
时间:2024-09-29 10:02:22 文圣 趣事 我要投稿
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  童年趣事英语作文500字 1

  Today was the first day of our military training.A sharp whistle woke us up in the early morning.

  We were dressed in a hurry and rushed to the playground quickly.

  When we lined up,there came a soldier who said that he would be in charge of our training.

  He was strict with us.He kept us training almost for all day.

  After that,we were all exhausted.I think I will never forget it.

  童年趣事英语作文500字 2

  My dad bought a computer when I was five years old. I could draw pictures and listen to music on it.

  But once, the computer was down suddenly.

  My dad told me that it might be attacked by computer virus.

  I was so scared that I asked dad anxiously, "Did it get a flu? Did it need some medicine?" But dad laughed and said smilingly, "Dont be silly, son.

  No medicine can cure a computer virus. Its a problem of program." I didnt understand what my dad said at that time.

  But I made up my mind to study hard and to be a computer expert in the future.

  童年趣事英语作文500字 3

  I think childhood is the happiest period in life, because there are few troubles and worries at that time.

  The only thing we worry about is our study.

  Therefore, it’s a time for fun and enjoyment. In my memory, my childhood was colorful and interesting.

  I was born in the countryside, and I didn’t have many toys, just like other kids in my hometown.

  But as a creative group, we could always make a lot of toys by ourselves, which need no money at all.

  童年趣事英语作文500字 4

  When I was a child, happy things happened every day.

  One morning, I just got out of the warm quilt. In the morning, the sun was shining brightly on the vast land. I got up and rinsed my mouth, washed my face, and then ran outside. I ran to the chicken cage, released all the chickens and looked at their lovely faces. I couldnt help but want them to sleep with me, I chased the chickens all over the yard. After a while, I was full of big men, sweat penetrated my clothes, and the chickens jumped up and shouted, as if to say: we won.

  I said to them: I wont give up, and then I went after the chickens. Finally, I caught them all, and I said to them loudly; Now you lose, so Im the real winner.

  The chickens were dejected, and then I said to them: dont give up. You also won a game just now, so both sides drew and have another game.

  So we had another game, and finally I ended up losing, as if to say: we are. This is the happiest part of my childhood.

  My childhood was very happy and interesting.

  童年趣事英语作文500字 5

  I’d like to tell you something about my childhood. when i was six years old, i was a lovely girl!


  One day, my father saw some fish in the river, so he asked me, “why can fish only live in water?” i thought about it, then i gave him the answer, “because there are some cats on the bank.” my father laughed when he heard that. then he said, “you are smart!” i was happy to hear that.


  Maybe you will say, “it’s a funny answer.” now, i think, it is very interesting. and now i am smart. my parents love me very much. i am so happy to have that childhood.


  童年趣事英语作文500字 6

  Listen to my mother, I had fun when I was a child: dark hair, fat face, white and tender, like a "flour ball", loved by everyone. Coupled with a pair of particularly clever black eyes, it is more likable. Mom took out the picture, which was really beautiful when I saw it. My favorite is the picture of my mother lying on the hammock with me in her arms.

  I quarreled with my mother to tell me the story of my childhood. Under my repeated entreaties, my mother finally agreed. Mother said, "when you were a child, you cried loudly when watching the video of your mother and your father bathing you and kissing you!" "Why?" I asked, "because you think your father and I will report other peoples children again! Just like you now." I also heard from my grandmother about some things when I was a child: when I took a nap at noon, I slept on the sofa, but I didnt know why I ran to the bottom of the sofa for no reason. When my grandmother came out of the room, she found that I was missing. She immediately searched the whole house, but didnt find me. Finally, my grandmother heard my snoring and found me. Another time was when I learned to walk: my grandmother took me to the park. I saw a butterfly and wanted my grandmother to catch it for me, but my grandmother asked me to catch it myself. I took off my coat and ran after the butterfly.

  Looking at the photos of me growing up bit by bit, I thought of my mothers hard work. I grow up day by day, but my mother is getting old day by day. Thinking of this, my eyes are moist.

