
时间:2022-09-19 12:28:42 愚人节 我要投稿




  写愚人节的英文作文 篇1

  Today, the spring rain, I just got up from the warm quilt, I saw a line of red words on the calendar - April 1st. "Aha! To April Fool's Day! Go and don't be cheated! " After a wash, I went to school with a happy pace.

  When I came to school, I walked on the familiar staircase. I didn't feel tired at all. Maybe it was a kind of mood like the holiday. Go to the door of the classroom, huh? Why is there nobody outside the door? The door is also covered. I was trying to kick the door with one foot. Suddenly, I noticed that there was something white on the door, like a cup. I gently pushed the door, the cup dropped, and I almost splashed the water. "Happy April Fool's Day!" The student behind the door suddenly came out and frightened me.

  After a while, not just who say "Miss Liu to the teachers", the atmosphere instantly tense: put some powder box on the door, some go to watch, more be at a loss what to do in the classroom. When we are ready, we all hold our breath and wait for the teacher to "be up". "Bang", the door opened, the chalk box fell off, we all cheered, and the result was a classmate. Miss Liu was angry and stood behind. After that, we were all trained.

  After the first class. I whispered to Mr. Liu, "Teacher Liu, help me. You only need to do this in the afternoon." Liu listened with relish, very loyal said: "good! I help this dream! "

  When the afternoon homework, teacher Liu mysteriously said: "who now do the best, you can not do homework!" As soon as it came out, the classroom immediately exploded. Some people doubt their ears be uncertain, got it wrong, but some have done is correct. "Happy April Fool's Day!" Liu was finally out of the sentence, and knowing smiled at me, and I cannot help laughing, laughing.

  Ah! It is true that he is treated with his own way. The students are also deceived by us! It's a happy April Fool's Day!

  写愚人节的英文作文 篇2

  Today is April 1st April Fool's day, the time of deception started again, today I want to watch out, can not let the students cheat.

  In the classroom, I found that the students were beginning to "fight". Some students immediately launched a violent attack on me. "Cen's heyday, your shoelace is scattered." I don't eat it, I just ignore them, selfish.

  At noon, the activity of April Fool's day reached a climax. When I was endorsing, I suddenly heard a few of my classmates shouting excitedly, "tomorrow is a holiday, and tomorrow is a holiday!" I also have a little excitement, but still skeptical. The affirmation of a few classmates later made me feel more true. After a while, some of the students announced the answer, "this is a fake." We were so happy that we were so happy.

  In the afternoon, we fooled the teacher again. Teacher Gao walked in, and we played the Yin trick at once. Suddenly, a classmate said, "teacher Gao, your money has fallen!" "That's how I come out," Mr. Gao said, unhurried. I also attacked the teacher: "teacher Gao, your shoelace is scattered." "I don't have a shoelace," the teacher said with a smile. We all looked down and looked at the teacher's shoes. We were all fainted by the teacher in the cloth shoes.

  In the science class, we think of the skew of the brain again. The teacher walked in slowly, we all cheated the teacher, but did not think that the teacher did not eat this, but to fool us. The teacher was ungrateful: "this lesson is our activity." As soon as we heard the good news, we all jumped up, but at the end of the day, we knew we were cheated again!

  April Fool's Day is really interesting. I hope we do it every day!

  写愚人节的英文作文 篇3

  Today is April 1st, that is, the so-called April Fool's day. Every year on this festival, everyone will come up with a variety of ways to play tricks on each other.

  No, I just came to school in the morning, and my back table said to me, "ah! Your clothes have broken a hole! " I think, no, it's good in the morning. By the way, isn't it a fool's day today? She must be joking with me. So I said, "Oh! It's April Fool's day, and I'm not going to do it. " At the end of the talk, we laughed happily.

  In the first class in the morning, our math teacher, Miss Li, just entered the classroom door. I heard someone say, "Miss Li," the money dropped. Just when Mr. Li just dropped his head, the whole class laughed. I don't know who yelled again, and I wish Mr. Li a happy April Fool's day, and Mr. Li reflected it.

  Something interesting happens one by one.

  At the time of the third English class, only the monitor said, "Miss Kou, the wallet has gone!" Kou teacher is not Li when, but smiled and said: "I know today is April Fool's day, I will not be fooled!" After I finished speaking, I didn't know who said it. "Miss Kou, the note on the blackboard was wrong. When we looked at the blackboard, we laughed."

  The fun is over here. Today's April Fool's Day is really interesting.

