
时间:2023-05-10 18:59:50 事件类英语作文 我要投稿




保护环境英语作文 篇1

  Dear Editor,

  In the past, my hometown used to be a beautifulplace. It was surrounded by plenty of trees andcovered with green grass everywhere. Later, peopledestroyed many trees to turn for its into farmlandand a lot of water and soil was carried away down thehills. Thus, much farmland has became waste land. What's worst, this waste land is increasingand our village is suffering from storms. I think it's time for us to realize the importance ofprotecting the environment and to do something about it, such as planting trees,growinggrass and so on. I am sure that our hometown will become beautiful again in the fewyears time if we do so.

  Yours sincerely,


保护环境英语作文 篇2

  Originally, the forest green trees, colorful grass "ground", the flowers are in varied, the birds are flying freely, sing, a few small animals to play together, a murmuring flow, a vibrant forest painting. Until one day, a group of humans with a chainsaw into the forest, they cut down hits the trees, the birds home so are destroyed, so we have to leave, small animals are people killed, the grass and flowers have withered, human also build factories, sewage discharge into the creek, emission also disorderly, beautiful forest destruction.

  City would be much worse, car emissions many waste gas every day, green also is very little, people also have been a waste of paper, you know, paper is made from trees, waste paper is disorderly cut down trees, and in that way, the earth sooner or later destroyed by human hands.

  So how to protect the earth? Actually very simple, first of all, try not to use disposable chopsticks and plastic bags, trees manufacturing disposable chopsticks, if the plastic bag will not melt buried underground in ten thousand. Then, more trees, more take good care of trees, trees absorb carbon dioxide and oxygen. And the factory not disorderly emissions, then have a diesel engine car, not paper, not random discharge of sewage. Finally, the sewage purification, protect forests, animals, will cut down trees and indiscriminate killing animals hunters brought to justice.

  As long as we try, we can succeed!

  本来,森林里绿树成阴,小草“满地爬”,花儿们在争奇斗艳,鸟儿自由自在地在飞翔、鸣叫,一些小动物在一起玩耍,小溪潺潺地流动,好一幅生机勃勃的森林画。直到有一天,一群人类拿着电锯闯进森林,他们砍掉了一棵棵的树木,鸟儿们的'家园就这样被破坏,只好背井离乡,小动物也都被列人捕杀,小草和花儿都枯萎了, 人类还建造工厂,把污水排放到小溪里,废气还乱排放,美好的森林就此毁灭。

  城市就更糟了,汽车每天都要排放很多废气,绿化也非常少,人们还一直浪费纸,要知道,纸是用树木做的, 浪费纸等于乱砍伐树木,在这样下去,地球早晚会毁在人类手中。

  那要如何保护地球呢?其实很简单,首先,尽量不要用免洗筷和塑料袋, 制造免洗筷也需要树木, 如果把塑料袋埋在地底一万年也不会化掉。接着,多植树,多爱护树木,树木吸收二氧化碳,吐出氧气。然后,工厂不乱排放废气,开有柴油引擎的车,不乱用纸,不乱排放污水。最后,把污水净化,保护森林、动物,将乱砍伐树木的人和乱捕杀动物的猎人绳之以法。


保护环境英语作文 篇3



保护环境英语作文 篇4

  Good environment can make people feel happy and fit . To improve the environment means to improve our life.

  We should plant more trees and flowers around us . We shouldn’t cut them down . We should stop factories from pouring waste water into the river and waste gas into the air.

  Whenever we see litter on the ground , we should pick it up and throw it into dusbins. Never spit in public. Don’t draw on public walls. It’s our duty to protect the environment.





保护环境英语作文 篇5

  Environmental protection is the buzzword of our times is controversial, but at the same time is extremely important in protecting the environment, we how to do environmental protection, how to the environmental protection, how to just calculate environmental protection, in the following, we will know.

  Environmental protection is refers to the environmental protection. Environmental protection is refers to the humanity to solve realistic or potential problems, coordinate the relationship between the human and environment, guarantee the sustainable development of economic society and the floorboard of all sorts of action.

  Now, in our life, the most serious environmental problem is the soil is destroyed, climate change and energy waste. According to the reference news reports, 110 countries in less fertile arable land. In Africa, Asia and Latin America, as a result of the loss of forest vegetation, excessive development and pasture land overgrazing, bare land become fragile. The earth mother has become sallow and emaciated, please protect our mother earth! Some experts predict that sea levels will rise in the near future, many islands will be submerged.

  So how do we stop all this happen? Actually, protect the environment is not as difficult as I thought, as long as we start small, will make a new earth, for example: use more environmental protection bags, try to avoid using plastic bags; Take a bus as far as possible, as far as possible to reduce automobile exhaust emissions; Exercise more at ordinary times walk, ride a bike, and protect the environment... In addition, there are many, many, as long as we start small, many a mickle makes a muckle, and sand into the tower, also will let earth before the face of the.

  Let's struggle for the future of the earth!

保护环境英语作文 篇6

  "We only have one earth, and the environment should start from ourselves..." Every time I hear the familiar voice, my heart seems to have a voice calling, "protect the environment, everyone is responsible!"