  Childhood anecdotes are like colorful shells. These colorful shells hold up my colorful childhood!

  童年趣事英语作文500字 7

  A happy childhood is like a rainbow after a rain. It is so colorful and so many interesting things that have been done, just like a few bright stars twinkling in the sky of childhood. Occasionally a self or other person raises a laugh. Let me tell you something that was very interesting when I was young.

  It is just after the five birthday of a summer, my mother gave me a red balloon, with a picture of Sun Wukong clouds. As long as you gently throw it into the sky, it will float gently into the air and then fall, very interesting. I always show off it in front of the child. One day, just after the heavy rain, my yard has many small pool, I saw the rain stopped, went to the courtyard to throw balloons. The balloon was spinning in the air. As I chased it, I shouted, "its fun!"! How nice!" Suddenly the balloon landed in a small pool. I ran over and picked it up. Unfortunately, it was covered with mud. What shall I do?! I was so smart that I remembered that I had stained my handkerchief last time. My mother took her handkerchief to the fire. Why dont I have a roast with the fire? Roast the muddy water with fire. But my mother bakes her handkerchief. Its winter. Whats the big stove in the summer? When I think of my mothers fire, I always use some paper with fire. So I got the paper, too. I took the balloon into the room, got a match, lit the paper, and quickly put the muddy balloon near the fire. Suddenly, a "pop" balloon exploded. I was so frightened that I couldnt help jumping. The beautiful balloon suddenly became a fragment. When I sober up, my tears can not help but flow out......

  Until now, every time I think of it, I have to laugh at.

  童年趣事英语作文500字 8

  Every time I read "the sea" this article, I will think of my childhood.

  I remember when I was young, I heard my mother say, grow up can be admitted to the University by car when leading. I admire it very much, so I study hard every day.

  One day, I heard the Aunt Wang and her mother say, "Xiao Ming admitted to the University downstairs because he drank too much water from his pen."." "Yes."!" Mother echoed her.

  After listening to me downstairs, I thought, "my chance to go to college is coming.". Then, my father to study to take a bottle of ink, drink up. After drinking I feel stomach overwhelming. I was really sick, call the mother said: "Mom, I just drink water pen, stomach upset now dead, you come." With that, I didnt know anything.

  When I woke up, I found myself in hospital. When I got home from the hospital, the neighbors said I was a silly girl." Oh, really happy ah!

  Its really a stupid thing to do, but now I think its funny when I look back.

  童年趣事英语作文500字 9

  The years of childhood flow through my mind like waves, but there is one thing I will never forget. Its still a little funny when I think of it now.

  I remember when I was a child, I always looked at the birds flying in the sky and envied them. On a sunny afternoon, I suddenly had an idea: why cant I fly freely in the sky like an eagle?

  So I came up with a way to fly. Take out the big kite that my father often flies, find the kite string and tie the kite to my arm. Then he found a bench and climbed up like a little monkey. Then he shouted, "Im going to fly!" Tightly tied, I only heard the sound of "Dong". I "chewed" on the ground heavily. Not only did I not fly like an eagle, but also I got a "Zheng broken human injury".

  I looked up at the sky, and even the birds in the sky were laughing at me. I was still very unconvinced and said to them loudly, "dont hurry to laugh first. One day, I will fly to heaven!"

  童年趣事英语作文500字 10

  Everyones childhood is colorful and innocent. Im no exception. When I was in kindergarten, I did a very naughty thing. Now I cant help laughing when I think of it.

  I remember that time, my father was sleeping. After I played with all the toys, I was idle and bored. Suddenly, a "bad" idea came into my mind. I secretly prepared pigment water and pen. Then he picked up the pen, wrote the word "King" on his fathers forehead, and painted three horizontal lines on his fathers cheek as a beard. At this time, my father became a big cat. Dad probably heard me laughing in his sleep. He woke up and asked, "what are you laughing at?" I still laughed wildly. My father looked at the paint and pen on the floor and hurried to the bathroom to look in the mirror. When he saw that I drew a cat face on his face, my father couldnt care to wipe the paint off his face, so he shouted;come out for me." he ran past, caught me and beat me red.