  写愚人节的英文作文 篇4

  Today is April 1st, that is, "April Fool's Day". Whenever we arrive at this time, we can always find excited and tense expressions on the faces of the students. We can see the good play excitedly. We should be nervous if we become the leading role of the good play. And, if one has not been set, it's too sorry for those who have tried to do the pranks. Sure enough, in this "black Thursday", our classmates seized this opportunity, all of them showed the "original form", devil like one after another joke. I'll tell you a fun Prank!

  I hurried to the school in the morning, and the sound of words rose and then: "Your shoelace is loose!" "I'm wearing leather shoes and a shoelace!" "Your book is off!" "Where?" "Ha, you have been cheated."... When the teacher did not come, the students secretly plotted a "conspiracy". In a minute, the bell rang in class. Teacher Yang is here, just a few steps. "Teacher, this is a Chinese class, just changed the class," the students shouted in a different voice. At the same time, a few students also put up the math books, a face of innocence. "Really?" Mr. Yang looked at the curriculum and asked us doubtfully. Suddenly it seemed to think of something and said, "hum, I know what day is today, you don't want to cheat me!" The ginger is still old and hot, and our "trick" is suddenly read, and the students are not willing to say, "Hey!" Don't be proud of you, teacher. We're very smart. And happy April Fool's Day! " "Ha ha ha..."

  Although the joke of April Fool's day failed, but the students are not disappointed at all, why? Because this is just the beginning, the play is still behind it! Look, it's started over there again...

  写愚人节的英文作文 篇5

  "April Fool's Day" is a festival coming from the West. The so-called "fool's Day", that is to say that in this day how to cheat people do not have to be responsible, of course not too much.

  My disposition naturally restless, so special a rare day, how can I don't make waves! It's just that many of our classmates have no sense of humour, they can also be too shrewd to make me empty my mind.

  Even so, should I take?

  When I came home from school at noon, Dad had cooked a table and waited for me. I know Dad, burn my favorite snail, I can't wait to bring chopsticks. So a basin of snail waiting for me, I can not urgent?

  Mom to see me eat too much, some anxious: "stop stop, at night there is a meal, don't eat!" Dad I know this man, so a large tub snail not sweep light, the mouth that can break. So Dad took something to me - he took my bowl off and put it in it, and then I wouldn't have to eat it.

  Look at the bowl of snail, I had some gas, thought: "well, I want to take revenge on you!"

  I put down the bowl and said to my father, "Wang Yuan's father told you to help him for his class." Look, listen to this, Dad this enthusiastic workaholics immediately come: "what? Call me on behalf of the class, OK! " Don't promise that fast. It's no fun.

  Dad is a real thing, three lower five except two, a bowl of rice is dried up by him. He got up in a hurry, ran to the door, put his shoes on, and was ready to go out. I was afraid that things were big, and I shouted, "get, get, get you!" Dad was played, and his eyes were flaming, and he raised his hand to beat me. "Today is" April Fool's day, "who calls you so good!"

  Dad's hand stopped in midair, dumbfounding, mom and Grandpa rushed with laughter.

  This year's' April Fool ''s Day' has never been whiten.

  写愚人节的英文作文 篇6

  Today is Friday, tomorrow is Saturday, April Fool's day. There is no class tomorrow, no "fool" students, so Christine Fan and I decided to come to April Fools' day early this afternoon.

  First of all, the goals set in the Shaohua body. We negotiated for a while, and decided to use thirty-six of the bitter meats. Christine Fan pretended to say to Shaohua, "tell you a secret." As soon as she was interested, she ran out with Christine Fan, when Christine Fan said, "well, it's good. I'll go back and come back." She was obedient, and she stood well. At the door, I saw Christine Fan come and shut the door in a hurry. In this way, we are fooled.

  Second times, the goals set in the body. This is the use of empty thirty-six meter gauge. I let Christine Fan hide at the door, and then the Yawen said: "Christine Fan in the two floor in the hall waiting for you, and you seem to say our class * * * students life." She heard it, and she ran down in a hurry. As a result, Christine Fan, hidden in the gate of the third floor, went back to the classroom three steps. Bang on the door. Well, it's a fool.

