCHWEINGRUBER: There was never a debate about whether climate change would be in there. It is a fundamental part of science, and so that's what our work is based on - the scientific consensus.

  LUDDEN: Schweingruber says a lot of thought did go into how to deliver what can be crushingly depressing information, without freaking kids out.

  SCHWEINGRUBER: Absolutely. So the idea that, OK, you're going to raise these problems with kids. But then also engage them and say what do we know about roles that we can have that are positive, in trying to steer things in different directions.

  LUDDEN: In other words, reassure kids that while humans may cause global warming, they can also help reduce it.

  Mark McCaffrey, of the National Center for Science Education, says many teachers will need training themselves on climate science. He'd also like to see them prepared for the pressures that come with teaching it.

  MCCAFFREY: We've heard stories of students who learn about climate change, and then they go home and tell their parents. And everybody is upset because the parents are driving their kids to the soccer game, and the kids are feeling guilty about being in the car and contributing to this global problem. So it does raise a lot of very, very difficult psychological issues, sociological issues, and certainly inter-generational issues.

  LUDDEN: Difficult, he says, but essential for this generation of students to take on.Jennifer Ludden, NPR News, Washington.

英语作文 篇7

  A or B

  Some people prefer to A. others believe B. When faced with the decision of A or B, quite a few would claim that______________, but others, in contrast , deem A/B as the premier choice and that is also my point. There are numerous reasons why___________, and I would explore only a few of the most important ones here.

  The main reason why I agree with the above statement, however, is that_____________________. Take ___________as example, ______________.There is another factor that deserves some words here. Such as ________________________.

  Similarly, these reasons are also usable when we consider that______________.(examples:___________).

  From the above you might got idea that I agree______________.(repeat the above three reason____________).So, it is sagacious to support the statement that it is better to _______________.

英语作文 篇8

  This is my home. there are three rooms. one is my bedroom. one is my parents’ bedroom .the other is the sitting-room.

  there is a big table in the sitting-room. six chairs and a computer are in this room, too.

  ok, let’s come to my bedroom. there’s a bed, a desk, a chair and a lot of books in it. there are some photos and pictures on the wall.

  look at my parents’room. it’s bigger than mine. the bed is big too. there is a wardrobe, a tv set and two small tables in it.

  look at our kitchen. there’s a fridge, a cupboard, some bowls and dishes in it. we have our meals there every day. i like the kitchen very much.

  do you like my home?









My mother,我的妈妈英语作文英语作文-英语作文09-30


Careful and Careless英语作文_英语作文09-18