  Look at the quiet little girl now. You cant imagine how naughty I was at that time!

  童年趣事英语作文500字 11

  "Childhood dreams, colorful dreams; childhood songs, happy songs; childhood footprints, childhood stories..." this song reminds me of that beautiful childhood life and reminds me of that interesting childhood story.

  I remember once, my mother and I came to a restaurant for dinner. There are more in the restaurant. There are braised ribs, steamed white fish and fried cucumbers... My mother and I went into the restaurant and ate them. I picked up a big white fish and put it in my mouth. Accidentally, I ate a soybean.

  I was very anxious and thought: soybeans will sprout in the soil. Will that sprout in my stomach? Suddenly, my eyes turned and I thought: if I dont water the plants, they wont sprout. I dont drink water.

  It was a hot summer. My mouth skin had been dried into "raisins". If it goes on like this, what should I do! I came to my mother crying and said to her, "if I accidentally ate a soybean, will it sprout in my stomach!" my mother smiled and said, "silly child, the soybean you eat is ripe, how can it sprout? Besides, if it is true, the soybean seeds will not sprout in my stomach!" After listening to my mothers words, I also smiled happily.

  Childhood is like running water, gone forever. But Li Nas good memories of the same year will always remain in my heart.

  童年趣事英语作文500字 12

  There are as many interesting stories in my childhood as the stars at night, but one of them is still fresh in my memory.

  That day, my mother took me to my grandmothers home to play. When I got to my grandmas house and got off the bus, I could hardly wait to run to the open space of my grandmothers house. At this moment, a strange noise was heard in the grass, and a green Mantis was seen in the grass. A thought flashed through my mind: Im going to grab it. So I found a stick and drove it out of the grass. Then, I waved it to him with a stick, but it was so easy for me to jump over and jump over me, and I fell to the ground without notice. "You cant just give up."!" I silently encouraged myself in the bottom of my heart, and then I got up and threw it again. It was easily escaped again. I once again fall on the ground, the two times of failure, the lesson: not storm, only to outsmart. Back to grandmas house, in the living room, I saw a jar, a stratagem comes to mind. By the way, I can catch the mantis with a jar!

  Say, do, do, I hold the jar, carefully hide behind the pillar, waiting for the opportunity. Waiting for the mantis to relax his vigilance, I threw it at him, but still escaped it. In several rounds of battle, it was captured me. Then, I tied a string on its foot, ha ha, it was my pet. At this time, a man with his pet dog through grandmas house, is imposing. I think I might as well set a precedent for "praying mantis"! But it refused to go with me, but in desperation I had to drag it along and drag it along. When I realized the situation was wrong, I found that it had already broken the rope and escaped.

  Its interesting to catch Mantis this time!

  童年趣事英语作文500字 13

  Childhood is like a colorful dream. The sweets and bitters in the dream are really interesting when I think back now!

  One summer when I was five, "get up, lazy, get up!" The naughty little alarm clock broke my dream. I thought to myself: Im so sleepy. Sleep a little longer. But when I got up, I found: No, Im going to be late! Ill brush my teeth, wash my face and have breakfast right away. After breakfast, I changed my clothes again.

  "Ah, where are my socks?" My mother helped me turn over the house and couldnt find it. Mother was worried like an ant on a hot pot. She said, "no matter it, you should first get a pair of socks from the wardrobe and wear them first. You can find them when you go home after school." When I was ready to wear socks, I was surprised to find that the socks were well worn on my feet! I laughed, and my mother laughed. She smiled and said, "the socks are on her feet. Its good to say theyre gone. Hahaha... Youre so big headed shrimp when youre young?" Oh, theres not enough time! " Before I finished laughing, I pointed to the clock and screamed. We rushed out to the kindergarten

  In my memory, I spent that early morning when I went back to kindergarten with my mother in such a busy but orderly, nervous but full of laughter.