  Third, aim at Chenchen body. Because the first two strokes he knew, repeat, must not be deceived. Call the first two victims, ready to work together to do a big cause. This time, we use a thirty-six - meter serial meter. We pretend to go out to play, in fact, is the distribution location, Christine Fan is on the two floor, Shaohua Yawen on the third floor, on the first floor, I. First of all, I came to the classroom of panting, Chenchen said: "on the first floor, scold you, say you are a coward, but she." Chenchen listens, gas is up, hurried down the floor, looking for our accounts. Our quarrel with him for a while, then said: "Christine Fan is on the two floor at more fierce." He listened and looked for Christine Fan on the two floor. Christine Fan quarreled with him for a while, said: "well, I tell you, the more fierce scold is small, on the second floor." He listens, hand grip, and on the third floor to find Shao Hua. The Chinese side noisy side hands, noisy for a while, Shaohua said: "does I challenge you, is that you should find Yawen, her!" Chenchen listen, hey! Really right, and went to the first floor for our. In fact, every time after the quarrel, all returned to the classroom, but also to the first floor when Chenchen, people came back to the classroom. So, we are Chenchen's playing, and so come to understand, sat on the floor.

  Students, are you fooled on April Fool's day? Be careful!

  写愚人节的英文作文 篇7

  I have a good monitor and Dad today. I think people walking to the store. Come to the store, wow. A warm paste, paste, timing timing fool fool curse stickers,...... So many people buy things, what? That's right, just buy a timed sticker and a timed fool to stick to a man, and the old man and the head of the class are dead. Hee hee!

  When I came to school, I sat in my seat, waiting for the class. I wait and wait! "Null and zero..." In class, I immediately put the timed fool scolding stick to two minutes, and then put it on the back of the monitor, waiting for a good play. As soon as the teacher came in, the monitor shouted, "stand up!" At the end of the talk, he suddenly shouted, "the teacher is a big fool!" Still grinning doing weird things, just finished back, the teacher was angry and shouted: "how dare you, dare to call the teacher sent you copy the text in the ten, the parents of tomorrow, I want you to talk about your parents alone and this bad behavior." At once, the monitor was two monks - and he could not touch his head, and said, "I didn't scold you." "Do not scold me, you stand out for me to reflect on the reflection." The teacher grabbed the ears dragged out monitor. What about me? Steal the music!

  When I came home from school, I came to my home. I turned the fool for ten minutes and tiptoed to my father, heh heh! My dad was staring at the TV, and he didn't find me at all. I immediately put it on the back of my father. The old man suddenly turned and said, "what do you do on my back?" Nothing. " Look at me, say nothing, turn over and watch TV. "Eat!" The mother called. Dad was eating. Suddenly, "Puchi" sound, the full table of food in the mouth are sprayed, mother thought he choked, he immediately went to shoot back, unexpectedly, Dad jumped and kicked the table to kick, crackling, bowl fell smashed to pieces, Dad back together, mom suddenly be furious and a "cannon" to fight "completely routed".

  Ha-ha! I like the fool's Day!

  写愚人节的'英文作文 篇8

  In April 1st, it was April Fool's day. It is said that, on this day, no matter the men, women, old or young, relatives and friends, no matter who is fooled, they will not be angry, and they will be very lucky.

  When I came home from school in the afternoon, I sent a message to my aunt: "aunt, we eat at your house at three in the evening." After I finished writing, I looked forward to the fact that Aunt could believe and kept moving around the earth, thinking that if she didn't believe in what she did, she would believe how I would respond. When I was thinking about it, the phone rang - the old aunt really believed it! "You come to my house today, what do you want to eat, even if you say it!" I chuckle, deliberately said loudly: "I want to eat mutton pot, we immediately to. It's hard for you, aunt! " On the other end of the phone, the old aunt's laugh was clear: "I'm going to get ready for what you work hard!"

  "Yeah! I'm so glad that I'm fooled by my aunt so clever! " I only think the fool's Day is very addictive in my mind. Pick up your homework and write it up. My little brother came to me and told him about my "masterpiece". When he was proud, her aunt called again, "why didn't you come?" I giggled and said, "we don't go to your house today. It's April Fool's day, old aunt, happy April Fool's Day!" "Ah? You stinky boy, you don't come. I've prepared so many meals. How can we finish it?... Oh, oh, it's April Fool's day, I don't know yet! " At the end of the phone, both ends of the phone can hear the laughter of my aunt and my family.

  No way, not to waste such a good delicacy, mother suggested night went to the old aunt for dinner, this is something.

  During this period I and grandpa every fool. Grandpa is a calligraphy enthusiast, looking at the pen and ink paper and inkstone as a baby. I yanzhuyizhuan, a stratagem comes to mind said: "Oh, seriously! Grandpa, Grandpa, how did your brush go? " They laughed out of the mouth. This laugh, ridiculous, Grandpa said quietly: "big grandson, you are not deceived me, I will not be your time." "Hey, Grandpa, how are you so smart!" I blushed, find an excuse to slip out the door......