  Our classroom is a spacious and bright classroom on the fourth floor of the fifth primary school. It is different from other classrooms. It is a computer classroom. Every time I enter here, its clean, spacious, bright light attracts me. Recently, however, has some unpleasant things happened, some students don't care for the environment, old to throw waste paper on the ground, make our classroom becomes more and more dirty, more and more disorderly, some classmate see dirty place no matter, the classroom becomes an environment of indecent: nobody windowsill dust brush, shoe ark nobody set out, also don't pick up a paper on the ground, more don't wipe the blackboard dirty. From then on, I stepped into the classroom, the feeling was not, those who replace is dirty, messy, at that time, I seem to hear the classroom in crying sadly, I feel the heart in a dull ache. How I wanted to make the classroom look like it was!

  The environment is the most important factor in our lives. What will we face if we don't have an environment? The greenhouse effect? Is dirty? Is acid rain? Is dark? No, it is not, it is not to exist on the earth, now come back to think, no good environment is so terrible! So we should start from ourselves and protect the environment.

  Protect the environment first should start from oneself, oneself be done, then correct others. Besides, don't throw waste paper, spit everywhere, see the waste paper to be picked up, so that our motherland is built more beautiful!

  Ah! No good environment is so terrible, so I'm here to tell people around the world: "everyone is responsible for protecting the environment!"

保护环境英语作文 篇7

  Low-carbon life is good for everyone.

  To help with the environment, I always walk or ride a bike to school instead of taking a car. Besides, I will try to use things that can be recycled and I never forget to turn off the lights when I leave the classroom.

  I think it’s my duty to live a low-carbon life. And even the simplest activities can make a real difference to the environment. So I suggest we should reuse books as long as possible. And we’d better not spend much money on expensive clothes.

  If everyone does something for the environment, I believe the earth will be a better place.

保护环境英语作文 篇8

  Once upon a time, people lived in lush forests, then the global village mountain and water show, the flowers and birds of the year, the people led a happy life. Two yellow orioles sing and a row of egrets. It's about people's life.

  But now, people are greedy for money, greedy for the benefit of the future, at any cost, regardless of future consequences, destroying the earth's ecological environment, even the animals.

  Environment is worsening, the river is polluted, the fish species gradually reduced, the trees of the forest has also been hurt, woodpecker because trees are being cut down, no insects to eat, so is death and extinction. The fresh air is decreasing and some children are sick or even dead soon after birth, because the air is not fresh and children cannot grow up healthily, which has great influence on the future of the motherland.

  So we should protect the environment and protect the beautiful earth. We must protect trees and give animals a living home. And to plant trees, cut down trees, and so on, move quickly, protect the environment, protect the earth. As a primary school student, we should act on our own initiative and publicize environmental knowledge to our neighbors and community. Do everyone's hands to protect the environment.

  Years, generations, there are a lot of people to turn over a new leaf to recognize the importance of protecting the environment, so the trees growing on a hill, don't know how many years, our earth again as he used to be beautiful scenery, charactizing a fine spring day.






保护环境英语作文 篇9

  Early spring, is the so-called "warm", we would sneak out of the house, ignoring the snow house not with the cylinder was scentedly with piece piece seem, our eyes, only to break the frozen wild ducks and the water is not afraid of cold water. Frolicking, chasing, and playing in the fields of wheat by the river. Sometimes, holding beloved kite and the naughty dog run, run, completely ignoring the lessons of the worry, not due to global warming more alarming, the in the mind only with smile, like the river only to find the cry of the ducks.

  The spring blossoming had become a dream in the night, and our children were walking along the river bank, hoping to see someone go down to swim. Someone swimming shows that summer is coming. We don't stick to the calendar. We could not stand it until the summer, when we did not see a man coming down the river. We took off our clothes and shouted, "one, two, three, jump", but in the mouth, the body shrunk back. Who threw down the river, who threw him into the river, and thrust his head into his head again, "not cold, not cold!" And carelessly scratching the mud at a few others. Helpless, had to bite the tooth, learn to be the martyr of righteousness, bravely dived into the water, into the water, only to find that the river is really warm.

  We laughed in the water, and again, the water flowed, and then, the summer heat was swept away, and the cool autumn came with the water. The river of autumn is a graceful, demure, demure, and occasionally kissed by the blue bird in the air. But she wouldn't refuse to be intimate with our kids, and we'd do something poetic. To support a long wormwood, to the reeds deeper; Pick up a clutch of duck eggs, hold a duck egg and sing... Until sunset afterglow and river goodbye, we are coming on shore, your pocket, only to find that duck eggs have been lost, leaving a hole, a remorseful, was thinking about home patch pocket, but jumping jumping have forgotten. So, not only the duck eggs, but the whole fall.

  After missing the autumn, it is really only winter. The north wind, with its fierce air, cried arrogantly, trying to trap us in the house. But we were not afraid, we rushed out of the house, still running to the bank, and ran to the ice to fly, not to mention how happy. It's just that the grown-ups are yelling at the shore, but they're afraid to go down and catch them, whether the ice is too thin or their heart is too thick...

  Yes, my river and I have a life together, which is full of laughter and endless green. But now? The bridge, the bridge, the bridge, the river turned black, the wheat fields turned into a brick factory and occasionally seen.




英语作文 保护环境01-27