  Although childhood is insignificant, it is like a light on the road of growth, which has always accompanied my growth. When I grow up, its fun to recall the stupid things in my childhood!

  童年趣事英语作文500字 14

  Toys add infinite happiness and laughter to our childhood. Then, let me tell you something interesting about me and the toy yo yo!

  Today, its my birthday. My mother bought me a yo yo. I couldnt put it down. I held the yo yo in my hand and found that it was made of iron with a handsome young man in the middle. Look, how powerful it is! The more I played, the more I enjoyed myself. I didnt even hear my friend knocking at the door. Fortunately, my mother opened the door. Otherwise, my friends thought I had gone to buy a cake! Friends began to play computer again. Liu Minghao shouted, "Cui Zhijie, come on, lets play boxing emperor." I said, "Ill finish this move first." Mother said, "you are a little birthday star. Go!" I had to put the yo yo in my hand reluctantly in the box.

  Well, this is the story of me and yo yo.

  童年趣事英语作文500字 15

  The events of my childhood fluctuated in my heart and kept my memory fresh.

  When I was in the big class of kindergarten, an extremely interesting thing happened.

  It was a Sunday morning. My mother took me to my mother-in-laws house. As soon as I got off the bus, I saw an old hens eggs coming out. I squatted aside and looked, "cluck, cluck..." the hen went out to look for food.

  Suddenly, an egg trembled. I knew it must be the chicken that was going to shell. I take a closer look. There is a crack on the eggshell. It turns out that the chicken is pecking at the shell. A small hole was pecked out of the eggshell, and a small yellow mouth protruded from it. It took the chicken more than 20 minutes to climb out of the shell. When the chicken came out of the shell, half of the body was inside the shell and half of the body was outside the shell. I think how uncomfortable they are! Let me deliver them!

  I quickly moved to a small bench and sat down in front of the chicken nest. I picked up a trembling egg with residual heat and gently broke and stripped the shell. A chicken with its hair still wet and eyes closed was born. It "squeaked" as if "thanking" me for helping it! Just as I was about to peel the second one, the hen looking for food came back. It put up all its feathers and rushed towards me. It pecked me and I cried.

  When my mother heard it, she hurried out of the house and asked me what was the matter. I told my mother everything. My mother was angry and laughed and told me, "chickens will shell themselves at a certain time. If you help them shell in advance, they will die."

  Later, the facts verified my mothers words, and I was very sad.

  童年趣事英语作文500字 16

  In my heart, pretend to buy a lot of childhood fun. They are like the stars in the sky, and they are countless. But one of the brightest stars shines in my childhood. Let me take the stars for you!

  It was 8 years ago during the summer vacation when my mother and I went back to the countryside to visit our older grandmother. In my early childhood, I didnt go to visit my grandma, but I went to play with my cousin of the same size.

  One day, grandma and uncle and aunt were going to go to the ground. Mother was afraid that grandma was tired, so she went with them. Now, I play with my cousin at home. But my cousin broke the vase of her grandmother without care. We all knew that the vase was in the hands of grandma, afraid of falling. It was a baby whose mouth was afraid of turning! Grandma placed us first, and the vase was second! But my cousin broke it!

  Cousin stupefied for a while, turn round to say to me: "younger sister, I am usually good to you?"! You must do this blame Oh brother! If the back is good, this pot, Ill buy you some candy. OK?" I have a candy, no matter what I do, not just a scapegoat! My strength is so great that I can do it. In this way, I readily promised the helpless cousin.

  To other things to do, I quickly went to the storage room with a long rope, ran to the kitchen to grandma cooking large blame, tied to the back, ran out. Unfortunately, mother, grandmother, uncle, aunt came back, my mother saw me so hurriedly asked me what happened, I also in detail and mother said the whole thing. This grandma and I have them uproarious, know only one second, dont know what are they laughing. Grandma was lost in laughter as if she had forgotten the vase. This makes the cousin has been unable to lift up.

  This is the brightest star in my heart! Im sure you have some interesting moments like this!








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