  April Fool's Day is a traditional festival in western countries. Now it has been spread to our country. Its funny, funny, humorous and fooling people are happy and harmonious. I especially like this festival, so I can't be happy.

  写愚人节的英文作文 篇9

  Time flies like an arrow, in a blink of an eye, it has been a month and a half. On this day, the campus was as peaceful as usual, but zhou yaobo found that there were many people in the class who were making fun of pranks. Even the monitor and the vice squad leader joined in the prank. The teacher turned a blind eye.

  What's going on in the class?

  Zhou yaluu began to guess, today is carnival? Isn't it, children's day? Also is not. What is the significance of today, April 1st?

  Suddenly, zhou ya lu felt who clap a shoulder, can turn around to see, no one! She felt again, but there was nothing at all in the back. Murphy... Is the school haunted? Otherwise, how are the students going crazy? Maybe you want to scare the ghost away! But... It was horrible. So zhou yaguo rushed downstairs as quickly as possible, but unexpectedly met her friend li wen. "The school is haunted," zhou said to her. "run away! I've just been photographed by one person, but there's nothing in the back. "What's the matter with you? You're stupid, you don't believe me. Today is April fool's day. Didn't the teacher say it yesterday? Today the school takes a day off, each class freely carnival, play tricks on others, xi xi." Li wen laughed.

  Zhou ya-lu suddenly realized, happily and li wen went upstairs to play with the students.

  In the classroom, listening to teacher qin li, the teacher, smiling, said, "tomorrow the education bureau will take another day off, and the students can see the notice on the bulletin board at the gate of the school." Although know today is April fool's day, can be in zhou yaru's view, her beautiful and kind qin teacher is absolutely can't cheat. But other students did not believe and rushed to the school gate. The result was an angry return. Ha ha! Miss qin would be so naughty!

  In the next half a day, each class is still a prank, true and fake Barbara, usual wise man again, will become a "fool", today everybody jokes on each other, each other fool, happiness infinite. This is the meaning of "April fool's day".

  写愚人节的英文作文 篇10

  Today is April fools' day, but you can't be fooled by your classmates. I thought, then I went to school.

  After class 1, we went out. In a moment, the same person came back, and said to me: "the old class let you go to the office, hurry up. But you have to be careful. The old class doesn't look right. After hearing this, I didn't even think about it. I went straight to the English office. "Teacher, you call me." I said to the old class. "When shall I call you?" The old class showed a face of innocence and doubt. "But a says you call me." I also doubt: the old class does not like the western festival, should not give me the joke. "Call me a." The old class was angry. The consequences of a can be imagined. You deserve it. Who let him do that to me.

  After a while, the old class sent a person called b, but b thought it was the classmate who made fun of him and didn't go. The old class sent another man to call b, but it didn't work. The old class sent another man to call b, and b did not care about the classmate. As a result, the classmate was in a hurry and shouted at him, "the old class really told you to go." Who knows, b turned to c. The classmate had to go back to the old class. After listening to the old class, he rushed to the classroom and shouted at b, "b, you give me back. I sent three classmates to call you. You didn't go. What do you want to do?" The consequence of b is a terrible gamble.

  写愚人节的英文作文 篇11

  "I left for specifics, I right look, like a movie in 007 undercover alert, I don't love a prank, so in my April fool's day I mostly" proof "of others, but not a slack, it doesn't, someone came up (pretend seriously) :" the classmates, your shoes off!" Boon? I looked down stupidly, no! "Happy April fool's day! Ha ha!" I knew it, damn it! Come on, it's April fool's day!

  After the second lesson, dai zhen wei came up to me mysteriously and said, "I heard that you might have an exam next week. So... Let me remind you. Yi? Why is he so kind today? To see if he was lying, I asked, "really? Why didn't I hear? Where did you hear that?" "As if in another class... "Which class? I have to ask! I spoke quickly, but then -- suddenly he said, "hee hee! I lied to you, April fool!" Ah! Look at that expression, elated, like Santa Claus (smiles), I am really a little angry now! No, I've decided to have someone else! I pretended to be kind to huang lu: "huang lu! You've dropped your shoelace! Ha ha, perhaps because of my trust, I have never cheated her) in addition to the joke before, but today is April fool's day, so I successfully made her lowered its head to look at his shoes, yeah! The first time - success! "Happy April fool's day! I did not forget to say "blessing". "Ah! You've dropped your shoelace! "" no? Why is there a black thing behind you?" , "wow! There is a red thing behind your ear. ...... The sound kept coming out of my mouth, and I became more and more amused.

  The fun is in the middle of the day, I don't to see Hu Qianyuan in chasing the Zheng Dihui, they seem to be in order to what matter in the argument, I also feel funny, and began to laugh, at that time, Hu Qianyuan chase by my side, just a joke, I want to talk to her casual dress do laugh too intense smile dizzy under the table, I didn't think she really come and help me, ah! You can't even see it, right? Am I acting first class? I laughed harder, but this time it was true, "happy April fool's day! Ha ha ha ha... "I was breathless with laughter, and even a little smug, and she sprang to her feet and said," hey, feed! What do you want? Today is April fool's day, said not to be angry! Look at that, zheng di wei is there! Go after him! It is not fun to know that hu is angry, I quickly lead the topic, I did not think that hu siyuan really "transfer target" to pursue zheng di wei, ha! April fool's day is fun!

  Today, I've been cheated twice, but -- I've cheated people five times, and I don't have to look at it. Looks like I'm not a stupid fool!

  写愚人节的英文作文 篇12

  This morning, wang yiyang, a small mechanic, shouted, "it's April fool's day, it's April fool's day.

  You know what? You can play jokes on each other, but you can't be angry with each other. We were all excited to hear what he said, and we were planning to do a vigorous action together.

  Before the third math class in the morning, the little mischievous li wei moved his chair, and the two books were quietly placed on top of the door. I couldn't help laughing at the thought of the math teacher coming in and being "smashed". Suddenly, the door ", noting "1 open, come in female classmate is gentle and quiet," pa "a ring after two books impartial heads of gentle and quiet," oh, "she smiled and blame," who did it?" I said, "I don't know who did it. I just know the book fell on your head." "Hahaha... "There was a laugh behind me.

  How can we stop until we get to the main goal? I was also a mastermind, picked up the book from the ground, set foot on the chair, and once again put the book on the door. The little clever wang yi Yang cooperate with me, carefully close the door, small eyes still stare at the top of the door, see that he is afraid "hit" to his own funny, everybody is a burst of laughter again.

  "Here, here! We waited for 10 minutes, and at the end of the room, honghui reported to the headquarters. We all held our breath, waiting for the show to happen, for fear of missing every detail.

  The door opened again 1 to "zhi", then "pa" 1, two books, like eyes, turned to fly to the math teacher big brains, the math teacher didn't understand what's going on? A sound "bang", the classroom has blasted pot, and laughing their heads off to the left of the several classmates in the middle of a few classmates are all out of breath, several male students laughed behind even bear the body, to sit on the floor. Seeing us like this, the mathematics teacher not only not angry, but also laughed aloud. See the math teacher laugh, we more huan, some embrace together, some striking table, zong to also washed up on the podium, pulled the math teacher's hand, as if in sympathy: "my good teacher, are you okay?" The maths teacher's smiling face is staring, "pretend" angrily say: "who did?" We all agreed, "I don't know." "Heh heh... There was another burst of laughter in the classroom...

  Haha, fool good, April fool's day.

  写愚人节的英文作文 篇13

  Nowadays, there appears a phenomenon that the western customs are spreading into the east countries step by step, thus making many inhabitants who live in big cities enjoy themselves on these western festivals such as Christmas Day, April Fool's Day, etc. Such phenomenon shows us that the world people are getting close gradually and the world is being smaller and smaller as well. Therefore, in my opinion, it's a normal phenomenon s well as a necessary trend.

  First of all, it shows that we Chinese have bee much opener rather than clinging to some very old customs, which are opposite our living. Looking back on the history, we can find the answer to why our China was very poor and weak in the 1800's. Yes, the answer is that we closed ourselves not to let other countries know about us, and this led us to a very hard road on which we suffered many wars that many European countries launched. So I think it is more than necessary to accept other customs instead of closing ourselves. Of course, festivals are just the beginning.

  What's more, the Open and Reform Policy results in this. So I want to say it is a great achievement for the policy. Since we took the policy into practice, our country is developing with a rapid speed. No doubt it is an essential trend.

  Last but not the least, we may get closer and closer not only to our home friends but also to many foreigners. We can never feel embarrassed for not knowing the other's customs and manners. And more misunderstandings can be avoided as well.

  To sum up, the trend has its great advantage to a certain extent. However, if we admire the western customs too much, it will be a disadvantage because China is our own country, all of us should enjoy a patriotic heart. Wish in the near future, we can see the situation that westerners are enjoying themselves on the Spring Festival.










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